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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15843753 No.15843753 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the taste of Coca-Cola.

>> No.15843756
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a tree root and some sugar cane are fucking in your mouth

>> No.15843764

Look on the bright side, it's not that nasty shit pepsi

>> No.15843765

>sugar cane

No, I think you mean Corn Syrup™

>> No.15843766 [DELETED] 

she needs a BBC deep inside of her

>> No.15843771

homosexuals, tranny kids, female soldiers, and the eventual dominance of the chinese

>> No.15843775

>amerishart detected

>> No.15843778

Not always, the ones in glass bottles are with cane sugar, you faggot you're too used to plastic.

>> No.15843790
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>> No.15843807

Piss off eurotrash cunt run by merkel

>> No.15843815

chinks can't do jack shit except steal

>> No.15843832


>> No.15843865

Sounds like a nigger name cara-mel
Oh that's real fetching for the types that wear baseball caps backwards.

>> No.15843867


>> No.15843882
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>> No.15843883

But anon, it was you who cared enough to complain about sugar cane.

>> No.15843889
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Corn syrup

>> No.15843895
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>> No.15843908

Fuck you

>> No.15843915

Why? She doesn't look noteworthy enough for an article, did she do anything specific like new thermo?

>> No.15843922

She obviously doesn't want relationship

>> No.15844171

Shit since they removed the cocaine.

>> No.15844182


>> No.15844184

It tastes like freedom, nigger.

>> No.15844198
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>> No.15844223

>no coca any more
>no kola nuts used any more
it tastes of LIES

>> No.15844224
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>> No.15844225
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yoooo tell her I said "what's up"

>> No.15844234

High fructose corn syrup

>> No.15844241
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>> No.15844256

>burger law: as a discussion between many nationalities takes place, the probability of a burger making a statement that assumes the world conforms to their retarded standards increases exponentially.

>> No.15844258

>obsessed with britbong royalty

>> No.15844261
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burger these nuts lol

>> No.15844273


>> No.15844458


>> No.15844477
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naw dood

>> No.15844485

nice froge.

>> No.15844494

Most folk don't belive that, I had to prove that out to a hot chick at a publishing company I used to work for. Totallly hot chick and totally married, I woudln't mess with her except as friends, I woulnd't want some angry husband shooting me in the back in a dark ally.

>> No.15844498

Chick named Silvia and Lisa are always hotties.

>> No.15844530

Herbal citrus sugar.

>> No.15844547 [DELETED] 


>> No.15844551

okay that one was good

>> No.15844585


>> No.15844600


>> No.15844620

Garbage that will kill you. Consider drinking water.

>> No.15844622

Not replying to you because I really want my mom to die in her sleep tonight because she won't stop bothering me to get married. But I wanted to let you know

Oh fucking PLEASE let her die PLEASE

>> No.15844625

bloody bastard bitch

>> No.15844751

Artificial caramel syrup with some root-y bittering agent and way too much sugar.

At least it's better than pepsi which tastes like sugary laundry detergent

>> No.15844754

warm it tastes like blinker fluid but cold? oh man a nice cold coca cola goes down like liquid heroin. (Paid advertising)

>> No.15844756

kys subhuman

>> No.15844759


>> No.15844783

You copy, and copy, an then one day, you create.
- Picasso

>> No.15844806

ffuck you

>> No.15844808


>> No.15844975

Fluid extract of coca
Citric acid
Lime juice
Orange oil
Lemon oil
Nutmeg oil
Coriander oil
Neroli oil
Cinnamon oil

tl;dr spices, lemon, and lime. None of which you can identify because of the sweetness of the sugar, acidity of the citric acid, bitterness of the caffeine, and the fact that it's served cold and carbonated.

If you get the chance try the coke energy drink. Something has come out of balance in that recipe and suddenly you can identify all the flavours.

>> No.15844987
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>> No.15845026


>> No.15845246
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>faggots replying to tinder bait
Retards gpt baited

>> No.15845261

cum, but without the salty taste.

>> No.15845264

It takes a lot of time and no mistakes.

>> No.15845273
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I am just a meat popsicle.

>> No.15845624



>> No.15845990

Sweet, yet bitter chemical burn.

>> No.15845999

egg dude

>> No.15846016

*high fructose

>> No.15846076
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I hope you get ass cancer.

>> No.15846096
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not cool

>> No.15846114

It mostly tastes cinnamon, vanilla, caramel and lime

>> No.15846119


>> No.15846206

Thanks Doggo!

>> No.15846471


>> No.15846517
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thanks frendoggo

>> No.15846524

Shit, here we go again

>> No.15846897


>> No.15846903

Peppery vanilla

>> No.15846979

Trips me up that cola is a citrus drink.

Betsides rootbeer and ginger ale, all the popular sodas are citrus

>> No.15847375

you fucker

>> No.15847398

thanks babe

>> No.15847541

you forgot ginger

>> No.15847567


>> No.15847575

fuck you

>> No.15848423

A fizzy failed syrup that someone vaguely attempted to spice with so many yet so little spices you can't discriminate any. Essentially root beer with 1% the spices.

>> No.15848446

I hope you die in your sleep

>> No.15848451

Built for BBC

>> No.15848457

Seething Amerifats

>> No.15848466

You didn't write it in an image so it won't come true. Those are the rules.

>> No.15848836

I hope you burn in hell

>> No.15850220


>> No.15850275

Coca-Cola! Feel your teeth rot in real time!

>> No.15850318

literally the best thing ever ughmm mmn *cums*

>> No.15850416

Not him but it’s the French pronunciation you obtuse cunt

>> No.15850437

european and american cola taste different, its weird

>> No.15850464


>> No.15850496

citrus oil (orange)
hint of vanilla
kola nut? not familiar with it

>> No.15850535
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>> No.15850576

>single mothers

>> No.15850629

thanks doge

>> No.15850633
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>> No.15850646

does pussy taste anything like dick?

>> No.15850654

I want to suck on her titty meat, if you get my drift.

>> No.15850715

No they are opposites one is hole one is poke hole thing.

>> No.15850731


>> No.15850734

yes but do they taste the same

>> No.15850740

i dont know, i never taste the poker

>> No.15850873

Freshly showered they taste pretty similar, save for the taste of their respective discharge during intercourse. Female fluids taste more acidic on average, the rest is up to each person’s diet. Cum is in all honesty usually tastier than vaginal discharge, too bad I’m more attracted to females.

>> No.15850894

I like this one.

>> No.15851007
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Sweet & NUTty.

>> No.15851028

Jewish Marxism.

>> No.15851029

Fuck you

>> No.15851031

High fructose corn syrup is kind of a meme. The most common type is 55 percent fructose 45 percent glucose. Sucrose which is the sugar from sugar cane is 50 percent fructose 50 percent glucose.

>> No.15851037

What is that pic anon

>> No.15851685

Gassy shit that burns my throat on top of overly sweet and a tint of souryness that's not even tangy good
Coke zero's alright though

>> No.15852356

Taylor Swift's pee peeeeeeee!

>> No.15852367 [DELETED] 


>> No.15852455

Immunities cannot be negated

>> No.15852460

good boy

>> No.15852479

Woman looks like a trannie. So now I think coke taste like piss. Pepsi number 1!!!

>> No.15852604

He's a good boy

>> No.15852625

Acidic, effervescent caramel

>> No.15852641
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it's Ssoyoung's favorite beverage to have with all her mukbangs

>> No.15852740


>> No.15853071

I want to date Mara

>> No.15853078 [DELETED] 

It's not the fructose content, I agree. But rather that it's dirt cheap and can be used as a filler and an addictive substance to put into food to cheapen it.

>> No.15853094

Orange peel and warm spices

Dr. Pepper is cherry and warm spices.

>> No.15853107

and she can't even pour it properly

>> No.15853117

oh no

>> No.15853156


>> No.15853201
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sit on my face

>> No.15853838


>> No.15854014

fuck that kid

>> No.15854036

It's cute that asshurt Americans whip that out as though it makes any sense.

>> No.15855738

Sugary battery acid.

>> No.15855761

piece of shit

>> No.15855858

do amerifats really?

>> No.15855887

Good dog.

>> No.15855897

Corporate, jewish hate for the goyim.

>> No.15855900
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>> No.15856147

motherfucker this gets me everytime

>> No.15856242
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>> No.15856246

Sarsaparilla root and a fuck ton of glucose

>> No.15856251


>> No.15856321


>> No.15856347

fuck off

>> No.15856351


>> No.15856359

when are people gonna stop posting this bullshit?

>> No.15856365

Black dick, apparently.
Forever scratched off my shopping list.

>> No.15856400


>> No.15856454
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>> No.15857808

at least the kid's white

>> No.15858275

sugar and cinnamon cums in your mouth

>> No.15858440
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>> No.15858481


>> No.15858525


>> No.15858545

>probability goes up to 100%, which equals 1, meaning that >100% = >1
>raising sub-1 decimals/percentages by an exponent decreases the value (e.g. (1/2)^2=1/4)
do burgers really?

>> No.15858552

Fuck you nigger mines in the hospital right now so I gotta

>> No.15858566
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>3x the curse at OP
>3 of OP's mothers will die

>> No.15858578

Yeah but Karen needs a reason to explain why her kid has hives

>> No.15858794

I hope you are false flagging
> λexp{λt}

>> No.15858798

I hopes she gets better anon.

>> No.15858809

drain cleaner

>> No.15858857

it's hard to say, i made some cola wings which did have a very nice and subtle coca-cola taste. i also once drank some fancy artisanal cola drink which had a very strong cola nut taste, almost like coffee but not really.

>> No.15858864

cute lady!

>> No.15858934

Look at those seething replies.

>> No.15858945

To be fair, the world does conform to American standards. Or at least, the parts of the world you and I would want to live in do. I guess China and India have their own thing going

>> No.15858948

fuck off

>> No.15859212

Fuck you

>> No.15859281


Like Lana Del Rey's pussy

>> No.15859289


>> No.15859311

I heard he linked up with Pooh Shiesty.

>> No.15859323

half of the US population is morbidly obese

when we "europoors" go on vacation in the US we marvel at how fat you are

because the average american is fatter than than what's considered a very fat person in europe

>> No.15859335

And? Go tell your local bobby how you're sick of all the muslims in your country and see what happens kek

>> No.15859344

ok fatty fat fat but no one is named Bobby over here

>> No.15859510

Based asf, im getting some free (you)s after this

>> No.15859607

Sugar, cinnamon, oranges, caramel

>> No.15859644


>> No.15859792

When it stops getting replies.

>> No.15860196

When you'll stop being a coomer

>> No.15860240

it tastes like if sugar got transmuted into diarrhea

insults aside, it starts off sweet and robust
then after you swallow, there's this thin film of artificial grossness and the sweetness turns to disgusting robotic sugar or something

>> No.15861066

>papist propaganda

>> No.15861607


>> No.15861634

Euros genuinely B themselves TFO. This entire thread is /r/4chan worthy.

>> No.15862074

orange and cinnamon

>> No.15862365


>> No.15862595

Fuck off

>> No.15862602

Thanks dawg

>> No.15862621

Thanks based dog

>> No.15863761
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>> No.15863778
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>> No.15863783

>Maine gets wiped away along with Hawaii and Alaska

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.15863789

Tiny bit of ginger spice, liquerice earthiness and a little bit of dark berry with a ton of sugar.

>> No.15863794

Fuck you buddy.

>> No.15863824
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>> No.15864044

Ironic considering Coca Cola is the shittiest cola. Mexican Cola>American cola. I hope some budding spic entrepreneuar can setup up Mexicola factories around the world. Loved it, but its too expensive because muh import exotic thirdworld food premium

>> No.15864072

80% of people that died of corona in America were obese according to the CDC

>> No.15864114

I want to rape this voluptuous piglet, slaughter and then butcher her. Imagine eating leg of slut or roasted tit. The flavor would be to die for I'm sure.

>> No.15864121

literal elementary schoolyard bully tier. up your game and banter, yurotrash.

>> No.15864409

Like Nerf ball Skittles.