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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15807147 No.15807147 [Reply] [Original]

Starting off with the most important ingredients: 2 large onions (diced), 2 packages of 85/15 ground beef, 4 cloves of garlic (diced), and chili peppers.
The chilis are chipotles, anchos, chiles de arbol, and guajillos. Cutting up and grinding these peppers is a pain, but it's worth the effort.

>> No.15807157

post pic of knife

>> No.15807162

Looking good

>> No.15807165

What type of beans will you use?

>> No.15807167

Your spicy peppers are rotten dude

>> No.15807170
File: 3.04 MB, 4032x3024, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My knife. It's not the best knife, but it gets the job done.
I have already shown you all the beans I will put inside this chili.

>> No.15807172

monitoring good thread

>> No.15807174

I think your camera was unable to capture them, though.

>> No.15807175

thank you op. you mentioned grinding the peppers. How will you do that?

>> No.15807187

no celery or bell pepper?

>> No.15807188

So you're making a spicy sloppy joe?

>> No.15807199
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My peppers are ground, and now it's time to make the spice blend. The usual suspects are cumin, black pepper, and cacao powder. No, there is nothing wrong with cacao powder in chili.
I have a grinder

>> No.15807206
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>tfw can't even buy these peppers in my country
Life is suffering.

>> No.15807217
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This is what I'm starting off with. I don't normally measure amounts when doing this. I add in the spices bit by bit, checking to see if it smells right. I know roughly what the final product should be like, so I play it basically by ear (or nose, in this case). So I'll keep checking to see if I need more, but this should be close.
Not this time
You could always just have it ordered to your house online

>> No.15807218

bro, this is the closest to actual chili I have seen here. I would recommend dropping the pre-ground beef though for chuck, shortrib, or both. Also get rid of the tomato.

>> No.15807223

Looks like vomit, get the fuck out

>> No.15807226

>dry ground chili powder
> hersey coca powder

nononononononono! You were so close! Why did you fuck this up? Learn how to hydrate chilies and make a paste for your base.

>> No.15807236
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I've gotten the savory spice blend to the point where I'm comfortable with it. So now it's time to add in the less-than-usual suspects: cinnamon, allspice, and cloves.
What I mentioned earlier about playing the spice amounts by feel goes doubly so here. I want there to be enough of these spices to where they're part of the aroma, but not really an overpowering part of the flavor. It's VERY easy to accidentally add too much, so don't! It's why I'm not providing amounts, here, it's going to be different for everybody. Keep adding these sweeter spices in until you can just start to distinctly smell them, and then stop.
You are probably going to be disappointed for the rest of this thread, not going to lie.
Yeah, the hershey's powder isn't the best, but it's what I had on hand. And I've found that it doesn't make that big of a difference whether you add in the dried chilis as a powder vs as a paste. The paste comes out tasting slightly fresher, but sometimes that's not what you want.

>> No.15807277
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My spice blend is smelling exactly how I want it, meaning that ingredient prep for this chili is done. All that's left is to start applying the heat.

>> No.15807281
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To begin the cooking, simply put everything into the pot with some salt. Simplicity itself.

>> No.15807283

how can you ruin chili so badly

>> No.15807286

Is there a reason you didn't brown the beef first other than laziness?

>> No.15807287

you seem to have forgotten about thos beans

>> No.15807289
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Next, fill with water and mix. I use a masher to do this, but a spoon would work as well, I guess. You could use beef stock instead of water, but in the most traditional recipes, water suffices. Additionally, I find that store-bought beef stock tends to have an unpleasant metallic flavor, and between it and the water, I prefer the water.
By not browning the beef, we attain an extremely smooth texture that you otherwise would not be able to achieve. This texture is important.

>> No.15807291
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>> No.15807296

>extremely smooth texture
lolwat are you going to put it in a blender?

>> No.15807302
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And don't fucking forget the last two ingredients: a few dashes of worchestershire sauce, and a splash or two of apple vinegar. I forgot these once, and the chili came out tasting bland and unbalanced.
I am not going to put it into a blender. I am telling you that I won't have to. That's the point.

>> No.15807309
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And that's it! Now we wait for it to come up to a simmer.

>> No.15807313

that's neat that two ingredients can have such an powerful affect on a dish.

how many meals does this chili make?

>> No.15807314

So is this like hot dog chili or something?

>> No.15807323

based beanfag killer

>> No.15807351
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We have reached a simmer, and so now it is time to put on the lid
I am portioning this out into 10 portions
This is cincinnati-style chili. Similar texture to hot dog chili, but a different flavor

>> No.15807357

There's still time to add beans.

>> No.15807370
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The lid is on, but the pot is not fully covered. I'm cracking the lid and keeping it at a fairly vigorous simmer, because I actually want almost all of this liquid to boil off. I'll keep stirring it frequently so that the bottom doesn't scorch, but otherwise, I'll see everybody in around 2-3 hours.
All of the beans that are to go inside of this chili have already been added.

>> No.15807372

beans dont go in a real chili

>> No.15807374

They are right about no beans but if you're a true poorfag and need to stretch a meal then feel free to add them.

>> No.15807384

by definition if it doesn't have beans its just sauce with meat.

>> No.15807389

I follow some meme texas chili championship steps with my chili, but the results are probably essentially the same. Looks tasty anon, nice that you have freshly ground chilis. I'd leave the onions out of the mix though. Nothing better than topping your bowl of chili with a little sprinkle of raw white onion and cheddar.

>> No.15807391
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OP you gonna put this shit on pasta, aren't you?

>> No.15807397

Cooked onion != raw onion
Completely different taste to it's fine to have both.

>> No.15807403

I wasn't saying it's not okay to add them, just that I like the raw onions in the bite and the bit of texture they add. Having done it a bunch both ways I leave the onions out now for that reason.

>> No.15807412

you know how cincinnati-style chili is traditionally prepared, yes?

>> No.15807420

hes using chili ingredients

>> No.15807424

Brother, cooked onion and beef go together like my hand and cock. Can have creamy goodness without both.

>> No.15807434

>because I actually want almost all of this liquid to boil off
if one were to hold breath in the vapor that's boiled off. . . would they get nutrients from the stuff inside?

>> No.15807436

>Can have creamy goodness without both.
So you're saying it's possible

>> No.15807445
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Dammit you started so promising. I had that when I was there for work, pretty good but not my gig. Big butter Jesus was cool though

>> No.15807449

oh you cheeky cunt. You know good and well I made a typo.

>> No.15807458
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got eem

>> No.15807486

That's just spiced meat

>> No.15807492

Maybe I will make a thread about more traditionally-prepared chili later. I do think both styles are good, but you'd probably freak out anyway because I like thickening texas-style chili with corn masa, and then serving it with tortillas. After all, I've got an entire bag of masa to get rid of, and serving chili with it works out whenever I do it.

>> No.15807509
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Good on you bro, it's nice to see someone using fucking chilies at least.

>> No.15807510

gratz, thats what chili is

>> No.15807523

Nobeanz detected

>> No.15807531


>> No.15807552

if you dont like chili why you here

>> No.15807560

Probably not

>> No.15807561

I think chili should be a fuller meal, not just spicy meat

>> No.15807582
File: 129 KB, 1500x1500, Organic-Red-Kidney-Beans-1500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it doesn't have beans then it's not a chilli


>> No.15807585

You're not supposed to eat a bowl of chili on it's own, stupid. You're supposed to have cornbread or some other grain on the side. It's a bowl of spiced meat in broth. It's like getting served a steak on a platter, with absolutely nothing else, and complaining about how a slab of meat on it's own it's a really filling meal. Of course it's not you retard because you're supposed to put mashed potatoes and other shit on the side.

>> No.15807593

Just put the motherfucking beans in.

>> No.15807594 [DELETED] 

beans are for angl*s and mexicans

>> No.15807622
File: 119 KB, 888x888, puffledmyjigglies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chili: a soup like dish containing meat, beans, and spices. often chili peppers.

its like calling a fake meat burger a hamburger. its not, by definition a hamburger has meat in it.

>> No.15807628 [DELETED] 

A slab of meat is a filling meal if you're not a diabetic consooming carbs all day

>> No.15807632


>> No.15807639

Instead of grinding them, next time rehydrate them by boiling and then put them in a blender

>> No.15807640

>ground beef


>> No.15807643

meat and spice makes the chili, not beans. and its like what they say: if you know beans about chili, you'll know chili, don't have no beans

>> No.15807644 [DELETED] 


>> No.15807712

>Cincinnati style chili
So basically you're making some rustbelt take on spaghetti sauce

>> No.15807765

The same faggots that say "you can't put beans in chili" also say you're not allowed to marinate any meat you use in the chili. This meme is arbitrary due to some random chili competition rulebook.

Chili has been made with and without beans for over a hundred years.

Also it's a traditionally Mexican dish. You're saying the equivalent of "How the Italians do pasta makes it not pasta".
>inb4 I was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.15807769 [DELETED] 

ok beaner

>> No.15807776

Who? Who says this? I want name(s). I'm intending to cross-reference the National Retard Registry.

>> No.15807784

>adding up all these hominems
>not even correct
There's no Mexicans in Canada.

Nonetheless I accept your defeat.

>> No.15807786 [DELETED] 

ok beaner

>> No.15807791

chili means chili pepper
chili con carne is this dish, which means chili with meat

>> No.15807801
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Trump lost.

>> No.15807811

Pretty universal to drop the con carne when discussing chili (the stew) and know when you're talking about chillies (the peppers) anyways. I don't understand how this is relevant; if you read the post chain I don't think you will either.

>> No.15807851


If it doesn't have beans it isn't a chilli

>> No.15807907

You have twice the garlic you need. Though I like the pepper and spice selection. good job.

>> No.15807908

sorry, friends, but 85/15 is quite literally the worst choice for preground beef as it is round steak trimmings, and thus both too lean and flavorless to be used as your base; 80/20 (ground chuck for way better flavor and fat) or even 90/10 (ground sirloin, which is lean, but very “steak-y”) would be far better; obv grinding your own from brisket/chuck/short rib is best, but ain’t nobody got time for that; otherwise I’m very proud of you for making your own chile powder

>> No.15807919

80/20 has a bit too much fat, you end up with massive oil slicks on the top of the chili.

>> No.15807933

not at all: either drain off the grease after the browning step OR use it to cook down the onions, peppers...if you have an oil slick with 80/20, you’re doing it wrong

>> No.15808089
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And I'm back. It's been about 2.5 hours, and the chili is looking about as thick as I want. The pic probably doesn't do it justice, but you can feel just by stirring it how incredibly smooth the texture is. This smoothness is why I didn't brown the meat. It's hard to explain unless you make this yourself, but it definitely makes a big difference. If you brown it beforehand, the texture is much more irregular, as the caramelized bits of meat stick out amidst the rest.

>> No.15808090

>Also it's a traditionally Mexican dish.
we wuz beans n shit

>> No.15808100 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15808109
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I added in a bit of cayenne pepper, because the heat from the chiles de arbol was blunted by the long cooking process. It's something I've noticed whenever I make chili: the longer you cook it, the more the heat cooks out. Capsaicin must be denatured by prolonged heat.
Anyway, I'm taking it off the heat now. I would STRONGLY recommend not actually eating it at this point. I'm actually going to let this batch of chili cool, then portion it out, and let it sit in the fridge overnight before eating any of it. I'll see you all tomorrow!

>> No.15808121
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Is what I would say, if I hadn't taken every picture until now in advance.

Have you ever had a shitposter on /ck/ tell you that chili without beans is just meat sauce? I know I have. They're here itt, right now.
Well, here in Ohio, we respect this attitude. In fact, we embrace it. And accordingly, we serve our chili on top of pasta. Which I'm cooking now, along with a reheating portion of the chili I made yesterday.

>> No.15808129

Dios mio, la caca agua de la creatura

>> No.15808161
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>serving chili on top of pasta

>> No.15808165

mmm, can't wait for the bean that will be added in before it's done!

>> No.15808170

>makes fresh chili
>reheats old chili and eats that instead
Do americans really?

>> No.15808175
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For some dumbass reason, boards.4channel.org/ck/ displays my images sideways, even though I'm taking them in portrait mode, and photoshop correctly identifies them as such.
But, the cooking process is done, and I present two-way Cincinnati chili. Two-way means pasta + chili. One-way would be a bowl of the chili by itself, but we're not settling for that. It wouldn't even be that great, since this chili really is more of a sauce than a stew or soup, and needs something to be spread on. In fact, two-way chili isn't very popular either.

>> No.15808178

Good job, OP. Someone finally made actual chili.

>> No.15808181

Have you tried adding beans to it?

>> No.15808183
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We improve the product with cheese. Chili+pasta+cheese is three-way Cincinnati chili. A lot of people like more cheese than this, but I like to stop here.
>he doesn't know that the vast majority of soups and sauces taste better the day after
Educate yourself. It's not a meme.

>> No.15808182

phone google and tell them all their search results are wrong.

protip: they're not. you're just stupid.

>> No.15808187

Good job OP you made spaghetti!

>> No.15808190
File: 3.67 MB, 4032x3024, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cheese I used. Skyline chili vehemently insists that they grate their cheese fresh every day, so I shall do the same. It actually took me a few tries to find a cheddar that was this brilliant shade of neon yellow.

>> No.15808198


retard americans cook a green pepper and try and pass it off as a steak.

but it IDENTIFIES as a steak guiiiis. definitions are wwwwaaaacist.

>> No.15808217
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Three-way chili is what is usually considered the "standard" Cincinnati chili. Now we move onto the optional toppings.
I present five-way Cincinnati chili. Five-way chili is topped with diced onions, and beans! You can leave the beans off, but I personally consider the chopped onions to be non-negotiable. You really do need the bite of the fresh onion for the textural contrast.

>> No.15808222

now add beans

>> No.15808223

If it doesn't have beans it isn't a chilli

Beans should be mixed into the chilli, and also they should be red kidney beans

>> No.15808225
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And with that, we're done! Sit down with the beverage of your choice, and enjoy! I hope you all decide to try this recipe out soon. I can assure you, it tastes delicious.
I dunno what to tell you, anon. We do things a bit differently here in Ohio.

>> No.15808233

it's the McChili. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChili sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChili sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 87 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 8-22 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChili sauce. When i want chili, I head over to Wendy's since they know how to make it with beans. It's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.15808256
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>> No.15808274

I'd eat a plate but sub the pasta for nachos

>> No.15808333

>all the complaints about nobeanz
>nobody mentions that there's hardly any tomato

>> No.15808347

>two entire cans of tomato paste
>hardly any tomato

>> No.15808354

We can argue about whether chili with beans is real chili or not, but if you want to falsely claim that chili without beans isn't chili, you're objectively wrong. It even states in the wikipedia article that shows up in google results that the main ingredients of chili are chili peppers and meat, and sometimes beans and tomatoes. It also rightfully notes that beans were not added into chili until late in the 20th century. This clearly indicates that chili without beans is definitely chili.

If there is a point of contention, it is whether or not chili with beans is actual chili. Chili without beans is unarguably objectively chili.

>> No.15808370

yes. i would much rather use 1 can of paste and add a few diced fresh tomatoes as well.

>> No.15808373

>southeastern ohio

>> No.15808380

My chilidogs have no beans on them, and I'm pretty sure that it's still chili.

>> No.15808419
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Your instructions should have more spice, just like your chili.

>> No.15808428

So your entire argument is that beans don't belong in chili because the name is "chili con carne" and not "chili con carne y frijoles"? Does that mean that onions, tomato, and literally every other ingredient in chili except for chili power and meat isn't authentic because it's "chili con carne" and not "chili con aceite y cebolla y carne y ají, comino y azúcar y tomate y ajo y sal"?

>> No.15808485

Looks good anon, will try the non-browning method next time as well as grinding up those dehydrated peppers as well. Thanks for the thread.

>> No.15808496

Actually the wiki page for Chili con carne (there is no chili page for the stew, only for the peppers) it says main ingredients are chillies, meat, beans, and tomato, THEN goes on to mention there's contention over the beans and tomato.

>> No.15808524

thinking about those beans

>> No.15808667

this nigga not eating beans

>> No.15808703

So it's a spicy bolognese.

>> No.15808740

I use the quick determination.
Chilli con carne goes for maximum fullness per portion, made with beans and usually goes on rice.
"Chilli" is the tryhard version with diced meat and no beans.

>> No.15808824

so you spicy pasta sauce? apparently 4chan really is retarded.

>> No.15809019

If it doesn't have beans, it isn't chilli. Seethe.

>> No.15809072

op didnt make his chili with beans. ya'll in the process of shitting your diapers in anger right now?

>> No.15809085

>no beans
Its not chili

>> No.15809109

its a chili

>> No.15809123
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>> No.15809136

you forgot the corn anon

>> No.15809148

they're dried you moron.

>> No.15809149

The only person seething here is you.

>> No.15809163

I honestly had no idea people ate Chili on pasta. What the fuck.

>> No.15809167

So it’s just tex-mex ragu.

>> No.15809175


>> No.15809186

He's seething.

>> No.15809190

> Texas

>> No.15809208

the most basedest state

>> No.15809807

weird ass peppers dog

>> No.15809892

where's the beans?

>> No.15809954

I put heinz baked beans in my chilli and that's better than your no-bean shit. Grow up and eat the beans, retard.

>> No.15809979

Thats pretty based OP> I like that style of chili. I hate beans...well in my chili i mean.
I really like adding fresh sage and some dark beer if possible

>> No.15810011

i thought this image was a bunch of lobsters bowing down to and worshipping meat

>> No.15810220

>tomato sauce
Not chili

>> No.15810474

>I have already shown you all the beans I will put inside this chili.
Phenomenally based

>> No.15810621

>proceeds to put beans on top of the chili after cooking

OP is retarded and this entire recipe is a train wreck

>> No.15810645
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>> No.15810800

Chili couldn't taste less like spagbol even if you tried.

>> No.15810878
File: 8 KB, 400x343, 4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck have you done??

>> No.15810932


>> No.15810949

This is severely disturbing

>> No.15811955

intead of all chicken or beef stock, i use a mixture of half stock and half guinness :)

>> No.15812021

If it doesn't have red kidney beans in the chilli, it's not a chilli.

>> No.15812198

In 1975, a Republican president fell down the stairs one time. In 2021, a Democrat president fell up the stairs three times. 2021-1975=46. 3-1=2. Down and up cancel each other out. In 46 years, a third-party president will board an airplane without falling. Thank you

>> No.15812203

thankyou for your time regarding the president post

>> No.15812295

So based they become a shitty third world country over a little snow

>> No.15813452

Browning minced beef with make it dry for something like chili.

>> No.15813465

Chili gets hotter with cooking mate.

>> No.15813479

Looks truly disgusting.

>> No.15813741

after all that you went ahead and added beans anyway

>> No.15814018

Can't have chili without beans

>> No.15814060

Not op, but sloppy joes are made with Worcestershire. I take your point though.

>> No.15814066

I was with you up until this point.
You made it so far and then you ruin the whole thing by putting those gross looking beans on top of it. Might as well just put them in the chili at that point so at least they have some of the flavor of the chili.

>> No.15814067


>> No.15814071

And here I was, having respect for you and your chili, just for you to fuck it all up with your stupid fucking spaghetti bullshit. Go fuck yourself, and the state of Ohio can go fuck itself, too.

>> No.15814077

an animal died for this plate of shit

>> No.15814080

Stop making it worse.

>> No.15814096

lmao then he just poured beans ontop. What a fucking thread

>> No.15814100

Hell yeah, retard* style!


>> No.15814227 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 720x960, BASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a disaster, the chili looks and probably tastes like literal shit and I am happy to say this is what I expected from this underwater dolphin fucking basketweaving board.

Bravo /ck/.
