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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15804484 No.15804484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the little free food library.

Please take or leave food as you please. (post a pic of what you deposit).

>> No.15804504

We've got on in our community garden up the street. I leave beans, rice, lentils, but they never get taken.

>> No.15804508

Awful. I have a binge eating disorder and I would fucking annihilate this shit.

>> No.15804522

Take: mac n cheese
Leave: 2+ year old can of northern beans with fossilized corn starch on top

>> No.15804528

I take everything a leave nothing.

Take that, community!

>> No.15804537

fuck netflix and twitter mobs THIS is what communism looks like. Get out of my country.

>> No.15804538

Fat people like you should be put down.

>> No.15804539
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take cinnamon toast crunch
leave two of these

>> No.15804543
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Better grab this fast, it's a hot one out. I'm taking all the cookies.

>> No.15804548


>> No.15804551

>eating macaroni that you found on the street

>> No.15804556

we had one of these in our neighborhood for a little while until 2 men came and destroyed it for no apparent reason, and then stole all of the food out of it

>> No.15804561

yuppies btfo

>> No.15804563

couple of heroes if you ask me.

>> No.15804565

Taken, I fucking love cottage cheese

>> No.15804570

lets be real, these are just a way to show off that you live in a nice neighborhood and nobody that lives in that neighborhood would ever need them

>> No.15804571


>> No.15804573

there is a bus stop that is close to my house and I guess that is where they came from, one of them had a Ray Lewis jersey on and the other one was wearing camo pants and timberlands

>> No.15804575

Birdfeeder for negroes

>> No.15804576

The church down the street from my folks house has one. It is just a nice thing to do for your local community. Why are you so negative?

>> No.15804584

I didn't ask.

>> No.15804589

I'm just saying I don't see these downtown, it is nice but it's a waste in the suburbs

>> No.15804593

>I don't see these downtown
Of course you don't, all the hobos would take everything without giving back

>> No.15804597

I’m going to find one and take a dump in it just to spite you.

>> No.15804599

lmao this faggot cuck got btfo by a pack of niggers

never relax

>> No.15804601

In America, this only works in places that the types of people who created this don't care about. Small, homogenous towns across America operate like this every day and have for decades, or even centuries. Take a few tomatoes and a pepper, leave a dollar in the jar. Country people already live this way because thievery isn't something they worry about too often.

>> No.15804617

I did.

>> No.15804623

I have a bmi of 22.

>> No.15804641

They were probably homeless, the homeless excel at destruction

>> No.15804660

Get in the oven

>> No.15804663

gee I wonder why

>> No.15804665

*cums on everything inside*

>> No.15804669
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>> No.15804742


>> No.15804870
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>this is the power of true communism
It’s.. beautiful.
I would leave a partially-thawed ‘ring’ of cocktail shrimp.
And I would kindly leave a note that says “contains shrimp” to my food-sensitive comrades.

>> No.15804898

take macaroni, cookies, peanut butter and pasta sauce
leave tortillas, cayenne, and cheap wine

>> No.15804913

Must be nice living in a 100% white neighborhood.

>> No.15804921

>and cheap wine

the broke alcos will forever be in your debt

>> No.15804924

I don't ever take food out in the open after I learned about a serial poisoner who killed seven people and injured over two dozen, some permanently. He injected toxins from ocean critters of some sort to hurt people who took the food he left out he was so good he was never officially caught and there is just surveillance of him leaving food out. Figuring out a way to seal a can after injecting the poison was his specialty.

>> No.15804942

>Figuring out a way to seal a can after injecting the poison was his specialty
How would he even do this? Unless he had access to some commercial can-sealing equipment or something

Don't make me paranoid of canned food too

>> No.15804957

the japanese guy who would leave poisoned cans in the bottom of vending machines?

>> No.15804979

holy kek

>> No.15804991

there was one near were I live but got taken over by drug addicts like in two days and no one ever gave a fuck after it.

>> No.15805003
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>> No.15805005

How did it get taken over by drug addicts? Like "hey here's some free heroin just leave some meth if you take it"?

>> No.15805024

like in vandalized, broken shit/piss all over it, full of trash from drugies and drunktards, you know, the usual things.

>> No.15805033

Maybe the residents in your area should have taken some inspiration from >>15804924

>> No.15805040

I live in a white person neighborhood so I've never seen one of these. Cool idea though.
I'd probably leave the Campbell's chunky beef stew that has sat in my pantry for a year and a half.
Had some friends stay and that was more or less the only thing his kid would eat.

>> No.15805045

that sounds like they did nothing

>> No.15805060

The thing I miss most about living in a small town is everyone is pretty nice to each other.
I still wave out of habit when I make eye contact with people on the sidewalk and it weirds people out.
Thank god I graduate in a few months.

>> No.15805066

There's a ton of these in my neighborhood. There's no reason because it's a very wealthy area so like other anons have said this is just a birdfeeder for the homeless. Any ways I've been taking shit from them just to save on money.

>> No.15805068

this sounds like an urban legend unless you are talking about the chicago cyanide in tylenol murders instead.
Whoever that was killed 12 people not 7 and they used paraquat a weedkiller not animal toxins, and they poisoned drinks not food.

>> No.15805096
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>> No.15805115

>Gourmet seasoning
So that's how you get that gourmet taste!

>> No.15805121

Just stupid Chuds doing stupid Chud shit. The only group of sub humans that wouldn't appreciate this.

>> No.15805126

I tried this once and had 3 strokes

>> No.15805132

Nah, they're right. Community food pantries are a great idea but I only ever see them in near luxury apartments in Silicon Valley. Its more perfomative than anything else

>> No.15805143

I don't think you understand the point of these type if donations if that's what you're worried about

>> No.15805157

They put one of these in my rich ass area during covid and got rid of it in a month. Dumb fucks.

>> No.15805164

>I'm a hobo let me whup up some of this hamburger helper and betty crocker cake for dinner. we's eating fine today, yessah

>> No.15805222

Right, if you put it in a nice neighborhood it doesn't get used because no one needs it; in a poor neighborhood people abuse it.
I doubt the actual efficacy of these.

>> No.15805279
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This made me laugh obscenely loud

>> No.15805296

same, ours is on church grounds in a nice neighborhood. someone takes them and donates them to a food kitchen.

>> No.15805335

>it’s more important that things make me feel good than actually provide a positive benefit to the world

This mindset is why the world is so shitty right now

>> No.15805349

*opens all the food and throws it on the ground right in front of it*
nothin personnel suburban housewives with too much free time

>> No.15805350

How does giving schizophrenic drug addicts canned goods improve the world?

>> No.15805361


>> No.15805366

It just does, okay?!?!?

>> No.15805370

Alright I was just asking

>> No.15805388

The fact that making someone feel good doesn't register as a benefit for the world explains why people like you live such loveless days, screaming into the void because you believe the world owes you a debt

>> No.15805408

A. Underestimating the ingenuity of someone who is starving

B. Not understanding that the people who add food to these things don't care who takes it, they just care that anyone takes it who wants it

>> No.15805424

>Figuring out a way to seal a can after injecting the poison was his specialty.

His specialty was that he bought a can sealer?

>> No.15805435

Incorrect. It's yuppies praying in the village square.

>> No.15805458

yeah!!! nice one!!!

>> No.15805469

Feeling good about yourself for having a box in your neighborhood that does nothing but get abused and defaced by drug addicts is a dangerous emotion. It pacifies you and prevents you from working on solutions that actually help people, like helping out at a soup kitchen for example

>> No.15805638

>>eating macaroni that you found on the street
one time me and a buddy raided a homeless persons cart for evening snacks

>> No.15805654

i was hanging out with a hippy who had one of these in front of his house. there was cans of beans and a ton oh heads of garlic in there and some other stuff. i took the beans and half the garlic.

i found another one of these downtown in some small town and it was full of candy. i took a bunch of candy.

>> No.15805674

>A. Underestimating the ingenuity of someone who is starving
most hobos arent starving. at least not the ones congregating around bumcamps. they have organizations comng left and right t feed them on the weekend. during the week enough resturaunts bring them trays of left overs.

>> No.15806083
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>> No.15806109

I neither take nor leave anything and continue to grow and purchase my kitten food as usual. BASED voluntary community resource separating itself from communism by not enforcing participation.

>> No.15806200

This is such a fucking lib thing in Portland. No homeless people are literally starving to death skin and bones on the streets in America. 99.9% of the time if you every offer a beggar an apple they would say fuck you and spit on ur feet

>> No.15806217

Before you shit on me for using "apple" as an example look at that fucking food box.

What fucking starving person has access to cook fucking pancakes or mac n cheese. Poor people just buy this shit for $1 at Dollar Tree to avoid embarassment and hassle of going to 4-7 "food banks" that may or may not have anything at all.

>> No.15806220

Imagine this in a community with a noticeable Latino or black community. All gone, glass smashed. Statistics don't lie. They don't have a constructive cohesive community like white people. They resent and hate us.

>> No.15806226

>Live in a small community with a few farmers nearby
>One has a barn open where they put their products for sale
>It's operated on a honor system of writing down what you take and pay in a box or with an app
>Everything is actually ripe and often below the price the stores offer
>A girl from Brazil once visited us and saw this project
>States they could never have anything like this, even in rural parts away from the cities, as it would be looted as soon as someone found out about it
She wasn't even from a particularly poor area either. It's just a mindset even if you make pennies from stealing it.