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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15825894 No.15825894 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kenji /ourguy/?

>> No.15825898


>> No.15825904

I like his videos desu and like the tangents he goes on but he seems like an insufferable faggot outside of cooking which is a shame. But yeah idgaf what he's like irl, I just want to watch a cooking video

>> No.15826143

good at cooking and bad at everything else. unsurprisingly for an upper middle class guy who owns his own restaurant he is politically retarded

>> No.15826146

Not particularly fond of non-round eyes

>> No.15826158

He looks like a mutant.

>> No.15826163

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.15826172

Also unironically Adam Ragusea is obviously /ourguy/. The only reason the retards on this board "hate" him is because it's like a in the mirror and not liking the seething soyfag you see staring back at you.

>> No.15826182

Yall bustas talk like you forgot about Chef John

>> No.15826188

Gtfo adam

>> No.15826211

Fucking rent free

>> No.15826214

I like a Chef John but he's not autistic enough to be /ourguy/

>> No.15826218

Well if we're talking raw autism then I don't see how it could be anyone but Kenji. I actually like the gopro gimmick but goddamn when he starts rambling about something he just does not stop.

>> No.15826236

Do you not have a bull to prep?

>> No.15826283

No you prep your wife, NOT your bull

>> No.15826288

Keni>Ethan>Any channel of a slavic/asian milf>any grandpa>Babish>Adam>chef john>most of those asian cooking channels that somehow have a million views

>> No.15826356
File: 68 KB, 256x256, 6C8C8B3D-38D0-4848-8653-830A89BCABCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam plz go

>> No.15826378

>Any channel of a slavic/asian milf
Names? I literally cant think of one except for Maangchi.

>> No.15826398

You want some too?

>> No.15826423

Haha, no.

>> No.15826426

absolutely not
doesn't get more reddit than kenji

>> No.15826476

Babish is far more reddit than Kenji

>> No.15826480

go away adam

>> No.15826485

Helen Rennie is based.

>> No.15826487

You mean America's Test Baba?

>> No.15826517
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Adam is the only one who is autistic enough to be /ourguy/. Kenji is a better chef though

>> No.15826692

always ignored adam threads and never watched a single one of his videos because i dont like popular youtubers and assume theyre all redditors, but i have to say hes earned my respect here and i look forward to watching his videos and calling people nigger in the comments

>> No.15826839
File: 35 KB, 771x633, 692v7zszb0d51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season your cutting board.

>> No.15827205

Guy looks skinnyfat but has the face of an obese person. Pretty unlucky.

>> No.15827209

No. He's a hormone imbalanced mutant.

>> No.15827213

>Internet Shaquille
Fucking kek, thats a good name.

>> No.15827243

What a schizo but i am not surprised.

>> No.15827311

Seonkyoung Longest is another

>> No.15827316

He’s actually funny, if he posted more he’d be our guy

>> No.15827320

He’s racist towards whites, fuck no. I will admit he’s great at cooking though.

>> No.15827321
File: 320 KB, 1500x843, BUNSEN_BURGER_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also wrote a seething 3000 word rebuttle to Ethan Chlebowski when he called him on his "don't deep fry stuff at home" bullshit

>> No.15827425

His book is nice

>> No.15827447

Pailin's Kitchen

>> No.15827461

Is this shooped? Looks like someone put the big head code on

>> No.15828256

The Bill Nye of cooking

>> No.15828266

He is a Trump supporter so no

>> No.15828355

even with that jawline, adam manages to look like a faggot

>> No.15828378

> He falls for bad tasting bait, he must be our guy

>> No.15828506

Where do you get rare kenji photos?

>> No.15828539

Why are you here? Go eat your bugs

>> No.15829261

Go season your cutting board, Adam. You stupid faggot

>> No.15829268

She's so fucking hot!

>> No.15829278

Chef John will always be the best youtube cook for one simple reason: he only shows the food. If some faggot is taking up 90% of the frame for half of the video he's not a cook, he's a narcissist.

>> No.15829293

His recipes are good, but he's such a pussy.

>> No.15829311

aye, he's unlikeable but his recipes are solid

>> No.15829448

i feel the same. i hate when people pretend he can't cook based on the fact they don't like him as a person

>> No.15830060

Total schizo. There's no other word for it.

>> No.15830228

Kenji is based, you faggots are just mad because he's debunking all the useless pointless bullshit you do in the kitchen because your whore mother taught you to. He's the only cook to approach cooking with a rational perspective without being a pretentious useless fag like Blumenthal. Eat shit

>> No.15830247

Major hottie with great thai recipes. Definitely suggest.

>> No.15830254

she makes my peepee hard and has good thai recipes, BASED

>> No.15831677

Why did he advise to season the cutting board?

>> No.15832274

Because he's a faggot

>> No.15832284

I like his recipes.

he seems like an insufferable tool as a person, but ignore that cause the recipes are good.

>> No.15832298

I don't mind him but there is a problem with the fact he has professional parents, professional spouse, and he's the uneducated chip on his shoulder guy making a name for himself minus being actual chef. I do like Alton, but it is a similar path, just social media, marketing, production values are good, and oh, let's just focus on cooking. Alton's culinary school course was to continue making educational films, which he was already doing on the public grant dime.

>> No.15832468

Because it burns the seasoning when you put it directly on raw steak before cooking

>> No.15832513

There's hardly any overlap between highly talented, ambitious, successful people, and people you would want to spend any amount of time with.

>> No.15832554

he kind of can't. most of the food he makes looks barely beyond amateur level, even for someone cooking from home. there are much better youtube chefs (all faggots, don't get me wrong) and the only reason i even know about this ugly muttoid prick is because people keep name dropping him. i want to punch him when he starts loudly eating and breathing into his mic after he's done cooking something.

>> No.15832570

oh me so chong detected

>> No.15832590

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.15832823
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 20210322_182136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT "wahhhh, some half-azn guy on YouTube is a better cook than me and I literally can't get over it. He must be a terrible human being"
Build a fucking bridge you retards

>> No.15832831

Dunno who he is but this picture makes me pine for the days of precovid.

I miss cooking socially bros...

>> No.15832853

damn even when he was young he looked like a soy fag

>> No.15832858

this. I like to imagine chef john is cooking in his boxers most the time

>> No.15832863

holy shit he IS autistic
damn maybe he's /ourguy/ whether we like it or not... he's probably in this thread

>> No.15832875

he's right but you don't have to put the seasoning on the cutting board. just put it on the steak after its cooked

>> No.15832880

salt doesn't burn, and I happen to love the flavor of burnt pepper

>> No.15832961
File: 51 KB, 1215x405, b50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's almost definitely in this thread. He shills here all the time.

>> No.15832995

is self conscious narcissism a thing? like can you be a narcissist with a very low self esteem? because thats what he seems to have going on. between this twitter post and the autistic sperg outs in his youtube comments

>> No.15833000

narcissism IS low self esteem a good chunk of the time. they posture as grandiose and self-important people to cover up their crippling insecurities

>> No.15833011

Why does every thread in this place end up being about Adam Fagusea?

>> No.15833015

well atleast there is something to talk about in youtuber threads, how there is always 4 fast food threads alive on this board at any given time is what confuses me

>> No.15833042

wawaweewa! holy FUCK! fast food threads on the food and cooking board! who would have guessed!? fuck me dead how the fuck is this possible? how could this have happened?

>> No.15833122

That chicken looks pretty based

>> No.15833223

dios mio

>> No.15833232


>> No.15833326
File: 1.82 MB, 2419x3075, 1_swCbhLGPKK1acLlAdFxUOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Cowboy Kent Rollins is /ourguy/

>> No.15833339

always reminds me of this

I hope they're happy. They seem nice.

>> No.15833343

Always come off as nice people. Also his Big Mac recipe is fucking based.

>> No.15833355

JAMES ALT is so cynical about race and personal marketing that he contorted his name as much as he could to sound ethnic.

I don't think he's ashamed of being white, I think he is a shrewd business person looking to capitalize on public perception.

>> No.15833375

fragile narcissism

>> No.15834008

Nothing could possibly be more reddit than signing off your videos with "guys, gals, and non-binary pals"

>> No.15834016

Go back

>> No.15834269

Gentlemen please, can we not just agree that they are both colossal reddit-tier faggots?

>> No.15834296
File: 119 KB, 600x454, m0moqv-b78926438z.120120309092821000g1415vtk1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget about me?

>> No.15834301

it's just motion blur but his face looks shooped

anyone else relate?

>> No.15834315


btw, what kind of girl do you think would hook up with that? she's probably got some deep daddy issues

>> No.15834334

>using two arms
those were the days

>> No.15834386

top kek

>> No.15834410

His oven roasted potato recipe is awesome.

>> No.15834431

Gold diggers come in the 'trad' variety, anon.

>> No.15835470
File: 137 KB, 851x861, POTUS 46 samples the children menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden voters will never be /myguy/

>> No.15835476

>let's break this down a bit

>> No.15835484
File: 2.34 MB, 2048x2012, 1613592311647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck pedo joe

>> No.15836128

internet shaq is based. he trashes on ragusea all the time.

>> No.15836176

He definitely would be if he didn't take his wife's last name like the biggest cuck in existence.

>> No.15836274

Good cooking, horrible fucking hygiene. I forget what video it was but he uses the same sponge to clean the sink and then also clean his cutting board. I almost wanted to vomit when I saw it.

>> No.15836516

Definitely hot as fuck I love her smile. I wish I could see her tidy little coinslot

>> No.15836623

>Babish reeks of reddit
I understand this sentiment because he'll use a le reddit phrase or do a 'reddit' segment but it's necessary to understand that they are a strong audience for him, a lot of which are fags. he needs to toss them something to cream their panties(male) over once in a while, but on the whole he doesn't let it absorb his brand. imo this is the best of both worlds and probably akin to what I'd do in his opinion, ledditers are happy and only autistic shitheads shriek and post soyjack because he's LE REDDIT XDDDD which obviously hurts your super secret 4channel. moreover he's not an elitest like fagusa or james-i'm-not-white-alt, he's, and again this is where /pol/ gets tripped up because they'd have to actually watch his shit, very upfront about always being in a student-like state of mind, and has gone back on many things he's done in older videos and pointed out his flaws and attempted to better them. a part of me thinks a lot of his hate here is just a result of his success, making a shit ton of money by making accessible, well-produced content

>> No.15836660

If he wasn't a complete fag yeah

>> No.15836744
File: 49 KB, 277x296, 3A044C48-0441-4D21-BDF6-E5C485532D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hush you preening idiot, you know nothing and it shows

>> No.15836845
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