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15826907 No.15826907 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst food item you have ever seen? Bonus points if you tasted it.

>> No.15826932

Those canned whole chickens always look putrid, but the canned cheeseburger is right up there. As far as something I've tasted (and I know Southerners will probably fight me), pickled pigs feet are just bleugh.

I was originally going to say any canned bread, but ironically the canned brown bread is good if it's slightly toasted and you serve it with something simple like franks and beans.

>> No.15826947
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Surstromming. Its fermented Swedish fish. My ex's family all lived back in Sweden so as a joke they decided to let the silly American try it when we went there to visit them. They put it on a thin cracker and expected me to react horribly but I ate it and said "its not really my thing." I can attribute this only to the fact that I consume a shitload of that Samyang ramen but even still that fish smelled and tasted like fucking assdeath and confirmed to me that not even the British have worse food than the Scandis do.

>> No.15826967

The canned whole chicken looks like shit but the canned burger is an affront against nature. Whoever produced it should be forced to eat it until death.

Doesnt it supossedly smell so bad some people vomit when they open it?

>> No.15827126

caviar. the only food I ever scraped off my tongue it was so bad.

canned chickens look nasty but taste fine.

>> No.15827133


>> No.15827168

are you retarded?

>> No.15827307

r u?

>> No.15827504

>As far as something I've tasted (and I know Southerners will probably fight me), pickled pigs feet are just bleugh
as much as some try-hard southern people will try to convince you otherwise, pickled pigs feet is a meme food and a novelty. there are some old people that will eat it, but typically people will eat pickled sausages or (more commonly) pickled eggs. the reddish-pink pickling juice that you associate with pigs feet is actually good, and works really well with eggs. A very regional and specific southern food that is from my hometown is called "livermush" which looks and sounds disgusting but is absolutely delicious when pan fried. similar to scrapple from up north, but more of a pepper and sage flavor.

t. southerner

>> No.15827602

Raw oysters

>> No.15827616


>> No.15827692

technically Fallston. there are people in Shelby who probably don't know where Fallston is.

>> No.15827756

hyper-based ordinary sausage. this guy is the next big foodtuber.

>> No.15827782

he's already gotten more popular than I would like, but you can't blame him i guess.


>> No.15829285
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x665, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once my family had pic related or some other instant orange flavored chicken and it was absolutely terrible.
None of my siblings could stand it and I forced myself to eat a bowl of it and almost puked.
The orange flavor tasted like chemical flavoring they would put in medicine.

>> No.15829778

>canned whole chickens
Why would you put a chicken in a can when you can freeze it? It is utterly retarded.

>> No.15829788

Dollar general-brand Spam

>> No.15829909

based. time to watch all his videos for the next 2 weeks

>> No.15829965

what is his best video and why is it hoover stew

>> No.15830120

LA Beast and Rick & Morty have defeated SteveMRE. Sad!


>> No.15830124

lots of homos have tried to rip off MRE reviews but all have failed.

>> No.15830308

Nice peasant genes you have there

>> No.15830330

I agree there definitely isn't anything else that screams high class like tainting your mouth and olfactory system with the taste of rotten unwashed vagina

>> No.15830539

I had fried alligator tail in Florida and it was a total letdown. They said it was like reptile chicken nuggets which sounded like some good shit, but it was really bad. Just chewy greasiness. It was some shithole chain I went to in my youth. Can't remember the name.

>> No.15831155

Then it was made poorly

>> No.15831164

From SW FL and I’ve had a lot of gator tail. You have to get it at a barbecue place that isn’t super commercial, a lot less greasy and better flavor, or you can buy it locally and fry yourself. Worst gator tail experience was at a Seminole gator park aimed at tourists

>> No.15831203

party cheese salad

>> No.15831235

which is why i dont know why youd eat canned whole chicken

>> No.15831259

the chicken is fully cooked & you can eat it right out of the can if you wanted.

>> No.15832389

$200 meme steak ruined

>> No.15832665
File: 76 KB, 600x900, red-bean-mochi-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically any dessert items with red bean paste inside. Something about the texture and the sweetened bean flavor in general is really bad. A friend's mom served picrel once, the mochi part was delicious but I gagged on almost every bite that had red bean paste in it.

>> No.15833041
File: 860 KB, 688x767, 4843b7cc95a60c7c42957a6bbf7b9bd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC here. I had the flu and had to take a day off from the boujee old folks home I cooked for. The receptionist was left to follow the recipe and cook. Here you have roasted turkey with glazed carrots, mashed potatoes and gravy with a dinner roll.

>> No.15833047
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vs an average dinner entrée I served them

>> No.15833050

Burger made with bacon in the burger beef
It just tasted like an overly salty burger

>> No.15833059

I cant tell you how disappointed to find out how boring these were. The bun was absolutely fucking delicious, especially cooked in a steamer basket as you're supposed to, but the inside tasted like sweet refried beans. fucking horrible. If I could get this filled with like cheesecake filling or fruit or pudding or something it would be the best dessert ever.

>> No.15833060

Pickled eggs are the only reason why hardboiled eggs exist you fucking bitch

>> No.15833106


>> No.15833114

i refuse to believe this is real

>> No.15833190
File: 359 KB, 1080x1072, 368743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never tasted one but yeah, it's definitely the worst food thing I've ever seen. I'd rather taste Surströmming.

>> No.15833200

literally just a whole chicken sitting in chicken broth
tastes like fucking chicken broth

>> No.15833208

Anon, it looks like literal animal vomit.

>> No.15833214

it made me rage so hard. she offered to cook too, its not like she was asked to. There was another cook in the building that couldve just covered for me which is what I'd do when he had to take off or wasn't there for whatever reason. She offered to do it on her own volition insinuating that she was capable and that is what she created.

The entire menu had step by step recipes too, I really dont understand how people fuck up a simple recipe but are capable of reading the words it is written with

>> No.15833215

I hope this is real

>> No.15833225

This is the intelligence of the average receptionist so I’m not surprised

>> No.15833304

I had a similar experience, but it was in an actual restaurant, their orange chicken tasted like the sauce was made primarily from fucking Tang.

>> No.15833336

So....I was real young when this happened so I dont remember jack shit, but apparently somebody at a party made mexican rice so terribly that I refused to try it again up until a couple years ago.

>> No.15833629

Jesus Christ

>> No.15833640

>noooo it looks icky!!!!!

>> No.15833686

I've eaten some weird gross shit but the worst has to be muttonbird. Salty slimy native bushmaori slop stinky fishy ugly seabird fucking Kai tahu motherfucking gross shit YUCK

>> No.15833763

Exactly, the texture and smell would be hell as well. Looks, smell and texture are like 80% of food.

>> No.15833772

I went to Applebees once.

>> No.15833791

There used to be a diner chain in Canada called Humpty’s, don’t know if it still exists.
Everything on the menu was over processed garbage that was precooked and inedible. Never managed to finish a meal there.

>> No.15835078

Have any images of how you serve puree or ground diets?

>> No.15835094

My 89 year old gram from greece always tells me stories about eating pigs feet and how she hasnt had it in decades. i live near chinatown so my store is stocked with animal parts like beef tongue, pig noses, chicken feet etc, so i got pack of pig feet for like $3 and she was happy all week

>> No.15835106

my aunt loves pickled pigs feet. it's cut into thin bleached strips in a jar. i could gag.