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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15836573 No.15836573 [Reply] [Original]

What is your go to eating reaction?

>> No.15836602

is my taco bell retarded or does everyone else's order get cold by the time they get home? it's literally a 5 min drive.

>> No.15836615

The womans soyface is just insane kek.

>> No.15836618

The pic of Nikocados tight bussy

>> No.15836622
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>> No.15836631

What the source on this? Theres a million fast food reviewers on youtube to sort through

>> No.15836635
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>> No.15836636

she looks scared.

>> No.15836641

I dont know why but i unironically like those two. They just dont give a fuck and enjoy the moment.

>> No.15836642
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>> No.15836648

yeah I don't get a long term plans vibe from this couple

>> No.15836649
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>I dont know why but i unironically like those two. They just dont give a fuck and enjoy the moment.

>> No.15836655
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imagine them fucking...

>> No.15836656


Haha what? They are a couple? The woman probably wouldnt look bad if she lost 150 pounds or so.

>> No.15836661
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>tfw he has a gf and you don't

>> No.15836665

smug cunt

>> No.15836688

I want a gf to grow fat with.

>> No.15836725

Probly ur tbell

>> No.15836726

which one's the woman?

>> No.15836729

>to grow

>> No.15836739
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>> No.15836745
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>> No.15836766
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>> No.15836774

>Oh golly gosh one bite of refined carbohydrates couldn't do no harm

>> No.15836841

The blonde on the right.

>> No.15836885
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>> No.15836964
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Literally los ogros de las americas, Jesus titty fucking Christ look at his fucking hair

>> No.15836973
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>> No.15836975

Do you really want it? Whats to be gained by obtaining that information? Nothing positive thats for sure.

>> No.15836994

He's just inbred.

>> No.15837008


>> No.15837015
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>> No.15837026
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>> No.15837164
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>My tax dollars clothe, feed, and house these things

>> No.15837182

Most of your tax dollars go to the military industrial complex.

>> No.15837192

And to Israel.

>> No.15837203


ive been masturbating to that woman on his left for longer than i can remember

>> No.15837211

Well, she does sell clips of herself eating while naked anyway.

>> No.15837227

that thing is so unattractive

>> No.15837242

you in the mirror?

>> No.15837268

Imagine what the inside of that car smells like.

>> No.15837277


yea thats what im talking about you fucking retard

>> No.15837317
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>beats his meat to a morbidly obese woman
>calls others retard

>> No.15837424


>> No.15837464

There is no way they can fully clean themselves, mechanically it doesn't work. They would need sophisticated tools with multiple adjustable points of articulation and tolerance to crushing weights.

>> No.15837468

Going to need a sauce on that

>> No.15837481

For some reason I get really angry when seeing obese people. Even more so with fat kids even though it's their parents' lifestyle and diet that makes them that way.

>> No.15837491

Everyone pumps billions into those shithole countries and they can't get their shit together. Fuck off.

>> No.15837497


>> No.15837500

you eat it while driving retard. also you have to order more food so it stays insulated

>> No.15837513

>Nigeria population 1950 38 million
>Nigeria population now 210 million

>> No.15837521

why? there is nothing hot about obese people

>> No.15837535
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>> No.15837617

Have people like this given up? Are they just waiting out the clock or do they know nothing of nutrition?

>> No.15837625

Europe must learn to be more multicultural or it will not survive

>> No.15838306

Thats insane.

>> No.15838312

fucking kek

>> No.15838387


Well, we're all gonna die before long anyway. Some people clearly get orgasmic levels of pleasure from eating fried refined wheat starch and melted cheese. If they enjoy it that much, they might as well just go for it. They're more fortunate than 99% of people in history in that sense. They can just indulge themselves as much as they like, experience a lot of pleasure, and then die.

I say this as someone whose diet mostly consists of brown rice, grilled fish, and vegetables, because I enjoy eating that stuff and I enjoy being healthy. But I'm friends with a very fat couple (similar to the OP pic) and I've come to understand why people end up like this, and in a fucked up way the anger that is a normal reaction to seeing fat people comes partly from envy.

We envy them because they are capable of indulging themselves in pleasure without feeling guilty about it. Imagine someone giving you a button that's hooked up to your brain and every time you press it you experience real pleasure better than anything else in your life. Not pressing it repeatedly and doing nothing else till death would require an iron commitment to something greater than pleasure. This is what these people are doing. I genuinely believe that they experience more pleasure from eating this crap than I do. It's very easy for me to tell them 'just don't eat that stuff bro, it's bad for you', but if their enjoyment of it is ten times as strong as my own, then it's going to be ten times as hard for them to resist. And an individual only has so much will power.

I do still feel really disgusted by it all, but I don't blame them as much.

The only real thing that would pull such a person away from this lifestyle is to find something that gives them more satisfaction than eating. Like if they became profoundly obsessed with a sport, and suddenly being able improve their game by losing weight gave them more enjoyment than eating.

>> No.15838419

lmao I'm fat but not that fat haha, fuck fat people

>> No.15838512
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>> No.15838524

It's as if she's ready to start yelling at any moment

>> No.15838928

>that creatura on the left

>> No.15838940

>we're all gonna die anyways
enjoy your decades of diabetes, heart disease, unattractive weight gain, and miserable existence then
not a serious argument

>> No.15838981

I don't think these people fuck
the fat rolls are like bumpers, preventing penetration

>> No.15839000

Link me to a video of this combo of fatties

>> No.15839015

Why are the right and left parts labeled incorrectly?

>> No.15839039

>He hasn't seen the porn

>> No.15839040

Open mouth with a bald head and glasses

>> No.15839044

Fuck off faggot

>> No.15839049

What the fuck are you doing richard

>> No.15839139

nice blog post

>> No.15839172
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I know some thin guy who died of heart failure in his 30. Meanwhile these slobs live on till the age of 60.

>> No.15839301

we live in a society

>> No.15839329

its the "hey, yall got a cigarette?" lady, type into jewtube and you'll find it

>> No.15839469

Most of our tax dollars go to social security.

>> No.15839575

Because on the real cards Exodia is facing towards you.

>> No.15839619

No, most of your tax dollars (about 53%) go towards entitlement programs (Medicare, Social Security, welfare). Military/defense only makes up about 15% of total budget expenditures. The 57% military budget number that people parrot is with regards exclusively to discretionary spending and not total budget.

Also not true. Israel should be getting nothing and be getting nuked off the face of the earth instead, but aid for Israel isn't even 1/1000th of the US budget.

>> No.15839893

I find this very cute, I imagine all youtubers do this nonsense

>> No.15840022

the fat cope is real. you should seek help.

>> No.15840045

>tfw the bull is prepped

>> No.15840067

Unless you're getting a quesalupa (with the special foil wrapper), your orders are wrapped in 1-ply thin as shit paper. Of course your order's gonna be cold. Also, the bag should have a sticker on it to seal it unless your local TB is managed by tightwads who only use it for doordash/grubhub orders

>> No.15840071

>implying the people that pump money here don't do it to get more money

>> No.15840603

the one on the right is Trailer Trash Tammy, she is a Nashville comedian and is being gross on purpose

>> No.15840632

maybe they should stop fucking around then

>> No.15840682

i mean do you really crazy companionship bad enough to date a she-beast like he has? even incels should have standards anon.. he is dating in his league

>> No.15840689


>> No.15840707

>pump money into shitty country that cant afford to eat
>they eat
>population quadruples
>theyre hungry again
there is such a thing as a lost cause

>> No.15840825

What is the American obsession with eating food in your car? Do you really not mind your car stinking of grease and ketchup? Or is it that you're hiding from the world out of shame of stuffing your face for the tenth time today?

>> No.15840856

Oh, so her lifethreatening obesity is ironic.

>> No.15840870

>5 people on youtube
>all americans are like this

>> No.15840878

>5 people on youtube
And 50 million people watching them.

>> No.15840881


>> No.15840884

not him but you're fucking retarded if you think Amerifats don't do this. try going outside for once.

>> No.15840901

dont know why but it's always funny to see a big obese person bully a smaller yet equally obese person. you can tell by how she furrows her brow and barks at him that he's the subservient obese in the relationship while she's the dominant obese (alpha fat) that calls the shots. the smaller obese brings the bigger obese the food and the alpha fat distributes the food after it's had its fill.

>> No.15841227

literally everyone around the world eats in their car. cope?

>> No.15841327

>We envy them because they are capable of indulging themselves in pleasure without feeling guilty about it
It's not envy, it's disgust. Fat people can only exist in a civilization that is so divorced from real life that you can just eat food and then die of heart disease with no consequences. Fat people are disgusting the same way that a washed-up porn star still making vids at 60 is disgusting. It's a symbol of a collapsing reality.

>> No.15841345


The fat fuck on the left seems like he is very bitter like he will get snippy on you while playing vidya

>> No.15841355

Her name is trailer park Tammy.

>> No.15841371

What do you find appealing about it?

>> No.15841384
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>> No.15841419

Whats his problem?

>> No.15841427

based wiens face maker

>> No.15841472

>When You Give a Country a Cookie

>> No.15841607

This is her youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChelcieLynn/videos

She calls mukbang "mutt-bank" LMAO.

>> No.15841822


>> No.15841851
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>> No.15841871

>"sheeeit we iz poor"
>get gibs
>shit out ten niglets
>"sheeeit we iz poor"

>> No.15842101

at this point its trillions anon

>> No.15842136
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It's always the same, people who are genetically gifted typically squander what they have because they don't know how truely blessed they are. My grandmother can literally live, eat and do what she wants with out any kind of repercussion. She's unironically the top 1% yet I know people who have to hit the gym, eat healthily 24/7 and avoid any 'fun' otherwise they'll have stomach flare up burns a hole through their chest. Life is truely a meme.

>> No.15842572
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>eating while driving