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15813931 No.15813931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is whisky cringe or based? i was thinking of getting a bottle but i cant seem to shake the redditor manchild vibe away from it

>> No.15813936

Whiskey is good. Treating whiskey as a placebo for masculinity is cringe and reddit. It's booze not a personality.

>> No.15813937

You're a little young to be drinking, anyway.

>> No.15813953

so is it a masculine drink? a lot of hollywood cuck movies will have female characters that order whisky to look tough, has that tainted whisky's image?

>> No.15813970
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Yes, by all means, don't drink whiskey because you're an impressionable sheeptard who buckles to peer pressure from people touches never even met. More whiskey for the rest of us.

>> No.15813977

Total cringe. No, drinking whiskey won't make people think you're Don Draper.

>> No.15813978
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>More whiskey for the rest of us

>> No.15813985

who the fuck cares man if you like it drink it. if you're a pussy who likes whiskey it'll be obvious. if you're a baddass who likes cosmos it'll be obvious.drink what you like. I'm a bourbon man myself but in KY that's par for the course

>> No.15813987

Why are you so upset that other people have friends?

>> No.15813989

jesus christ, your generation has made a prison of your social media. Your music sucks too. It's no wonder people are going nuts and gunning down people in public.

>> No.15813993
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Assuming you're not baiting...

Whiskey got memed on along with all the other "masculinity-as-branding" boxed-identity shit like safety razors and lumberjack beards and flannel and sandalwood and strong beer and barbecuing and beef jerky et al.
The part of it that 4chan would despise (and rightfully so) is that neutered, feckless, boyish men are purchasing tokens of consumerized masculinity to cope for being piles of goopy seed-oils and cum.

>> No.15813995

now rephrase that in english you faggot

>> No.15814005

Imagine needing this much reinforcement from anonymous retards

>> No.15814004

>who hurt you sweetie???????
go dilate and eat your government approved soy rations fucking soypozzed numale

>> No.15814013

Being preoccupied with what other people eat or drink is cringe.

>> No.15814015
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>> No.15814030

Basically the kids that used to wear fedoras moved on to alcohol and preserved meats.

>> No.15814032

Whisky is nice but the people sperging out about it are insufferable cunts. Whisky attracts the same type of morons that collect Star Wars figures or Harry Potter merch. The cringiest part is when they go on about "decyphering" whisky and start talking about their tasting notes like it's the most important thing in the world that should matter to EVERYONE.
Needless to say most of the look like literal soyjaks.

>> No.15814039

You've taken a bigger L than any embarrassing interest could ever hand you by allowing the behavior of lesser men to dictate your choices in life.

>> No.15814040

The snobbery and gullible consoomer mentality surrounding spirits is pretty offputting.

>> No.15814056

Nobody cares about your asshurt, bitch. Go watch your favorite youtubefaggot autistically slurp on a dram of signatory vintage glenwhatever.

>> No.15814068

Lmao you have no right to show your ass to anyone after asking the internet for permission to like something you npc faggot

>> No.15814073

Ah, I see, you're a tastelet poorfag, resentful that other people actually like what you only pretend to like to be a manly-man.

>> No.15814074

meds, take 'em

>> No.15814078

shut the fuck up and go back to your taco bell thread you slobbering fatass loser

>> No.15814085
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>massive triggering

>> No.15814093

I agree about the social media but mass shootings have been going on a few decades now.

>> No.15814094

>he farms for hate(You)s online to feel wanted

>> No.15814128

>itt: 4channler loser decides it will be funny to "trigger the libruls" with asinine shitposting that is obviously untrue

>> No.15814172

I was going to try a higher quality of whisky than what i usually get untill i looked up information on google. First page shows a subreddit called /r Scotch, normally i would never click on such faggotry but this time i thought what the heck, if it has the information im after it couldn't be that bad.

First pinned thread called ''BLACK LIVES MATTER'' Immediately close my browser and order my usual blended gasoline.

Why are these faggots like this? Why would you feel the need to virtue signal on a forum discussing a White man's drink. Why do they have to pretend blacks are sampling whisky at home?

>> No.15814205

one person(man, woman, whatever you are/think/etc) drinks a beer, HATES THE TASTE(glass clean/dirty, cold,hot,new beer,skunked regularly by provider,etc)
said one person drinks wine, HATES THE TASTE(don't get started on all the varieties/types/years, fortunes made/lost), drinks whiskey, TASTES GOOD!! Tries more whiskeys, finds ones they like/hate.

TADA you have a taste for whiskey.

I swear, if it was safe to do with the general population, and everything else was taken care of, You'd give someone who turns 21 a basket/bag full of small bottles of every type of liquor, another bag/basket of water/food, and have them slowly drink through the entire mess over 1-6 months. Now they have an inkling of what they like/don't like, and can DEVELOP THEIR OWN TASTES(wake up, tastes equals opinions, but of their taste buds)

It can and has and WILL CHANGE AS YOU AGE. That beer you hated for decades will suddenly taste good, that whiskey you loved MIGHT taste terrible, you might have liver cancer/brain damage, the human tongue is not the only organ/body part with taste buds.

>> No.15814216

my mom and I share a glass of whiskey when I visit. Maybe it more "mature" than manly.

>> No.15814222

Based mom, make sure to tell her you love her

>> No.15814229

visiting her this Sunday, will have a glass and tell her so. Thanks anon
also checked.

>> No.15814239

Safety razors are based though. You save shitloads of money, not a meme at all.

>> No.15814240

the maturity depends on ones culture, local, national, global
Beer(most cultures view it as water/Frat/College Party/sneak it til legal/DRINK IT WHEN WORKS DONE)
Wine(some view it like water,some like its worth more than a car/mansion(sometimes it is))
Hard Liquor(hardest to get into in America, licenses,permits,transport,(AGING), also it's high alcohol content forces most people to take it slow, ENJOY that liquor, and that is the built in maturity you should enjoy yourself.

>> No.15814286

I agree, I also think the maturity is also in how to drink. If you order a martini you usually don't chug the whole thing, it doesn't look good.

>> No.15814346

It's a fucking drink. You drink it if you like the taste (or don't if you don't). Avoiding something because you think a certain group of people uses it in place of a personality is just as cringe as those redditor manchildren of which you speak. Holy shit, stop forming your opinions based on what other people do.

>> No.15814418

If whiskey is 'manchild' then what alcohol could possibly not be?

>> No.15814464

jug wine
high end tequilas
really good vodka, neat
really shitty vodka, neat
home-distilled moonshine (first draught only)

>> No.15814535

Any alcohol can be, it just depends on if the drinker is a manchild or not.

Whiskey just happens to be popular right now and manchildren like to latch onto it.

You can still enjoy whiskey as a normal person, if you are a normal person

>> No.15814553

vodka from a plastic bottle
natty light

>> No.15814554
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Whiskey's nice. I didn't like the flavor when I'd started drinking but I branched out to bourbons and it's been a good experience overall. I used to get super elitist about "Don't mix X with Y", or how other people should have their drinks. I realized that I'm telling my friends how to enjoy things and that they didn't appreciate being told 'the proper way of doing things'. I figured I wouldn't like it if people told me I was enjoying something the wrong way, so I stopped being so nitpicky.

Connotations to what people drink is just associating some stereotype to an otherwise neutral experience. Don't let other people ruin something that you like.

Drink what you like, in whatever way you like it.

>> No.15814703

but how can i be sure??

>> No.15814729

Too much of any alcohol is cringe. Whisky, not lite beer, and wine are not as faggy as anything else.

>> No.15814765

If you choose to do things in your life based on whether you feel like that thing is too "reddit" or not, you're already a gigantic fucking faggot, so you might as well go for it.

Yes, whisky is great, just like any other alcohol

>> No.15814778

>If you choose to do things in your life based on whether you feel like that thing is too "reddit" or not, you're already a gigantic fucking faggot

good lord this ffs you cunts will call anything "reddit"

>> No.15814786

>t. redditor since 7 years

>> No.15814793


>> No.15814835

>being piles of goopy seed-oils and cum.
This is me and I don't really know how to deal with it

>> No.15814905
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>the nose reminds me of band-aids (I feel there is some motor oil in there too) what follows is a very fruity cinnamon aroma with a fair share of roasted brazil nuts, afterwards there is the taste of citrus, dark chocolate and birch bark lingering on the palate.
>other notes: Galvanized steel. Fireworks. Dusty attic.

>> No.15814974

It all tastes like bitter wood shavings
Just dunk it back with your sweet drink of choice
fuck you

>> No.15814975

What the fuck is that question anon?
Asking seriously. Are you drinking something because someone supports/condemns it, or because you like taste of that thing?

>> No.15815005

You are the redditor manchild.

>> No.15815035

Stop letting Reddit or /ck/ live in your head all day and do something for yourself. instead of aggrandizing anonymous strangers on the internet you will never interact with in person lmao

>> No.15815059

I use one too but the point still stands.

>> No.15815137

>i cant seem to shake the redditor manchild vibe away from it
That's because that's precisely what 'whisky culture' is. It's exactly like hot sauce culture, except hot sauce doesn't taste like liquid dogshit.

>> No.15815171

>vodka from a plastic bottle
Sobieski is leagues better than Tito's overpriced pisswater, and it comes from a plastic bottle.

>> No.15815176
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>cringe or based ....redditor manchild vibe

>> No.15815343

deciding what you drink based on a redditor liking it is the most cucked shit

>> No.15815437

Wait, sandalwood? I would think that would be associated with hippies, since its used in lots of incense and east asian religious stuff.

>> No.15815452

probably a zoomer thing.

>> No.15815460

translation of OP's post:
>will people know that I'm a super fucking gay redditor if I drink whisky?

>> No.15815497

Cheap Bourbon
Cheap Lager
Cheap Vodka, straight

>> No.15815544

My mom passed 2 months ago and I regret all the times I took her being alive for granted, treasure every moment together because there will come a day when you don't have them

>> No.15815571

Chad doesn’t care about what people think of him.
If you’re worried liking something isn’t masculine, your masculinity is fake.

>> No.15815575

bourbon is whiskey

>> No.15815586

Made me smile. You earned one dram.

>> No.15815591

Needing to ask if things are "cringe or based" is pretty redditor manchild

>> No.15815626

Whisky is an acquired taste and as such it needs to be developed by drinking a lot of different types. One must apply time, money and a bit of sense to become somewhat of a connoiseur. For some it is the aura of being a connoiseur that appeals them to the world of whisky. I like this form of snobery as long it has a good sense of irony. It becomes annoying when people take it seriously. Whisky is very tasty, it is strong in flavor and alcohol. It is nice getting drunk from whisky. Good scotch and good blow, I really love it!

>> No.15815790
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>pure projectiononium

>> No.15815966

It's whiskey, you either like it or don't. Drink it or don't drink it, what does it matter if some people take it too seriously? The fact that you wouldn't buy it because you think its too "cringey" means that you're a manchild

>> No.15816032
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I drink it with cola at Christmas but otherwise I don't bother with it.
Seeking approval from others isn't masculine. It is in fact peak faggotry. Real men do what they want. If you like it, great. If you don't, oh well.

>> No.15816040

Whisky is for boomers.
Redditors have taken over craft beer

>> No.15816135

I don't drink spirits unless it's to get drunk, and for this purpose whisky is too expensive, too strong tasting and causes worse hangovers, i would even rather drink slivovitz. Vodka and gin and my go-to's.
t. alcoholic

>> No.15816177

Cheap american lagers
Sure fire way to filter out the soys

>> No.15816226

i just drink rum n coke, seems like no one gives a fuk bout rum

>> No.15816252

i've made some pretty cool niche alcohol discoveries this year. but since they're so niche that they don't even have subreddit dedicated to them yet, i can't name them here as to preserve the low profile.

>> No.15816259

just drink rum u dumb fuk

>> No.15816266

everyone in the south know what whiskey is and why its good etc. its an aged item. simple as.
its only yankees and faggots from the east coast who dont get it and think it has some machismo allure.
its just fucking whiskey. drink the one you like.
i fucking hate urbanites.

>> No.15816285
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that's even more reddit than whisky

>> No.15816305

meant to say west coast.

>> No.15816351

u let reddit choose wat u drink? u a idiot or somewthing? just drink ru,m u stupid fuk

>> No.15816366

people who worry about what other people think are fucking losers

i like whiskey so I drink it, who cares if someone on reddit likes the same thing