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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15761742 No.15761742 [Reply] [Original]

if I blend this shit up in a shake do all the nutrients disappear? its so much faster to drink 300g of spinach than to eat it.

>> No.15761748

Where would they go? Illegally emigrate to Canada?

>> No.15761758

Yes, the nutrients only work when they're in leaf form.
Second it breaks, it no longer has nutrition.

>> No.15761817


What nutrients? That's a leaf!

>> No.15761868

okay okay okay I realize the question sounds retarded but I'm fairly certain there is some truth to nutrients being broken down when the cells are heavily damaged prior to digestion

>> No.15761874

so by that logic ground beef has no nutrients?

>> No.15761901

well I don't know if you know but beef and spinach are actually made from different things.

>> No.15761910

You're thinking of cold-press juices. Blending it up is fine, just don't juice shit because you lose all the fiber

>> No.15761921

>I'm fairly certain
Uh-huh. Are you fairly certain that you're not suffering from Dunning-Kruger as well?

>> No.15761927

nigga are you retarded? you think you can blend molecules apart now? just eat your fucking veggies and stop being a sperg

>> No.15761937


>> No.15761968
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ah yeah you're right, I knew there was something like that going on. cheers.
if I was suffering from Dunning Kruger I would have not made this thread and carried on not eating blended spinach.
see pic

>> No.15761976
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>> No.15761984

Anon asked about blending, not juicing, dumbass.

>> No.15761985

when you puree food, it becomes EASIER to digest, via reducing the surface-area of the fibrous plant-material that slows down the digestion process

>> No.15762004

300g of spinach is just a mouthful

>> No.15762005

the point was that there was some degree of truth to the OP, I just wasn't sure what it was, hence the creation of the thread.
im sure the top jews in charge are telling reports to spread lies about (((big spinach)))

>> No.15762026

>article about juicing
>highlights a section about losing antioxidants in the fibrous sections
>blending retains all the fiber
absolute brainlet didn't even read what he posted. 80 iq anon please don't hurt yourself thinking go make yourself a smoovie

>> No.15762034

>some degree of truth to the OP
Except that's juicing when OP was talking about blending. You're essentially complaining about the acidity of oranges when OP is asking about the acidity of apples. They're similar but distinctly different.

>> No.15762039
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>im sure the top jews in charge are telling reports to spread lies about (((big spinach)))
he doesnt know

>> No.15762046
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Not him but are you implying that beef isn't cells? Plant and animal cells are different but organisms are generally made of cells.

>> No.15762056

i don't think there are nutrients present in leafy greens that dissipate upon molecular discombobulation by spinny mechanisms. you may lose a microscopic value of pieces and surface coatings left within the blender's inner coatings but if that's such a huge deal then you can just fill it with water and drink that for ultimate gains.

there's no living, cellular process in bagged vegetables that are of any concern to human nutrition that are generating forms of energy and creating new levels of vitamins and minerals within the bagged plant. i'm not smart enough to say the right things or dumb enough to say the right things so you're just gonna have to trust me bro :)

>> No.15762067

man you really think you're making a good point here don't you? overall there is not that much differnce between juicing and blending and one of those does actually reduce the nutrient profile of the food, HENCE the question.
similar enough to ask.
ofc I know they're made of cells.

>> No.15762092

>overall there is not that much differnce between juicing and blending
I know you're embarassed but please stop doubling down. Juicing discards the vast majority of solid material. Blending does not. Your "source" and the section you highlighted have to do with the solid material discarded from juicing. Is english your first language?

>> No.15762113

if one simple question has got you seething this hard I don't know how you survive on this website, go outside for once please.

>> No.15762116

did you even read your own post? you lose SOME nutrition. just eat your veggies you absolute retard

>> No.15762117

>similar enough to ask.
So don't post about juicing when they're asking about blending when the issues of juicing are negated by blending. You're offering false information.

>> No.15762120

the brainlet is stuck in a corner and thus lashes out. classic. please have a nice day anon.

>> No.15762129

>Gets called out
>Doubles down
>Wh-Why are you seething
Just admit you're a fucking moron and stop trying to shift the goalpost when you're called out. Why do you keep trying to save face when you're anonymous?

>> No.15762139

will this work with bay leaves?

>> No.15762140

the irony is so delicious bros

>> No.15762143

why would you bother blending up an herb that Doesn't Do Anything?

>> No.15762155

if it's raw, then no you won't alter the nutritional value. cooking it will destroy proteins or evaporate some of the water-soluble nutrients.

>> No.15762164

ITT: OP gets gaslit into giving up spinach altogether

>> No.15762177

bringing up facts based in reality isn't gaslighting

>> No.15762182
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Nice try buddy
I'm immune to gaslighting

>> No.15762194

Why not? I have many bay leaf related ideas.

>> No.15762200

ITT: esl brainlet gets utterly btfo and bullied into abandoning his thread

>> No.15762206

I'll bet you sell bay leaves and bay leaf accessories.

>> No.15762207
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>I have many bay leaf related ideas
Do tell, I'm intrigued

>> No.15762225
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overal there is nott that much differnce between juicing and grinding

>> No.15762235

Cool but we're talking about blending.

>> No.15762271

man you really think you're making a good point here don't you? overall there is not that much differnce between juicing and blending and one of those does actually reduce the nutrient profile of the food, HENCE the question.

>> No.15762423

Well for starters, I would like to blend a bunch of bay leaves up with a blender. Thats my first idea, but i'm sure i'll get many more.

>> No.15762442

I'd like to invest

>> No.15762444

Fuckn tease

>> No.15762537

Just blend it with a bit of liquid. Get a juicer and juice some orange, apple, or pretty much any fruit juice and it tastes alot better and healthier than water or store bought juice. Its kind of a pain in the ass washing the juicer but its worth it.

>> No.15762582

Are they spinach? Because if that's the case they are actually one of the few exception in vegetables where it's preferable to boil them for long in a large amount of water

Some food processing improve actually the some of the nutritional values of vegetables, don\t make the assumption "less processed more nutrition", even if there are a lot of case where it hold.

For example spinach shouldn't be consumed raw, because they're rich in oxalic acid which promotes kidney stones and it bonds with calcium, preventing its absorption
Another examples that comes to my mind is beta carotene in carrots, which is more bio-available if you cook the carrots

>> No.15762589

>Another examples that comes to my mind is beta carotene in carrots, which is more bio-available if you cook the carrots
Fuck. But I love raw carrots

>> No.15762591

What a nerd

>> No.15762603
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Interesting information. Thanks anon.

For dumbass OP. Here is a pic of a juicer. Notice how it shits out the solid matter and pisses the liquid. Now imagine blending it. Thats the difference

>> No.15762606
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>chewing food

>> No.15762633

It's ok. The fiber contents is better in raw carrots.
Just consume both raw and cooked vegetables and you just don't have to care.

And obviosly don't be a nerd and contextualize the food in your whole diet.
Beta carotene is a precursor of vit A.
If you eat exclusively raw carrots but eat liver, pumpkin (douubt you eat it raw), kale, egg yolk or whatere contains vit A you;re good

Just follow one rule, don't be extreme in any directions, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, fish and to a lesser exent meat, do physical activities and you don't have to worry about anything

>> No.15762638

Cool but OP didn't ask about juicing (which does remove nutrients) but asked about blending (which doesn't). The original start of the dumbass anon was telling people that said the later that they were in correct cause of the former. Stop shifting the goalpost.

>> No.15762644

Just swallow the leaves whole for the most nutrients. Wouldnt want to chew them out

>> No.15762651
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Tell me more about food anon

>> No.15762681

Don't pretend that blending spinach, of all things, retains any solid material at all. It literally becomes juice.

>> No.15762689


Also take into account that your body is a complex adaptable machine. In the case of spinach, if you are low on calcium, your body can adapt and "fight" the oxalic acid in order to maximize your calcium intake.

So if you know it, don't do it. But your body can generally adapt (see the ketogenic died for example)

I have only basic pop knoledge on nutrition. My university also shared the building with medicine students and "dietist" specialization. They latter were generally super hot so I tried to learn whatever I could but some of the time I was too much focusend on their boobas so I could have missed a lot

>> No.15762696

*ketogenic diet

>> No.15762697

>You're thinking of cold-press juices. Blending it up is fine, just don't juice shit because you lose all the fiber
this is why i come here, ty. i believe my scientific education helps further this i feel a simple bachelors in science has helped me a lot becuase i am a truley terrible person.

maybe im a bit autistic? im weird and a lot of people dont like me. none of them say it to my face but i am just so sure..

>> No.15762702

>if you are low on calcium, your body can adapt and "fight" the oxalic acid in order to maximize your calcium intake

>I tried to learn whatever I could but some of the time I was too much focusend on their boobas so I could have missed a lot

Understandable, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us

>> No.15762706

something something semantiscs, life inst black or white. we share 99% same dna as a squirrel

>> No.15762709

fun fact, i threw my pizza sauce in a blender for 13 seconds and it made a huge world of difference, its finally like real pizza sauce instead of some gelatinous mass of gooey tomato chunks

>> No.15762710
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It's ok anon, we're all a bit autistic

As long as you're self aware you're gonna make it

>> No.15762731

> Fascinating
Very fascinating. Sometimes this adaptation plays bad for health in general eg: another pop science fact is that in hyperproteic diets your (and in absence of adeguate intake of calcium your body depletes calcium from your bones in order to balnca your blood ph (otherwise you would die instantly).

Also a suggestion for everybody to finish the calcium arguments
If you are male you reach your peak of bones density around 30yo (18 if you are female, that's why female are more prone to osteoporosis or osteopenia).

** Maximize your bone structure before 30, after that you can only slow down the deterioration***

>> No.15762736


>> No.15762741

>absence of adequate intake of calcium your body depletes calcium from your bones

Oh boy, that doesn't sound good for me

>> No.15762759

>maximize your bone structure
What exactly does that entail?

>> No.15762770

Pregaming for the skeleton war, obviously.

>> No.15762791

Sounds scary but again, don't worry too much.
The amount of calcium needed to balance the blood PH is not much.

You have to worry if it's a condition that persist for long time.

in semi-sparse order
> eat calcium source (prefer vegetable source but don't go mad)
> do daily physical activitiy (arguablly the most important)
> don't overeat proteins

>> No.15762805
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Do that before your 30 to build a strong baseline and keep doing it to slow down the inevitable deterioration

Good bones to you, anon

>> No.15762814

even if that was the case why would it matter? you chew food anyways (I hope)

>> No.15762819
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Dr. Anon, how do I know if I'm low on calcium?

>> No.15762864

What about raw spinach in salads, where it cooks/wilts in vinegar or lemon juice?

>> No.15762971

Don't worry anon. Have a balanced diet.
Just fyi (but again, don't focus on this list) food for your bones

- nettles
- black cabbage
- vine leaves
- cabbages in general
- fat fishes
- parsley
and many other

Don't focus on foods, but have a balanced diet, do sport and don't stress yourself

Also there are some things that affect calcium directly
- don't smoke
- don't drink too much alchool

But I'm no nutritionist, I just find it fashinating and tried to hit on hot nutrition students

Again, I'm no expert, but I think that the oxalic crystals need a lot of heat and water to dissolve.
The cooking using acid substance works only on denaturation (and coagualation) of proteins (it doesn't really cook, depending of what you mean by cooking. Respect to heating it doens't have sanification properties).

>> No.15763000

Oh, and I think you have to check if what I say holds for baby spinach, because it could be a variant that has less oxalate
So maybe you can eat them raw

>> No.15763291

blending something into "juice" =/ using a juicer. the fibrous material is still in solution.

>> No.15763317


...like stinging nettles? That doesn't seem comfy in the slightest

>Also there are some things that affect calcium directly
>- don't smoke
>- don't drink too much alchool
Yep I'm fucked. It's been good knowing you guys

>> No.15763345

>.like stinging nettles?
Yes. They have a lot of calcium.

They are consumed here (not a lot desu).
If you want to try them, you can either
-wait 24h or so after you pick them
- boil them down

You obviously don't **have** to eat them, but if it happens, remember they are edible and are not bad for you (they also taste good)

>> No.15763453

Very interesting, we don't have them here but do in my homeland

I honestly had no idea that people ate them

>> No.15764112

Yeah fairly certain