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15847326 No.15847326 [Reply] [Original]

i used to work at (large chain brazilian steakhouse) and im bored. i "butchered"(prepped & skewered) and cooked the meat, occasionally other kitchen things. AMA

>> No.15847333

I'm gay BTW. Not sure if that matters

>> No.15847340

Most here currently or previously have worked in the food industry. We don't have to ask you shit, we know.

>> No.15847346

i thought the specific place might be interesting oh well

>> No.15847366

No one asked if you're gay, we automatically assumed it with you being the OP, faggot.

Are any of the marinades/seasoning mixes particularly complicated?

>> No.15847378

What is the most you've ever seen one guy eat?

>> No.15847379

Anything dubious meats in terms of prep/cooking that I should avoid? That turkey wrapped in bacon thing is good but kinda sketches me out

>> No.15847381

How many customers had acute gallbladder attacks at your location?

>> No.15847387

is it fogo de chao?

>> No.15847411

none super complex there were some various 'brazilian seasonings' i dont know the ingredients of
the chicken wing marinade was pretty damn good though and ive made it at home before
>lemon pepper
>veggie oil
the 'garlic steak' is also pretty good but the sauce is just garlic and corn oil and salt
probably seen people force down like 3 pounds of meat and another 3 pounds of mache dpotatoes in one go
only one id advise against is the pork ribs, theyre frozen and thawed in.... potentially questionable ways. the chicken in bacon is just chicken breast cut and then wrapped
had an old guy leave in an ambulance but he wasnt fat. lots of walking heartattacks though

>> No.15847443

I've never been but have wanted to for a while, would you say it's worth the price?

>> No.15847491

when i worked it was cheaper to go on a weekday for lunch, and wont be crowded at all. service might be a little slower (less staff for lunch) but requests will come quicker and it'll be way more chill since its not packed.

>> No.15847573

worst display of gluttony you've seen?

>> No.15847622

Guy came in with his wife and kid who were normal sized but he was enormous. Went to the salad bar to grab a bunch of butter packets and nothing else, requested all the good steaks, slathered them in butter, and ate them. Ate a ton and every single cut was slathered with a butter packet

>> No.15847715

Are you Brazilian or Mexican?

>> No.15847793

Been to the one in Manhattan, at 6th and 53rd...was pretty good.

Too much huehuebr though you guys need to work on that. This is america god dammit

>> No.15847825

I mean it's literally a Brazillian-style place.

>> No.15847893

Stick to arbys, kid

>> No.15848045

Did you ever hook up with customers? Are you a top or bottom? How loose is your asshole?

>> No.15848068

based and trippledpilled

>> No.15848080

asshole is normal looseness, im a top

>> No.15848949

How much cocaine do you consume on a daily basis?

>> No.15848974

Two redbulls a day, adderall during December

>> No.15849239

was this in SF?
did you work with a fat psycho named Tammy?

>> No.15849253

nope different city but i do know a psycho named kristen

>> No.15849773


>> No.15849806
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Do the gauchos get upset when my asian wife wants all well done cuts? Sometimes I sense an attitude when she asks for well done. I, on the other hand, am busy slamming picanha and bottom sirloin until the left side of my body shuts down

>> No.15849919

Might be slightly irked but not upset, just bc if it's busy, keeping an eye on a piece all the way until it's well done while trying to serve everybody is tiresome. If it's an older brazilian guy he might be judging your wife for eating meat well done though

>> No.15849977

do you guys judge me when I come in blazed out of my mind and eat 3 pounds of meat

>> No.15849998

Bump for an answer to this lmao
Is your restaurant serving offal to happy customers or is your whole city gay too?

>> No.15850011
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Can you kindly fuck off with the frozen bottle liqueur gimmick shit? Stop trying to sell me $24 pour of tequila too

>> No.15850026

no not at all. though if you smell too strongly we worry customers might care
only offal served is chicken hearts by special request
oh yeah all the drinks are over priced as hell

>> No.15850080
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Has anyone famous ever come in to eat at your location?

What's the best item on the salad bar? Most expensive?

Any guests ever tried to "camp" at a table and dine for 5 or 6 hours? Is there any kind of enforceable time limit?

>> No.15850089

How do they make the chicken hearts? What are the ingredients for the marinade?

>> No.15850100

I ride my motorcycle to the restaurant so that airs me out pretty good so I guess I'm fine then.
What's the longest someone has stayed and eaten? How long could you stay before they try to shoo you out the door?

>> No.15850161

He was just on keto

>> No.15850196

Had a few NBA stars come in, and we had a handful of actors but I didnt know any of them but some fo my coworkers were excited.
Best at the salad bar is the soup, its seasonal but all of them are fucking great
Most expensive thing is either the tomahawk or the wagyu cant remember, id assume the wagyu. its cooked on a salt block at your table
Guests sometimes would hang out way too late just drinking but I dont think any were there over 4 hrs
Pretty sure its the same marinade as the pork which is paprika and wine, then cooked on a skewer in the grill
If you're still eating food then nobody will shoo you out but if you're sitting there and have paid your tab the waiter might start getting annoying.

>> No.15850208

i should mention i never actually served chicken hearts i only saw them requested twice and i wasnt the guy who filled the request

>> No.15850288

Trips of truth

>> No.15850320
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what is the proper ratio of water/salt for a meat brine?

>> No.15850349

1 tablespoon per cup
but i do 6tbsp per 5 cups

>> No.15850364

What kind of sausage did they serve? Anything besides piranha worthwhile?

>> No.15850374

thanks.gonna try it with some pork ribz

>> No.15850528

sausage is some brazilian pork sausage called linguica. its decent but can get dry if you get some of the later cuts from the skewer
The picanha is good, the garlic steak is really good (same cut as picanha), the fraldinha is good (bottom sirloin), the filet is good, the lamb steaks (if lamb is your thing) are really good. OH and the beef ribs are amazing