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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15783813 No.15783813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15783825
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>> No.15783833


>> No.15783845


>> No.15783867
File: 27 KB, 220x124, D6D6B228-2B8C-4CD4-8410-064C64309AD1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15783890


>> No.15783900

Why did people get so upset about this?

>> No.15783919

i fucking hate this commercial. this is easily the worst commercial on tv. i cant fucking believe a team of directors and executives looked at this and said "ok yup this looks good" look at the guys fucking hand, its fucking disgusting, the lack of detail on it. no fingernail, or knuckles, or wrinkles, or hair. just a fucking blob of flesh because fuck you. it makes me want to fucking trow up. and the lady stabbing her chopsticks towards her salad. who the fuck eats salad with chopsticks in the first place, and why are you fucking shoving your disgusting shit salad in my face you annoying sausage fingered little fuck. get that shit out of my fucking face. and the fucking weird smooth lady drinking a milkshake who looks like fucking sid from fucking toy fucking story. fucking annoying. nobody fucking likes food that much you stupid fucking psychotic consoomers. who the fuck even are these people in the first place. how do they know each other. why is there a baby living in this guys house. this absolutely screams made in india. weve moved past the "were all in this together" phase of covid ads so now were in the "we cant hire in person actors for commercials so were going to overwork some poor team of animators in the global south and make you look at annoying fucking gross looking 3D characters that nobody gives a shit about". and the kid dancing at the end pisses me off the most. i want to fucking dwayne johnson smackdown him onto an airport runway. and the earpiercing flute music. i swear this commercial plays 3x louder than everything else. ill be asleep on my couch and then all of a sudden "DWEE DOO DOO DOOTILE DWEE DOO POOO POO POOOOPY" SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY FUCKING GOD it fucking hits a frequency that turns off the rational part of my brain and makes me half want to destroy everything in my room like the guy from the pink floyd wall album and the other half just wants to fucking bawl my eyes out because i just want the fucking torture to stop.

>> No.15783932


>> No.15783956
File: 26 KB, 397x384, 67f2f58e6dda7d6df50e005042f0a6443aef26db6d00396e6c4957d2c0fc2050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just a commercial anon. It can't hurt you

>> No.15783980 [DELETED] 



>> No.15783993

stale pasta

>> No.15784007

Gruhub is inherently immoral.

>> No.15784009
File: 304 KB, 220x124, 86EFF303-7EED-49EE-8C11-B5F0287473C8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15784014

>what do you mean you want to cook dinner
>here now we dance

>> No.15784023

this is the one for me
i struggle to imagine who did this and thought it looked ok

>> No.15784037

Isn’t it possible that this shit is so horribly ugly on purpose to get people talking about it? Like those talking aborted rat fetus Quiznos commercials

>> No.15784067

yes that was exactly the point and it worked...they even said it themselves


>> No.15784112


>> No.15784123

They threw this shit on the air in the middle of a pandemic, while people died, and millions of people lost their jobs. Really struck me as tone deaf, to advertise, in such a showy and smarmy fashion, an expensive food delivery service to people who had lost their source and income, and likely also lost a family member, during a time when the supermarkets were out of most meats and flour and other staples. I couldn't find yeast for months, and then it had nearly quadrupled in price, and it was no longer even cheaper for me to continue baking my own bread than to get (((their))) bread. I managed to stay working under the table, all while collecting funemployment, which was nice, but my 40 year old mom died and my 45 year old dad still needs oxygen, after almost a full year since he caught the coof, and meanwhile some cgi fat mulatto faggot is shaking his ass, trying to get me to spend $30 on a $10 shitty fast food meal. It was repulsive.

>> No.15784138


>> No.15784142

Your parents shouldn’t have been fat.

>> No.15784154

nice larp

>> No.15784163

You will own nothing and you will be happy while we deliver your overpriced slop


>> No.15784164

You're right but I'm still pissed

>> No.15784300

sorry about your folks anon that’s terrible, also yeah fuck these delivery services and their couriers are such pieces of shit to restaurant staff when they’re picking up orders (t. former server)

>> No.15784307

>an expensive food delivery service to people who had lost their source and income
Then the commercial clearly wasn’t intended to market to you.
Do luxury car commercials also make you angry?

>> No.15784333

the shortage stage of corona was a two week period an entire year ago you mongoloid

>> No.15784350

what a fat fuck

>> No.15784359


>> No.15784370

They played this shit like every 3 seconds on TV while I was in the hospital. It felt like I was having a drugged up nightmare every time it came on.

>> No.15784484

Sorry bro.

>> No.15784687

it sounds like it already did

>> No.15784712

For lucky people like you, sure. I was on my last bits of beef when it was back finally in stores, around June last year. I had to take a hobo shower every time I took a shit for so long, even when toilet paper was back on the shelves I didn't buy any. This was all around the time that grubhub decided to make light of a terrible situation and try to market their stupid delivery service.

>> No.15784755
File: 38 KB, 758x644, 1614124998261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like Globo Homo propaganda BS.
Elliot Rodger was based.

>> No.15784780


>> No.15784894

>I had to take a hobo shower every time I took a shit
You should wash after every dump

>> No.15784900

>not taking a real shower every time you go to the bathroom

>> No.15784908

ok incel

>> No.15784919

I don't think the reaction was intended. They just decided to roll with it and use it the free publicity to prolong the life of the ad campaign.

>> No.15784965

I just hate that they're all appropriately overweight, like a sausage perfectly filling its casing

>> No.15784982
File: 401 KB, 800x450, 1616107448638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the middle of a pandemic