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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15823284 No.15823284 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get an American Indian food thread going? I'd like to get an idea of some of the dishes they eat so that I can try to improve on some of the recipes. I only really know popcorn and bannock, though.

>> No.15823293

Hand sanitizer

>> No.15823307

atole, fry bread, popcorn, jerky, pemmican, trout, elk steaks, pinon nuts, yucca roots, agave, cactus fruit and nopales

>> No.15823316

Kek, I was unironically thinking that when I posted the thread. Just as a joke, though! No disrespect to Indians!

Hmm, I could probably make a loose jello shot with some aloe vera in it. That would be pretty close to an improved version of that reservation staple.

>> No.15823325

tamales, blue corn cakes, succatash, smoked salmon, rabbit stew with potatoes and corn tortillas

>> No.15823339

Hmm, most of these that are actual dishes have already got vastly improved Americanized versions. Pemmican is one thing that I would like to gentrify, though. I wonder how it could be brought to the "next level"? Obviously, most modernized versions will taste leagues better than a more traditional version, but there's gotta be a way to turn it into an actual good dish.

>> No.15823340

Go back

>> No.15823406

What are their buffalo recipes?

>> No.15823581

Are you interested in traditional Canadian Indian foods too? The drink recipe passed down in my tribe comes in either the cool mint or spearmint variety but the preparation method is pretty straightforward.

>> No.15823712

Not sure, but I'd like to know.
Lay it on me!

>> No.15823995

they didnt have that many prepared dishes per se. it was stone age foods, not a lot of complex prep.just get the food cooked. acorn mush i want to try. pemmican would be worth trying. eating what gather from the land, for 10,000 years, is a vibe. oyster shellmounds a hundred feet high. we have always been in this place, they would say.

>> No.15824746

Navajo tacos are good.

>> No.15824758
File: 166 KB, 979x668, turkey covid facility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morel and hopniss. venison, rabbit, turkey (heritage turkey not that nasty factory farmed cardboard)

>> No.15824763

Indians need to fuck off. There's a bunch of them that live next door to me and their food is so toxic that the smells make their way into my house. Now I know why they always smell so bad irl. I've lived with smokers and the smells they made were less offensive.

>> No.15824842


>> No.15824847

Don't natives drink a ton because they are all traumatized from colonization destroying their culture and home?

>> No.15824915

fuck off faggot. Lurk more

>> No.15825194

they have a genetic predisposition that didn't cause them any problems until the white man brought his devil invention, listerine to their shores

>> No.15825221


>> No.15825231

Natives colonized themselves, desu. Anyway, back on track; I would love to gentrify some classic dishes.
>is a vibe
I threw out the rest of your post; sorry
Hmm, but how can I prepare these foods in the way that an injun might? While still giving it that delicious American touch, of course.

>> No.15825244

Native American population is so low I've ever barely met any in real life. And they certainly aren't known for their cuisine. Go find another project.

>> No.15825253

Whatever. I like the hand sanitizer idea >>15823316

>> No.15825255

Natives were forced off their lands and put into reform schools.

If you can't respect indigenous people just continue eating your Babylonian fast food slop like the zoo human you are.

>> No.15825287

>I'd like to get an idea of some of the dishes they eat so that I can try to improve on some of the recipes.

lmao why are you asking /ck/

>> No.15825292

Nice spelling, fag. It's Indian/Injun. Is that some shitty portmanteau of injun and US? Like injun-of-US?
No idea what the fuck you mean.
>fast food
Nothing wrong with delicious meals that happen to be made quickly. I want to take Indian food and turn it into that in a restaurant in a particularly large city that is next to a rez.

>> No.15825297

Respect a false version curated by modern men? Ha.

>> No.15825298

>like injun-of-us
Holy kek, thank you anon

>> No.15825455

Apache burgers and indian tacos.

>> No.15825475

This sounds like lazy themepark type shit.

>> No.15825479

Tomahawk Slop
>1/2 cup of corn
>1 cup of daisy weeds
>rubbing alcohol and water
>a handful of corn flour
>shaved scalp of 1 white man
>toes of one blonde virgin
Take big pot, put over fire and add settler scalp and enough rubbing alcohol and water to cover. Heat until fast bubble and add cornflour until thickened. Remove scalp when water tastes slightly sweaty and has tint the color of fire berries. Add virgin toes and bubble until a sliced piece runs clear, then add daisy weeds.

Optional: Scoop into turtle shell and garnish with tobacco leaves.

>> No.15825489

Savage. Just like them.