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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 192 KB, 750x500, package-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15767702 No.15767702 [Reply] [Original]

Yo what the fuck is going on with bread these days? This mass produced shit isnt even edible anymore. I have to buy artisan or nothing.

>> No.15767720

Cutting costs by using bleached flour and filling it with corn syrup.

>> No.15767764

It's been shit for quite some time. Where have you been?

>> No.15767776

Go get your shit from Russian then.

>> No.15767801
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Lost it when he pushed it completely flat and it came back. Only the Russians could make memory bread.

>> No.15767840
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Imagine not being German kek.

>> No.15767846

Buy bakery bread it's the same price and better. Shit like wonder bread has always been bad, you are just noticing it now.

>> No.15767851

theres a bakery in the same store 50 feet away dipshit

>> No.15768032

Wegmans is the only grocery store bakery I know of that doesn't have 25 ingredients in their store-made stuff.

>> No.15768079

40 years ago they started fucking all shit up with sugar, now they are doing it with soy and wheat germ to keep costs down

Does anyone notice they've been farting more? Its all that soy and wheat shit they pump into your food.

>> No.15768661

Is it really "artisan" bread, or is just bread bought from a local bakery?

>> No.15768670

>wheat shit
Where do you think flour comes from?

>> No.15768682

anon, just learn how to make bread. i havent bought grocery store bread in years since bread is so easy to make. it doesnt need to be anything fancy. if you feel lazy to make it too then just lose weight and dont eat bread

>> No.15768689

rye and barley
real grains, not American mass produced shit that's full of fat and no nutritional value

>> No.15768737

99% of Americans have never eaten real bread in their life. Sad.

>> No.15768755

Rye bread isn't made with flour, is it? It's ground rye. And it's called rye bread.

>> No.15768765

you're a fucking idiot if you weren't aware that generic "bread" has refereed to a product made with wheatflour since like a billion years ago. This isn't a new thing.

>> No.15768767

Looks fine to me boy. Just be greatful you have something to eat

>> No.15768782

>barely flour bread
what the actual fuck are you talking about

>> No.15768842

What fats are added to American mass produced bread?

>> No.15768870

Best-tier: home baked bread (70/30 ratio of whole wheat to white)

It's fine-tier: bakery bread or ezekiel bread

bad-tier: grocery-store bread, either white, wheat, sourdough, rye - it's all pretty crap - the only thing it's good for really is burgers and grilled cheese

>> No.15768878

>fats added to bread omg that's so bad
Nigga have you never heard of cuban bread before?

>> No.15768884


>> No.15768886

This is America, groceries stores shelves full stocks with 25 kinds of bread. God bless the burgers ! What a life ! (druk)

>> No.15768901

Is that a staple in the USA? Stop telling lies on the internet.

>> No.15768907

ground rye is called flour. Flour made from Americanized wheat contains no nutritional value. Op posted American bread, which has gone to shit.

The fat's part of the flour, like how protein is a part of beans. If they didn't have to make up the difference in gluten free types like Glutino, we would be ignorant of just how much fat is stored in the wheat that's counted off-label because it's no longer marketable. Or do you mean to tell me that the Wonder Bread from 30 years ago, which had a higher fat content on the label somehow became fat free despite using all the same ingredients?

Make some yourself, anon!! Homemade barley bread is the best. google the recipes yourself. Don't use the ones that cut with "bread" or rye flour.

>> No.15768920

History of sliced bread

>> No.15768921

Florida is part of the USA so yes.

>> No.15768923

Rye flour is not generic flour. That is why it has a different name.

>> No.15768932

what the FUCK are you talking about

>> No.15768933

If there's a load of fat in flour, how come the grinding stones don't get clogged up?

>> No.15768935

Buy a bread maker bro

>> No.15768937

>ground rye is called flour
not in the western world, no. where the fuck do you live?

>> No.15768944

Cuba. It's not part of the USA, is it? How many USA supermarkets sell Cuban bread?

>> No.15768946
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>The fat's part of the flour

>> No.15768956

A lotisn florida. You should go there. Its unpleasant like you are.

>> No.15768958

He's going on about rye bread. He's just a hipster troll.

>> No.15768960

is there even a substantial difference between cuban bread and a french loaf?

>> No.15768964

You've lost the argument. I said USA.

>> No.15768970

LARD and the way it's made.

>> No.15768976

Is it true that in america they have sugar in bread?

>> No.15768981

american supermarkets have a very large variety of breads, most don't have added sugar

>> No.15768985

Euro bread has a tiny bit of sugar added. But it is to feed the yeast. Dumbericans go over the top and add way too much. That Wonder Bread tastes like sponge cake.

>> No.15768993

How do you feed the yeast?

>> No.15768996

with the naturally occurring carbohydrates in wheat flour

>> No.15768997

A little bit of sweetness is nice on a burger or a sandwhich

>> No.15769000

Isn't that making a sourdough? And it takes hours to activate the yeast.

>> No.15769008

Just add sugar to the ground beef and get decent bread. Sugar addiction is a problem, you know.

>> No.15769013

no, it isn't. sourdough is made with literal sour dough as a starter rather than yeast.
>And it takes hours to activate the yeast
not really. proofing takes about an hour, depending on what you are making. sourdough bread dough must proof too, anyway, so the point is moot.

>> No.15769028

>a starter
That contains yeast.
>proofing takes about an hour
With no sugar, it will take hours for the yeast to convert carbs to sugars.

>> No.15769033

>That contains yeast.
yes. but is isn't yeast in itself.
>With no sugar, it will take hours for the yeast to convert carbs to sugars.
the point of yeast is not to convert carbs to sugar. I'm starting to doubt you know how bread works.

>> No.15769043

what are you, a faggot? does your local grocer not sell local bakery bread? does your grocer not bake its own bread? only retards buy factory bread.

>> No.15769047

Just go to whole foods if you want good bread.

>> No.15769050

>but is isn't yeast in itself
So what the fuck is causing the bubbles?
>the point of yeast is not to convert carbs to sugar
Yeast feeds off sugar immediately. It needs time for the yeast to convert carbs to sugar.

>> No.15769065

Just buy baguettes from a bakery. If you have a Vietnamese place near by you can buy the rolls they use off them. Those are good too.

>> No.15769077

>So what the fuck is causing the bubbles?
yeast and lactobacilli, obviously. sourdough starter contains yeast and various bacteria, but isn't "yeast" just like wine contains alcohol but isn't ethyl alcohol.
> yeast to convert carbs to sugar.
this is not a thing that happens. yeast converts carbs (sugar is a carb) to CO2 which is what makes bread rise.

>> No.15769089

>year of our lord 2021
>still not making your own bread
It's the easiest shit anon.

>> No.15769090

>yeast and lactobacilli
So it is yeast.
>the point of yeast is not to convert carbs to sugar
Do rice, past and potatoes taste really sweet?

>> No.15769094

>So it is yeast.
In the exact same way that cream is fat or meat is protein

>> No.15769099
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Make your own

>> No.15769100

I started baking my own bread. it's pretty tard proof and delicious but don't post it on here or else people will have an autisimo fit

>> No.15769115

What is the fatty part of the milk = the cream
Is meat made of proteins = yes.
Just give up. You haven't got a clue.

>> No.15769133
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2000, moroccan-bread-1307-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Baguette from France here.

>> No.15769134

You're the one who said "yeast converts carbs to sugar" you ignorant faggot

>> No.15769156

What does that have to do with cream or meat?
Lost the argument and revert to name-calling. Sad on so many levels.

>> No.15769176

A jar of jelly beans contains some red jelly beans and some that arent red. Does it make sense to label this jar as "red jelly beans"?

>> No.15769191

Now you're just being silly. Go back to rebbit.

>> No.15769193

*lets out a big stinky fart directly in your face*

>> No.15769227


>> No.15769232

To be clear, in America we typically have a bakery area that looks like your picture, with all kinds of nice breads, pastries, cakes, etc. Then we also have a bread aisle with the packaged mass produced trash. The packaged trash is somewhat cheaper than the fresh bakery bread.

>> No.15769237

Nigga not only do you not know bread you also don't know geography.

>> No.15769251

the bakery section never has shit like that though
its all baguettes and maybe some other generic bread

>> No.15769255

why does everything actually suck im america?

>> No.15769271

why do people still eat bread lol?
that stuff is not even keto

>> No.15769290

Did I say USA or just Florida specifically? Go back to school and learn how English works.

>> No.15769300

They're a bunch of gobblers.

>> No.15769304

So why are you in this thread? Just trolling?

>> No.15769309

you are america?

>> No.15769313
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>Adding sugar to your beef

>> No.15769320

I guess the comment was too intellectual and went way over your rebbit head.

>> No.15769330

I asked a question about bread in a bread thread.
are you being coy with me?

>> No.15769344

You're anti-bread in a bread thread. Just how stupid are you? American education for ya.

>> No.15769369

Are you too deficient of knowledge to start your own "No Bread" thread?

>> No.15769403

>op makes a thread about deteriorating quality of bread
some how i'm anti-bread
how much does big-agri pay you to shill their peasant food

>> No.15769416

Learn how to reply to comments before you make comments. It's not difficult.

>> No.15769430

>X doesnt have y
>actually a subset of X does have y
>uhhh thats not how english works
you're retarded

>> No.15769433

lol i am not going to give you a (you) troll

>> No.15769439


>> No.15769451

4chan doesn't have "yous".
Go back to rebbit.

>> No.15769529
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>> No.15769614

I'm usually not one to talk shit about 'flyover' country because I actually like those regions but this is definitely one we coasties have on you
I live in western MA and our major grocery chain has a solid bakery that both bakes in-house and sources from local bakeries daily
And also has the big bread isle with mass produced trash that isn't even substantially cheaper for the retards that wouldn't know a good thing if it crashed into them in a Mack truck

>> No.15769698

If mass produced bread costs one price, and local bakeries are selling it for the same price, you're getting ripped off by the local bakeries. How much does flour and yeast cost?

>> No.15769725

mass produced bread is usually cheaper. bakeries are not a ripoff if you value bread that isnt shit.

>> No.15769730

I can get a shitty mass production loaf of "whole wheat" bread with a bunch of added dextrose and whatever other shit for $2.75 or I can get a loaf of seeded rye of the same mass, made about an hour away from where I live, for $3.50

>> No.15769754

Flour is flour. It's ground bagged and sold. What makes the bakery flour better than the supermarket bakery flour?

>> No.15769760

Whole wheat and rye aren't generic flour. So they charge you more.

>> No.15769762

I hope you fucking die in a car crash you piece of shit

>> No.15769768

I don't drive. Keep hoping.

>> No.15769770

Take your meds you obsessed schizo.

>> No.15769773

Who makes bread of bleached white flour in 2021, jesus
My point is comparable types of bread, at my local grocery stores, are not significantly more cheaper to buy from mass produced sources over proper bakeries

>> No.15769774 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15769780

Who mentioned bleach? This isn't your chicken we're talking about.

>> No.15769781

im not talking about flour, im talking about bread obviously

>> No.15769787

I don't even give a fuck about the price of flour why are you still on this

>> No.15769791

Rye bread doesn't compare to normal bread. The flavour and texture are totally different. It's like saying roast potatoes are the same as fries.

>> No.15769793

Which is made from...?

>> No.15769797

Did I mention the price of flour? What are you rebbit tards on about?

>> No.15769798

Bread stupid.

>> No.15769801

When it comes to rye the price difference actually inverts in favor of the quality local bakery made loafs and the mass produced shit is MORE expensive because people buy it anyway because it has branded packaging and shit
Don't pretend you haven't been talking about flour this whole reply chain stupid faggot

>> No.15769805

Go make a youtube channel and show us you making bread from bread.

>> No.15769817

You are mental. Dumberican education for ya.

>> No.15769828

Why are you mad that I have access to cheap high quality bread

>> No.15769837
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210214_073403468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was in the middle of the night random first try for gay little French baguettes, it's not that hard to do things yourself

>> No.15769838

How cheap for a loaf? Post a link so we can see.

>> No.15769848

I was just pretending to be retarded, but you got me thinking and apparently it is a thing.

>> No.15769849

>gay little French baguettes
Aren't they rolls. I've seen and eaten baguettes, and half baguettes and even batons. They are not baguettes in anyway shape or form.

>> No.15769854

Big Y, look it up yourself

>> No.15769855

That's why he said they are gay and little.

>> No.15769856

tree hugger? I'll give that a big miss.

>> No.15769864

Post a link to prove it. I'm not going out of my way to prove you right.

>> No.15769873

Is that a USA famous bakery?

>> No.15769877

I told you where to get the information if you care so much what my daily bread costs. Why is this so disturbing to you that I can get decent quality bread for an affordable price? It's really not uncommon
>USA famous bakery
No it's a grocery store chain that sources decent rye bread from Pittsfield and doesn't mark it up too much

>> No.15769878

How much? Are you Canadian?

>> No.15769892

>How much?
loafs of bread are generally a pound aka 16oz here
>Are you Canadian?
Never say that to me again, I am a New Englander from the birthplace of American Liberty

>> No.15769894

It's your job to prove you right. Don't expect other people to do it for you. Stop being lazy.

>> No.15769902

You're not Canadian. Got it. Why is your bread so expensive? By they way, there is no New England, there is only ONE England.

>> No.15769915

If a loaf is 16oz, that is fucking dense as fuck. Your looking at fruit cake density there.

>> No.15769919

I told you my local grocery chain, there are the prices. That's literally the source. I did it.
>why is your bread so expensive
It isn't?
>By they way, there is no New England, there is only ONE England
If you're actually an English faggot I'm done talking to you

>> No.15769924

That depends completely on the volume of the loaf of bread

>> No.15769928

Im in Ontario and a loaf of generic "wholewheat" bread is like 1.50, he unironically pays more than me.

>> No.15769948

>I told you my local grocery chain, there are the prices. That's literally the source. I did it.
Post a link then.
>It isn't?
It is.
>If you're actually an English faggot I'm done talking to you
You're denying that England exists? Are you a Cancel Faggot?

>> No.15769967

Do your own research, you insufferable English cretin. Until you do, calling you a retard is really my only recourse.

>> No.15769969

shut....THE fuck up

>> No.15769973


>> No.15769974

A loaf is a standard size. That's why they make loaf tins.

>> No.15769977

How much is white bread?

>> No.15769981

Don't you know how to post a link? Go back to rebbit.

>> No.15769985

Resorting to name calling again. SAD.

>> No.15769989

Dont buy it so I dont pay attention to it, I believe its around the same price, probably cheaper. Were the 3rd largest producer of wheat, if you wanna mock us for expensive food than use meat, fucking pound of non-shit beef is like 15 dollars nowadays.

>> No.15769997
File: 68 KB, 640x480, types-of-bread-1581534183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get loafs of bread made in standardized mass production tins that's my entire point
Have you not ever got bread that looks like pic related?

>> No.15770002

How long does the bread last before it goes stale or mouldy?

>> No.15770015

You keep harping on like you make your own. Which obviously you don't. I eat lots of different breads. Depends on what I'm having to eat. Posting Google images doesn't prove your point.

>> No.15770023
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>not making your own bread
What's wrong with you?

>> No.15770054

>Which obviously you don't
I would say I make about a third of the bread I eat myself, most of that being very simple flatbreads
Why is this relevant at all to my point that buying good bread at the grocery store in my part of the country is not much more expensive than the shitty mass produced bread?

>> No.15770068

I've made a lot of bread in my life but never barely flour bread. I'll give it a try this weekend.

>> No.15770074

>very simple flatbreads
Have their place. Try making a grilled cheese with one.
>buying good bread at the grocery store in my part of the country is not much more expensive than the shitty mass produced bread
I've already addressed this. Learn to read and comprehend.

>> No.15770087

I'm glad you're making inane baitposts because someone has to

>> No.15770099

Like 2 weeks

>> No.15770102

Baitposts? You fucking started it. Talk more about bread, of which you have no knowledge except buying it of a shelf.

>> No.15770107

>Try making a grilled cheese with one
I do, they suck ass bro. Use actual bread.
> I've already addressed this. Learn to read and comprehend.
And I responded. Are you braindead or something?

>> No.15770109

In a bread bin? Now I know you're telling lies on the internet.

>> No.15770116

And I responded. You got Alzheimer's?

>> No.15770119

Seriously, what the fuck is your issue?
I make my own bread occasionally for fun but usually I buy it at the grocery store and the rye they source in bulk from the local bakery is less than a dollar more expensive than the mass produced trash in the aisle with the wonderbread.
I really don't get why this is a controversial issue

>> No.15770131

And I responded. You got dementia?

>> No.15770146

>>15770119Rye isn't flour, is it? How many times do you need to be told? Alzheimer's, dementia, or just Dumberican education?

>> No.15770150

My tiny ass 1200 person rural town has two bakeries that make their own bread daily, in addition to the grocery store that sell mass produced shit.

>> No.15770157

You responded to a comment that I made about your comment and then question if I responded to it. Fuck right off back to rebbit.

>> No.15770191

That's based. I wish it was more common, every community in a bread-consuming region should have a bakery. Unfortunately a lot of towns and cities have seen their local grocers and bakers and butchers put out of business by large businesses like Walmart that can severely undercut them in price with low-quality products.

>> No.15770209

Idk bro I just keep it in the bag it comes in and seal it after I get my bread out

>> No.15770222

>durrr duhhh rebbit
Kill yourself seriously

>> No.15770225

2 weeks? Still telling lies on the internet.

>> No.15770231

It was a car accident before. Now I have to kill myself? What's the best way to do that? This is a loaf of bread thread, so it must involve a loaf of bread. Good luck with that one.

>> No.15770235

In before shove it up your A**.

>> No.15770236

Blow it out your asshole

>> No.15770244

Problem is, I can't eat a whole loaf of bread in one go. If you can, you're telling lies on the internet.

>> No.15770260
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developing a palate apparently

>> No.15770364

too much yeast and another secret ingredient

>> No.15770413 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 307x153, (int-friendly).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get murdered

>> No.15770451

Absolutely everything has frigging soi in it.

>> No.15770459

Soy in bread? Explain for us please. Or are you telling lies on the internet?

>> No.15770960

>full of fat
I hate to break it to you, wideload

>> No.15771205

Look at the ingredients next time you're in the store; you'll see soy flour and soybean oil are common ingredients in the mass produced crap

>> No.15771242
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get a "pullman" loaf pan and you'll never go back to the parboiled grocery bullshit for sandwich slices.

>> No.15771429

if all you want is flat sliced bread then why would you buy "artisan" bread which is terrible for sandwiches.

>> No.15771437


>> No.15771445

Just give up bread altogether

Embrace pasta

Brown rice cut with white rice is 50/50 is good

>> No.15772060

Spent some weeks on the US on vacation around 24 years ago and tried a "sourdough" bread. It was competely inedible, and I am a fatass and really not teribly picky about the quality of my food. It was utterly disgusting.

>> No.15772073

it's on the shelf next the aunt millie's and it says "artisinal" on the label

>> No.15772124
File: 414 KB, 1532x1532, Stupid Euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American bread
>full of fat
Leave it to the ignorant Euro to talk out of his ass before checking anything.

American bread typically has NO FAT. It's made with our primary grains: wheat, barley, and corn.

>> No.15772140

>10% salt
>high amounts of hfcs

>> No.15772381

for me it's usually daves killer bread. my store has also started selling some decent in store baked bread but otherwise I avoid that shit with 30 plus ingredients like the plague.

>> No.15772413


>> No.15772416

I 100% agree supermarket bread tastes more and more like shit today.

>> No.15772428

Wtf is that list of demonic names at the end, in yurop there's much fewer ingredients. The meme is real, Big Food wants americans dead

>> No.15772436

If you want what he's talking about you don't go to the "bakery" in the grocery store. There are two bakeries within a mile of my house. One does mainly bread and has constant foot traffic in and out, the other does mainly confections.

>> No.15772439
File: 526 KB, 720x542, HvSH0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cereal grains may contain a bit of vegetable oil but most of the fat is an additive

>> No.15772475

>high fructose corn syrup
Let me ask:

Why do YOU personally believe there is sugary corn syrup in your loaf of bread?

>> No.15772706

Ground rye is called "rye flour". Ground wheat is colloquially just called "flour", but the proper name is "wheat flour".

>> No.15772724

That'll be $7 plus tip sir.