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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 680x383, 4283676525042986865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15781432 No.15781432[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>was once your average every day wagie who, on the side, produced his own how-to cooking vids on youtube with his own spin on things
>grew disillusioned with the wagie lifestyle, eventually decides to quit being a corporate cuck and devote his life to spreading the joys and knowledge of convenient home cooking methods for your favorite foods
>videos are presented in a clean manner that's friendly for the kids but still has jokes for those cheeky adults who like a little humor with their cooking
>somehow he makes random losers on the web mad cause he's doing what they wish they had the balls to do

Seriously. This guy is a boon for your average every man looking for tips on how to make or spice up meals. Aside from his preference to use mayo as a crisping agent for grilled cheese, I think his methods are actually good for folks looking for help or refinement in their cooking technique.


>> No.15781435

I made one of his recipes and it gave me and my entire family violently ill and my grandfather died. Blood is on his hands.

>> No.15781489

Why does he adds so many spiders to his recipes anyway? First babish, now him...

>> No.15781496

Why don't you?

>> No.15781512


>> No.15781514
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, 1615988960673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam "I prep my wife not the bull" Ragusea

>> No.15781561

Cuckoldry on your mind? pretty freudian mate. seek help for you evil fetish.

>> No.15781564

take your foreskins kikeo

>> No.15781567

Holy based, I was so pissed while reading this, but then I was just like fuck it, I'm an /adambro/ now.

>> No.15781604

Adam literally is /ck/ - that's why the board "hates" him so much. It's like looking into the mirror and seeing what a pathetic soy faggot you turned out to be.

>> No.15781612

no, it's because he's a kike

>> No.15781624

Incredible cope. Anon literally lays it out for you when it's been under your nose and you just blurt out kike like you're trained to. Dumdum.

>> No.15781629

>fucking retard doesn't even have ID enabled and thinks he is being clever samefagging

>> No.15781630


>> No.15781633
File: 258 KB, 512x497, schizophrenic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15781640

Kikes are /ourguys/, though
The real problem lies in wh*te "people".

>> No.15781651

take your foreskins kikeo

>> No.15781669

>goy has turned into a broken record after he got BTFO
Please stay on-topic or there will be forseeable consequences to your ability to post on this Food & Cooking board.

>> No.15781677

foreskins. take them.

>> No.15781678

I am against circumcision, though.

>> No.15781682

fuck this nigger

>> No.15781694
File: 79 KB, 1003x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) he's not a chef; 2) fuck you; 3) his wife is one of the ugliest creatures on the planet; 3) fuck you; 4) he's an unhinged lunatic; 5) fuck you, you shit taste having fuck; 6) his eyes are too close together

>> No.15781697

Chadam Ragusea dunking on 4chan incels for the 5891289th time, I see.

>> No.15781704

My foreskin is attached to my penis, can you say the same? Again, meds schizo.

>> No.15781709

Hypocrite calling Ragusea an unhinged lunatic while posting about him on 4chan, a site he admittedly does not even use.

>> No.15781714

that youtube comment is the work of someone who belongs in an asylum.

>> No.15781724 [DELETED] 

he's italian so he's actually a nigger.

>> No.15781758
File: 319 KB, 1083x784, 1609172981757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15781775

Is this the Barneyfag of /ck/?

>> No.15781786
File: 720 KB, 1600x900, EweOE__XEAUFqEH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this has never been substantiated
I love dabbing on faggots but can we not just make up random shit?

>> No.15781825
File: 52 KB, 825x497, fa0492c95b76552960d6e0eed52a9ecb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags just don't like him because he cooks food the "wrong" way
Seethe harder you fucking cucks

>> No.15781840

None of that concerns me except for the last one. I would sooner die a celibate than keep a gap-toothed goblina in the house.

>> No.15781852

>implying that most of the incels here won't die having never been touched by a woman, horse-faced or not

>> No.15781954

The older you get, typically the more miserable your life becomes wishing that you spent your life with a family around you.

>> No.15782536

The only thing he has cooked that was offense to me was the pot of protein fish thing he made

>> No.15782552

>>grew disillusioned with the wagie lifestyle
he lost his job(s), the NPR gig, and the University gig. He basically didn't make it in life post-graduation. His videos are fine, he's just greasy and unkempt. I can't even look at him and his poor taste in eyewear.

>> No.15782556
File: 11 KB, 119x153, AdamFegusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck of Adam, you're self centered, insufferable and a prick who can't take any criticism.

>> No.15782564

Another liberal transplant that turned Georgia blue

>> No.15782566

>6) his eyes are too close together
This. It's hard to look at birth defects. He doesn't look like he shaves or showers. It's like watching the crazy person who just rolled out of bed and got dressed without even brushing his teeth or applying deordorant.

>> No.15782567

Goddamnit I have that same nasa shirt. Fuck

>> No.15782583

One thing I appreciate from him vs a bunch of other foodtubers like babish and weissman is that he is not a chef. He is some fucking guy, making weeknight meals. He doesn't procure rare ingredients, he doesn't do anything for flair and style, he doesn't dirty any pans he doesn't have to because cleaning is a bitch.
I like that he isn't ostentatious and pretentious, he's making regular ass dishes and offering insight into some basic food science concepts and techniques to allow us to learn some good cooking habits and make life easier and tastier.
I only watch foodtubers that aren't chefs. I'm a big fan of Future Neighbor for teaching me the basics of Korean cooking, since they're also not chefs and just regular people making food.

>> No.15782648
File: 41 KB, 329x494, fustioliveoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea ok, watch his evoo vid, the retard thinks its fine when you basically wreck evoo overheating it. Then goes on and on, babbling reading off a script how its just fine throwing in buzzwords and nonsense to dress it up pretty, basically babbling. No it's not fine, it gives olive oil a metallic taste if you overheat it, you have to know what you're doing and the moron never once mentions there are evoo's out there that don't burn get that metallic taste, doesn't have a clue on what he makes vids about. The true peeps who go through 20l or 40l of olive oil per year store it all in large containers where the spigot is a few inches above the bottom of the container, guess what happens as its stored there? The water begins to settle on the bottom, reducing the water content of the evoo, then guess what happens? The burn/smoke point gets much higher for that olive oil. You wouldn't find this out from a bullshit artist amateur like Adam though, he's busy trying to act like he's informative and producing laughable content for plebs. Red line in pic is where the water collects when it slowly separates from the oil, right above the spigot, by the time you're done with the 40l in a year or so, a good inch or two on the bottom is basically water.

>> No.15782674

>I like that he isn't ostentatious and pretentious

Is this a joke? He's one of the most smug and pretentious cunts on the internet. Unless you meant his cooking in particular? You'd be right about that considering he clearly fucking hates cooking and only likes eating.

Trying to optimize time to taste ratio is something I guess. It's not even that he doesn't takes pride in the finished products, or that he never tries to make something as well as he can, but that he actively encourages other people to be mediocre.

>> No.15782690

>was once your average every day wagie who, on the side, produced his own how-to cooking vids on youtube with his own spin on things
Wasn't he a video journalist and then became a college professor teaching videography? That sounds pretty far from wagie.

>> No.15782698

He sets out to make a dish that people can make on a weeknight with middling culinary experience. My time of borrowing from his cookbook is long gone but he was a good first step into the world of home cooking far beyond simply browning meats or making stir fries.

>> No.15782742

>nasa shirt
what a fucking sheep. soychad? more like soychud. Imagine wasting trillions in resources to win a race that yielded no positives. People can't afford health care and these fucks want to start over on mars. jfc

>> No.15782816
File: 86 KB, 868x483, AdamWorthlessIdiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea ok, sell this bullshit somewhere else Adam.