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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, EAT_KTG_015_RiceCooker_OYThumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15763100 No.15763100 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing our rice discussion.

>Are you a retard for buying a rice cooker when you can easily make it on the stove?

>Is premium Japanese rice worth it or are you being scammed by rice farmers?

Learn the answers to these questions and more.

>> No.15763110

To all of these questions the answer is Yes

>> No.15763112
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All I hear is poor people trying to justify why they can't afford 20 bucks to make perfect rice every time. It's kind of like these fags who try to justify using a CRT monitor over on /g/.

>> No.15763120

>did you also instinctually know that USDA prime wasn't a scam before eating it?
yeah, you can tell by how it looks, smells, feels like. rice is just rice

>> No.15763121

Everyone knows you need to spend at least $500 on a rice cooker to make perfect premium japanese rice

>> No.15763146

Nope, and you're just confirming more and more that you have no experience with good rice.

>> No.15763147
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It's not LARP if it's online. Someone can be in a physical location with other people throwing dice and it's still not LARP. I wish BIG IGLOO fags hadn't indirectly popularized that acronym.

>> No.15763151

>good rice
There's only rice, there is no "good" rice it's all the exact same.

Anything else is just a marketing ploy to part you from your hard earned neet bux

>> No.15763154
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>there is no "good" rice it's all the exact same.

>> No.15763163

great argument. if i put in front of you two handful of rice, one regular, one "premium", you cant tell the difference.

>> No.15763166

Sure you can, especially if I eat the premium rice every single day, sometimes multiple times in the same day

>> No.15763177

>>Are you a retard for buying a rice cooker when you can easily make it on the stove?
Only if you're only cooking for yourself and one other person. Asian families all have them because they make full pots to feed 8 people daily. Cooking a large portion of rice like that on a stovetop is a pain. However, cooking 4 portions or so is extremely easy and much faster than using a dedicated appliance.
As a single person who eats rice maybe once per week, it's a waste of time and space.
Keep in mind that, as a general rule, specialist appliances that only do one thing are a gimmick for retards who don't know how to cook, with very few exceptions.

>> No.15763180

absolutely not.

>> No.15763185

>Keep in mind that, as a general rule, specialist appliances that only do one thing are a gimmick for retards who don't know how to cook, with very few exceptions.
Careful there, you'll anger the BIG RICE shills who think everyone who wants non-shit rice needs a $300 rice cooker.

>> No.15763192

Tell me you can't tell the difference between $.25/lb medium grain and a good basmati or jasmine.

>> No.15763197

Imagine having so little space you believe a rice cooker is huge or something lmao I bet most of you have those little fridges broke college students use and eat on the floor or next to your computer

>> No.15763198

Yeah, you can easily, especially if we're talking taste of cooked rice, and not just a handful of uncooked rice.

>> No.15763203

make a taste test and put it up then

>> No.15763204

Why bother? There are already plenty up on youtube.

>> No.15763211
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I don't have electric stove, I use a gas stove for cooking and you have to be very careful when cooking rice on it because it can burn if you don't constantly keep an eye on it since it's more tricky tan using an electric stove when regulating the temperature. so I bought a rice cooker because I have burned so good much rice.

>> No.15763214

Imagine being such a weeb you spend $500 on a rice cooker when you could just make it on the stove like a competent adult

>> No.15763218

my kitchen is the size of the average person's living room. however, I appreciate empty space. my center island is the size of 2 ping pong tables, and there is absolutely nothing on it, that's how I like it. open one of my 50 (you read that correctly) cupboard doors and you will find only a few things in each. The free space is empowering much more than horded junk can ever be. so when I imagine having a pot-sized appliance that only does something which is easily done in one of my pots sitting in one of my luxurious cupboards and only being used a couple of times per month, it makes me sick.

>> No.15763223

because im talking to you, not some schmuck on youtube

>> No.15763225

I actually used to own a rice cooker when I first moved out on my own. However, a few months later I lost my virginity and learned to cook rice so I just donated it to Goodwill.

>> No.15763226

God, I'm so sleepy I can't write for shit wtf

>> No.15763230

i'd need to buy shit-rice first, and then make two batches of rice simultaneously, and identically, which would require two dedicated, identical rice cookers.

It's just not happening, and anything less than that would be introducing too many other factors that it wouldn't be a real comparison anyway.

>> No.15763231
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Absolute chad

>> No.15763241
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A cheap rice cooker in this situation can make sense.

Spending $50+ on a rice cooker however does not.

Personally I use an instant pot to make my rice because it also serves many other functions

>> No.15763243

you might be autistic

>> No.15763255

>a good basmati or jasmine
Define good in objective terms irrespective of price.

I bet you can't

>> No.15763265

Imagine thinking that having a bunch of empty cupboards is good lmao. Mental illness is strong

>> No.15763281
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I bought mine really cheap and came with a little chopper so it was win.

>> No.15763301

Hey, that's pretty good! I had a $20 rice cooker for a few years but once it broke I figured an instant pot was the best choice because I can actually do other things with it.

Making pulled pork in an hour is amazing. If yours ever breaks I would seriously look into getting one, they're great little things

>> No.15763321

and i think you might be retarded if you think testing without identical conditions in everything except the rice is a fair comparison

>> No.15763326

Go easy on him, he rode the slow bus and was exempt from basic science classes because the word "organism" would trigger his autism

>> No.15763335

>hurr huurrr
i see, top-quality japanese rice gives you brain damage. now everything makes sense

>> No.15763347

>Are you a retard for buying a rice cooker when you can easily make it on the stove?

Sometimes you don't want to be by the stove pending your rice pot, so the rice cooker is a helper.

>1-Is premium Japanese rice worth it or 2-are you being scammed by rice farmers?
1-Probably not; 2-Probably yes.

>> No.15763349

>he doesn't even know the basics of a controlled test
wewlad, no wonder you think all rice is the same.

>> No.15763353

Not him, but it is

>> No.15763358

Apart from sushi rice, yeah they're pretty much all the same except the price

>> No.15763365

tastelet morons

enjoy your shit rice

>> No.15763369

>people who eat rice once a month or less think all rice tastes the same
why should I care what you people think? If you don't eat rice daily, or at least 3+ times a week, you shouldn't be using a rice cooker anyway so it doesn't really matter to you.

>> No.15763372

autism. do you also buy fiji water because it supposedly high quality compared to tap water?

>> No.15763379

No, i filter my own water because I'm not retarded.

If I could grow my own rice i probably would too, but I only have space (and the proper climate) for an herb garden.

>> No.15763406

>perfect rice every time
A machine will never do that for you, retard.

>> No.15763440

Sure it will, especially if it's a nice zoji, Panasonic, tiger, cuckoo, etc with fuzzy logic.

>> No.15763442

>with fuzzy logic
Here we go again with the marketing buzzwords

>> No.15763457

it's not a marketing buzzword you actual mouth-breathing moron.
> Fuzzy logic is based on the observation that people make decisions based on imprecise and non-numerical information. Fuzzy models or sets are mathematical means of representing vagueness and imprecise information (hence the term fuzzy). These models have the capability of recognising, representing, manipulating, interpreting, and utilising data and information that are vague and lack certainty

in essence, it monitors temp, humidity and potentially other factors (depending on the model) and looks at the type of rice you're cooking (based on what you selected in the rice cookers menu) and it will manipulate the temp in response to these measurements. This ensures MUCH more consistent rice than a rice cooker without fuzzy logic.

>> No.15763471

Like any other discussion on /ck/, it comes down to a disconnect between those who don’t care or can’t afford it vs those who do/can.
The former argue under the false premise that they can do “just as good” without spending the money, because they believe they have rice-cooking skills beyond that of people who literally eat rice every day.

>> No.15763488

If I only eat one type of rice (long-grain jasmine) once in a blue moon, why would I buy a rice cooker as opposed to just using my multi-functional instant pot or (god forbid) cooking it on the stove?

It's not about can't afford (I more than can), it's just I don't see the necessity.

>> No.15763496


> Knife threads
people who say any cheap knife works fine and just needs to be kept sharp, then replaced when too far gone to sharpen again.
people who buy expensive knives made with high quality steels and spend their time taking care of their knives and they tend to last longer because of the higher quality steel used

> Stand mixer threads
people who say you should use your hands for dough and maybe an electric hand mixer for certain other tasks like cakes or similar
people who don't want to spend stupid amounts of time kneading dough or want to bust out multiple loaves every day, or multiple cakes back to back

> cookware threads
People who buy the cheapest non-stick or stainless set from Walmart because it all gets hot
people who buy high-end cookware because it lasts longer is generally better to cook on due to higher quality control and better materials, and usually come with good warranties.


it's the same argument no matter the topic.

>> No.15763500

That's fine, and that makes sense for you.
This thread is specifically calling out people who eat rice multiple times per week, with expensive Japanese rice and $200+ rice cooker, and saying you'll get identical results with cheap Japanese rice and a pot on the stove.

It's clearly baiting or the OP is just retarded, but in either case, it doesn't apply to you.

>> No.15763511

Those both have a very distinct fragrance when cooked. Better quality rice of any variety is going to contain fewer broken grains and dust mixed in.

>> No.15763512

Well fuck, anon. You just won the thread.
/ck/ doesn't want to have intelligent discussions, they just want to throw a troll grenade and see who gets hit by it.

>> No.15763516

A good knife is the ONE thing in your kitchen you should spend good money on. Look at restaurant kitchens, they all bring their own knives.

>Stand mixer
Unnecessary unless you're baking a fuck ton and have no upper body stamina

Again unnecessary, look at what cookware professional kitchens buy. Hint, it's not $300 all-clad shit

>> No.15763519

>dust mixed in

>what is rinsing your rice

>> No.15763521

>look at what cookware professional kitchens buy
yeah for a commercial environment having good pans is retarded, look at what they have in their OWN kitchens.

>> No.15763524

Expat in Hong Kong here

>rice cooker

I have never used one but all the locals seem to. Bear in mind that HK has one of the lowest rates of home cooking in the world due to apartment sizes so they may genuinely not know how to do it on a stove in some cases.

>Japanese rice

Sushi rice is unironically very good but I personally don't think it's suited to every situation. With a curry sometimes indian rice is better, for example

>> No.15763529

You'd be amazed how few people rinse their rice. Pretty much never seen it done outside of Japan.

>> No.15763533

japanese rice doesn't = sushi rice

sushi rice is japanese rice that has been deliberately slightly undercooked with less water so you can add moisture to it with rice vinegar to then be made into sushi. The rice vinegar gets absorbed into the slightly drier rice.

Otherwise it's the same as any other Japanese rice. Sushi rice isn't some specific variety or anything.

>> No.15763541

Every pro chef that I follow that actually makes videos from their home kitchen doesn't have any super expensive cookware that isn't obviously a sponsor deal. There's literally no reason to buy a $300 skillet over a $20-40 one

>> No.15763545

>There's literally no reason to buy a $300 skillet over a $20-40 one
depends entirely what you plan to use it for.

For frying white fish or something else delicate? A $250-300 copper pan is going to give you a much higher degree of temperature control than any $20-40 pan would.

>> No.15763554

You can't honestly believe that.

Your actual argument is that it's not WORTH the difference in price. Which fine, make that argument. But to say there is NO REASON to buy a more expensive pan just makes you look like a moron who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.15763576

That also depends on what kind of cooker you're using, as much as I despise electric stove tops they are more consistent with temps. I guess I don't cook delicate white fish enough to have needed a better pan for it. Granted I do love a blackened white fish which kinda disregards a specific temperature.

>You can't honestly believe that.
I kinda do sorry buddy. Please though, give me a reason a $300 all-clad skillet is worth more money than a $30 lodge skillet of the same size. I'm far from a poorfag and love spending money, but I just can't see the reason to spend so much on a piece of cookware.

>> No.15763589

heats more evenly and consistently, and generally faster as well. Much better workmanship and quality control, and generally better ergonomics.

All-clad D3 is standard in many professional kitchens anyway, you must have been in some garbage-tier kitchens if you've never seen one.

>> No.15763615

>you must have been in some garbage-tier kitchens if you've never seen one
I'm an armchair chef that doesn't know what he's talking about for full disclosure, I've never worked in the industry but I like to admire from afar and model my home kitchen after commercial shit because I like their efficiency.

I still don't get the all-clad shit though, yeah I know it'll last longer but when it comes to heat distribution and consistency is it really that big of a deal to justify a $250+ price increase from a pan that's what, 10% "less" good?

>> No.15763622
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No one pays full sticker, i got my 12" D3 skillet for $99.

But yes, it does make a difference, for me at least sauteing shit it's annoying when part of your pan is getting hotter than another part so your shit has an evenly cooked crust forming.

If you're not gonna give a shit about slight differences in the pan temp however then i guess it wouldn't matter for you.

>> No.15763630


>> No.15763646

>i got my 12" D3 skillet for $99.
That's still a lot imo.
I have a 12" lodge cast iron that I got for maybe $35? and yeah it takes a while to get to temp but I don't get any unevenness when I'm cooking with it

Maybe I'm just too much of a CI simp because over 60% of my cookware is that and I'm willing to deal with the warmup times because I take forever to cook anything anyway

>> No.15763671

I have a 10" Griswold I got from my grandmother and I use it often, but stainless steel is just far better for certain tasks, any sort of delicate frying is easier in stainless compared to cast iron.

>> No.15763678

Youtube cooking personalities and recipe writers all seem to shill the rice washing meme, but I've never found it makes any difference.

>> No.15763697

Don't get me wrong I'm not against steel in anyway, I just think the expensive ones are super overpriced. I have a tramontina tri-ply clad 12" skillet and use it occasionally, mostly for acidic dishes that my CI wouldn't be best suited to.

What else is SS better suited to than CI?

>> No.15763699

Anything you want to make fond

>> No.15763705

You can get a good fond on CI though, I make beef stew etc in my CI dutch oven often and get a nice fond going and am able to easily deglaze it.

Is it easier to get a good fond going in steel? I haven't read anything that would suggest as such.

>> No.15763723


>> No.15763735

To properly deglaze you'll generally want to use an acid, it's also why when I make MY beef stew I use enameled cast iron not bare cast iron, because of all the acidic wine.

>> No.15763747

Yeah I have enameled cast iron now that I use for those purposes, plus bare CI is really fucking annoying to keep up the seasoning on

>> No.15763749
File: 254 KB, 800x2381, For Sushi rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only half right.
In Japan, there are varieties that are considered for sushi.
They also mix different varieties together.

>> No.15763752

My cast iron seasoning is well in place, I will occasionally make tomato sauce in it and my seasoning is still great, but it's been decades since it was last bare and fully reseasoned.

>> No.15763759

I beat the hell out of mine so the seasoning is a bitch to keep up with.

Though yours is a griswold that's had decades of use so it's not really a fair comparison.

>> No.15763766

i have never cooked rice on a stove. i tried once and failed. i would prefer a rice cooker i suppose. you just stuff the device of rice and its done soon on its own. what's not to love

>> No.15763798

You still need to know how to cook rice, as in how much water to put in

>> No.15763859

It basically tells you, the included cup measure and the lines inside the pot.

>> No.15763940
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>Is premium Japanese rice worth it or are you being scammed by rice farmers?
The best-before date of polished rice is one month.
You can trust a trader who imports brown rice, polishes it and sells it.
Or something vacuum-packed like this.

>> No.15764070

Jesus Christ, stop taking the fucking bait, you dumbasses.
Ignore the fucking stove rice troll.

>> No.15764208

Pretty much and the autists who insist on 800 dorrar tigers.

>> No.15765440
File: 221 KB, 1200x630, TIGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>800 dorrar tigers.
Ranked 17th in Japan

>> No.15765471

The most hilarious thing is that ricecooker-kun outright said in the previous thread that further conversation was pointless because stovetop-kun was an obvious troll, only to keep taking the bait afterwards.

>> No.15765535

do people really make cakes in their instapot?
Plenty of Latin American people eat rice every day and don't use a rice cooker