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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 1540x1232, 62172-1-1540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15760627 No.15760627 [Reply] [Original]

American cheese. Now this is the good stuff.

>But it's not real cheese!
I don't care.

>> No.15760637

Perfect for good old burgers

>> No.15760646

Steamed beaten egg
American cheese

The best breakfast sandwich

>> No.15760679

Where do I find this stuff in the UK

>> No.15760685

You can't. It's American.

>> No.15760691

There is a difference between American cheese and American cheese product

>> No.15760724

Yes, and cheese is so varied I dunno why it makes people seethe
I enjoy American cheese on a burger, and ever so often on a sandwich with soft bread, garlic bologna, onions, pickles and a bunch of spicy mustard
I also love some raw milk moldy stinky shit cheese with some mushrooms and caramelized onions in an omelette
Cheese is great cause it can be so much and taste so different

>> No.15761257
File: 2.14 MB, 3024x4032, F7E75E84-71DF-47C1-99F2-8F556FE9FB15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon knows what’s up I like to add Mayo and a little Tabasco as well

>> No.15762273

Mayo. LMAO. Some stereotypes really are true.

>> No.15762281 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 378x380, cheesy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese slices are good over pretty much anything

>> No.15762402

Why do you call processed cheese-like product 'american cheese'?

>> No.15762468

Why do you call soccer "football"?

>> No.15762504

Because you use your feet to dribble, pass and shoot the ball.

>> No.15762512

Ah. But are you not also wearing socks?

>> No.15762524

If we go that route we should call it kickshoe

>> No.15762810

Why? You don't kick the shoe. You kick the ball. Why not call it kickball?

>> No.15763757 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 378x380, cheesy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm cheese

>> No.15763762
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>> No.15763777
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What on earth...

>> No.15763796

Im about 90% I've seen this image on /sp/ or /int/ or something years ago.

>> No.15763818


>> No.15765412

i dont care

>> No.15765436

Makro/Bookers or Amazon, Kerrymaid Slices.


>> No.15765462


>> No.15765644

Ideal for cheeseburger and grilled cheese but other than that it's okay.

>> No.15765662
File: 591 KB, 758x862, agumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these American simpletons who think there is anything of value on their pasteurized cheese product.
Imagine feeling attached to something so objectively bad, imagine letting this attachment cloud your judgment to the point you feel the need to defend it.

There is nothing good about American cheese. The color is a calculated shade brought by an immature expectation of what cheese should look like, and achieved trough artificial means. Its only reason to be is some food scientist thinking to himself "Well, this is what cheese looks like, right?"
The flavor is a mix of placebo and regret. While freshness or careful aging create the complex flavors of cheese, this American parody lacks such privileges, whatever aroma it may have is purely coincidental, whatever illusion of flavor it may posses is only due to the dopamine high Americans get when eating something fatty.
The texture is like softened wax, because that is what it most likely is. It covers your mouth in a plastic-like fatty layer that Americans love confusing for enjoyment.
And by far the most pathetic argument I see repeated over and over again, the fact it melts. The characteristic often posted as the sole redeeming quality is something shared by almost all substances in the world, that things soften when hot. Almost all cheeses melt, not that you would want to as different cheeses are meant to be eaten at different temperatures. But the ones that are often melted are superior, they impart great flavor, fat and texture, just look at mozzarella with its milky flavor and stringy texture even after melted. American cheese only serves as a brightly colored layer of fat, might as well top your burgers with some butter, you will get much better results that way.

American cheese is the margarine of cheese. A publicity stunt for a cost-cutting measure that Americans ate right up and now feel a worthless sense of nostalgia for.

>> No.15765715

US culture dominates the entire globe. Seethe Eurelevant, seethe!

>> No.15765782
File: 10 KB, 225x225, KKona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor bong

>> No.15765790

i aint reading all that assnigger

>> No.15766174
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>> No.15766573

All cheese is processed you tard, or it would just be raw milk

>> No.15766653
File: 47 KB, 363x285, Feels good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15766663

There's a difference between processed cheese and process cheese. Just so you know.

>> No.15766685


>> No.15766713

Aaaaaaand another word into my filter.

>> No.15766722

double-fag. Who would've thought these two awful posts came from a moeshitter

>> No.15766724

Cry more, seething American.

>> No.15766727

>blocks half the board because he (HE) can't deal with reality
>cries because he (HE) can't do that in real life
poor trannymals

>> No.15766745

You will never be japanese nor a woman

>> No.15766758
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>> No.15767056
File: 228 KB, 567x437, 1572324745677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are replying to the wrong poster, my cheeselets

>> No.15767089

What is american """cheese""" made of?

>> No.15767127
File: 692 KB, 707x895, DFC - 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheddar, annatto, whey, God-knows-what, and itmeltsinium

>> No.15767144
File: 441 KB, 1079x1215, Anime site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website.

>> No.15767180

Neck yourself, tranny.

>> No.15767210

So, they have this weird law in the US where cheese made with unpasteurised milk is illegal.
It’s kind of weird.

>> No.15767220

Very odd. I know the US has it’s origins in European pioneers and immigrants, I would have thought they would have a mix of all high class cuisines?

>> No.15767233

But unpasteurised milk is perfectly safe in countries with developed agricultural practises?

>> No.15767247

Yes, but as he said, in America..

>> No.15767248
File: 12 KB, 902x136, moot says anime site.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15767249

You will never be a woman.

>> No.15767261

4channel did exist during his time.
Separate site, separate DNS servers, newfag.

>> No.15767291

Yes my friend, but some time in the 20th century the USA sold out all of its corporate interests to a certain group of people.
They lobbied politicians to impose certain standards and restrictions for their own political and financial gain whilst all the time maintaining a facade of citizen freedom.
This was further exasperated by a previous historical decision to emancipate and intermix with another group of people both continental and foreign. Thus the US gained the nickname, ‘the melting pot’

>> No.15767309

Have you prepared these from American cheese threads in the past or did you make these all for just this thread?

>> No.15767314

Gosh! That’s really interesting.
I have studied regressive societies and social manipulation for personal gain (the Roman Empire springs to mind) but I never realised people today are gullible enough to fall for the illusions that are created through such blatant manipulation.
It’s fascinating.

>> No.15767328


>>15767144 is from after the 4channel split.

>> No.15767335

Don't bother, he's not arguing in good faith. Just mock him relentlessly and get him really mad.

>> No.15767337

Anime is gay and if you like it you’re a raging faggot.
Simple as.

>> No.15767347

There is nothing inherently wrong with being gay. Grow up, this is the 21st century.

>> No.15767355

Well said, Bazz.

>> No.15767364
File: 1.14 MB, 256x256, 1615566497850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care

>> No.15767368

So you're gay then? Since this an anime site after all.

>> No.15767372

poop is gross

>> No.15767374

No where in that does he state it’s an anime website.
Quite the opposite.
Japanese culture =/= anime alone

>> No.15767389

>it's not cheese
Then what is it?

>> No.15767395

Really? After a year of watching idiots being manipulated into thinking covid is a hoax and insisting it's "not that big a deal" after 500,000 deaths. After watching these people constantly move the goalposts, first saying that 100,000 isn't a big deal, then 200,000, then 300,000, and so on, continuing to downplay it, continuing to go out there and catch it and spread it, as more and more people died needless deaths. And you NEVER REALIZED that people fall for manipulation? Even after their cult leader is gone, they still won't let go of the illusion. That's how bad it is.

>> No.15767405

>Japanese culture =/= anime alone
The point is that anime, which is part of Japanese culture, is allowed on 4chan. Including /ck/.

>> No.15767415

Good for you, your waifu a shit though.
It is pretty shocking really isn’t it?

>> No.15767430

>a certain group of people.
Tell me more these people, friend.
They sound like they need to be distrusted and avoided?

>> No.15767432
File: 53 KB, 550x366, 1598958791766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And while we're at it, here's some anime food.

Anime is officially /ck/.

>> No.15767434

>Reddit spacing

>> No.15767436

Are you really responding to your own post just to push another stupid-ass narrative about Jews? This fucking board. Only on 4chan does someone see a thread about fucking cheese and decide "Perfect. Time to talk about my batshit insane Jew conspiracy theories."

>> No.15767443

>coffee is food
I thought it was a drink?
Live and learn I guess.

>> No.15767446

Coffee is made from beans, yes. Beans are food, therefore coffee is food.

>> No.15767452

Who the fuck mentioned Jews?
To be fair this thread was never about cheese either.

>> No.15767458

G eat some coffee means my dude.

>> No.15767469

What’s going on in this thread ?

>> No.15767476

Americans melting down, as usual.

>> No.15767483

Yes, that's my website of choice. What are you gonna do about it? Nothing? That's what I thought. I'll be staying around here, too. Just think, every post you see could potentially be mine, and I'll always be here. Enjoy that nightmare.

>> No.15767504

Well I would never be so direct but if you are interested there are many websites out there that carry a particular culturally enlightened designation.
They may lead you to investigate certain...matters, particular... historical facts from which you can form and develop your own opinions.
I wish you well.

>> No.15767521
File: 108 KB, 645x773, 226B5CBC-FE70-4001-9C52-47A30D38A895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has given a fuck about you up to this point, not sure why you think I’d be any different you fucking loser.

>> No.15767537

I hate this board.

>> No.15767539

Yeah, yeah, the old /pol/tard gameplan. Get asked to provide proof of literally anything and refuse to do so, vaguely suggest people "do their own research" so that you never have to back up any of their claims, and if people do by chance become radicalized, then you can claim you had nothing to do with it. The term for what you are doing is "stochastic terrorism" and I hope you'll be horrified to learn it is still very much illegal and your own neck is in fact on the line for making posts like that.

>> No.15767548

Don’t feed the trolls, anon.

>> No.15767587
File: 45 KB, 907x1360, 56448AFD-9804-4743-9D7E-D4488D946741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The political elite are the issue.
Not some ethnic or religious group be they Muslim, Jewish or whatever.
It’s global corporate who are the issue. They own too much and have too much influence.
It’s an old book but go and read No Logo by Naomi Klein.

>> No.15767772

I feel like I just woke up for the first time anon. I'm going to ask my wife if I can have a turn tonight. Thank you kind stranger :)

>> No.15767779

Because we only play one sport called football, like americans only eat one cheese from america.

>> No.15767810


>> No.15767913
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>> No.15767932

good point

>> No.15767938
File: 12 KB, 247x138, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Irish cold section in any large Sainsbury's or Morrison's. They sell packets of Easi Singles which are exactly the same as american cheese. Also they sell a block of it called Calvita which is amazing for making nacho cheese sauce.

>> No.15768085
File: 45 KB, 422x727, 1586351943641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15768122

>Also they sell a block of it called Calvita which is amazing for making nacho cheese sauce.
We have that in America too, it's called Velveeta. One of these brands stole the name from the other.

>> No.15768167

I fucking hate Americans so much it's unreal.

>> No.15768193
File: 289 KB, 1800x1200, thecounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love grilling burgers, and in the last ~30 secs I put a slice of cheese on them, lid it, and they come out looking like this.

>> No.15768246

Who said anything about jews?

>> No.15768274

They hate us more, my friend. They hate us more.

>> No.15768318

Holy projecting reddit, batman!

>> No.15768374

I just tried this tonight but with avocado instead of bacon and muenster as the cheese because I was making do with what I had.

Pretty good though.

>> No.15768389


>> No.15768650

But canadians made it

>> No.15768653
File: 301 KB, 595x1001, wish that were me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15768662

Same shit

>> No.15768667

use 4chan x

>> No.15768729


>> No.15768850

>Nooooooooo you can’t just shamelessly derive human pleasure from attachmentless enjoyment of fake things

>> No.15768867

To quote Vashyron from Resonance of Fate, "If it's pretty, who cares if it's real or fake?"

>> No.15769600
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>> No.15769648

I'm honestly just curious to keep seeing what other sources you'll use to make these.

>> No.15769845
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>> No.15770184
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>> No.15771348
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>> No.15772771


>> No.15773135

literally any supermarket will sell it

>> No.15773284

More French citizens die from unpasteurized cheese consumption each year than plane crashes. I’ve eaten it and I’m fine taking this minuscule risk but not everyone is. Unless I make my own, it’s easier to get a handgun than unpasteurized milk cheese here.

>> No.15774763

You can make your own handgun?

>> No.15774982
File: 841 KB, 1242x1162, 1611693291589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why some American Cheese is like plastic and weird texture while other American Cheese is more akin to the feel and texture of other normal cheeses? Like the pre-packaged "slices" always feels like it's partly plastic. Meanwhile if I go to my deli and ask for sliced American Cheese it's more like other cheeses, but just cheddar tasting.

>> No.15775192

it's a different thing. deli quality american cheese. my grandma had some once. blew my mind

>> No.15775254
File: 28 KB, 430x356, a24au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Look at all these American simpletons who think there is anything of value on their pasteurized cheese product.
Imagine feeling attached to something so objectively bad, imagine letting this attachment cloud your judgment to the point you feel the need to defend it.

There is nothing good about American cheese. The color is a calculated shade brought by an immature expectation of what cheese should look like, and achieved trough artificial means. Its only reason to be is some food scientist thinking to himself "Well, this is what cheese looks like, right?"
The flavor is a mix of placebo and regret. While freshness or careful aging create the complex flavors of cheese, this American parody lacks such privileges, whatever aroma it may have is purely coincidental, whatever illusion of flavor it may posses is only due to the dopamine high Americans get when eating something fatty.
The texture is like softened wax, because that is what it most likely is. It covers your mouth in a plastic-like fatty layer that Americans love confusing for enjoyment.
And by far the most pathetic argument I see repeated over and over again, the fact it melts. The characteristic often posted as the sole redeeming quality is something shared by almost all substances in the world, that things soften when hot. Almost all cheeses melt, not that you would want to as different cheeses are meant to be eaten at different temperatures. But the ones that are often melted are superior, they impart great flavor, fat and texture, just look at mozzarella with its milky flavor and stringy texture even after melted. American cheese only serves as a brightly colored layer of fat, might as well top your burgers with some butter, you will get much better results that way.

American cheese is the margarine of cheese. A publicity stunt for a cost-cutting measure that Americans ate right up and now feel a worthless sense of nostalgia for."

>> No.15775697


>> No.15775713

Just go to your local supermarket and find the 'cheese singles' in the cheese section. They're exactly the same as american cheese singles.

>> No.15775819

Love seeing posts that were so bad they warranted deletion in a thread about processed cheese.

>> No.15775830

Oh, that was just some guy that posted porn. Those are the only posts that ever seem to get deleted.

>> No.15775832

Get fucked teanigger

>> No.15775908

nah. i used to only use mayo in crabstick salad but i came to enjoy it on grilled sammiches if its used with other condiments like sriracha, catsup or mustard.
only good mayo tho, the cheap shit is perfectly fine in the salad since it just provides a fatty base supporting the rest of the flavours while on the sammiches you actually get plenty of the mayo taste since nothing overpowers it.
its also necessary in honey mustard sauce as a base that the rest can play off of.

>> No.15775935
File: 1.74 MB, 1000x2000, 1587162479875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15775945

i unironically love can spray cheese

>> No.15776372

>I don't care.
Ask me how I know you weigh over 400lbs.

>> No.15776430

USAian cheese on burgers is ok

>> No.15776587

no we don't think about you

>> No.15776597
File: 243 KB, 72x74, 1615960581582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yes, that's my website of choice"

>> No.15776601


it is real cheese. and it's very good.