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15851561 No.15851561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

almost everything tastes and smells bad inclduing toothpaste it has a wierd rotten and metallic and chemical taste and stench i dont even know to properly describe it.
some foods are more affected by this like garlic and meats and and egg. Eating feels like a bad chore and i have been hungry for over a week due to this i heard this can be caused by covid but im not entirely sure, does anyone else here have this problem?

>> No.15851571

These are the exact symptoms I had when I caught covid.

I never had a cough but for like 2 weeks food tasted bad

(I also slept too much and got a headache)

>> No.15851579

wierd i dont feel sick or anything,this started around 2-3 weeks ago and got progressively worse to the point where i cant eat.

>> No.15851586

Sounds like pine mouth, have you eaten any pine nuts recently?

>> No.15851592

none that i recall

>> No.15851604

Sounds like covid.

I couldn't drink whiskey after getting it for about 2 weeks.

Most things had no taste, some things had a really weird taste. Whiskey tasted like spoiled apple juice.

>> No.15851689


>> No.15851728
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its not funny

>> No.15851741

>sounds like the fake virus they are using to destroy the west
>here’s what it’s like when I had the fake made up virus
You guys are so mentally weak that they made you think you had a virus that doesn’t exist

>> No.15851743

This except mine only lasted a day. I thought it was just because of increased smoking, was surprised when I tested positive for antibodies.

>> No.15851789


>> No.15851792
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What more can you expect from the mentally ill?

>> No.15851805

>dude I trust the media and the government to tell me the truth and never lie
Ok pal

>> No.15851820
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>dude just trust conspiracy retards on social media lmao
Trump will become president any day now!

>> No.15851826

You should seriously consider critical thinking and stop taking everything at face value

>> No.15851835

if covid isnt real then what the fuck is up with my taste and why are there others that have covid that have reported the same problem.

>> No.15851844
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Any day now! Don't trust what you see or hear, just what Trump and Q tell us!

>> No.15851845

Because you’re a gullible faggot with a weak mind. You have convinced yourself of something that just isn’t real

>> No.15851849

take your meds schizo

>> No.15851854
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EXTREMELY based and redpilled!

>> No.15851857

This is called deflection, a common tactic of the weak willed faggot liberal. You point that a virus is bullshit, and his retort is bring up Trump and Qanon. You got me good guy. Real good

>> No.15851871
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There's that classic rightist gaslighting

>> No.15851881

Are you trolling or do you honestly not see your civilization being destroyed in front of you? Foreign powers used a fake virus to take over your nation and you’re too tucking stupid to see it. Hyperinflation and food shortages are on the horizon. Keep wearing your submissive bitch mask though

>> No.15851888
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We all literally saw the insurrection started by Trump, yes.

>> No.15851896

So obviously you’re trolling then. Take care faggot

>> No.15851898
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>> No.15851918

lmao are you trying to gaslight me to convince my own experiences are wrong? i didnt even know it related to covid until i did research

sorry i trust my senses more than a qboomer, reddit is over there.

>> No.15851922
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Decent bait, lets see where this goes

>> No.15851980

It's incredibly funny when one of your kind suffers.

>> No.15851987

what kind?

>> No.15852070

Since covid has disproportionately affected minorities he must mean that.

>> No.15852154

jesus what a shit thread.

>> No.15852158

incels gonna incel

>> No.15852177

thanks for ruining my thread faggot

>> No.15852213

Covid has made cigarettes taste extremely bad. I used to love the taste of cigarettes, but now they taste so sour and disgusting I have actually not been enjoying smoking, but for some reason I've been inclined to smoke a lot more. It almost feels like I'm not getting the expected pleasure and my brain tells me to have another, like the next one has to be good. Did anyone else?

>> No.15852231

>It almost feels like I'm not getting the expected pleasure and my brain tells me to have another, like the next one has to be good. Did anyone else?
How long have you been smoking for?

>> No.15852240

Since high school, about 12 years or so

>> No.15852274

Yeah fuck covid. 3 months on i still can't taste properly. It's like being a baby. You have to redevelop your palette. Now i can only really enjoy textures as opposed to tastes. The first symptoms were this god awful shitty/bloody/garlic powder smell that wouldn't go away and absolute disinterest in food.

>> No.15852284

>pine mouth
Wtf I never heard of that. Terrifying. This ranks up there with tinitus and empty nose syndrome.

>> No.15852380

Not surprising then because your tolerance gets higher the more you smoke. One thing I've found is when I have a cold I don't get the hit as much, like smoking a joint that you canr get a drag on. I've only smoked about 6 years but less now because of covid. Don't feel like as many ciggies when I'm at home, it's usually in work I smoke. Weed too but not much and always after work or on weekends

>> No.15852400
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>too tucking stupid

>> No.15852416
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>ywn be this retarded

>> No.15852417

I lost 2 relatives in the last year, shut the fuck up anon.

>> No.15852427

Did they kill them by blowing their old lungs to pieces with treatment they didn’t need for a virus that doesn’t exist? You know that’s why they won’t let you visit right? So they can murder them for more federal funds while the Jews liquidate our countries wealth

>> No.15852430
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Feels good, bros

>> No.15852536

So all the doctora and nurses are in on it and knowingly kill them? That makes no sense

>> No.15852628

yeah, I just found out about it recently too. I know someone who had it and they lost a fuck ton of weight unwillingly starving themself since eating food was worse than the hunger

>> No.15852637

Not all of them. And nurses are fucking idiots.

>> No.15852753

i hope you get a fatal disease/illness and then have people around you deny that you even have it i you ever complain.

>> No.15852867

Surely the higher up doctors would come across one of their friends or family, they wouldn't put them on treatment and kill them, then that looks suspect

>> No.15852875

>I hope you get a fake deadly virus
That really hurts anon. You went too far this time

>> No.15852892

He meant a real disease/illness, like bowel cancer, not a fake one

>> No.15852921

Why wouldn’t he want to wish covid on me?

>> No.15852987

>real disease/illness, like bowel cancer
Good joke. All """illnesses""" are created by big pharma to peddle """cures""". It's all a scam from the top down. Cancer is the biggest, most expensive scam being peddled. You're being fooled.