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15812986 No.15812986 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this make boomers cry and seethe?

>> No.15812994 [DELETED] 

Everyone likes to insult people they don't like in the simplest most petty fashion.
>Millennials just care about their iPhones and avocado toast
>Boomers are selfish
>Democrats are communists
>Republicans and nazis
etc etc. 99% of the people on this planet are retards who can't accept their low IQ

>> No.15813000

I'll add to that; millenials think that just because someone disagrees with them it means they are "crying" and "seething".

Nobody gives a shit about your toast, faggot. It is entirely uninteresting in every way.

>> No.15813017


>> No.15813097

Avocado toast is fine but it's not actually that incredible, so I think it's just strange that it became such a fad.
Just about everyone on the internet thinks this, it isn't just millennials.

>> No.15813134

Because of the orangutans

>> No.15813147
File: 251 KB, 1600x1200, WIN_20210323_10_18_51_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i likes it. millennials get some things right ig

>> No.15813186

It's good- not worth it if it's over 5$ assembled in a restaurant.
I have a kid in a midwestern college town, they have a cafe with a 3$ avocado toast- comes with an egg too.
Always do breakfast there before packing up or unloading dorm crap.

>> No.15813190

beautiful photo, keep it up

>> No.15813200

it's only loved because it makes people seethe

>> No.15813226

There’s nothing inherently wrong with avocado toast, but west coast homos think it’s conception brought about some cultural revolution. It’s like Britshits who think jellied eels and beans are the epitome of food culture.

>> No.15813622

Because it's considered fancy or luxurious. I'm sure they were saying similar things when oranges were new. I'm sure i read somewhere that ice cream was considered the same when first sold as street food here in the UK way back.

>> No.15813634

Stop LARPing as a boomer, you’re obviously a millennial who thinks he’s “not like the other millennials”.

>> No.15813650

Oranges used to be a popular Christmas gift in the northern states, you had to be wealthy to get them

>> No.15813757
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It's not supposed to be incredible, just an easy, tasty and nutritious breakfast
Based, pic related is mine from this morning
I buy two avocados for £1.60, a loaf of bread for 80p and six eggs for £1.20. In total it must be around 60-70p per breakfast which is about a dollar I think. I don't get the "expensive" meme because everything is expensive if you're eating out all the time and not making food at home

>> No.15813766

I just tried this for breakfast and it made me gag. Why are avocados so disgusting

>> No.15813798
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>I don't get the "expensive" meme because everything is expensive if you're eating out all the time and not making food at home
That was the meme. Avocado toast was trendy at hipster joints.

>> No.15813816

>millennial who thinks he’s “not like the other millennials”.
it's always faggots like this crying about muh miluniuls

>> No.15814537

half an avocado, slice of toast, dump on the black pepper and tajin. It's a delicious little snack. Don't let meme keep you from enjoying things. Besides all the polfags should love it, the cartels control the avocado trade and you're buying blood produce.

>> No.15814582

Its not about the toast anons. Its about the fact that millennials live beyond their means and try to live the lifestyle they did when they were teenagers living in their suburban wealthy white parents homes. You can't do that when you're out on your own. Part of it isn't their fault. You can't live in a lower income all white area these days that isn't a shithole. Too many minorities have invaded so they are left with renting and/or condos or some shit and generally have a harder barrier to entry. Not trying to get too political but just saying the long and short of it is when boomers see these kids paying 6$ for a avocado toast and a starbucks coffee they're going you dumb glamourous fuck drink maxwell house grab a piece of toast with butter at home before you leave for work and stop posting your retarded consumerism on instagram.

Now, getting on to the actual food--its okay. I think avocados are an underrated food and I'm glad they're getting more popular. I wish squash would become more popular as well it is delicious.

>> No.15814640

>$6 Avocado toast and Starbucks is your example of decadence. Too many minorities being the reason millennials rent. Boomers seeing behavior as "consumerist."

This is not a reflection of the real world, you're living in a construct of internet memes.

>> No.15814856

$6 toast and equally overpriced coffee is absolutely a decadence retard.

>> No.15814902

But plenty of people have always been terribly stupid with money. I don't see why this is any more of an issue than it was for prior generations.
If they're doing fine in their living spaces and are making money in their jobs, can't they choose what to spend their disposable income on? I really enjoy saving money personally but not everyone is smart with their money.

>> No.15814907

6 dollars makes a cheap breakfast in a restaurant in any developed area, you're gonna need to bump that up to 12 dollars if you want it to sound exciting. You're clearly quite out of touch with reality.

>> No.15814912
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These next 9 years are going to be tough on generation Z

>> No.15814917

$6 steak and eggs with all the fixings is cheap.
$6 for half an avocado is debauchery.

>> No.15814929

> something I don't like is happening
> it's the fall of rome all over again
get over yourself

Now, getting on to the actual food-- they're overrated but not bad

>> No.15814947

These prices reveal that your mom buys your groceries and pays the bill everytime you go out to eat

>> No.15814951

>Its about the fact that millennials live beyond their means

No they don't. The majority of the consumer market is the tail end boomers and gen Xers.
Clothes and fashion are now zoomers.

Millenials also work more hours and more jobs compared to other generations. Ignoring the timeline that millennials grew up is important. most got into the workforce around 2008, and most are now able to afford a house, which they can't. They don't live above their means, they are just continuously fucked over so they say fuck it and spend a little more on something like food.

>> No.15814957

Do you live in fucking Iowa? 6 dollars for steak and eggs would make me worried I'm eating a rodent steak. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not defending the prices, but my point is that all restaurant food is woefully overpriced and has inflated tremendously in populous areas over the last 2 decades. Not just avocado toast.

>> No.15814958

Avocado is just bland cream cheese.

>> No.15814960

If you did your own groceries you would understand value for dollar and not just total dollar ammount.

>> No.15814965
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>tfw you spend 6 dollars per lb on beef because you buy wholesale meat

>> No.15814967

Your point is missing the point entirely. Avocado toast is vastly overpriced even for restaurant food. It's a matter of degree you abject retard.

>> No.15814968

This, do these morons think millennials can afford million dollar homes in the vicinity of where their work often is (large cities)? Flyoverism is a mental illness.

>> No.15814984

No, I completely understand that this is your point and I completely disagree with it. If you want to get a fucking muffin or a croissant or something that could set you back 4 bucks at a nice breakfast place. Is a nice avocado toast not worth a little more than a muffin? And how about an eggs, toast, and potatos plate. At my local haunt in uni I could get such a plate for 4 bucks but if you went to the trendy cafe with the avocado toast where the sorority girls click clacked on her macbooks, such a breakfast plate is 8 bucks. It's stupid but it's not just avocados.

>> No.15814994

Nope. Avocado toast is totally a mark up and I would never order it out but you have no idea how food service works if you think it's an egregious price gouge. It's not even close to the mark up fresh salads, beverages or most egg/potato dishes get.

>> No.15814998

>Is a nice avocado toast not worth a little more than a muffin?
Absolutely not.

>> No.15815006

Holy shit the fucking salad prices in cities are so awful. Oh my god. There's plenty of cheap great food but for the love of Christ make your own salad.

>> No.15815011

Yeah the woman next to me at work would get a half cow or beef and would just give me extra steaks she had so much for so cheap
If I ever get a lot of freezer space or whatever I’ll do this

>> No.15815013

Well that's where you and I disagree fundamentally. I love muffins and dislike avocado toast but the wholesale cost of a muffin is much lower.

>> No.15815016

the whole point is, this can be said about literally every restaurant dish. It just depends on where your personal balance is between convenience and thrift.

>> No.15815017

Avocado is becoming more expensive because of it's demand. The industry that farms it can't keep up. It's going to go the way of chicken wings and oxtail.

>> No.15815032

Demand is definitely a big factor but cartels have been taking over avocado fields and the instability (real and also manufactured to drive prices up) of supply chains is a huge factor also.

>> No.15815117

Definitely not EVERY restaurant dish, but maybe the majority of them. There are plenty of dishes which are far too obnoxious to make on their own but when made in bulk can be sold for quite cheap (many baked goods, especially bread, and many slow cooked / smoked items. though household appliances have made these things easier).

>> No.15815183

For me personally, I agree but broadly, yes every dish. Because it comes down to the personal line between convenience and thrift. There will ALWAYS be someone for who the dish, in their minds, is on the other side of that line. They might be retarded and not understand long scale, wholesale bulk purchasing or value their time at all but they're technically correct because a restaurant needs to turn a profit. The one exception would be loss leader items but nobody besides shitholes like Red Robin does a true loss leader, they're usually basically breaking even.

>> No.15815193

cali fag here. It's the price people pay for this, that's the issue. I used to work in San Francisco and coffee shop would have 1 piece for $7. Making them at home for super cheap is the way to go.

>> No.15815220
File: 587 KB, 640x360, SHEEK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL that boomers pleading with millennials, with tears in their eyes, to stop spending $15.00 for

>$0.99 avocado
>$1.00 for two poached eggs
>$0.50 for two slices of bread

so that they can save money for their future is "crying and seething".

>> No.15815257

most boomers spend hundreds of dollars on food a week. My in laws before the pandemic hit were going out for dinner like 3 -4 times a week, and everything in the house was expensive food.
And they lost their shit when we bought a new car, or told us we would never be able to afford a home all the while going off on lavish vacations, and eating like kings.

>> No.15815260

>muh miluniuls
The straw that broke (America) the camel's back

>> No.15815261
File: 37 KB, 484x350, 20100112-altonbrown4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton Brown was way ahead of the curve on avocado toast and he made his with deenz.

>> No.15815282

>Millenials also work more hours and more jobs
>most are now able to afford a house
>which they can't


>> No.15815302

What is it? avocado on toast with parsley on the side?

>> No.15815310

how did you write this post with zero self awareness? kind of impressive

>> No.15815311

That's the key. It's confusion for the most part.
They work unrealistic hours, and don't get ahead from hard work, so they take on a second job, and still can't get ahead.
They budget, save for a house, 15 - 20%, whoops every house is now an auction, and listed price is meaningless.

It's a lost generation, they were told to follow some sort of guideline to success, and it just flopped right on it's face. So yes, millennials are confused.

>> No.15815313

>happy wojak: people with no money are frivolous with money
>angry wojak: people with money are frivolous with money

>> No.15815355

based AB strikes again

>> No.15815362

You can get a chest freezer that will comfortably fit 1/4 cow for 200-300 bucks

>> No.15815432

What a waste of trips

>> No.15815448

and yet here we have this thread with so many examples of what you're claiming doesn't exist. It's a meme for a reason and not just an internet one. I have had literal conversations with boomers about 'cado toast (their bringing it up not mine) and they play the role to a tee

>> No.15815485

Toast is something you get for free on the side of a real meal. It is not worth paying money for under any circumstances.

>> No.15815576

to be honest, eggs are one of the few things I spend way too much money on.
I buy the 7$/dozen eggs from some local hippies.
Deep orange yolks, rich rich fuckers.

>> No.15815812

a true eggboy knows that's not a waste and worth every penny

>> No.15816030

Maxwell house sucks. I would rather budget in amenities and not go on frivolous boomer style "vacations" like on a cruise boat than work any longer than currently do in a week. Americans are already overworked. In part because of boomers spitting on the new deal. You put the new deal back and maybe I'll offer you some avocado toast too dude