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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 846 KB, 718x716, Screenshot 2021-03-19 193200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15791837 No.15791837 [Reply] [Original]

Rarest fruit you've eaten?

>> No.15791848

Probably prickly pear

>> No.15791858

why, my peanus weenus of course


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah

ITT: Rarest fruit you've eaten - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus


>> No.15791861
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Not ur mum

>> No.15791865

This some crazy shit right here

>> No.15792037


>you will never eat this

>> No.15792042


>> No.15792069

I had an apple from a tree that was supposedly planted in 1901.

>> No.15792083

That fruit (Noni) tastes literally like vomit

>> No.15792112


>> No.15792147

Any discernable difference?

>> No.15792158

It tasted older

>> No.15792277

I have, a few times. It is good but not THAT good.
It's way too small, like eating a tiny but very tasty cotton candy.

>> No.15792506
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theyre actually not that bad

>> No.15792538
File: 3.09 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210319_232208418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a crate of Gros Michel bananas from Miami Fruit, can't wait until they're ripe!

>> No.15792608

nice figpost

>> No.15792724

i used to pick those as a kid and eat them
they're only rare in east coast shitholes

>> No.15792727

what about your weenus peanus

>> No.15792738

how the fuck do they still have these, i thought the blight killed em all

>> No.15792740

Undescribably based

>> No.15792774

that shit tastes like vomit but people keep saying it's good for your health

>> No.15792776

oh! guineo verde, you can make a great ceviche with those.

>> No.15792777

bruh I live in fucking canada and can buy prickly pear at the grocer. they're not rare at all.

>> No.15792799

are you in an east coast shithole or the based part of canada

>> No.15792808

checked and grocerpilled

>> No.15792828

east coast shithole

>> No.15792854

Trips confirms

>> No.15792856

this and pig milk are probably the two rarest things I've ever eaten

>> No.15792871

wew lad

>> No.15792880
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>> No.15792900

really not rare at all in the midwest, I love pawpaw season

>> No.15792905

Very carefully quarantined groves. So long as all vectors for the blight are obstructed, the plants are safe. Can't mass market them, though. Too expensive to protect at that level. So, the Gros Michel may never go extinct, but it will always be at risk unless they figure out a way to deal with the blight.

>> No.15792908

holy fuck relax

>> No.15792926

they'll just genetically engineer them at some point in the next 50 years.

>> No.15792937


>> No.15792965


>> No.15792976

lel and it's funny it only grows on shit hole countries like South America

>> No.15792980


>> No.15792985
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>> No.15793000
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i once ate a cashew fruit

>> No.15793020

Did I say they were rare, shithead? No, I just said that’s probably the most uncommon fruit I’ve eaten. Suck a couple pimple covered dicks

>> No.15793025

east coast shitholer detected

>> No.15793097

anyone tried a Miracle Fruit?
apparently it's a fruit that temporarily changes how your tastebuds perceive taste.
I saw advertisements for a couple of restaurants in Japan that specialize in the fruit, serving it with things like a glass of vinegar to drink, hot chillies, limes etc.


looking into it further the yanks banned it seemingly for no reason other than big corporate didnt want to risk losing money, lmao.
fucking fags.

>> No.15793102

just send some seeds over here to Australia.
we dont have any of the diseases or pests you cunts have.
that's why our produce is so highly sought after.

>> No.15793129

I tried it years ago but never heard much of it after. Worked for me but not dramatically. Did the whole "eat a lemon" thing and it was fairly sweet but vinegary things weren't very good.

>> No.15793160

A raw bletted (frozen) quince off the bush. Quince isn't too rare but I doubt many people eat them this way nowadays. It was delicious.

>> No.15793253

>try rare fruits
>always ends up tasting like shit

>> No.15793453
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Rarest for me? Lychees but they were canned, don't remember them being anything out of the ordinary, nice but alright.

Rarest for this site I'd have to say mangosteen, probably my favorite fruit but its kinda expensive.

>> No.15793461

Bitch please

>> No.15793464

Don’t these smell like fucking grave?

>> No.15793471

Based mangosteen anon. While in Malaysia, a local friend put me on. Holy shit is this fruit delicious. Found some in Singapore Chinatown and it was filled with maggots.

>> No.15793477


>> No.15793479

Any y'all niggas ever had a pawpaw

>> No.15793524

The east coast is the only important part of this shithole country faggot

>> No.15793537

Isn’t British Columbia based? I’d love to move there.

>> No.15793559

>east coaster thinks this country is a shithole
maybe thats because you live in the shit part of this country

>> No.15793562

Omae wa mou shinderu

>> No.15793569

>west coast
shittier new england
shittier new england
mexican shithole

>> No.15793829

wax apple or custard apple when I was in Taiwan

>> No.15793933
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Kiwi (they are from places like New Zealand)

>> No.15794028

They are banned in Australia.

>> No.15794049
File: 21 KB, 612x408, green-plum-on-white-background-picture-id1149667342[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcha, from Azerbaijan.
If you go to Baku in spring, there are people selling them everywhere on the streets.

Pretty good. Slightly sour and crisp like a green apple. They have a pit though.

>> No.15794116
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Persimmons. Grandma would slice them and dry them for us but most people have never even heard of them.

>> No.15794124

>most people have never even heard of them
can literally be found at any grocery store. please pluck your head from your ass.

>> No.15794130

Their not unheard of. Its just common sense for people to not talk about something groos they hate.
I love persimmons thou

>> No.15794133

>that's why our produce is so highly sought after.
Nobody wants your beef or produce raised on sand instead of soil.

>> No.15794172

If you're not going to eat that eyeball pear I suggest you give it to someone who will

>> No.15794193


I remember reading that they're fairly common in Southeast Asia, but they generally aren't sold abroad.

>> No.15794334
File: 52 KB, 512x358, custard apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the custard apple I had once - tastes like sweet milk or ice cream or, well, custard
I've also had:
>philodendron fruit (looks sort of like a green corn cob and tastes like something between a pinapple and banana)
>physalis (idk the english name. tastes a bit like a tomato but much sweeter and more fruity)
>little bananas from Madeira (I think they called them silver bananas. the flavor is more intense than normal bananas, kind of concetrated with more acidity and not just sweetness)
>several types of passion fruit (they all taste different. my favorite was the orange one with grey flesh, tasted quite sweet and flowery / perfumy. nothing like your average sour, purple-skinned passion fruit)

>> No.15794343

Did you died?

>> No.15794346
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Tried a yew berry once, the only part of it that isn't deadly poisonous. Just tastes like sugary water.

>> No.15794349

these are fkn delicious

>> No.15794357

I think the smell is overblown by overreacting YouTubers. It definitely smells very STRONG, but not necessarily BAD. IMO papaya and jackfruit smell actually bad, albeit not as strong. I dislike durian for the texture, not the taste/smell.

>> No.15794368
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I have those every time I visit SE Asia. When they're ripe you can tear them apart with your bare hands, and they're super sweet.
I've also tried salak (picrel) and something called "ice apples" which are basically some sort of palm fruit.

>> No.15794651

Use to do them all the time when I was trying to lose weight and was only eating fruit.
The berries are okay but the tablets work way better, you can cop some off Amazon.

>> No.15794655

How’d the one w maggots taste faggot?

>> No.15794662


>> No.15794852

Pathetic, some of you need to get out more lol.

>> No.15794854

I had a tree in my backyard, fucking delicious but it can burn your mouth because some chemical on it, but it's worth it. I never had patience to roast the seed so I always threw them away.

>> No.15794865

I’ve had some cool ones in Mexico, sapote, mamay, pittaya, lima etc.

>> No.15795068
File: 112 KB, 800x800, xpassiflora-edulis-passion-flower-passion-fruit-seeds.jpg.pagespeed.ic.oiDzQR2Zsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker.

I was in my thirties and first time in France where I saw these ugly spheres. Had no idea how to eat. Improvised. Hiroshima explosion of flavor. Incredible. My favorite food to this day and litchi.

>> No.15795110

Based Taxus

>> No.15795120
File: 105 KB, 730x548, decaisnea_fargesii_fruit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadmans fingers. A clear mucousy edible part that has a light taste of watermelon. Lots of very large seeds.

>> No.15795124
File: 69 KB, 580x580, Noni_imageBROKER _ Alamy Stock Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditto, was working around HI for a few months and came across a field of these. Thought I lucked out by finding one that seemed ripe, but when I bit into it, it was the literal flavor of stale vomit. No idea how / why anybody ever consumes these

>> No.15795128

Do they not keep well? Why can't I find any canned online?

>> No.15795133
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>Midwest shithole
yes, please don't come here. it's horrible

>> No.15795139

People ITT dont seem to realize fruits that are locally common may not be globally common

>> No.15795150
File: 107 KB, 600x450, garden-berry-greens-strawberry-spinach-with-cookie-and-jam-lss-dsc_7246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered some strawberry spinach, excited to try it because apparently you can eat the leaves and the berries, I like the idea of it for salads and I think the color of them is really nice, I might do an infused vodka with them. Also I know this is cheating but it's technically a fruit, I had black tomatoes last year and they were super juicy and good. Other than that I guess rambutans and starfruit are some of the "rarest" fruit I've had

>> No.15795172
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Most of the exotic fruits posted itt can be easily found in my country
As a tradeoff, berries are expensive as fuck.
Would you rather have easy access to the 'rare' ones or berries?

>> No.15795180

IMO, it's just like garlic ice cream. soft, sweet, creamy, melts in your mouth, but has a distinct smell of roasted garlic.
it's not outright bad, just a weird combination.

>> No.15795185
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Dogwood fruit probably.
It's been a while, but I remember them tasting good and sweet.

>> No.15795192

they literally use dogwood trees/bushes as greenway around roads. you can just walk down the street and pick them. they are about as rare as strawberries.

>> No.15795194

TX here, that’s like a weed everywhere outside of major cities, and often used in xeroscaping...called “tuna” because of its red/glossy appearance like sashimi when cut

>> No.15795205

I know, but how many people do you know who actually eat them?

>> No.15795266

It smells bad. There are even states in SEA that forbid you to carry durians in public transports, in buidlings or even eating it in some public areas.

>> No.15795295

want to try one but im not paying 70 bucks to get 3-5 lbs of banana and dont want to shell out 20 for a plant

>> No.15795314

Almost as bad as your mom's cootch, but not as rancid

>> No.15795316

Don't call your mother names.

>> No.15795358

>there are no people in the picture
go figure

>> No.15795399

Some cunt once loaded a bunch of over ripe durians on top of my bag in a bus in indonesia and they leaked their foul juices all over my clothes. It leaves stains that look like literal shit and it's impossible to wash off.
Also they taste better dried than fresh.

>> No.15795468

Wouldn't know about canned ones since my country produces them.

Now craving some haven't had it in a while.

>> No.15795585

Y'know, this is one thing I've never understood.
We raise literal shitfucktons of pigs every year, globally, yet I've never seen a single carton of pig milk. I mean, heck, there's donkey milk being sold in supermarkets. How many donkeys are being farmed yearly?

>> No.15795603

Probably because there are no breeds of pig cultivated for high dairy yield, plus the social stigma of drinking something from a slop-eater (enhanced by religious dietary taboos).

>> No.15795639

I avoid mangosteen like the plague, since rotten ones are indistinguishable from good ones, and they're expensive in my neck of the woods.

Snakefruit was quite disappointing. Like a super-crunchy mild pineapple minus the tart fleshmelting enzymes.

Needs to be left on the counter until the outside shrivels like a cold ballsack. The concentrated pulp is orgasmically delicious.

>> No.15795663

There are places where pigs are fed almost exclusively on beechnuts, acorns, vegetables, whole beans/grains etc. None of those hyper-processed soybean-flour pellets. Their milk is way cleaner than that of your average factory farmed cow.

>> No.15795684


>> No.15795703

I pity tha foo who tried to peel a kumquat before eating it.

>> No.15795704

Pigs are unmilkable. They have dozens of tits that just barely dribble milk, and they are angry bastards who won't give you the chance. It took a team of two dozen people working round the clock just to get enough for a single wheel of cheese, which tasted like gamey, vinegary pilkwater.

>> No.15795728
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variant-wise, pineberries were quite nice, but the winner was watermelon plums. They were fantastic.

Custard apple is probably the rarest I've had, it was okay. Dragonfruit was a disappointment.

>> No.15795733

The problem with this fruit is that its strong smell. Not that the smell is the worst but its just that too strong.

>> No.15795740

$5 for the bananas and $65 for the once-in-a-lifetime experience

>> No.15795741

You should try santol, same family with mangosteen. Only more huge seed and lest fruit meat also the skin later can be eaten compared to mangosteen.

>> No.15795749

itt people in cities or different regions screaming "that's not rare you can buy it at the supermarket" in response to people eating fruit that isn't native to their region. Of course you can find pretty much anything at an international supermarket in a bit city you fucking retards. For me though, not the rarest but I love eating pomelos. Possibly my favorite citrus.

>> No.15795757

It aint bad but I would trade it for a rambutan.

>> No.15795761
File: 35 KB, 800x365, b4a2014dd5db0794bdd8a3918591fa74.Kumquat_HEADER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how rare Kumquats are globally, but I just tried them recently because my local grocery store got some in. First time I ever saw it in person so I think it counts. They're like tiny oranges but you eat the peel, very interesting.

>> No.15795763

pawpaws are unheard of outside their native range, as they cannot travel at all.

>> No.15795789

Not true, I live in NJ and I have eaten a pawpaw

>> No.15795794
File: 105 KB, 540x720, 0*dn1DC58z7g9Wllb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not exotic for me but just wanna know if you guys had this fruit before? its called Java Plum.

>> No.15795862

that's great

>> No.15795878

Spot the children.

>> No.15795904

>donkey milk being sold in super markets
In what country

>> No.15795921

glad to see i'm not only one who remembered that post

>> No.15795961

babe, NJ is in the pawpaws native range. they are endemic to the eastern united states

>> No.15796099

Iran, probably.

>> No.15796151

not a single forbidden froot in thread, am disappoint

>> No.15796163
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Kiwano melon was OK

>> No.15796168

>he hasn't had Vietnamese cuties feed him chum chum after a hard day's work playing hangman with kids

Missing out

>> No.15796173

they do have some berry taste other than sugar water, but it's very mild
I like them, though they are very slimy

>> No.15796178
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>> No.15796187
File: 60 KB, 399x300, Rambutan fruits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.15796198

wtf. ive lived in missouri my whole life n never even heard of this shit

>> No.15796200

Adults don't enjoy the taste of vomit anon, when will you grow out of your contrarian phase

>> No.15796222

>these replies
either /ck/ operates on a different level from the rest of the boards or its just flooded with newfags.

>> No.15796227

>/ck/ operates on a different level from the rest of the boards

welcome to /ck/, show us your fridge

>> No.15796238

I've been here for 12 years and I hadn't seen it before

>> No.15796393

Never seen a rotten one in my life

>> No.15796402

Interesting but don't think I can find it here in Colombia.

>> No.15796430

They use your mom in order to produce that milk.

>> No.15796464

Looks like smaugs nutsack lmao

>> No.15796511
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, lip balm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm lip balm
also rambutans taste like grapes mixed with cum

>> No.15796521

How do you know what lip balm tastes like, pussy?

>> No.15796593

because you put lip balm on your lips and you can fucking taste it, retard

>> No.15796646

It was a Carrefour in a super snooty neighborhood.
Probably use it for facemasks instead of drinking it orsmth.

>> No.15796651
File: 148 KB, 1440x960, cherimoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had cherimoya/custard apples too and thought they were delicious. Accidentally made some fudge out of the other 3 in the carton when I was going for jam, but they're not that easy to source in the UK to experiment with.

>> No.15796711

oldest pasta I've seen, good job

>> No.15796744
File: 101 KB, 960x883, 3a7b0d9c56e85b0b01c838786a0922f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably yamamomos (pic rel) and sudachis. Both on Shikoku Island in Japan.
Former was tart and juicy, a bit like raspberry. Later is similar to a lime

>> No.15796785

Fresh mangos and dragon fruit in Thailand

>> No.15796795

Strawberry tree fruit? I remember those being somewhat bland.

>> No.15796810
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>> No.15796818

nigga that's a baby bell cheese

>> No.15796819


>> No.15796827

It's literally famine food, as in people only ate it when the only other option was starvation.

>> No.15796840

Dogwood trees are neat, I like them.

>> No.15796845

Couldve spread through migration

>> No.15796909

Cheap raspberries and blackberries over exotic shit for me, desu

>> No.15796910

was gonna say not funny but then laughed while typing

>> No.15796997

How can you tell it's a dogwood tree?
>Because of its bark

>> No.15797092
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Thanks, /ck/, I hate it

>> No.15797146
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I never hear about it here in the states and would prefer to keep it that way because fuck food fads, so let's pretend this is a rare fruit

>> No.15797208


>> No.15797229

It looks like the ban affects one miracle fruit exporter that had mixed it with saccharin, which defeats the purpose anyway

>> No.15797266

I read these are good in ciders, too bad they're not sold this far south :c

>> No.15797267

rare subspecies of dwarf raspberry from Yukon

>> No.15797356

Try a yellow dragonfruit. They're way better than the pink ones.

>> No.15797558

Missing a smiley face, otherwise B+

>> No.15798803

South America's not a country, dumbass.

>> No.15799041

ice apple

>> No.15799045

>y our produce is so highly sought after.

>> No.15799057
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>> No.15799113

They seem to be different types of tree; one is Mediterranean and the other chinese and japanese

>> No.15799224

the mark twain fruit he deemed the most tastiest fruit on earth...Cherimoya...taste like bubble gum?..8$lb in CA.

>> No.15799474

no i just had a gross cashew taste in my mouth

>> No.15799847

big cities are for faggots

>> No.15799889

other than hongcouver it's alright

>> No.15799892

Mamey Sapote and Sapodilla
The mamey was good as marmalade, the latter tasted like caramel chewing gum

>> No.15799953

I have an apple tree planted in 1907, looks nice, but the fruits themselves are shit except for cider and such. Not that it has anything to do with age, but it's just a bland sort.

>> No.15800974

hahaha I actually used to work for Miami Fruit and would never recommend anyone buy any fruit from them. their whole business model is, milk as much as they can out of people who don't know much about fruit. their stuff is ridiculously overpriced. most of their produce you can get from a local Asian grocery store since they source a lot of their fruits from the same place as these stores, and at least at the Asian stores the fruits are a fraction of the price and the money doesn't go to a bunch of hippies who abandoned their ideals as soon as they found a way to make money without having to work. Not to mention their whole ad campaign is soyboy tier bullshit like "vegan business", "locally sourced", and even if you cared about that stuff, it wouldn't matter since they're blatant lies. I'm in flyover territory and I'm easily able to get durian here for $20 a package at the nearby Asian grocery store. They're selling them online for over $40, for the exact same quantity and variety. if you're interested in trying exotic fruits, I recommend just trying your local ethnic grocery store. If there's anything you can't find there, worst case scenario have them shipped, though generally I wouldn't recommend it since fruits tend to get damaged during shipping and won't ripen properly, but you can probably find a fruit shipping company with better prices or better quality fruit online. there are other companies doing the same thing as Miami Fruit nowadays.

>> No.15801010

Asian persimmons or American persimmons?

>> No.15801023

It's called "tuna" because that's the Nahautl word for it. It's coincidence that it looks like fish.

>> No.15801060

No there is a conspiracy that in the 70s the FDA was pressured by big sugar into not classifying miraculin as a safe food additive.

>> No.15801069

It’s very suspicious because they changed their mind at the last minute for seemingly no reason and the FOI documents are redacted into to being useless.

>> No.15801100

why don't we genetically modify banana to make resistant to fungus

>> No.15801106

>The bark, leaves, and fruit have been documented as containing the neurotoxin annonacin, which could cause neurodegeneration.

>> No.15801252

jesus christ those are expensive: $70 for a small box PLUS $20 for the most basic shipping

>> No.15801253

True for most of that stuff. I live near NYC so I can get almost anything in those asian stores. But there really isn't a place to buy Gros Michels IRL. I have checked personally, and in fact there's an Atlas Obscura article about a guy looking for them in NYC which ends in him buying from Miami Fruit.

I once had the idea to start a business importing these bananas in bulk from Thailand or another country they're grown and sell them to local hipster marts for a huge markup. I seriously looked into it, and what I found was that it's actually illegal to import bananas to the US from any country that can grow Gros Michels. It's probably due to lobbying from Big Banana, but yeah. That means the only possible way to get them here is from a domestic grower. And I believe Miami Fruit is the only one.

>> No.15801293

yeah you're pretty much on the money

>> No.15801294

My ex and her vietnamese mom opened one of these in the house and me and her stepdad had to run the fuck out. I barely made it to the yard before throwing up

>> No.15801395

you were SOOOO close....
the paddles are called nopales in Spanish, derived from the Nahuatl word “nōpalli” for the cactus pads, or nostle, from the Nahuatl word “nōchtli” for the fruit.....tuna has nothing to do with the Nahuatl language

thanks for playing though!

>> No.15801402

histrionics run in the family?
it smells a little like funky cheese, so do you throw up around roquefort? fucking eye roll

>> No.15801414

Hey me too

>> No.15801425

What size box is that?

>> No.15801432

That was Large Box - $97

>> No.15801456

I grow them in my backyard in Minnesota

>> No.15801469

no it has a slightly funky smell. Its overblown by faggot reaction youtubers.

Surstromming on the other hand is real.

>> No.15801485

for anyone interested, this guy on youtube's hobby is trying fruits he's never heard of. he has TONS of episodes featuring a wide variety i've never heard of.


>> No.15801607

This guy's channel is great

>> No.15801645
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>> No.15801730

Cute :)

>> No.15802590

Dude has so many fruit review episodes he stopped numbering them.

>> No.15802627

this is STILL funny

>> No.15802698
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tasted like absolute shit

>> No.15802720

Miami Fruit barely grow any of their fruits and they certainly don't grow their Gros Michel. There are loads of local farms in South Florida, some of which grow Gros Michel down there, along with other banned imports such as ackee, and it's from these places where companies like Miami Fruit get their fruit they can't get elsewhere, while ofc the rest and most of their fruit is shipped in, in bulk from industrial farms based in third world countries. Ideally actually being in South Florida and experiencing the fruit there for yourself would be best, it's legitimately not that difficult either since you can just browse through Facebook Marketplace and there's gonna be loads of people selling the random crazy fruit they have growing in their backyards - things like mangoes, coconuts, avocadoes, ackee, lychees, etc., all for very reasonable prices. But otherwise, maybe if you're interested in trying Gros Michel and you're willing to deal with feeling like a schmuck for being jewed out of $100 for a couple fingers of one of the cheapest fruits in the world, having it shipped to you is an option. But if you were going to go with that option, just find another exotic fruit shipping company, there are multiple nowadays. Miami Fruit simply doesn't care, especially for the price that you pay. I remember once they were selling special types of mangoes at a premium but ran out of stock so ended up just shipping out generic local mangoes instead. They're a shit company and the owner actively fucks over his employees.

>> No.15803152

My local stores carry them now. I love them. And I love the string citrus aftertaste.

>> No.15803163

Yeah... they grow wildly in south jersey you bombaclot

>> No.15803174
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>> No.15803181

Growing up in Texas those things were everywhere in the early summer. Never tried one but the flowers prickly pears sprout are fucking beautiful.

>> No.15803191

grew up in cali so only saw these things when i went to college
they are pretty ok

>> No.15803257

Prickly pears are absolute bastards. If you don't lightly roast the skin, you'll end up with those hair-thin needles in your lips and mouth.
They itch like an absolute motherfucker.

>> No.15803316

Saskatoon berries.

>> No.15803674

where else do you recommend one get gros michael bananas?

>> No.15803682

minnesota is not an east coast shithole
midwestern yes, shithole is up for debate

>> No.15803690

breast implants?

>> No.15803726

Looks like one of those fruits they show in those "eat this one fruit to lose weight even though you'll still be a middle aged divorced woman in menopause who's retarded enough to believe an ad on the internet aka our target audience"

>> No.15803930

TOP and I can't express this enough, KEK

>> No.15803984

Found one of these trees in my college's arboretum but I didn't know what it was, so didn't eat any. Haven't come across any since then and I'm kind of pissed about it.

>> No.15803996


Those little black specks in banana flesh are all that is left of the seeds of the plant. They are entirely non viable. Banana fruit trees are entirely propagated via grafting cuttings from existing productive plants onto the rootstock of banana trees that actually have seeds.

Also, pretty sure your Mad Max wasteland is entirely the wrong environment for a tropical plant.

>> No.15803999
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you have to go back

>> No.15804400

I usually eat all my fruit rare

>> No.15804414

Minneapolis is a shit hole. St paul is pretty much there. The rest of Minnesota is beautiful

>> No.15804439
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LOL! I love that.

>> No.15804515

red and black aronia
american persimmon
spicebush berry
cornelian cherry

>> No.15804624

I haven't had any rare fruits. Rarest thing I'm willing to try is a yellow kiwi. Too old to be trying new things.

>> No.15804659

Saw these fuckers in hawaii.
Looked poisonous so never gave it a second thought.

>> No.15804667

I'd have to say either trifoliate orange or pawpaw. Trifoliate (aka hardy) orange make fantastic additions to gin and tonics - super sour and bitter. Pawpaw is only available and ripe in a pretty narrow window of time (~2-3 weeks).

>> No.15804668

Always wanted to try paw paw
oh fug nebermind

>> No.15804703
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Had one of these on a hike when I was in high school.
Read a field guide that said to only eat the very ripe fruits because it'll make you sick.
Had one and it was fucking delicious, like a mix of guava, pineapple... just really sweet and tropical tasting. Found another one that wasn't super mushy and thought it was fine enough.
I started shitting like crazy. I thought maybe I should eat the seeds as they'd be nutritious. When I looked up the plant online they said if you eat so much as a single seed it could kill you (they're like papaya seeds)
I almost fucking died. That kinda shit haunts me. I was so close to eating some of the seeds. My fucking field guide doesn't say shit about the seeds... god damn.

>> No.15804708

>otherwise it'll make you sick

>> No.15804759
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idk how rare cherimoyas are, but they're certainly not common here.
they're kinda custardy, not too sweet but i don't think the one i had was especially ripe.
it did make my shit smell exactly like the fruit the next day so that was weird.

>> No.15804958

these are great, really weird but pleasant and unique taste
just be careful not to die by accidentally eating the pit or anything else but the red stuff

>> No.15805014
File: 69 KB, 600x400, Red-Blackberries-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based foragers.
Imo pawpaws are one of americas better known wild fruits so I'll list one that most people don't know about. This is the dwarf raspberry (rubus pubescens) unlike normal raspberries they grow as vines on the ground. They also don't fruit heavily and a good patch is only gonna yield you a couple handfuls, but what you get is a real treat. They taste like raspberry candy. Like if you'd take a regular raspberry and amp up the flavor and the sweetness by 10. One of my favorites.

>> No.15805019

haskap berries

ainu berry

>> No.15805041

What if I told you that those annonacins are some of the most powerful anti cancer chemicals ever discovered

>> No.15805069

Like that cyanide containing protein found in apricot kernels?
I mean, who knows.
A lot of plants contain poisons. Eggplant, rhubarb... there are a lot of things that can kill you at the grocery store.

>> No.15805077

the sad tale of american states
beautiful other than the one or two democrat shithole cities in them

>> No.15805108

There are scammers telling people that there's health benefits from eating them or drinking the juice. My grandpa dragged me to some noni juice MLM seminar when I was a little kid and made me drink some, fucking awful.

>> No.15805194

Baste. In Texas we have so goddamn many of those things that we collect 5-gallon buckets full of the things and turn them into syrup and jelly. The syrups do especially well in margaritas.

>> No.15805228
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cacao anyone? when I was a kid I ate so much of it I had diarrhea for three days, I almost died, for real.

>> No.15805243

Have a rare crab apple tree that apparently has no equal.


>> No.15805247
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I'm american and probably this. I don't even know where my mom got it from.

>> No.15805281

Pomelo. I'm a pleb.

>> No.15805288

>pig milk
Highly kino. What's it like?

>> No.15805289

Are you a JoJo villain?

>> No.15805295

So we need to dope the pigs up before millking. Big deal. I need my endless fields of pig milk.

>> No.15805330
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Loquat maybe. They grow like a weed down here in Louisiana. Raccoons eat them up and shit the seeds out all over your car.

>> No.15805548

God tier

I think calling the pawpaw rare is a fair designation. Yes, there are places where it's more commonly known, but even in its native range it is often almost entirely forgotten. The only reason I know about it is because my dad is crazy about plants and he's mentioned it occasionally throughout my childhood. I still never tasted one until I was 25. I live in NC, and the pawpaw is native in most of the state. You will not find it in stores, or farmer's markets, even during peak season. I even had one woman at a farmer's market tell me they don't grow here (she was about the only one who even knew what it was), and I told her I had found several patches within walking distance of my apartment, lmao.

>An average-sized soursop fruit contains 15 mg of annonacin, while a can of commercial nectar contains 36 mg and a cup of infusion, 140 μg.[7] Studies in rodents indicates that consumption of annonacin (3.8 and 7.6 mg per kg per day for 28 days) caused brain lesions consistent with Parkinson's disease.[8][9] An adult who consumes a fruit or can of nectar daily over the course of a year is estimated to ingest the same amount of annonacin that induced brain lesions in the rodents receiving purified annonacin intravenously.[7]
Soursop is different from pawpaw, but still. I weigh 170lbs. I would have to eat 300 fruit a day for a month for that to be a concern. Also, rodent studies were intravenous, no idea how that changes things.

>remember what they took from you

>> No.15805564

Didn't even know they were edible when unprocessed.

>> No.15805573
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>> No.15805622

Probably dragonfruit, durian is pretty easy to get in Australia
They're actually Chinese Gooseberries but got renamed to be more appealing to westerners.

>> No.15805649
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It's not, Australians are just fucking brainwashed with shit like this.
> Be Australian, move to Singapore
> "Where's all the Australian produce?" Literally eating apples and oranges from the fucking states, South Africa and Italy.
> Only Australian stuff is beef, but even then most of it from NZ instead
mfw lied to for years and the only people who actually buy our stuff are poor peasant sea monkeys

>> No.15805744

You can find kiwano in most big chain grocery stores now.

For those who haven't had it, it has a light flavor that's sort of like cucumber mixed with banana, and the edible part is the seeds surrounded by this odd gelatin textured bubble. It's real pleasant but way over priced.

>> No.15805764

Tried this as a little kid, they used to have it at the A&P. Not much flavor.

>> No.15805796

Kinda tastes like grape but less sour. Similar texture too.
See above.
>kiwano melon
>dragon fruit
Very light, sweet flavor, texture similar to a pear.
>fresh papaya
Only seems rare because nobody else I know has ever had it fresh, texture is similar to an over ripe cantelope flavor is definitely more sugary, it's okay but hard to eat a lot of because of the sweetness.

I wish uncommon fruit wasn't ridiculously expensive. I can't imagine they sell a whole lot of it when they're charging between 6 and 10 dollars for a single fruit at the grocery store. I love trying whatever new shit pops up if it's reasonable.

>> No.15805816

Lychee tastes like cum

>> No.15805826

Whose cum have you been eating? Because they probably have diabetes.

>> No.15806283

>I would have to eat 300 fruit a day for a month for that to be a concern.
sure but that's to develop actual lesions. i mean those rats had full blown parkinson's.
reading a bit about it (literally the wikipedia page and nothing else), in Guadeloupe a lot of old folks have parkinson's, and also they drink soursop teas like every day.

is it a big deal to eat an apple seed every once in a while? no probably not, but if you eat a bunch of them it'll give you cyanide poisoning. it's probably fine to eat a fuckin single fruit every so often.

>> No.15806311

this banana and the banana we eat now are clones meaning they have no seeds and nothing to modify as they are fully grown which is why the banana blight rips through them so quickly.

>> No.15806458

apply for a plant patent and sell propagated liners, you can make real money.

>> No.15806487

God I ate so much cacao fruit when I was in South America, hands down the sweetest fruit I’ve ever had. It’s like a mango but just better in every way.

>> No.15806492
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>> No.15806497
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Wouldn’t say it’s rare to find, but I feel like no one eats it. It’s called Tea Berry where I was from but it’s American wintergreen Irl

It genuinely just tastes like a piece of gum that has no chew to it. Just winter green gum you instantly swallow, or I call them pepto bismo berrys.

Based when you’re hiking and you find them

>> No.15806811
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the seeds are covered in a sweet white sticky membrane, you can suck it easily from the seed, monkeys and other animals love it.

>> No.15807409

I've eaten the leaves of this plant but never thought to eat the berry? Am I dumb? Thanks for the tip

>> No.15807417

Probably dragonfruit or durian, but after the dragonfruit I don't need anything else. Tastiest shit ever.

>> No.15807437

My Singaporean coworkers would have this durian hard candy sometimes that smelled even worse than the actual fruit. Tasted great, though, like a fruit caramel.

>> No.15807991

I like how these fruits have eyeholes.

>> No.15808077

Never eaten the leaves kek, didn’t know you could

>> No.15809139

St. Paul master race reporting in

>> No.15809363

Wa lau eh si ang moh durian is jin hor jiak and fragrant horkays? Joking, I wish I had some of those candies now. I would share it with all my dorm mates and watch their reactions.

>> No.15809419


Never, UK.

>> No.15809441


>> No.15809479

Based. I eat it frozen. I kinda like the smell.
Durian flavored things are ass though

>> No.15809709
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Saw one of these the other day, I think.

>> No.15809748


>> No.15809759

Lmao this retard eats vomit fruit hahahahaha

>> No.15809811

I think a comparison with almonds would be more appropriate. Even sweet almonds have trace amounts of cyanogenic chemicals in them, though bitter almonds apparently have like 40x as much. Still, going from the data on wiki, if an adult ate 2000 sweet almonds they would hit the acute oral lethal threshold for cyanide. I don't know how annonacin and cyanide differ in their long-term effects, but compare 2000 sweet almonds to 9000 pawpaws (300 a day for a month), and those are both ridiculously high numbers. Supposedly a single dried almond weighs about 1.3 grams. From the study about annonacin toxicity in pawpaws that wikipedia cites, the average pawpaw weighed 100 grams. That's 900kg of pawpaw flesh needed to induce brain lesions, and 2.6kg of almonds needed to kill you from cyanide poisoning.

Of course, if cyanide doesn't build up or act over the long term and annonacin does then it's a bit of a different story, but if you're eating a dozen pawpaws once a year when they're in season I can't imagine you'd suffer anything for it. If you eat a fruit or two a day (hard to do since they have a short season and don't keep well) every day for your entire life, are you at a higher risk for neurodegenerative disorders like the soursop eaters in Guadeloupe? Yeah, probably. But I don't think that would be a concern for most people.

>> No.15809856

why are they so hyped about?

>> No.15809894

Yea and for good reason you soulless chink. Fuck off

>> No.15809902

Agreed, it seems to be all reddit tier pointless responses

>> No.15809903

>what's the rarest fruit you've eaten?
>prickly pair
>that's not rare
>Did I say they were rare, shithead?
Kek you're retarded

>> No.15809908

they found a shiny ponyta

>> No.15809938

I was hoping someone would post about the blue Java banana.

>> No.15810059

The leaves are used to make wintergreen tea but you can also chew on them and they're like the gum

>> No.15810072

The waitlist for those is currently years long, lol

>> No.15810091
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>> No.15810124

Think about it like this. Let's say the only two fruits anon has ever are eaten bog-standard red delicious apples you can find at walmart, and prickly pear fruit. If we rank those on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the rarest fruits possible, red delicious is obviously a 1, and prickly pear might be a 2 or 3. Obviously a 2 or 3 isn't rare in the grand scheme of things, but it is certainly rarer than the red delicious apple. And if it's rarer than the only other fruit anon has eaten, then it is, by definition, the rarest fruit anon has eaten. And if anon had only ever eaten red delicious apples, that becomes simultaneously the most common and the rarest fruit anon has eaten.

>> No.15810188

Thought this was 4chan trying to kill retards again but I looked it up and the flesh is actually safe to eat

>> No.15810349

>knowing things is leddit
The absolute state of brainlets these days kek

>> No.15810377

Haha frooty poopy :^D

>> No.15810386

You fail to understamd I am lol'ing at anon stating that prickly pear is the rarest fruit he's had, and then calling somebody a shithead and claiming he never said prickly pears are rare.

>> No.15810396

Oh no i forgot my hat
that's better!

>> No.15810406

>there are a lot of things that can kill you at the grocery store
You mean like NIGGERS? TOP KEK rekt urself faggit lolololol

>> No.15810669

>is it a big deal to eat an apple seed every once in a while? no probably not, but if you eat a bunch of them it'll give you cyanide poisoning. it's probably fine to eat a fuckin single fruit every so often.
Fortunately pawpaws are seasonal and that limits long term exposure tonthese things. for the most part youre only eating pawpaws regularly during about the month of September. You may preserve sone by freezing but it wontnbe a significant part of your diet. I see no reason to be afraid of consuming pawpaws for a month every year.

>> No.15810787

This thread is a very good illustration of both how big the world is and how ignorant most people are of this fact

>> No.15810899

OP here, this thread has the most replies I've ever gotten. I have been enjoying it.

>> No.15811091

No, being informed is based. That guy simply sounded like a faggot.

>> No.15811104

Yeah that’s it!

>> No.15811137

Probably dragon fruit or pomegranate. I'm basic. I could go over to an Asian grocery store and buy something more exotic but meh.

>> No.15811142

Am I crazy for wanting to eat feral fruits?

>> No.15811168


>> No.15811179

based literal retard

>> No.15811237

My friend did, his neighbor grew some a while ago and he drank mt.dew with his miracle fruit

>> No.15811265
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>all these people saying dragon fruit
Easiest 'tree' to grow and maintain, with great yields
Also if you eat 4 or more in a morning, you shit purple in the afternoon

>> No.15811310

>Easiest 'tree' to grow and maintain, with great yields
Why is it expensive then?
I don't really eat them, just wondering.

>> No.15811330

I'd like to try it

>> No.15811339
File: 61 KB, 480x480, garambullo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garambuollo, 20 years when a was a little kid visiting family in Mexico we stopped on our way to pick these rare fruits and tunas (prickly pears) in the desert that only locals eat. From what I can remember they were the size of grapes but tasted similar to black berries or so.

>> No.15811361

I have never heard of that and I lived in a rancho in the middle of nowhere filled with all kinds of cactus all over the place.
What we used to eat there were pitayas from very tall cactus plants.

>> No.15811381
File: 452 KB, 1024x768, Pitaya-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture.
They may not look it but they taste really good.

>> No.15811391

How much are they where you are ?
Haven't bought any in ages but probably 1$ each at the market isn't a bad guess here, so, cheap for us.
Maybe No one in your area has made the jump into growing them, or climate factors

>> No.15811412
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I'm not an expert on this fruit but these articles say that they are located in only certain states in Mexico.




>> No.15811421

this looks like an AI generated food
>yeah lets just uh combine pinecone dragonfruit strawberries with spaghetti-and-watermelon-seed in aspic

>> No.15811612

Fuck me, I remember those Noni juice things. My mom fell for that shit and made me drink that swill ... I dont remember it being BAD but it certainly wasn't good by any means ... I remember it being a thick consistency and tart/bitter and deep pink/maroon not sure now but WOW those memories lol.

>> No.15811620

Oh man those yellow dragonfruit are insane. If they weren't so pricey I would keep them around all the time. They had two for I think 7 at Costco not too long ago

>> No.15811630
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What do these taste like? We get them at our local grocery store occasionally.

I tried Star Fruit a few times, that shit was really good.

>> No.15811714
File: 1.86 MB, 2592x1944, Wood-apple_dec2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere in the US where you can get a wood apple

>> No.15811925

This thread reminds me how much I love living in the tropics

>> No.15811959

>tfw indonesian
>tfw we have 95% of fruits posted here
>tfw shithole

>> No.15812081
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, 6a11f58a41205c96272893f9e0466d08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild strawberry.

>> No.15813164

some uncommon breeds of banana

>> No.15813177

maybe one of those fruits is the forbidden fruit and you're cursed for all time like Adam and eve

>> No.15813205

It just isn’t the same without the smileys.