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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15834349 No.15834349 [Reply] [Original]

I know eating from paper plates gets a bad rap, but about 6 months ago my dishwasher went. I bought a lot of paper plates and plastic cups, forks, knives and spoons because I couldn't wash dishes anymore. After a week or so I had my old dishwasher taken out. Then I realized I don't actually need a dishwasher because I've been doing just fine with the disposable dishes and cutlery. So I haven't looked back.
Anons, you have no idea the absolute feeling of freedom you get from going dishless. I never have to worry about washing anything except pots and pans. There is never anything in my sink. I just eat two or three times from the same paper plate and into the trash it goes. Saving on my water bill and detergent as well. No more washing dishes - it's amazing.
Again, I know it gets a bad rap, but it's honestly the best lifestyle change I've made in many years. I think that dish people automatically scowl at the dishless because they know they're saddled with extra work and are scared to take the plunge. Just do it bros, it feels amazing.

>> No.15834354
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>> No.15834361

You're all just useless mafckers that need to be more efficient.

>> No.15834363

the real redpill is eating out of the pot you cook in

>> No.15834364

i just buy ceramic dishes and throw them away after i eat off them.

>> No.15834374

>just do the extra work of managing an inventory of dishes all day long
why? I have no reason to. technology exists to make our lives more efficient. It's not the medieval ages anymore, we don't have to deal with dishes if we don't want to.

>> No.15834396

The fact you call it an inventory of dishes displays how ineffecient you are.

>> No.15834413

>the fact that you can't haul buckets of piss and feces out of your living quarters manually shows how inefficient you are
ok, I'm inefficient. I still prefer to use a toilet.

>> No.15834430

this sounds really nice. do you ever take food to work? do you work?

>> No.15834434

You're just a lazy unorganised fag.

>> No.15834445

yup I use ziploc baggies for pasta and such. I don't have anything to take soup though
>if you use technology to improve your life you're just lazy
next time send me a letter instead of instantly communicating over the internet though. you don't want to be a hypocrite

>> No.15834456
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Stay mad kid.

>> No.15834479

Just admit that you're a lazy retarded nigger zoomer.

>> No.15834587

>Saving on my water bill

Just what was your water bill to begin with? Here in bongland I pay something like £200 for 6 months irrespective of how much I use.

>> No.15834592
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>the real redpill is eating out of the pot you cook in

I thought it was not cooking at all and just eating from the packet you brought it in.

>> No.15834596

set up a turbine under your sink to generate energy from your free water

>> No.15834605

Sorry to disturb you during lunch, miss, but I'm pretty sure I left my plunger in here...

>> No.15835342

It is not enjoyable to eat off of paper or plastic. The juices are sopped into the paper plate and not into your warm belly. It takes literally a minute to wash a few dishes. My brand new dishwasher takes more than TWO HOURS for a wash. You can tidy up waiting for the coffee to drip or the kettle to boil for tea.

>> No.15835418


>> No.15835428

You don't have a sink?

>> No.15835441
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>no dishwasher
>have to buy paper plates

What sort of logic is that?

You have hands, don't you?

>> No.15835532

Don't worry champ, we can all tell how much you don't like penis after you got rid of yours.

>> No.15835634
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Is cleaning plates difficult? You just wipe them off, it takes a few seconds at most. You're letting them sit and get crusty aren't you, you hopeless fuck.
Pots and pans are the only things that can suck to clean, if you cooked a sticky sauce or something. But paper plates won't save you there bud.

>> No.15835649
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>> No.15836275

>I don't have anything to take soup though
They sell paper bowls with lids. Might be a step up for your pasta situation as well.

>> No.15836501
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This is how we used to eat during disasters.

>> No.15836646
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hah I was thinking of the exact same thing

>> No.15836736

Last night I ate out of a real bowl for the first time since the pandemic began and it's been sitting in my room smelling and making me hate it all day.

I should have stuck to the paper plates and bowls. I also haven't cooked a single thing since the pandemic happened. Not a single dirty pot or pan.

>> No.15836769

>you have no idea the absolute feeling of freedom you get from going dishless
Trucker here.
I know.
It's convenient, but a drop of soap and some tap water is almost certainly cheaper.

I go about half and half; some things are disposable; some things are better to wash and reuse. Depends a lot on if I'm running out of disposable dishes and if I have running water.
Washing dishes with bottled water is fucking stupid.

There are distinct quality of life issues in play; eating off disposable plates forever is dehumanizing in the long run.
Sometimes I deserve nice things; maybe you do, too.

>> No.15837105
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You might like this.

>> No.15837137

Why did it take someone so long to ask this question? If you have a dishwasher you have a sink... OP is just one lazy nigger.

>> No.15837148 [DELETED] 

Kikes in an image

>> No.15837213

>hey fren can I borrow stuff I of course pay back 100%
>of course fren
kys and/or take meds /pol/

>> No.15837229

Post nose

>> No.15837241

you will never be with a woman.

>> No.15837245

well kramer wasn't a jew but larry david's plan of giving him a % of the price from the box is definitely a jewish trick. David profits from the ease of access cost. Doesn't have to shop, wait in line, take the cab. While poor Kramer had to come home to find his shit missing while the thief appropriates how much was stolen. If Kramer had set the price of each item, or demanded a certain amount of accountability--he should have profitted.

But who's richer now?

>> No.15837274

ask me how I know you've never had a real friend in your life, this was sundries not fucking real estate. Exodus 22:25–27, Leviticus 25:36–37, and Deuteronomy 23:20–21 BTW

>> No.15837279

>Larry David became a billionaire by borrowing eggs milk and dry cereal at cost from his neighbor friend 40 years ago
man if only I had thought of this one simple trick I'd be drowning in shekels now. meds, schizo

>> No.15837297
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>If Kramer had set the price of each item, or demanded a certain amount of accountability--he should have profitted.
>But who's richer now?
holy shit the cope is unreal with this one

>> No.15837321

>David profits from the ease of access cost. Doesn't have to shop, wait in line, take the cab. While poor Kramer had to come home to find his shit missing while the thief appropriates how much was stolen. If Kramer had set the price of each item, or demanded a certain amount of accountability--he should have profitted.

>he should have profitted.
Are you trying to out-jew Larry David?

>> No.15837399

kek the true grifter reveals himself and can not be trusted

>> No.15837429

I hope you become a climate refugee.

>> No.15837456
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>> No.15837620
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Agreed. I use paper 90% of the time. Nothing makes ck sperg out more than paper plates

>> No.15839173

life is extra tough for the mentally disabled

>> No.15839614
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how can such low effort bait elicit this much discussion

>> No.15841133

this is actually pretty smart

>> No.15842125

I've been living the disposable lifestyle for a few years now anon...welcome to the better part of your life! Solid price on plastic cutlery can be found here > https://www.webstaurantstore.com/silver-visions-7-heavy-weight-silver-plastic-fork-case/130SVFRK600.html < I buy that brand for spoons and knives as well. Supplement with chopsticks which are absolute cheapest utensil whenever I can. Paper hot cups are worth it as well from that site. Best I can find for paper plates/bowls and plastic cups is walmart though.