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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 420x560, 01_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15788150 No.15788150 [Reply] [Original]

I did find out from Ugly Delicious that MSG in food is actually not that bad and there's been all this negative propaganda against it even though it's actually fine.

>> No.15788162

Who stands to profit if people stop eating as much MSG?

>> No.15788166

The USDA, I believe.

>> No.15788184

I found out from Nick Mullen that msg is good not a fucking faggot asian on his shitty netflix show

>> No.15788187


>> No.15788191
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MSG being "bad" unironically stems from racism. Something along the lines of "nooo, stop eating chink food, you should be eating our superior white western food, noooo!!!".

>> No.15788199

Why didn't you highlight Chinese puzzle? That's very racist.

>> No.15788202

Intriguing how you're only concerned about racism when it's racism AGAINST whites.

>> No.15788218

You're right, "Chinese white" must be highlighted too.

>> No.15788440

the term chinese restaurant syndrome was literally coined by a chinese doctor

>> No.15788470

Yeah, it's as safe as salt.

>> No.15788508

False. It was a white guy posing as a Chinese physician.

>In January 2018, LeMesurier was shocked when she listened to a voicemail message. The caller identified himself as Dr. Howard Steel ’42, a Colgate alumnus and former trustee. “Boy, have I got a surprise for you,” he said. “I am Dr. Ho Man Kwok.”

>> No.15788511

Imagine if (((they))) are pushing MSG in this very thread

>> No.15788515

Imagine if ~~~you~~~ go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15788518

actually that's false. that was just a white guy trolling people

>> No.15788520

Stop acting like a faggot.

>> No.15788550

You are the faggot bud

>> No.15788552

Yes, literally all of the paranoia about MSG comes from ONE flawed study
It's no worse for you than salt

>> No.15788644
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Yeah it's fine, don't worry about it

>> No.15788654
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>Source: Bro, trust me.

>> No.15788708

It's not "good" for you but it isn't too bad for you either. Use it sparingly like you would use salt and it makes savory food fucking based af though

>> No.15789093

You wouldn't feel good if you ate an entire wedge of parmasan and a jar of martmite either

>> No.15789110

>actually not that bad
It's a neurotoxin, moron.

>> No.15789111

enjoy your sleep paralysis

>> No.15789197

MSG isnt bad, its like corn syrup, used too much to cover up bad food

>> No.15789217

any study on MSG is going to be fucked since it's only ever used to spice up shitty cheap products like chips and fast food

>> No.15789270

>MSG shill
are you getting paid?

>> No.15789283

The glutamate in MSG has been studied in its role in autism. Turns out a high glutamate diet worsens autism symptoms. May be worth looking into boys.

>> No.15789332

its a genetic poison

>> No.15789367

The thing is I had all symptoms of the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrom when eating at a specific Chinese place as a kid. I only found out about the term after googling my symptoms, and it only went away after months of controlled exposure (which in this case is just an euphemism for eating there and not giving a fuck).

And then the "I fucking love Science(tm)" crowd tells me what I literally experienced myself is not real. Yeah right. Maybe MSG is not even the culprit, who the fuck knows. But it IS real and I will fight anyone saying otherwise.

>> No.15789412

>I will fight anyone saying otherwise
ok just don't shoot up a massage parlor bro

>> No.15789430

It’s just eating unhealthy food at high volumes. The place you went to probably dumped tons of sugar, salt, and msg on your food. I get similar feelings if i ever binge on fast food.

Obviously msg is not inherently bad for you, it’s in tomatoes and parmesan. But dumping shit tons of refined msg on every dish probably won’t make you feel great. So annoying that the woke crowd has to make everything about race and can’t use any context in their decision making.

You obviously just felt bad after eating the food because racism lol what a joke

>> No.15789505

I mean sure, I don't feel great eating large amounts of junk food either. But I never again had this kind of feeling where this numbness radiated from my neck to my chest and my face seemed to swell up and I had a hard time breathing to the point where I had to lie down.

I use MSG now too for practically everything I cook and never had any problems again, so maybe it really isn't MSG. But all the studies just start from the hypothesis that Chinese restaurant syndrome is caused by MSG, give people MSG to eat, nothing happens, and then they conclude CRS isn't real (which logically does not follow).

>> No.15789518

>Obviously msg is not inherently bad for you
Wrong. It's a neurotoxin.

>it’s in tomatoes and parmesan

>> No.15789540
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>Wrong. It's a neurotoxin.

>> No.15789574

MSG is *not* found in tomatoes and cheese.

>> No.15789587

Lolol are you saying it’s a grand conspiracy and it’s not in those things or are you just a poltard?

Where are all these fresh retards coming from?

>> No.15789590

I found out from your post that you're a massive faggot

>> No.15789592

do you want to substantiate any of the claims you're making?

>> No.15789598

Glutamate is not the same as MSG. There is no MSG in vegetables.

>> No.15789602

Do you have any data to back that up?

>> No.15789609

>Add a pinch of msg to literally anything
>Tastes better
Haven't they done something like 23 separate large studies on the effects of MSG only to find it's completely harmless? I can't even believe there's still drama around this shit.

>> No.15789611
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Lmao rekt. Also what kind of faggot doesn't want to be a pro-bulk absolute U N I T?

>> No.15789625
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Actually it’s so similar there’s a law against saying you have no msg if you product contains glutamate.

Do you just assume we’ll take your word for it?

>> No.15789633
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Not to mention parmesan literally has msg content.

>> No.15789643

>Breast milk is fucking loaded with MSG
So it's confirmed for delicious right? Where do I buy some?

>> No.15789647

Knock up your gf for the umami 10,000 IQ play

>> No.15789669

>it’s so similar
No, it isn't. Artificial free glutamic acid is not natural bound glutamate.

>parmesan literally has msg content

>> No.15789686

Glutamic acid is what is in tomatoes, and cheese literally has it. Whatever man I’m done with you. Post some legit sources or something it’s getting old.

>> No.15789694

You're going to encounter opinions that upset you from time to time. Just grow a thick skin and deal with it like an adult.

Stop being an effeminate weak man. Don't turn out like your father.

>> No.15789697

Bound glutamic acid has nothing to do with MSG, numbnuts.

>> No.15789718
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It does, again so much so that if you add foods that have free glutamate in them, like tomatoes, you can’t say you are msg free. By law. This is from the national library of medicine. It must be difficult being so retarded.

>> No.15789740

>It must be difficult being so retarded.

>> No.15789747

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>> No.15789758

So are you going to post a source, or just act like a poltard. Also obvious samefag.

>> No.15789760
File: 47 KB, 341x480, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 80s there was a fake study done and everyone basically went wild saying all chink restaurants are using nasty chemical called msg which makes their poor quality food taste better but gives you headaches and all sorts of problems.
That has persisted in people's minds ever since. When I married my wife puts msg in every fucking meal she cooks. I freaked and said that shit is bad for you. She educated me on what msg is and that it's found naturally in fucking tomato's and shit.
They sell one shot packets of msg called Magic Sarap in every Filipino store it will make huge improvements to your cooking once you get it down right.
Tldr msg is not bad it's good

>> No.15789769
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They use the term
>No added msg
Because they aren't adding any but there will be some in there but they didn't add it

>> No.15789771

I mean too much of anything is bad. Why does everyone have to be so black and white.

Most things in moderation are ok for you. There is no good and bad, it’s about staying balanced and not over indulging. If you can keep it in check and use msg sometimes, go for it.

>> No.15789777

The shills are really at it today. Good try but MSG is about as good for you as smoking cigarettes.

>> No.15789782

Right, but if you add free glutamic acid from tomatoes or other naturally occurring sources, you aren’t allowed to put that on there. See my above comment.

>> No.15789783

You can't prove a negative, dumbfuck. You keep claiming that anything with protein is "similar" to MSG. It's not.

>> No.15789792

>In the 80s there was a fake study done
Complete and utter horseshit. If that were true you would be able to link to this "fake study". You can't because it doesn't exist.

>> No.15789797


>> No.15789803

That’s not what I’m claiming at all. Nice straw man. I’m done with you.

You’re either extremely retarded, or a troll. This was a fun argument though, enjoy your weekend.

>> No.15789812

>That’s not what I’m claiming at all.
Yes, it is. Anything with protein will have some bound glutamate. Not the same thing chemically as MSG and you know it. STOP lying, shillbag.

>> No.15789821

The syndrome actually was based on speculation (published as a letter-to-the-editor of the New England Journal of Medicine) but picked up by the media as fact.

Eat shit faggot

>> No.15789849

In other words that "fake study from the 80s" never existed and your post is complete and utter horseshit. Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.15789868
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Fake study = letter in health Journal reported by media around the world as FACT. These myths still exist TODAY all from this one thing.
That's what started it you fucking retard.
MSG is the most studied thing ever and it's good

>> No.15789887

In other words, you pulled that "fake study from the 80s" right out of your ass. You lied, then tried to cover it up. Typical MSG shill. You are a pathetic sack of shit.

>> No.15789903
File: 219 KB, 1242x1539, 1615992976415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm noticing trends in shill posts; they trace all negative views towards controversial topic X (vaccines, MSG, etcetera) to a singular, laughable, sensational topic when it couldn't be further from the truth. Substantiate the claim that "that's what started it," mate

>> No.15789922

>unironic anti-vaxxer thinks MSG is a harmful substance
The pottery writes itself.

>> No.15789955

I told you in my first post why I use and enjoy msg in everything. That's hardly shilling for something that the nips were using in 1900s. I also explained what I, as a person who grew up in this time period around msg hysteria, experienced, I was called a shill for recalling that there was a fake study (Kwok the doctor writing to the medical journal then reported as fact worldwide) and then the anti msg campaign that followed and still persists today around the world. For that I'm called a shill.
I remember when I couldn't cook a single thing and /ck/ was a comfy place that taught such things now it's all rate my fast food chain shit and retards

>> No.15789973

How much are they paying you to post this garbage?

>> No.15789998

>Not the same thing chemically as MSG and you know it.
Actually, the very notion of there being a thing 'Monosodium Glutamate' makes no sense when discussing food. You literally cannot consume MSG in food; it is biochemically impossible for a human to do so, and a attempt to do so would result in violent seizures, because you'd have to consume so much that it exceeded a saturated solution in your stomach acid. There's no chemical difference between two identical ions from different sources, so the result of adding MSG to a soup is chemically indistinguishable from adding equivalent amounts of sodium and glutamic acid from other sources, because they will also end up in solution, at which point there aren't any Monosodium Glutamate molecules to be found; the ions are both extremely soluble. All you can do is consume a solution of electrically balanced glutamate zwitterions and negative sodium ions. A fully equipped chemistry lab wouldn't be able to tell you how much MSG you started with, or if any was added at all.

>> No.15790009

Yikes. And people claim MSG doesn't cause autism.

>> No.15790015

>Monosodium Glutamate molecules
Sorry, I should make it clear that this was meant sarcastically, there is never such a thing as a monosodium glutamate molecule, because it's an ionic salt, but it's the easiest way to make the point that the thing that people are so scared of can't even exist.

>> No.15790030

do you remember having soup first thing at that one specific restaurant as a kid? kenji admitted to being one of those people, but he actually looked into it and now begrudgingly admits that some people do have a sensitivity to high amounts of msg under the right conditions, like an empty stomach. he says wonton soup first thing could be the culprit for those people

>> No.15790034

>a-actually MSG doesn't even exist, goys
Wew. That's a new one, shill.

>> No.15790073

wait til you hear about vaccines

>> No.15790129

Of course it exists, you plum. But the idea that it remains special and unique from any other sources of two different ions like this/these morons claim (>>15789812, >>15789783, >>15789697, >>15789669, >>15789598, >>15789574) is just silly. By the time it gets into your chemical pathways it will always already be broken down into free glutamic acid and sodium ions, because that's how your body uses it. Bound glutamic acid needs to be stripped off its substrate to be useful, so that's what your body does. It's like saying a sack contains no bolts, because all of them have a nut threaded onto them...

>> No.15790139

it's not. there's MSG in almost every pre-packaged or fast food these days. if it was MSG, you'd be sick every day.

>> No.15790147

Did this anon prove Wikipedia wrong yet? It needs sources or people will just revert it.
Has the page been updated to remove the incorrect information? Or did anon lie and then move the goalposts to cover?

>> No.15790154

L-glutamic acid is not D-glutamic acid, dumbass.

>> No.15790155

MSG is literally not found in tomatoes and cheese. Glutamate is.

>> No.15790160

Wikipedia does not say tomatoes contain MSG, retard.

>> No.15790164

Yes it does and there is one of two sources.
I personally add MSG to my tomatoes because it's delicious.

>> No.15790167

>I took biochem 100 before I dropped out of university therefore i'm smart
consuming glutamate is unnecessary because your body makes its own. adding excess glutamate to your diet is over-consumption, and the health risks go beyond the harm that excess sodium already brings, so it's not the same thing. excess glutamate consumption increases your risk of developing stroke, alzheimer's and parkinson's, it literally rots away your nerves.

>> No.15790185

msg is an ion, it splits in a water solution into a sodium and a glutamate. tomatoes are full of water so no, they are not full of "msg" per se, but they are full of the constituent components, much like how if you put MSG into your food, it will split apart into sodium and glutamate. Saying "tomatoes have no MSG" is like saying "the ocean has no salt"- retarded

>> No.15790191

>L-glutamic acid is not D-glutamic acid, dumbass.
I fully agree, well spotted. Dextro-glutamic acid is not levo-glutamic acid. I think you probably incorrectly believe that we are living in the 60s, and that synthetic MSG is a racemic mixture, but that's no longer the case. synthetic MSG is almost entirely L-glutamic acid, just like the glutamic acid in, say, a steak.

>> No.15790194

>tomatos are primarily made of carbon and hydrogen molecules, just like gasoline. therefore tomatoes contain gasoline.
great logic.

>> No.15790197

MSG did not exist before it was synthesized.

>> No.15790210

> excess glutamate consumption increases your risk of developing stroke, alzheimer's and parkinson's, it literally rots away your nerves.
Now, I don't actually have evidence of this either way, but this is a far less stupid claim than 'MSG bad'. Excess consumption of most things is harmful.

>> No.15790214

>I don't understand chemistry

>> No.15790217

There's a reason so many psychiatric medications involve blocking glutamate.

>> No.15790220

So why is the FDA and Wikipedia saying it is in cheese and tomato, if it's wrong change it.
They're saying it's there and you're literally some guy telling me that you're right. So provide actual proof that says otherwise or stop saying Wikipedia and the FDA are wrong. Like that's what you are claiming, so you sound like a conspiracy theorist to me, and I love conspiracies.

>> No.15790221

"excess sodium" is peak reddit. you need to consume more salt, not less

>> No.15790227

>There's a reason so many psychiatric medications involve blocking glutamate.
I think that's more likely to have something to do with it being the principal neurotransmitter in more than half your synapses...

>> No.15790230

>So why is the FDA and Wikipedia saying it is in cheese and tomato
They aren't.

>> No.15790234

Excess consumption of water is pretty bad for you too, better stop consuming that and get all of your water from food.
Oh also tap water has chlorine which is bad in bigger doses too! Wow who would have thought?!

>> No.15790237

You wish, lardass.

>> No.15790239

Ok retard

>> No.15790247

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

>> No.15790249

exactly, you don't. you think that two substances having the same components means they are the same.
that's right, don't overconsume water or chlorine or you will experience negative effects. just like glutamate. not sure what your point is other than agreeing with me.

>> No.15790250

>Salt is why he's a fatass

>> No.15790252

>Wow who would have thought?!
Your mom had that very same thought last night. She whispered it in my ear.

>> No.15790257

Says the brainlet who can't stop uttering falsehoods.

>> No.15790260


>> No.15790263

>you think that two substances having the same components means they are the same.
No, I think that two identical members of a chemical species are identical, which is the fucking fundamental premise of chemistry

>> No.15790273

Natural foods contain glutamate, not MSG.

>> No.15790279

>identical things are identical
>the fundamental premise of chemistry is a tautology
wew lad

>> No.15790282

FDA days otherwise, it's right there dummy.
Learn to read.

>> No.15790289

It's a FAQ is written loosely for brainlets like yourself. Tomatoes don't literally contain MSG.

>> No.15790291

wrong. you literally said
>tomatoes contain glutamate and sodium
>therefore tomatoes contain monosodium glutamate
which is a brainlet's take and equivalent to believing tomatoes are made of gasoline because both are primarily composed of organic molecules.

>> No.15790298

retards like this are why americans get laughed at

>> No.15790304

FDA says otherwise, it's right there dummy.
Learn to read.
If there was more than that they would have added 1 line. Still waiting for proof though Mrs "dude, trust me I'm smart even though I'm saying the FDA are wrong man"

>> No.15790317
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The whole world laughs at them while they pat themselves on the back telling themselves how great they are

>> No.15790318

>if the government says it, it must be true
Learn some chemistry, kiddo. Stop relying on authority figures like a simpleton.

>> No.15790329

How are you this obtuse? Do you not know what an ionic crystal is? Monosodium glutamate is two separate things, bound by electrostatic attraction. Tomatoes contain sodium ions and glutamate ions, therefore they contain MSG. A bag of bolts with nuts screwed onto them contains nuts and bolts.

>> No.15790336

>I still have zero proof, dude trust me because I'm smart even though I'm arguing against the FDA s website that literally says it has MSG when I said it literally didn't have MSG
Learn to read, provide hard proof or accept that you're just wrong. I mean you said to multiple people now to learn chemistry so you should be able to show us incredibly simply your evidence.

>> No.15790351

>Guys MSG and MSG are different dattebayo!

>> No.15790354

>A bag of bolts with nuts screwed onto them contains nuts and bolts.
That's not what's in contention. What we're talking about is the converse. A bag of loose nuts and bolts is not a bag of bolts with nuts screwed onto them.

>> No.15790362

Any natural food containing protein will contain bound glutamate. But not MSG. That's the difference.

>> No.15790366
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Waiting for anon to prove the FDA wrong, bitch tears incoming about how them saying it has MSG means that it doesn't have MSG.
If it didn't have any then they wouldn't be day it does it people are scared of it.
Is it the elite trying to stop people from eating tomatoes and cheese so they have more?
You already said stuff about not trusting the government so you're obviously not thinking rationally, more like a person who's lashing out because he can't prove his point because it's wrong and of it wasn't wrong he'd have evidence.

>> No.15790374

If the FDA had a cock, you would suck it.

>> No.15790381

>You already said stuff about not trusting the government so you're obviously not thinking rationally

>> No.15790383

If evidence was having sex, you'd still be a virgin for life.

>> No.15790388

>A bag of loose nuts and bolts is not a bag of bolts with nuts screwed onto them.
But the nuts just slide right off with a little lubricant - which in this strained metaphor means putting it in solution.

>> No.15790396

This poster is a nazi

>> No.15790406
File: 401 KB, 539x381, So smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just jealous of my dubs

>> No.15790665

>Do you not know what an ionic crystal is? Monosodium glutamate is two separate things, bound by electrostatic attraction
ok. I'm sure separate ions and ionic compounds are identical. if you can consume table salt, then you can freely inhale chlorine gas.
>a bag of nuts and bolts
sums up your understanding of chemistry

>> No.15790672

Chlorine gas is not an ion, moron

>> No.15790756

Did you never do the sodium hydroxide into hydrochloric acid chemistry demo?

>> No.15790773

Why is everyone feeding the troll? He’s painfully wrong and grasping at nothing.

His only retorts are to say you’re wrong. He has no evidence and no reasoning for his thoughts. Someone way back already showed why he’s a retard.


glutamates are in vegetables and are added all the time as flavor enhancers after being extracted from those sources. It is actually against the law to say that your product is no added msg if it uses hydrolized vegetable proteins to add l-glutamate. He’s just a troll that’s pretending to know a lot about food science and chemistry. It’s so tired.

If he’s so right why hasn’t he posted a single source stating the contrary? It’s because he’s wrong.

>> No.15790800
File: 184 KB, 750x490, A9DAE932-4E96-40F6-B7C9-3D18428299E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not read?? In a solition msg separates into sodium and glutamate. Literally what the other anon is describing.

The reason you add sodium is for stability outside of a solution. Once it’s added back to a solution the glutamate and sodium separate. You’re fuckin dumb kid.

>> No.15791223
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>> No.15791378

no shit, that doesn't change anything. point out some more 9th grade information though.
>gasoline just becomes organic molecules in your stomach just like tomatoes. it's all the same!!!!!!!!
not sure how that's relevant

>> No.15791420

You keep repeating the same fallacious bullshit over and over again. The glutamate in vegetable protein is BOUND which means it has to be HYDROLYZED in order to produce free glutamic acid. That's why simply adding tomatoes to a product does not necessitate a "contains MSG" label.

>> No.15791482

Not only does it necessitate it, it facilitates it.

>> No.15791506

First off, that's the first thing I've posted in this thread, so I'm not repeating dick. Second tomatoes contain high amounts of free, not bound, glutamate. Look it up you fucking dunce.

Second hydrolysis is just dissolving something in water, so the way they extract it from tomatoes and other vegetables is just boiling it down in water and extracting the glutamate that was already in there. Or you could cook tomatoes, or you could just eat a raw one because it already has free glutamate because there is water in tomatoes.

>> No.15791534

False. Check a can of tomato soup. It will usually say No MSG.

>> No.15791719
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>> No.15791924

Chinese isn't a race, it's a nationality. Saying that it's a race is racist because you are yellow washing all of the non han Chinese living there

>> No.15792281

>yellow washing
Now that is racist. The term "whitewashing" comes from a substance called whitewash which is used to remove paint. Ascribing race to it like you just did shows your true intentions.

>> No.15792300
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its actually bad in the sense that it makes people with IQs below 115 to become addicted to fattening foods. they cant stop eating they arent smart enough to stop and realize that its the MSG causing all those dopamine hits on their tongue. truly a spice for hedonists.

>> No.15792700

>MSG makes food taste better than sex to the point rats can't help but gorge themselves on it
>this is a bad thing

>> No.15792995
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Imagine turning down food because it has MSG in it.

This post brought to you by the I-can-eat-anything-I-want-allergy-free master race

>> No.15793013

I still believe It is bad, but I did hear people are now saying it’s fine

>> No.15793014

I heard that dihydrogen monoxide is deadly. Ever since then I avoid anything with that in it.

>> No.15793153
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I fucking love science the post

>> No.15793180

Reddit the post

>> No.15793206
File: 823 KB, 765x988, 1590550411856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard that dihydrogen monoxide is deadly. Ever since then I avoid anything with that in it.

>> No.15793214

You dont fit in here go back to r/science

>> No.15793238

>get called out
>melt down
Inb4 another wojak or ugly guy.

>> No.15793244 [DELETED] 

>Video Games may Increase Penis Size
>Marijuana Not Actually Bad
>Trump Voters are Retards
There you go. That's /r/science
hard pass

>> No.15793265
File: 5 KB, 380x132, rtifg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a nerdy joke anon so I posted a nerd

>> No.15793271

All three of those are true.

>> No.15793283

>Outing yourself as a redditor
Yikes senpai problematic
Do you get the message yet?

>> No.15793285

This is an incredibly low effort post

>> No.15793288

This is now your third seething response at that very same post. Impressive.

>> No.15793312

>Something along the lines of "nooo, stop eating chink food, you should be eating our superior white western food, noooo!!!".
stop eating bats

>> No.15793323

>stop eating bats, said the American as he helped himself to another spoonful of lard

>> No.15793324

They don't, because everyone plays along with their delusions and pretends the food doesn't have msg. They happily stuff themselves with doritos and enjoy the "yeast extract" or whatever else they label it under.

>> No.15793329

Youd be surprised how many people youre replying to mr reddit cant deny the dubs in a row though

>> No.15793332

Yes. Lard is healthier than bat meat. Okinawans consume large amounts of lard

>> No.15793354

>Everyone who replies to me is the same person
Meds, schizo. Now.

>> No.15793357

Just because you choose a new post to direct all your seething replies at doesn't make it any less seething.

>> No.15793382

Just a troll then, moving on.

>> No.15793419

i believe its legit but not cause of MSG
chinese buffet places are fuckin vile

>> No.15793435

Sodium in general gives you a headache if you eat too much of it, which obviously you're going to do if you go to a fucking buffet. It's not just a Chinese restaurant thing.

>> No.15793500

You literally can not help replying to my posts, get a life you neckbeard loser.

>> No.15793920

ITT a lone conspiracy theorist tries to convince people that the government has a ploy to confuse people about MSG in food.

>> No.15793964
File: 114 KB, 736x736, 1591940650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using fake and gay CIA words

>> No.15793999

>intern writes loosely in an online faq
>conspiracy to confuse people

>> No.15794069

I have a shaker of Accent. Shit's not as game changing as I thought it would be especially with the amount of cheese, tomatoes, soy and fish sauce in my cooking.

>> No.15794204

>I say it's wrong but I still can't prove it
>They're lying to you
Sounds like qanon tier to me. All you/they need to do is provide proof but it's obvious you don't because you're literally wrong.
My guess: more pansy ass words and still zero proof until the thread ends.

>> No.15794217

>brings up an irrelevant topic to discredit by implied association
Thanks for admitting you're wrong

>> No.15794222

Irrelevant my ass.

>> No.15794223

Checked, your ass is irrelevant. How will your anus ever recover.

>> No.15794225

>more pansy ass words and still zero proof until the thread ends.

>> No.15794260

>it's up to you to prove it's harmful not up to the msg industry to prove it's safe
The fact that these shills almost immediately went to the race card proves their shit is cancer.

>> No.15794278

"The MSG industry." The fact that you used this phrase automatically debunks everything you say.

>> No.15794286

msg is for old people with dead tastebuds so they can enjoy food

>> No.15794291

government agencies across the world recognize msg as being a safe food additive. the eu and america are in agreement on this. if you're claiming otherwise, yes, you kind of need to back up your argument
meanwhile you have potassium bromate which is banned in the eu, argentina, brazil, canada, nigeria, south korea, peru, fucking china, and india but is perfectly fine in america
brominated vegetable oil which is banned in the eu, japan and india, but fine in america
and azodicarbonamide which is banned in the eu, japan and australia is still fine to use in america

>> No.15794306 [DELETED] 

stop eating bats chinsect

>> No.15794310

>The place you went to probably dumped tons of sugar, salt, and msg on your food.
A lot of it is really oily too. In some restaurants they just deep fry everything because it's faster than cooking in the wok with a small amount of oil. I've felt pretty crappy after eating too much sugary and greasy Chinese food, but if I order some of the lighter foods I'll be fine.

Trying to say it was racism is stupid though. The people who claimed MSG made them sick didn't completely avoid Chinese food, they just asked for it with no MSG. That doesn't sound very racist to me.

>But I never again had this kind of feeling where this numbness radiated from my neck to my chest and my face seemed to swell up and I had a hard time breathing to the point where I had to lie down.
I've had similar things happen just after I made something with way too much salt and tried to eat it anyway, same thing happened with my chest feeling tight and like I couldn't breathe as well. If you ever try to bring up how too much salt can be bad for you, you'll get people responding with "lol you think salt is bad" like it's the one special thing in the world that you can never have too much of. But too much salt will make you feel crappy, just like anything else.

>> No.15794314
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>unelected bureaucrats in government agencies said it was safe so it must be

>> No.15794317
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>daddy government would never let anything bad happen to me

>> No.15794320
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>nothing helps me sleep like a date rape drug

>> No.15794332

Can you find any example that isn't from over 100 years ago? Or are you stuck in the 1900s because you long for those days.

>> No.15794344

I used old examples because what was being sold is now known for being harmful, but then was considered safe. I guess you don't get the point unless it's all spelled out for you. Maybe try the race card again.

>> No.15794347

antidepressants having a side effect of increased risk of suicide?

>> No.15794690

The great thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe it.

>> No.15794696
File: 95 KB, 750x424, 1613486144595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, why are there so many science-deniers on 4chan?

>> No.15794743

MSG is a poor chef's cheat.
Chink food is awful, and chinks do not consider cheating immoral.

>> No.15794745

Here are your (You)s, foreigners. Looks like you need them.

>> No.15794748

Imagine living in the world that anon inhabits. Must be nice.

>> No.15795993

So the take away is that amerifats and chinks are dumb as fuck for using MSG in their food. Unironically the fast food shill threads are higher quality than this one.

>> No.15796091

>government agencies
Government agencies said PFOAs were safe to dump in the water. They are merely extensions of industry.

>> No.15796794

Feel free to make an actual point any time.

>> No.15796854

>MSG in food is actually not that bad
Actually it's incredibly bad, because it makes food taste better. When food tastes better, people eat more of it.

During a deadly obesity epidemic like the one we have lived in for decades, people eating more food is the last thing we need.

No ethical regulator would permit is production or sale today.

>> No.15798034

Yaeh, Americans ar efat.

>> No.15798103


>> No.15798127

>Obesity epidemic
Oh no I hope it isn't contagious

>> No.15798150

I miss finding threads on off-boards full of idiots shouting the same shit at each other over and over

>> No.15798174

You must not be looking very hard.

>> No.15798203

That was sarcasm.

>> No.15798265

Nice backpedaling there

>> No.15798275

Nice being jealous of our freedom there.

>> No.15798292

I have freedom intrinsically born into myself, I don't need my government to tell me how free I am and I don't need to repeat it to others constantly like I forgot what if feels like.
Pig dog American, I hope your school gets shot while you drink ice cream and eat a block of cheese you make me so angry.

>> No.15799479

It is.

>> No.15799817 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 720x824, 1612747724137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was agreeing with you. Why do people deny science?

>> No.15800053 [DELETED] 
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Modern science is a fucking joke.

>> No.15800096
File: 1.05 MB, 753x685, 1593328536149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine using a shitty crutch like MSG and then calling people racist when they dont use it
try cooking without dumping half a bottle of lawry's seasoning salt into your otherwise mediocre food

>> No.15800105

I'm a real chef, I make delicious food without using any salt. get on my level you fucking low class scum

>> No.15800175

>science agrees with you
>"This is the way things are, it's just science."
>science no longer agrees with you because scientists change their minds upon learning new information
>"Modern science is a fucking joke."
This is why B won.

>> No.15800668

>imagine using a shitty crutch like a stove and then calling people bad cooks when they dont use it
>try cooking your otherwise mediocre food without the help of an energy provider
if you need anything more than a bonfire and a few rocks of a various shape you can't cook for shit

>> No.15800676

The fucking fast food review board acting like they know shit about good cooking lmao.

>> No.15800692

You're arguing with a bunch of brainwashed retards, anon. Let them kill and sterilize themselves, they'll be defending le science on their deathbeds so just let them be

>> No.15800698

I'm sorry, I forgot that you and a couple of high-profile chefs which you personally like are the only people on the planet that are allowed to claim to have any knowledge about cooking. Can I suck your and your gf's cock as an apology?

>> No.15800880

Still need that proof

>> No.15800979

I would feel pretty good

>> No.15801121
File: 4 KB, 435x84, Screenshot_2021-03-21 soc - Discord Thread Image Edition - Cams Meetups - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao i talked to a retarded person last night and now im an sjw

>> No.15802113

source: dude trust me

>> No.15802157

it's bad because the E number for msg is e621 and furries have fucking ruined that number

>> No.15802221

Chinese is a race and is ethnically different from Vietnamese, Mongolian, Japanese, Korean, etc.
If you're going to concern troll at least try being above 80 IQ first

>> No.15802246

needs more jpeg

>> No.15802269

anglos chefs so people don't realize their food is shit

>> No.15802294

The last doctor I went to told me to stop eating Chinese and MSG is one of the reasons he gave.

>> No.15803043

We'll still be alive because you're wrong.

>> No.15804644

He's probably pandering to your own stupidity.

>> No.15804652

Why on earth did furries name their forum after MSG?

>> No.15804972

You experienced dehydration. Thats it.