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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 177 KB, 1152x1152, DzoOFupX0AAHycx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15839684 No.15839684 [Reply] [Original]

Why are numales and self-proclaimed 'foodies' so obsessed with charcuterie? It's just an overpriced meat and cheese platter.

>> No.15839696

your mom's an overpriced meat and cheese platter

>> No.15839704

not yours I got her for free

>> No.15839724

ah yeah I know you, she calls you 3" for free

>> No.15839734

holy fuck demolished

>> No.15839742

it is 3"...from the floor

>> No.15839760

Cheese making is complex and generally not well understood even by foodies and chefs (most know rennet is involved and milk but don't know what rennet is or a whole lot past that) and charcuterie can get complex if you get into molded sausages and stuff and it isn't the type of thing you can make in your own home without special equipment beyond some basic recipes so it has an element if mystery to it for numales as something frontier and manly since it used to be common practice in households and skill is in rural areas, they see it as masculine even though Cheese making was fir a very long time exclusively done by women and only women

>> No.15839762

Never heard that they are. Not one person has posted those here. Stop making stuff up like a child.

>> No.15839845

> t. mad because he saw chad having a charcuterie date night with his crush on instagram

>> No.15839853


>> No.15839872

How do Americans even pronounce charcuterie?

>> No.15839877

yeah she did mention you were pretty short, too

>> No.15839902

It's called trends. They come and go and many people jump on the trends to be "hip".

Some of us don't care much about them and enjoy our "charcuterie boards" regularly like we have been doing for years.

>> No.15839910

Shar cute er ree

>> No.15839916

Pretty retarded but it could be worse.

>> No.15839952

When undertaking any venture, you should always plan it with red wine, cured meats and cheese.

>> No.15839969

>meat and cheese platter
These words mean the same thing. Your entire post is "Why do people like meat & cheese platters? It's just a meat & cheese plater?" except you're too dumb to understand that.

>> No.15839973

Char cut a ree

>> No.15839992

queer fo od

>> No.15840001

Like all food trends this, too, is a food trend. Basically, OP, when people have a thing caled "friends" and a "Social life" they like to share meals together. Charcuterie is an excellent way to share food and a few drinks in a social situation. I am unsure why you call people with friends "numales" but, you could probably talk to a therapist about it. Sidenote: A therapist is a friend that you pay to listen to your dumb, hateful ideas.

>> No.15840018

OP is probably a butthurt vegan that gets pissed off anytime there's meat and cheese but not celery and hummus or some other gay shit

>> No.15840062

>I am unsure why you call people with friends "numales"
Not everyone with friends is a numale
>Sidenote: A therapist is a friend that you pay to listen to your dumb, hateful ideas.
But you're definitely a numale. Imagine paying someone whose nothing more than a direct line to government punishment when you could just post your dumb, hateful ideas on 4chan.

You're literally a reddit immigrant numale, you type like a faggot and your shit is all retarded. Sorry if this upsets you

>> No.15840077

>sharing food
Doesn't that spread covid?

>> No.15840087

you literally sound like a sassy fat woman on twitter

>> No.15840140

you're telling me most people don't kill cows and reach into their fourth stomachs for the acid to make their own cheese anymore?

>> No.15840148


>> No.15840181

Even worse.

>> No.15840185

broh, I've been here before reddit existed. It was a nice place before the actual retards showed up.

>> No.15840196

Sidenote, if you see a therapist you're a numale

>> No.15840213


>> No.15840219

A good charcuterie board usually has some fruit associated, usually to use as a palette cleanser between samples.

>> No.15840220

"Adult lunchable."

>> No.15840233


>> No.15840244
File: 34 KB, 338x450, charcuterie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This confuses and enrages the American.

>> No.15840253
File: 958 KB, 800x1067, 58f06f61e2bca155c6dea6268329986e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if youre a US military personel with PTSD? are you a numale then?

>> No.15840261

looks fuckin good

>> No.15840264

>US military personel
No such thing, you work more for the benefit of Israel than anybody in the US.

>> No.15840271

it's lunchables for adults.

>> No.15840324

numales don't have friends, they have acquaintances that they haven't yet turned in for wrongthink.

>> No.15840530

It's an opportunity to larp as wealthier than they are.

>> No.15841011

>thinks women were allowed to be trappist monks
fuck off with your disgusting girly cheese

>> No.15841071

Because it's fuggin fancy.

>> No.15841119

People have been serving cheese and sausage during any social occasion that involves beer of some sort, just cause it has become trendy to post it on social media now doesn't make it a numale thing you asocial neet piece of shit

>> No.15841167

Cuz it makes women moist

>> No.15841180
File: 238 KB, 1280x716, 6d8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Californian faggots desperately wish they were cultured, they were DESPERATELY want to be seen as high IQ intellectuals and sophisticates when the reality is they're stinky, degenerate peasants. They're the type of people to downplay ethnic heritage while feeling smug satisfaction about being middle class. These cunts, these subhumans, are abomination. Spiteful mutants.

>> No.15841190


>> No.15841201

>it is 3"...from the floor
When you lay down

>> No.15841207

>come and go
We used to call your mom this after a train on her

>> No.15841212

pictures for social media and you dont need to know how to cook food.

>> No.15841256

Damn you fuckers are obsessed with california

>> No.15841273

t. numale

>> No.15841277

I'm angry and I don't know why!!

>> No.15841332

cured meat, olives, and cheese are good and you are all tremendous faggots

>> No.15841396


>> No.15841397

Probably as retardedly as possible

>> No.15841412

Spot on.

>> No.15841424

That is a well-assembled board. 9/10. You lose a point in my books for the figs.

>> No.15841437

I have always liked charcuterie and have no idea why I'm supposed to stop because some people I don't know also like it. Also how the fuck does OP know that numales or whatever cucked faggots are into it? Do you follow these type of people and watch what they do? What a fucking loser.

>> No.15841444

they aren't obsessed with charcuterie, they're obsessed with deli cold cuts served on a platter

you start giving people offal pates and anything more intense than philadelphia cream cheese and cracker barrel sharp cheddar and suddenly nobody wants any part of it and calls you disgusting for "eating that stuff"

>> No.15841462

Shar toot er E

>> No.15841477

>tfw you find out americans have a fetish for something your family has been calling "cold dinner" for decades

>> No.15841502

Oh... oh honey, no. Not with this elitist nonsense. You're better than this... come on.

>> No.15841504
File: 32 KB, 334x400, 1504639846361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15841535

Why would he lose a point? Figs are fucking great

>> No.15841562

>go to a tapas place
>they have some really off the wall stuff for normalfags
>roquefort is described as a blue cheese on the menu
>are you sure?? this might not be what you think it is
>yeah it's great. friend orders $75 worth of meats and cheeses
>takes one bite of the funky blue veined cheese on the board
>both tastes and smells like sweaty socks
>his face puckers
>he spits it out
>basically found everything on there inedible aside from the garnishes
>when he bill came he was annoyed because he was on the hook for $75 and didn't even eat anything

>> No.15841647

because its easy

they literally dont have the ability to cook

>> No.15841652

Enjoy your plate of colon cancer

>> No.15841657

>muh elitist palate

>> No.15841661

based sternritter poster

>> No.15841663

Numales are unironically, less cultured than chuds, and they try so hard to appear as not so.

>> No.15841665

Shark cutlery

>> No.15841678

bro its definitely a trend, they obsess over random shit.

>> No.15841829

t. mouse utopian

>> No.15841921

This is true.

>> No.15841951

Because meat and cheese are delicious and you don't need to know how to cook.

>> No.15841958


>> No.15841964

op destroyed desu

>> No.15841968

It's just a fancier appetizer platter from a joint that has actual good wine, beer, and booze.

If it's 6PM? I don't feel like a huge meal, just want to snack, drink, and talk with friends/date. There's nothing pretentious about it. It's tasty meats, cheese, bread, etc. Half the time we don't finish it because we're just having a good time and ready to go to the next place.

God damn, I know you're all home cooks, but getting out especially during the pandemic and killing everyone's grandma is fun.

>> No.15841977

I dunno. Why are so many people on this board obsessed with what other people enjoy?

>> No.15841980
File: 130 KB, 1200x800, d399a3a89372a891731e11dce9789192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Applebee's App Platter

>> No.15842035

Just so you guys know, charcuterie is a 3 syllable word. 3 not 4.

At least you got 3 syllables instead of 4.. But your syllables are wrong as is the pronounciation.

Charcuterie is correctly pronounced Shar-cu-tree. And the u in cu is pronounced exactly like the ü in German.


>> No.15842164


>> No.15842318
File: 396 KB, 820x836, 1616628986154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, Adam?

>> No.15842926


>> No.15843037
File: 738 KB, 1200x600, tagli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they tasted good.
Obviously not the sad pic you posted on purpose

>> No.15843163

I give her my tip with a rip.

>> No.15843222

Cured meat is delicious, so is cheese. Not hard to understand, genius.

>> No.15843413

>why do people like meat, cheese, and bread
I don't know OP it really is a mystery for the ages

>> No.15843518

unfathomably based mcchicken poster

>> No.15843596 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 800x450, bitch please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme used by lard asses
>/ck/ lol

>> No.15843617

So? How the fuck do you even notice this shit without being a fucking faggot yourself?
>you don't

>> No.15843896

>Soycial life
no thanks

>> No.15844113
