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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15816276 No.15816276 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making steak dinner for my mom's birthday.

Spring Salad with candied walnuts, parmesan crisps, cranberries, and a fig balsamic dresssing
NY strip steak with a bourbon cream sauce
Aligot potatoes
Roasted rainbow carrots
Steakhouse mushrooms
And bananas foster for dessert

I'll be posting shit and answering questions and requests when I can

>> No.15816293

Happy birthday anon's mom. Sounds pretty good

>> No.15816310

>I'll be posting shit and answering questions and requests when I can
Have you had a sexual encounter with your mom? Is she hot? How does she like her steak? Would you doink her if she wasn't your mom?

>> No.15816321

does your mom have big booba?

>> No.15816330

Have a nice evening Anon,
And happy birthday to your mom.

That s a lovely menu

>> No.15816336

No, she used to be, usually medium, no I'm into older women

>> No.15816370

Not into older women

>> No.15816430
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Steaks with salt, pepper, garlic, and thyme are in the circulator at 125

>> No.15816499
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As an aside, I just made chef Johns roasted salsa as a starter as well

>> No.15816551

Soi vide soy vide

>> No.15816577
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Potatoes are on the boil now boys

>> No.15816583
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She likes the menu

>> No.15816598

I can already tell you won’t make your steak properly because you didn’t season your cutting board

>> No.15816602

I just got a sous vide machine, is there anything actually wrong with it or is it just a meme poorfags use to justify their existence?

>> No.15816608
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>Boiling potatoes whole
This board is full of psychotics

>> No.15816610

>Not seasoning tongue directly
>Current year
kys pleb

>> No.15816625

Ensures the potatoes don't become water logged

>> No.15816629

I don't know, never used one. I just flex on cooklets whenever I can.
>Boiling meat in a bag for half a day
Soi cuck tranny dilate seethe cope

>> No.15816635
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>he doesnt season his stomach lining

>> No.15816636

Nice :)

How're you making the suace for the steaks? I buy NY a lot and wanna do more with it besides grilling plain

>> No.15816642
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>> No.15816658

Shut up ragusea

>> No.15816660

Pan sauce
After I got the steaks on the pan for some texture and color I'll add some minced shallots and cracked pepper. Run it through a bit then deglaze with bourbon. Add some stock and thyme and let it boil down a bit, finish with cream and season.

>> No.15816661

It’s just seething poorfags. Perfect steak incoming you, friend.

>> No.15816690

>boiling whole potatoes.

If you're gonna cook whole taters bake em.

>> No.15816722

I would have but I don't think I have enough time

>> No.15816729
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Say what you will about rainbow carrots but they are pretty

>> No.15816740

sounds delicious except for
>Aligot potatoes
>Roasted rainbow carrots
I have never heard of these things before

>> No.15816748

Pretty much cheesy potatoes but extra
Carrots that are other colors beside orange

>> No.15816804
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Mushrooms are started

>> No.15816809

>not doing mushroom, garlic, parsley to side your steak

>> No.15816815

Post a pic of your moms ass

>> No.15816817

those tiles behind the stove is perhaps the most retarded design choice i've ever seen

>> No.15816863
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Mushrooms done

>> No.15816868

this. looks like a nightmare to clean well.

>> No.15816888

I would recommend keeping the steaks in one piece when you sou vide and not adding any extra fat or oil.

>> No.15816904

Tacky looking

>> No.15816960
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Aligot is on the way

>> No.15816984

>water bath steak
fuck this, im out. was looking forward to your menu too

>> No.15817007

All the poorfags lmao

>> No.15817035

>if people don't spend over $100 on some chink made device that just regulates the temp of water they are poor

>> No.15817056

>gas stove
RIP, best enjoy the time you have left OP before your house turns to rubble

>> No.15817076

What exactly is your problem with sous vide, poorfag? We don’t all make minimum wage like you

>> No.15817137
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Rookie mistake, i shredded the cheese so it barely stretched. However, it is unreal good

>> No.15817313
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Carrots done

>> No.15817331

Awwww cute reply from moma, good job OP looking forward to final meal pictures.

>> No.15817389
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Steaks about to go on

>> No.15817409
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Crust is coming along nicely
I'm going to try and get a photo of the flambeau

>> No.15817424

>steak, mash, 2 veggie sides, and a yawn dessert.
Label them whatever you want, but this is a basic bitch meal. Salad is improved by a good variety of veg, not by a bunch of meme bullshit. Good mash doesn't need excessive cheese, the color of your carrots isn't as impressive as a better preparation, and banana's foster is benihana-tier as a dessert.

This is some pretentious, self-sucking bullshit.

>> No.15817484

What sauce did you use on the mushrooms?

>Salad is improved by a good variety of veg
Only veggies is usually pretty bland even if you mix up the variety. Dressing is a must and nuts/crisps/croutons are usually decent for the crunch too.

>> No.15817511
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he said he was making a steak dinner not a 10 course haute cuisine tasting menu you boner.

>> No.15817526

Posts like these make you really wonder why you waste your time on this board full of fuckheads like this.

>> No.15817536

You’re such a cunt, he’s making a nice meal for his boomer mom with recipes/ingredients that will make her birthday feel special and serve a tasty, not-everyday meal without dining out. Pretentious is shitting on someone for coming up with a menu and making everything themselves for a loved one just because it’s “benihana” standard for you

>> No.15817560

>garlic in the sous vide bag
Look forward to your bitter garlic flavored steak

>> No.15817563


Anon shitting on OP's menu, you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.15817578

>White mushrooms
Is that the best you could do with your SNAP benefits?

>> No.15817592
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>> No.15817597

It's the only ones they like

>> No.15817658
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Steak came out okay imo

>> No.15817680
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Everything came out good

>> No.15817690

>White fat
You gotta render that shit nigger.

>> No.15817695

Next time, cut it on the bias to shorten up the meat fibres and make it less chewy

>> No.15817701

5 good boy points for you. 10 more and you can have tendies for dinner

>> No.15817708

Sounds great, hope your mom has a good birthday.

>> No.15817840

So many bullshit comments here about booba and mom's ass and shitting on your food. From what I can see, its top-tier stuff you made, with good effort and presentation and everything came out great. Ignore these seething, resentful peasants. You did fantastic.

>> No.15817852
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>> No.15817889

do people fucking actually do this? what 2 iq retard thought this bullshit up? You're not eating the fucking board are you? In order to season a fucking steak with a seasoned cutting board you would need to fucking ram it against the board and push it around and shit AND it would probably arrange more in the middle than the ends. Why the actual fuck would you season a fucking board? Unless your seasoning is fucking oil and your board is an iron fucking pan, two very fucking unlikely scenarios, what possible fucking benefit could there even be? You have to fuckin clean your boards to some extent on a regular basis anyway because you probably also cook pork and chicken on it too, so it's not like the seasoning gets soaked into the board or some retarded shit like that. There's NO fucking benefit. PLEASE justify this autistic, buzzfeed-tier cooking website for millenials bullshit to me.

>> No.15817899

Not bad, anon. I used to sous-vide steaks as well, but I've come to realize that you get a better sear/flavour/fat render by cooking it old school.

>> No.15817935

good stuff anon. hbd to your mum.

>> No.15817990

Good job anon. Hope you and your mother have a good birthday.

>> No.15818193
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You did good anon