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File: 45 KB, 594x592, 170203-salt-bae-mn-1530_060e5898cdcf7b58f97126d3cfbfdf71.social_share_1024x768_scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15759881 No.15759881 [Reply] [Original]

is this faggot a meme? or just a chef that throws salt on people's food in a weird way?

>> No.15759941


>> No.15759991


>> No.15760049

He is a proper chef, when he actually cooks or cuts something you can see he skills lightyears ahead of somebody like Jack, before the stroke.
It's is his faggy peacock act though that made him big, it's his exact blend of alpha male and high class faggotry that impresses his just as trashy but rich customers.

>> No.15760054

Definitely a meme, not gonna watch the insufferable twat long enough to find out if he can actually cook

>> No.15760056

Idk I've seen him do some really dumb shit like that monstrosity of a sandwich he makes. He's good at cooking meat, that seems about it

>> No.15760076

T*rks in a nutshell.

>> No.15760087

>comparing an actual chef to Jack

>> No.15760119

Just wanted to paint a picture how this faggot elegantly dives his knives through the meat compared to a slobbering cripple, before the stroke.

>> No.15760221

>ahead of somebody like Jack
That's not a very high bar.

>> No.15760225

Yes. I have been seeing that poses in some recent new manga scenes related to food.

>> No.15760248 [DELETED] 

>just a chef

He is literally the most influential chef of our generation. Worldwide.
At least this in the consensus in Turkey

>> No.15760270

He is more of a butcher really, ever seen him do anything that's not meat?
I think I saw him once cut a bread.

>> No.15760275

He is a chef that throws salt on peoples' food in a weird way which is information that you learned memetically.

>> No.15760289 [DELETED] 

I am glad Bae did not fell into this Michelin stars meme. He actually refused a lot of stars and activelly hunts down Michelin inspectors.
A true chef true to his craft.
Often compared with Ramsay and Alain Delon but honestly I never saw Ramsay do the salt maneuver.

>> No.15760294

fucking megameme having his 15min:

“Nusr-Et is a global chain of 18 ultra-expensive steakhouses in cities like New York, Dubai and Istanbul, which has been greeted with hostility wherever it goes, and not just for the prices. But about those prices: The cheeseburger is $30, steak “spaghetti” is $80, vegetable sides are all $19 and a piece of baklava for dessert is $25. A mustard-marinated beef tenderloin runs $140, and the tomahawk rib-eye, which is called #SALTBAE, is $275.“

>> No.15760300


As if that isn’t enough, customers in Miami allege that staff upcharged them to $1,000 gold-wrapped steaks without their permission. The Miami Herald reports that the location has called police over a dozen times on customers disputing their bills. Another guest was more satisfied: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, whose visit sparked international outrage.”

>> No.15760303

“ City authorities temporarily shut down the Boston location for opening without a health permit, blocking two fire exits and ignoring COVID-19 protocols. Two different restaurants in the group have faced wage theft lawsuits, settling one for $230,000. This brand-new Dallas location already faces legal action over unpaid bills to contractors. Oh, and the food apparently is uneven: New York Times critic Pete Wells described “terrific” steaks but “awful” mashed potatoes and cocktails that tasted burnt, while BuzzFeed’s Scaachi Koul had a burger that “oozes greasy tears” and then had diarrhea.”

>> No.15760309 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 600x337, DnaHVduUwAAOAAf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae does not care about politics

>> No.15760312

“ If I sound annoyed, then I’m getting my point across. As a Turkish-American food writer, I feel protective toward people who share my heritage. I just wish they would stop acting like giant tools. Gökçe could be the biggest embarrassment to Turkish-Americans since Mehmet Oz joined the Trump administration. ”

>> No.15760322

“ The whole chain is built on the premise that there is a guy who does a thing, and you can Instagram a picture of the guy doing the thing. The thing is putting salt on food in a flamboyant manner. The guy is Nusret Gökçe, nicknamed Salt Bae, a Turkish chef and butcher who became a meme for his salting technique and has been cashing in ever since.”

>> No.15760325 [DELETED] 

Dr. Oz is Israeli f*am

>> No.15760333

“ Mehmet Cengiz Öz (Turkish: [mehˈmet dʒeɲˈɟiz œz]; born June 11, 1960), known professionally as Dr. Oz, is a Turkish-American television personality, cardiothoracic surgeon, Columbia University professor, pseudoscience promoter, journalist, and author.”
yikes, smooth brain

>> No.15760346 [DELETED] 

>source: Wikipedia

Lol tool

>> No.15760358

lmao those prices. what a fucking scam

>> No.15760360 [DELETED] 


This poorfag cope

>> No.15760366

>a piece of baklava for dessert is $25
>a piece
There are idiots who pay for that?

>> No.15760370
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1200, 0_Ramsays-Kitchen-Nightmares-USA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't jack the fat guy who made videos about making kraft mac and cheese and stuff?

>> No.15760373

how much could a banana cost michael? $10?

>> No.15760400

Nobody but actual nouveau riche trash like rappers dine in these.

>> No.15760410

ok, show YOUR source, you fucking mong

>> No.15760418

dude, I'm not even a chef and even I'm light years ahead of Jack in terms of cooking food

>> No.15760431

>asking who Jack is
Lurk moar or go back.

>> No.15760507

He's not even a chef. All he does is cut meat like a faggot for Instagram likes

>> No.15760519


>> No.15760521 [DELETED] 

That's not the perception in Turkey.
I feel a little jealousy?

>> No.15760527

>At least this in the consensus in Turkey
Not sure if satire.

>> No.15760675

/r/ing the mocking webms with the cop disassembling a gun and the one with the dancing kids.

>> No.15760681

He fuckin eats spiders bro fuck him

>> No.15760694
File: 84 KB, 884x1000, 3AEC89C7-D332-4CF9-93B9-49AF9FDF68DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least this in the consensus in Turkey

>> No.15760718

He's got problems scamming his customers.

>> No.15760761 [DELETED] 

A lot of hate and jealousness for Salt. I'd like to see you open 18 world class restaurants all over the world and meet and greet personalities.
Also Turkey is a regional power don't forget that

>> No.15760875

Couldn't go one post without sperging about your shithole eh?

>> No.15761090 [DELETED] 

In 7-10 years we'll have a small aircraft carrier (TCG Anadolu). Then we come after Canada

>> No.15762341

Show us your income wagie.

>> No.15763711

Unironically this. The guy is just a butcher to took a lot of advantage from the salt bae meme to create an empire. And you know, nothing makes a mutt seethe harder than seeing brownies successful lmfao.

>> No.15764169


I mean it was on the menu right ?

Like you didn't see the price on the menu before ordering it ?

The guy is propably a multi millionaire....

seems like Americans being Jews....

>> No.15764174 [DELETED] 

Also Karen being Karen

>> No.15764177

Very bae. Stay salty, OP!

>> No.15764181

He's not a wolfpak and they don't exist anyway.

>> No.15764205

>alain ducasse

>> No.15764389 [DELETED] 

Who? Link his IG please

>> No.15764606
File: 83 KB, 630x830, xnzcglin3po01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this faggot a meme?
Yeah like 5 yrs ago.

>> No.15764613

he is a proper cook who mastered both the brazilian and the turkish open flame cooking.
he used the internet to get popular and open restaurants it's a new age.
salt tecnique is a meme.

>> No.15765370

>Karen: I think he is commies so let's fakenews his restaurant and refuse to pay!
WTF I love commie Bae now!

>> No.15765387

>Doc Oz, the shill who shills bad diets on TV instead of Keto.
Even bigger YIKES.
>wage theft
That was literally a few thot waitresses screaming COMMUNISM because the restaurant had a system of sharing tips with the cooks.

>> No.15765466

Bae is based if you think masks are memes.

>> No.15766563

You asked the same question in two different ways.

>> No.15766593

> t.ButthurtGr**koid

>> No.15767100

Who gives a fuck honestly

>> No.15767252

Dallas apparently.

>> No.15767298

>system of sharing tips
the THOTs were correct on this one.

>> No.15767574
File: 336 KB, 1200x877, 1346610331352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you not read the part where the customers said they never asked for the gold leaf?

>> No.15767590 [DELETED] 


If you cant afford to get scammed dont eat out

>> No.15767603


>> No.15767749

that's only 30 cents worth of gold, too.

>> No.15767816

Shut the fuck up you mongoloid

>> No.15768594

>18 world class restaurants all over the world

A skilled chef can create ONE world class restaurant that he personally operates but 18 restaurants is nothing but an over priced fast food chain.

>> No.15768610


I'd literally punch this guy in the cock if I saw him.

>> No.15768635

Commie bros > hoes.

>> No.15768641

I'd literally suck this guys cock if I saw him.

>> No.15769790

his restaurant apparently sucks. he just knows how to cut meat up.

>> No.15770041

Turks have earned the hate of many more groups than just the Greeks

>> No.15770133

That's patently false. Gold leaf isn't super expensive, but it ain't nothing.

>> No.15770217
File: 103 KB, 500x408, memri-tv-erdogan-is-a-whore-and-so-is-his-15138364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel a little jealousy?

Yeah, from Turkey. The country that tries to be European enough to join the EU and Muslim enough to not be ridiculed by the entirety of the Middle East.

>> No.15770371
File: 123 KB, 640x640, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the burger looks interesting

>> No.15770386

>raw burger
>burned bread
>no toppings

>> No.15770591


>> No.15770599


>> No.15770666

This guy's restaurants survived even Covid. He is invicible.

>> No.15770896

That's supposedly the most affordable meal you can get there. For 30 bucks.
That's a medium cooked patty. Are you a vegan?

>> No.15771110

Its not raw, its just a few grill marks and there are clearly toppings. Are you a blind retarded vegan?

>> No.15773049

Looks fucking great if you ask me

>> No.15773179
File: 146 KB, 1214x697, 5ba2bb31aff74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does he trigger proles so much?