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15773926 No.15773926 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best beer to have after a long day at work? For me, it's a steel reserve.

>> No.15773940
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>> No.15773950

Water and a bible passage, my man.

>> No.15773959

Not everyone is a mormon anon

>> No.15773960

Steel reserve is best enjoyed on a Thursday morning before it's bright out, warm from the closet.

>> No.15773963

That video is a skit

>> No.15773983

God I miss the days of being able to get 25oz cans of Steel Reserve, Natty Daddy, and Icehouse Edge for $1 a can

>> No.15773993

Good choice, should be able to feel the booze from one can without getting a hang over.
Whatchu no bout that? prolly nothin

>> No.15774014

>Good choice, should be able to feel the booze from one can without getting a hang over.
Yep, all for two bucks.

>> No.15774036

What's your favorite? Mine is Job 23.

>> No.15774146

religion is the ultimate cope.

>> No.15774152

Pointless argument to havr, if you want to argue in circles go to pol. Also, not food and cooking.

>> No.15774172

You brought it up brother. Take your advice and keep it to food.

>> No.15774175
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I go for some buds, they're not expensive or pretentious.

>> No.15774195

I am not the retard who came in to a beer thread talking about his epic water and mormon prayer time

>> No.15774200

Regular beer is shit. It gets you literally no where buzz wise and just makes you fat.

>> No.15774201

FUCK steel reserve....im a full blown alcoholic and it was literally the only time I got a hangover before getting drunk

>> No.15774247

Yeah but it makes a good chaser for some bourbon.

>> No.15774249

I don't get hangovers so it's not an issue for me. But there was one time when I had several shots of absinthe and then three steel reserve tallboys after. The day after was horrible

>> No.15774279
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>> No.15774873
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You jelly faggots?

>> No.15774916

They still make those? I thought they discontinued it. All I can find is the Lime flavored. All my nearby LQs don’t stock it anymore, but I liked that. It’s a great summer drink.

>> No.15774993
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I'm in Vegas it's carried in many stores but Lime is like in every store. Limes ok but the aftertaste is way better with lemonade

>> No.15775014

it's weird how athiests constantly feel the need to justify their position

I don't believe dragons are real, therefore I don't spend all my time studying dragonology and learning how to fight them
but atheists can't stop attacking ghosts

>> No.15775022

That gives me hope. That was my go to last year during sweaty months. And thanks for the gif

>> No.15775038
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I asked the manager at the gast station closet to my house to order it and she did. Do that

>> No.15775706

I like pouring a glass of Guinness or a saint Arnold lawnmower ipa.
Depending on how the days been.

>> No.15776420

Does steel reserve really fuck that many people up

>> No.15776556
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for me, it's the golden lady

>> No.15776559

Unironically Mike's Hard Lemonade

>> No.15776581

they're starting to not sell steel reserve where I live and it getting replaced by faggy hard seltzer. I'm getting worried

>> No.15776586


christians are faggots.

>> No.15776736

Walmart will never stop selling it

>> No.15776753

So tempted to get cigs and booze right now
I'm 2 months clean and I'm bored as fuck

>> No.15776765

Cigs suck

>> No.15776782

Steel Reserve is not "getting replaced by hard seltzer".

>> No.15776802

Buy some booze ignore the cigs

>> No.15776804

I know but there's no way I can drink without smoke it's a package deal, easier to do none of both lol

>> No.15776863

Shit tier combo. I don't know why people like it so much.

>> No.15776903

It's so good, get's shit after a while and the hangover is worse with a burned out mouth and throat, hate hacking up phlegm and having a a foul taste in my mouth all day.

>> No.15776908

I don't smoke in general because I already have allergies or something so I already get alot of mucus

>> No.15776931

Yeah mines always pretty bad, smoking doesne help though, always hacking up phlegm in the morning and blowing my nose.

>> No.15776955


>> No.15776971
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I relapsed bros

>> No.15777015

for me its Cerveza 5.0% - 500ml

>> No.15777035

The road to success is often paved with failures

>> No.15777073


>> No.15777074
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based steel reserve poster

>> No.15777108

t. alchy

>> No.15777129

Legendary posting it never gets old.

>> No.15777154

I drink like twice a month. I'd rather actually get a buzz when I drink and not get fat over nothing in the meantime, thanks.

>> No.15777460
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>dad comes over for a visit
>puts his case of bud light in the fridge
>sees my steelies in the fridge
>calls me a faggot who should drink a real beer
>kicked him out
>dumped out his shitty case of water
Whatchu know about that...prolly nothin'

>> No.15777593

>Buying pre-rolled joints.
Enjoy your floor shavings.

>> No.15777731

if it gets you high who gives a shit?

>> No.15777789

>cant joke around with my dad
Pathetic loser

>> No.15777828


>> No.15777916

>letting anyone disrespect your patrician taste in beer

>> No.15778200

>be me
>late teens
>go to buddy’s house around noon to DUDE
>go to his room
>hes sitting cross legged on his bed wrapped in a sheet
>nearly finished with his second 40 of Steelie
>light a joint smoke some pass
>he takes a few puffs
>he grabs empty cardboard box that those little bags of a bunch of different kinds of chips come in off his trash pile floor
>hurls into it
>stares down into puke box while swaying slightly
>puke starts leaking out onto his bed
>fuck fuck fuck
>he jumps up with the box still while wrapped in sheet
>sways and gets jumbled in the sheet
>puke spilling everywhere
>stumbles to his open window
>throws box and puke covered sheet out of the third story window onto the sidewalk below.
>sickening squelch as box hits sidewalk
>falls into his bed
>grab my weed, papers etc
>alright man I’ll see you later
>rolling around in his vomit on his bed
>grallas dishafuckling addfjx
>yeah you too, later
>leave and go home to smoke
>step around vomit box and sheet on the sidewalk
>not even 1 pm on a beautiful summer day

>> No.15778249
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Personally, it's Belgian stuff for me.

>> No.15778259

I gained 10 pounds just by drinking these fuckers. They give me the worst shits too but still a better deal than drinking other beers. Might as well switch to hard liquor.

>> No.15778279

Those $1 Natty Daddy's kept me going for years when I was too broke to afford real booze and I was gonna go into withdrawals.

>> No.15778706

There's one liquor store that's a little out of my way but they still have Natty Daddy's for $1 god bless em.

>> No.15778761

>pricey grocery beer
Lagunitas IPA, whatever's good and local
>cheap beer while working
Rolling Rock
>cheap beer after working
Coors Banquet, Bud Heavy
>even cheaper swill
Bud Ice
>malt liquor
King Cobra

These are all opinion but take the malt liquor choice seriously.

>> No.15778768

nice dubs and thanks for the story anon, got a good chuckle

>> No.15779425



>> No.15779552

Austin 211

>> No.15779763

Forgot to say there was a really funny vomit trail down the side of his building for a while

>> No.15779769


>> No.15780254

Christfags must be culled

>> No.15780276

sounds like a good time to me

>> No.15780288

go to an area with a high concentration of basketball americans, I'm 100% certain they will have it

>> No.15780318

sounds like my mom on the weekends

>> No.15780352

Will a six pack of 5.2% Guinness leave me hungover? Ive got an interview at 2pm tomorrow.

>> No.15780354

drink a pint of water for each bottle of beer

>> No.15780361
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I’ve been getting into Chinese beers lately.

>> No.15780431

Yingling is shit and proves chinnamen can’t into alcohol. Would rather have a 40 of King Conrad desu

>> No.15780578

God already forgives you too friends

>> No.15780636
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it's cheap idk, I'm more of a whiskey guy cause you don't need a lot to get you drunk.

>> No.15780640


>> No.15780659

God sends unrepentant sinners to hell.

>> No.15780673

I think most people that make the sort of comment I was replying to do harbor some guilt over sin of some kind and lash out in response, yet inside are remorseful

>> No.15780720

But it’s much easier to maintain an even level of drunkenness slamming down pounders than it is with liquor.

>> No.15780744
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>> No.15782364

miller high life- its the champagne of beers.

>> No.15782486
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only the best of course.

>> No.15782553
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beer from franconia, fuck the rest
except for guinnes

>> No.15783185

Saison dupont is the ultimate after work beer.

>> No.15784610
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Unironically the best seltzer on the market right now

>> No.15784666
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no more steel reserve, it gave me an ulcer after a year of drinking 3 24oz cans a day with a bad diet. i like warsteiner and other german pilsner beer now.

>> No.15784675


>> No.15784677

What's the best beer to drink when you're in love with your best friend of fifteen years but you're already married to a great woman whom you also love and you realize that your friend was in love with you fifteen years ago when you met but she didn't act on it because she knew you were with someone who is now your wife so you get the double whammy of being in love with someone who doesn't love you back plus knowing you missed out on what might be a great opportunity so you sit alone at night staring at the ceiling and wishing you were dead because it feels like you're getting ripped in half all the time because you're so fucking unhappy that you wish it would all be over but you don't have the willpower to shoot yourself in the head so you just pray you die in your sleep?

That's right. It's Steel Reserve.

>> No.15784684

Nice. I had some Lucky Buddha a few days ago. They taste like Heineken and the bottles look cool.

>> No.15784745

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is great, drinkable during a Summer day and is not too bitter. For the cheap shit I like PBR and Miller Lite. Playing disc golf after work in the Georgia heat, I would usually just grab a 6 of PBR tall boys.

>> No.15784750

That's just shandy.

>> No.15785100


>> No.15785196
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Busch ice tall boys while watching the NASCAR truck series is the PATRICIAN way to relax desu.

>> No.15785304
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>> No.15786319

pilsner is king. but steel reserve isn't in the niche for best beer. it serves its purpose as only the cheapest highest percent available at a gas station. it's potential is not even suited for the "best beer" category.