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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 213 KB, 2000x1334, 20180327154845-andrew-rea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15833631 No.15833631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't take it anymore /ck/. This faggot just put up a tteokbokki video and gets 700k hits in 24 hours.
He's a self taught nobody who rips food from cartoons and surely is a multi-millionaire by now.
And the other famous youtube guys aren't that much better.
I mean, we all agree that Babish, Kenji, Sohla, Weismann et al. are all gay as fuck?

So what makes a successful youtube cook?
What would you guys like to see more of?

I have a pretty kitchen, a shit load of appliances and tools, and over 10 years as a cook/chef.
Is it just about a sweet camera?
Or am I doomed to never-gonna-make it, because I am not Jewish, a faggot, or a brown female?

Sorry you had to see this pic guys, I really am.

tl;dr how to get youtube cook monies

>> No.15833643

Personality and lack of self respect.

>> No.15833646

For everything in life there is a healthy dose of luck or chance. We've all got to play the hand with the cards we've been dealt.

>> No.15833656

Personality, some editing skills and youtube algorithm luck.

>> No.15833664

Those guys are famous not really for their cooking skills but their production skills. Babish is a fantastic editor. Kenji invented gopro cooking, etc. Youtube is film, it's an artform.

>> No.15833666

Pretty much this. He started saavy for sure, nobody was producing his "food from TV/movies" content, and he had a couple of winners from Chef and shows that really helped him break into the mainstream. Once he started to generate interest in getting people cooking, it was easy to pivot.

Decent production value, tight scripting, original and creative ideas will all help, but there's no x + y formula that's going to guarantee you success. But I do know that simply trying to copy someone else isn't going to get you far at all.

>> No.15833669

I recommend not having a shit personality and crying about why you aren't an e-celeb.

>> No.15833674

you're a bitter, angry faggot with the personality of a dead toad. Most likely you've got a face for radio and a voice for print.

>> No.15833677

Pretty much this. Also he had a good original idea with food from TV. Everyone watches TV and everybody has a favorite show/movie to request shit from. He also built his fan base with his face off camera. This was unironically huge for Babish, as he has a decent radio voice and is not woefully out of shape. So women, who mostly consume this stuff, listed after what they imagined to be a good looking man. Once that base was all there, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted, and he chose to be a guy who would do pretty much anything people asked, so yeah he's a millionaire.

>> No.15833685

You cry all the other day, and try to muddy him,but you forget one thing:
You dont have to be the best cook and chef in the word, to be the best cooktuber.

Pewdiepie speaks about constantly, that he never had the best 4k quality vids. Never had professional audio. Never had a producer, and writer.

Babish is a youtuber, he is excellent at everything. Not a genious cook.

>> No.15833693

and stop trying to be an e-celeb

>> No.15833706

Kenji is good.

>> No.15833710

t. chud who hates tteokbokki

>> No.15833713

I have personality, but I don't think it's the kind that the mainstream/algorithm would find pleasing.
Self respect drops to zero once the paychecks get good, and like I said, spent 10 years in kitchens, self respect isn't our thing.

Surely true. I think I might be due for some good luck.

I had that idea when I was a kid, make food from anime and vidya pop culture. I'm just miffed that he does it first and better, with wild success.
I don't want to rip anyone off, but how can you not? I feel like all angles have been covered.

>> No.15833716

LMAO I like those insults

>> No.15833720

>hates the guy
>watches his content any way
>Reddit spaces his post

>> No.15833725

>I have personality, but I don't think it's the kind that the mainstream/algorithm would find pleasing.
Then don't complain about other people who have actual appeal. Your "personality" is probably just "I'm a white guy with a lot of rage inside me because I lack racial dimorphism"

>> No.15833743

It's all about marketing to the correct fanbase

He appeals to redditor meme-lords
She appeals to women and minorities
He appeals to hipster zoomers
He appeals to those who want to understand the science behind cooking. Also hes the least gay by far

>> No.15833748

Are you saying there are only two races?

>> No.15833754

I left out sexual to see if you would bite. But yes there are only two races, white and NASCAR.

>> No.15833760

>Cheh John
He appeals to those that want to cook good food with no fluff

>> No.15833762

Nice try faggot, that wasn't the OP, I am the OP.
Stop de-railing my shit with your racism, you racist.

Nobody has answered the question, what would you like to see more of in cooking channels?

>> No.15833768

You win today, but I shall return, and be much stronger

>> No.15833774

Looks like you got it

>> No.15833775

You’re probably an unlikable bigot with a lousy personality. It’s not about cooking skill at all. It’s about making engaging content.

>> No.15833779

I would like to see more of, faggots not data mining

>> No.15833800

1) a nasty coke habbit. Not painkillers, coke.
2) No, coke is not the same thing like coca cola. Don't be a retard.
3) The money for the said coke habbit
4) The skill to make that extra pound two.
5) ???
6) profit.

>> No.15833805

I had an idea for a channel, what if you featured a new or cool cookbook, talked a little about it, then made something from the book

>> No.15833809


>> No.15833828

>I had an idea as a kid

And you did nothing with it and took up some no brain job. Everyone that starts something begins with nothing and builds from there, but if you don't start or start and quit after you think you failed you're never gonna make it

>> No.15833841

I didn't take up a no brain job. I followed my dream and became a Chef. Don't fucking lecture me.
What do you do?

>> No.15833867

Babish looks like he rides BBC

>> No.15833886
File: 184 KB, 534x562, 1CAA95F5-5CCF-4379-9468-A743C22F0667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is generally true, but just going to post one of the few greats.
>tfw you will never eat pemmican on the frontier

>> No.15833891


>> No.15833900

Sounds like you have no particular interest in actually pursuing knowledge or providing something useful, you just wanna dumper out "content" and get rich.

Sorry, chucko, that's never going to work unless you're already super wealthy and have a vast network and/or resources to draw on.

>> No.15833918

The majority of people who watch cooking videos don't actually cook, so they're more interested in the personality and entertainment. That's why Weissman changed his style from actual recipes to long videos of him prancing for the camera feat. some recipe.

>> No.15833979

>The majority of people who
Got any studies to back that up or are you just talking out your ass?

>> No.15833990

It's out my logical ass.

>> No.15833995

Oh, ok. Go back to redit.

>> No.15834020

He's the Howard Stern of youtube, I guess. People who like him watch his videos, and people who fucking hate him watch the videos twice.

I keep telling youtube not to recommend his videos to me but they keep popping up in my recommendations.

>> No.15834038

I slay queen!

>> No.15834067
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>Asks for muh studies.
>Tells others to go back to plebit.

Oh, am i laffing.

>> No.15834078

>gets trolled
>frogposts in self defence

>> No.15834085

>sucks penis for a living
>doesn't think he's a faggot

>> No.15834099

What I really want is an entitled nobody that believes he has the chops to be an entertainer solely because he has "10 years experience". This nobody would be very grating and edgy, always calling libtards bullshit. His content a string of uninspired recipes with low production value that never improves and whose release schedule gets worse and worse because of nobody's lack of hard work

>> No.15834114

Pewdiepie basically invented the let's play genre. He may not have the tech or fancy hollywood writers but he did have a billion dollar idea and did it first. He deserves the popularity based on that alone, what he does now is just coasting on the fanbase he already built. Anyone could take his place and maintain what he already has.

>> No.15834127

but nobody cares to entertain 12 year olds for a living

>> No.15834144

He did not invent the genre, my dude.

>> No.15834151

What pisses me the most is that there was already a perfectly good 'Food from Television' youtube channel called feast of fiction. and this bald soy cunt comes in and steals the glory.

>> No.15834211

He did a better job, and "food from television" was pretty boomer reddit bullshit

>> No.15834370

Sohla, Kenji, and Weismann fucking blow, yeah. I guess you could try to make videos but you probably need some kind of gimmick to actually make it big. All the big youtube cooks these days have something: Babish makes food from media, Sohla does the gay spinner thing, Weismann has but better and but cheaper, Ragusea does food science, Ordinary Sausage makes weird sausages, YSAC makes the highest effort low-effort content, Internet Shaquille is based, etc.

Even Chef John and Kenji who have little to no gimmicks have quirks that make them more famous than they would have been would they have just been a carbon copy chef.

Find your niche and cultivate a personality.

>> No.15834391

>Ragusea does food science
Ragusea whines and puts his ego on display. He makes excuses for the viewer and that's the niche he's created. Chlebowski does food science.

>> No.15834398

hah, I guess that's true. I really enjoy food science so I guess I should check out this Chlebowski guy.

>> No.15834427

I think you'll like him. He's kind of new on the scene but growing faster than any of the other food youtubers, and for good reason. He emphasizes good kitchen habits as well as food science and meal prep.

>> No.15834531

>lack of self respect
>Sure I'm not as successful as Babish, but at least I have "DIGNITY".
This cope supercedes even the parable of the Fox & Grapes.

>> No.15834539


>> No.15834546

tons of youtubers are only famous because they're willing to publicly exploit themselves on the internet. this is known.

>> No.15834558

Babish is perhaps the poorest example of this. You're literally being an angsty retard right now.

>> No.15834564

keep seething poorfag

>> No.15834573

Ok, but we're talking about Babish here and not Nikocado.

>> No.15834574

not the same guy. just stating the truth.

>> No.15834578

Well when it's applied to Andrew it's 0% true, idiot.

>> No.15834582
File: 2 KB, 429x125, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doesn't apply to Babish. Might apply to Josh, though he looks like he's just having fun and doesn't give a fuck, which is what 4chan should be about, yet here you and OP are with the sour grapes.

>> No.15834583

do what they do and pay for subscribers

>> No.15834591

it absolutely applies to babish

>> No.15834615

>retarded american has entered the thread

>> No.15834642

Took a while for you to samefag another reply, huh?

>> No.15834702

You are going to have to elaborate how Babish is a whore with no self-respect.

>> No.15834925

hope he sees this bro

>> No.15834945


>> No.15834947

Seethe forever, bub.

>> No.15835153

Simp forever, bub.

>> No.15835187


>> No.15835213

go make another annoying video, weismann

>> No.15835238

you're beyond fucking hope if you think youtubers have even a shred of integrity or do anything out of passion rather than as an attempt to generate views. you remind me of my retard ass friends who insisted that lance armstrong wasn't doping.

>> No.15835239

crank up the bass to unbearable levels
normalcattle loves that shit

>> No.15835246

and yes, even babish. what do you gain from ballwashing this bald hipster anyway? defensive faggot.

>> No.15835297
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>> No.15835379
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Ha they called you out. Keep crying you gay cunt, just a cope because you cant stand the fact a bald faggy looking guy is popular

>> No.15835381

this thread is pathetic, from OP who has a bug up his ass over a guy who just had the right combination of editing skills and good luck to the retards defending him as if he's somebody who built his career around performing pro bono heart surgery on homeless basketball americans. you all need to take a look in the mirror. yeah he sucks but so do we.

>> No.15835406

It reeks of insecurity and reddit, pretty ophaling really

>> No.15835424

>all youtubers have no integrity
>every single one

>> No.15835442

I don't like Babish, but I have no problem defending milady's honor by calling out fags who are jelly as fuck.

>> No.15835475

It’s true. You go on YouTube’s for views and to monetize. It’s like going on American Idol and claiming you’re there because you’re passionate. You’re delusional to think otherwise, nobody has the time to sit and watch YouTube and subscribe to people unless they’re children or adult-children - most people watch YouTube very quickly for a brief tutorial and that’s it. They know there’s an exploitable base they can make money off of and get themselves out there to brands and shit, just like streamers

>> No.15835507

They can still have integrity, even if it's just for views

>> No.15835535


>> No.15835548

>he doesn't watch La Capital

>> No.15835563
File: 644 KB, 500x375, based jannies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you hate your job and/or do it for free then you have no integrity
Did this brainless mongrel just insinuate that jannies are the pinnacle of integrity?

>> No.15835572

he's entertaining to watch and the food looks good

>> No.15835575

that's not what he said you dingus

>> No.15835585
File: 98 KB, 642x719, Janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You go on YouTube’s for views and to monetize.
>this makes you a whore without integrity
>jannies hate their jobs and do it for free
>therefore jannies are integrity made manifest
QED, faggot

>> No.15835598

Nice to listen to, clean presentation, goes straight to the point.

>> No.15835668

that's not what he said you dingus

>> No.15835723


>> No.15835763

So I guess anyone who wanted a career in something they enjoy doesn't have integrity because they're getting paid good money?

>> No.15835767

>10 years as a chef

>> No.15835783
File: 178 KB, 576x435, I DARE YOU TO KEEP SAYING IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep saying it

>> No.15835868

>I have personality, but I don't think it's the kind that the mainstream/algorithm would find pleasing.

You just have to be entertaining.

>I'm just miffed that he does it first and better, with wild success.
>I don't want to rip anyone off, but how can you not? I feel like all angles have been covered.

Good artists borrow, great artists steal. As long as you are doing your own thing then no one cares if you are copying someone else's idea. You don't even have to hide it, you can say this is my version of Babish's dogshit dish.

Just remember people aren't watching for cooking tips they are watching to be entertained. 99% of the people who watch cooking shows never cook the food themselves afterwards.

>> No.15835905

that's not what he said Beavis

>> No.15836030

>he said something amusing it must be reddit
How about you fuck off there clump

>> No.15836349

Nothing, I don't even really like him. I'm just ripping on this >>15835238 faggot because he thinks he's above every single youtuber. Angsty little twat.

>> No.15837415

Ok gayboy. Dont forget to kiss daddy before bed

>> No.15837434

>implying babish has personality
His success is entirely based on videography and references to pop culture. A pleasing voice doesn't hurt too. But take out babish out of his own videos, and you'll see how boring of a person he is.

>> No.15837453

>at work
>anon would you suck someone's dick?
>no what the fuck
>what about for a million dollars?
>oh well yeah absolutely
>haha you're gay faggot
>if you're going to pay me one million dollars, then yes, I'll be a faggot, because I'd be a faggot with a million dollars

>> No.15837536

where is the link to your youtube? Let me judge you.

>> No.15838216

>am I doomed to never-gonna-make it, because I am not Jewish
Unironically this.

>> No.15838273

that'd be neat

>> No.15838360

I hope you're trolling. Let's Plays wear around years before poopypie.