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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15752857 No.15752857 [Reply] [Original]

>stealthily rapes your checking account
Heh, nothing personal, kid.

>> No.15752873

If you think Five Guys is expensive and can't afford to dine out all of the time, you're doing life wrong right now.

Get into poverty-person savings mode and save money to improve your education and lot in life. Five Guys is not any more expensive than going out to have dinner in any other restaurant. If you think you should spend less at Five Guys, then you are spending above your means overall.

>> No.15752874

8 years ago I worked at Five Guys. I specifically remember the owners in the training video saying they'll never add shakes to the menu because they want people to focus more on their burgers. It's a pretty solid company, but seeing them add shakes makes me feel like they're selling out.

>> No.15752876

those charges for "five guys" on your mom's bank statements, they're not for fast food.

>> No.15752881


>> No.15752891

Based and dad-pilled.

>> No.15753085

>don't buy the drink/shake
>get a large fry, well done
make it the only thing you eat that day and there's literally nothing wrong with it

>> No.15753144

Are mutts so poor that they can't even afford burgers?

>> No.15753384

>Five Guys is not any more expensive than going out to have dinner in any other restaurant
$48 for a burger, $13 for fries, and scoop of peanuts is not less expensive than $4 of 4 burritos at taco slut

Nice try five fag corporate

>> No.15753396

5 men is such trash, I don't understand the cult following behind it. It's the shittiest fast food out there.
>shitty fries
>peanuts on the floor.
I hope they go out of business soon.

>> No.15753417

everyone's so fucking poor on this board it's depressing

>> No.15753423

>fast food
what do you fucking expect?

>> No.15753433

For the grease not to soak through the bottom bun you fat fuck.

>> No.15753482

Less than 8 minutes is slow? You wait longer than that in drive thrus.
It's a little pricey as long as you're not a tastelet It's not too bad.
Fries and a burger have grease. Shocking I know!
>shitty fries
Boardwalk style is unironically a top tier fry. You could reheat them 2 days later and they're still good.
>peanuts on the floor.
Can't help retards think you're supposed to throw shells on the floor.
I've never had grease soak through the bottom bun. Don't get the grilled mushrooms/onions if you're such a bitch.

>> No.15753491

nothing personnel*

>> No.15753498

Why spend this much energy defending a terrible fast food joint? What is your malfunction?

>> No.15753520

>t.five guys franchise owner

bet this cuck also tips.

>> No.15753532
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>t.five guys franchise owner again

sorry boomer no one likes you here. Go shill your shit on red dit.

>> No.15753542

Quit regurgitating your favorite memes and just enjoy yourself a 5 guys burger. I'll pay for you so you don't have to feel so guilty.

>> No.15753557
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>> No.15753581

Enjoy better food.

>> No.15753583
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Comparing taco bell to "dining out" prices for the night, as a way to discuss price differences?
Stay poor, brokefag.

I lived in DC during the advent of Five Guys, and it was popular with the early social media using crowd, who had tech salary or legal salary monies and was always discussing the next great restaurant opening. It was a foodie crowd.
Five Guys had lines around the clock, and it was honestly far more about the entire bag filled with skin-on fries, and unlimited toppings without nickel and dime prices for every topping. Unlimited refills. It was a formula, and right thing at the right timing new chain. It was also very sanitary with tile walls.

It was honestly the "best" outside of an actual steakhouse at a time before Ray's Hellburger wasn't open yet. Before Five Guys, you had actual fast food, or you had to go to a Capital Grille, The Palm, Prime Rib, Bobby Van's, etc level steakhouse for a good freshly ground burger. I recall seeing where the potatoes were grown in the wall chalkboard of the Five Guys as you stood in line and ate a few peanuts. A concept I'd never seen beforehand but smart business!

The burgers were ehh, I'd honestly prefer some smoke in my burger from like a steakhouse...until Ray's Hellburger. Having some line out the door there was worth it, to have bone marrow squishing juices with each bite of burger! RIP Ray.

>> No.15753592

Like what?

>> No.15753601
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>> No.15753609
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didn't read that boomer shit. Why don't you write a few paragraphs about woodstock and see how much we care boomer.

>> No.15753640

>boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer
>Haha I got him again XD!
Based retard.

>> No.15753643
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2 for 5, bitch

>> No.15753645
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>oh noes, don't make fun of the generation that took everything previous generations worked for and ruined it with selfish narcissism

>> No.15753661

You said better, not cheaper. I'd definitely eat that but BK's ingredients are objectively worse than 5 guys. You can do better than that.

>> No.15753665

Five Guys is just overpriced for what it is. Their burgers are sloppy messes that they don’t put any care into. You can get a much better burger at Shake Shack or even a premium burger from McDonalds for the same price.

>> No.15753676
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>You can do better than that.

>> No.15753678

I don't care what you think about the boomer generation. You're just a memeword retard.

>> No.15753690
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>i don't care that I'm scum; I just want to grill man!

>> No.15753698

Five Gays isn't worth what it costs. It's a sloppa. You can get a better burger at Ruddfuckers for less dineros

>> No.15753705

Kek'd but you're still a moron.

>> No.15753708

>checking account
Who uses debit cards for anything other than getting cash from the ATM for illicit substances?

>> No.15753713

I went there for the first time recently. The place was ran by negroes and many negroes eating there. Im in Iowa so this is rare. Also when they gave me the bag, the woman said I almost forgot your topper. She then threw a loose handful of fries on top of everything in the bag. Do they always throw a handful of fries in the bag?

>> No.15753726
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Well me and gf cooked food from raw ingredients for a whole month (february) and 10k for both of us including rent, electricity and parking.

10k SEK is like 987 Euro, $1179 or £847.

It doesn't feels like i cheaped out at all, marinated oven cooked pork outer fillet with a vinaigrette salad and oven cooked root fruitas with potatoes today.

>> No.15753734

>Do they always throw a handful of fries in the bag?
Yes. They like to make you think you're getting a deal.

>> No.15753736

get a better paying job, maybe?

fucking kek

>> No.15753739

Normal people retard.

>> No.15753751

Weird. It pissed me off at the time. I didnt want to dig through greasy fries to find the burger. I cant even remember what it tasted like. I immediately thought Im never coming back

>> No.15753756

Why pay that much for a shitty burger when whataburger and in-n-out exist?

>> No.15753866

>and unlimited toppings without nickel and dime prices for every topping.
You're still paying for the toppings though, the only difference is you're still being charged for them if you don't want any. I'm not sure how you'd say that's better than being charged for each topping you want.

>> No.15753868

Normal people must be retarded if they use their debit cards for most purchases. Most decent credit cards offer 2% cash back or more on most purchases and don't have an annual fee. That's easy passive savings.

>> No.15753874
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>> No.15753881

I’ve never had their burger. Is it really any better than the habit/shake shack or cooking one at home?

>> No.15753885

You're the 5 guys equivelant of three for free, I hope you eat too many peanuts and have no drink to quench your thirst

>> No.15753901

actually kek'd
why would anyone both writing this?

>> No.15753904

The problem is the quality of the food is fast-food. Once you start comparing it to proper dine-in restaurants at the same price point you start realizing how fucking retarded you would have to be to opt for 5 goys instead.

>> No.15753929

My local one still doesn't do shakes.

>> No.15753942
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It's cheaper than my local wendy's.

>> No.15753949


I don't think I've ever paid $48 for a burger, let alone at 5 guys. Their most expensive burger is somewhere south of $15, unless you are fatfucking like a bajillion extra patties.

>> No.15753962
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Behold, the power of non flyovers

>> No.15753963

i think he just meant to put $8, since 4 and $ are on the same key

>> No.15753978

Your local Wendys charges more than $7 for a cheeseburger?

>> No.15753980

what the fuck

>> No.15753999

Odd thing to be mad about.
Whataburger isn't as widely available as 5 guys. I do love whataburger too, but it's more of a 1a 1b thing. In-n-out is lower quality and also not as widely available.
That is an annoying justification. You're essentially paying for all the people who don't take advantage of the toppings.
Better than faggot shack, probably not better than what you can make at home.
I don't really care for peanuts. And I'm not three for free. I just wont let you guys meme about MY company anymore.
Obviously it doesn't match up to a nice sit down restaurant's burger, and neither does its price. The quality is higher than your typical fast food bullshit. I'd put it somewhere around a chain dine in restaurant's quality. But their toppings are superb.

>> No.15754004

Now do one for the $13 fries

>> No.15754009

Last time I had one it was comically bad, major school cafeteria cheeseburger vibes. I was actually surprised they could get to that level unless this one place got lower quality beef or something, buns seemed off too.

>> No.15754014

>five guys: $15 minimum for a mediocre burger and fries
>local burger joint: $10 max for amazing burger and ok fries
Surely you guys support local restaurants right?

>> No.15754017

>yeah hi taco bell I'd like 4 5 layers, 6 tacos, and a large drink. $22.50? What a deal!

>> No.15754039

Yes but I can't find an amazing $10 burger and fries.

>> No.15754046

Is this a fat person place? A 1400 calorie burger and a bucket of fries sounds disgusting

>> No.15754055

>Obviously it doesn't match up to a nice sit down restaurant's burger
I didn't say anything about a "nice" sit down place, just a sit down place at the same price point. A $10 burg and fries at a diner mogs the ever loving fuck out of 5 goy's fast food shit.

>> No.15754074

People bitch about the price of burgers at 5 goys because the default option is a double, and they don't scrimp on the patty size. But it just says "cheeseburger" so they think they're getting a $9 mcdouble.
These are the same retards who order $20 of garbage in the drive through.

>> No.15754086

taco bell is probably the cheapest fast food in america, wtf are you talking about

>> No.15754095

And I'm saying you're wrong about the same price point. A lot of restaurants just have gas station tier frozen patties. And I can guarentee 9 times out of 10 said dine in restaurant doesn't properly care for their ingredients.

>> No.15754098

Yeah but you can spend $20 there for way more food! 5 Guy's haters btfo!!

>> No.15754108

Okay well I'm saying you're wrong about me being wrong about the price point.
>gas station tier frozen patties
Still better than 5 goys slop.

>> No.15754144

Wow one sad burrito and a garbage taco for $5. Amazingly cheap.

>> No.15754154

ok we get it, you like the finer things in life and are willing to pay a premium to get them.
not all of us are so privledged.

>> No.15754155

This is also true. A regular cheeseburger with fries and a drink costs like $4 more than a double quarter pounder meal. You get roughly the same amount but better meat. Better cheese, not even comparably better toppings/bread, better fries and twice the amount (unless you have a soft spot for them).

>> No.15754160

Yea but I'm not wrong, you are.
>still better than 5 goys slop.
Now you're wrong in more ways than one.

>> No.15754163

I can get a Wendy's baconator (sandwich only) for 7.something and a 5 goys Bacon cheeseburger for $8 something. Our Wendy's is expensive for some reason.

>> No.15754169

Nuh uh I'm not wrong, you are.
>Now you're wrong in more ways than one.
Nuh uh you are.

>> No.15754179

I'd definitely say you get more meat than a double from mcdicks

>> No.15754181

ya'll are retards. it's because there are better options at cheaper prices.
what would cost $20 at 5 guys would be $14 tops at a local place. another place near me for $20 you can get a fully loaded cheeseburger + large amount of fries + large shake + a little extra.
It's fast food tier asking restaurant prices.
some of you retards just spend that kind of money to try and impress, but don't fool yourself into thinking you are getting a premium meal

>> No.15754204

Plus tip

>> No.15754207

You need to get a grip and open your eyes.
5 bois patties are roughly 3.6oz each. Im not sure if mcdoogle's patties are actually 4oz.
Sure some places exist, but don't act like a majority of your shitty local restaurants are better for the same price.

>> No.15754218

Nuh uh you do.

>> No.15754224

>Obviously it doesn't match up to a nice sit down restaurant's burger, and neither does its price. The quality is higher than your typical fast food bullshit. I'd put it somewhere around a chain dine in restaurant's quality.
The burger at Outback is better and less expensive.

>> No.15754225

>if you eat local you have to eat at the shit ones too
you do realize that if you have good ones around, you can stick with them right?
also there are more good local ones than there are 5 guys around

>> No.15754226

>5 bois patties are roughly 3.6oz each. Im not sure if mcdoogle's patties are actually 4oz.
regular mcdonald's patties are only 1.6 oz, only the quarter pounder is obviously 4 oz

>> No.15754242

1 mayo chicken
1 triple cheese burger
1 large drink
1 Oreo Mcflurry

If i ordered that at five guys it would be £25.

>> No.15754346

That's not what I was saying at all. But since you want to be retarded, you're probably gonna end up eating at a few shitty restaurants before you find a good one.

>> No.15754389

>thnak you

>> No.15754977
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I saw Jim Gaffigan at a Five Guys with his son, once. It was several years ago. They were eating the peanuts and made a big mess at the table, then they cleaned it all up when there order was ready. I know this sounds like a copy pasta, but it isn't.

>> No.15754978

good thing your getting that stimmy check, you can afford another 5 guys run.

>> No.15755001

I can't believe this restaurant single handedly destroyed the video game industry.

>> No.15755020

I actually don't think I knew they were franchised.

>> No.15755173

Does Fuddruckers even exist anymore?

>> No.15756762

Yes but im 99% sure its more expensive than 5 goys.

>> No.15756781

Wow, quite an upgrade from hot pockets. He must be doing well.

>> No.15756786

I ate an entire large pizza yesterday (I paid $34.25 for it.) It was delicious.

>> No.15756963

sorry anon but $8 for sloppa burger is retarded and you know it

>> No.15756976

Agreed. Instead of spending $6 on a burger at Five Guys, I'd rather spend $6.50 at Shake Shack or $8 + tip at a local place instead.

>> No.15757472

That's kinda crazy considering how good they are (at least my location). Five Guys has the best milkshake I've ever gotten out of a restaurant or eatery. I've made better and cheaper stuff in my kitchen of course, but the Five Guys milkshake really surprised me.

>> No.15757635

if I wanted a shit fast food burger pretending to be gourmet I would go to hello bistro. Nothing wrong with five guys, but their shit should cost half of what it does because the quality is dogshit

>> No.15758499
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>paying 12 dollars for an okay burger that doesn't fill you up

>> No.15758524

Was it at a fancy restaurant? I've never seen a pizza that expensive. Even in real restaurants I think the highest was like 20

>> No.15758724


>> No.15758759

You never eat a home cooked meal?

>> No.15759266
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>> No.15759292

stop trying to trick us with an Ive Guys recipet.

>> No.15759328

>Get into poverty-person savings mode and save money to improve your education and lot in life.

This is the biggest oxymoron I have ever heard this year.

>> No.15759340

this thread is making me crave 5 goys. how is their grilled cheese?

>> No.15759622

Not a good burger, all fake hype from an sleazy salesman founder who has no restaurant or food experience. And they have no hiring standards, looks like a bunch of stoned ex cons working there. Culver's and chick fil a on the other hands seem to have high hiring standards with wholesome employees

>> No.15759628

the two near me closed perm during the pandemic. nobody cared. new culver's opening all around here had stolen all their business anyways

>> No.15759636

is Ray's that spot where Obama went for burgers? by Arlington cemetery, I think? may have closed since that area has exploded with growth in the last 7-8 years

>> No.15759657

>wholesome employees
nice bait but no.

>> No.15759719

>all fake hype from an sleazy salesman founder
Family business and no one was a salesman. The 4 brothers were not interested in college and their Dad _a financial planner_ suggested they start a business instead. They drew on a childhoold favorite burger joint in another state, and then perfected their french fy formula.

So, stop being jealous. It was good sense to know what people wanted, quality and price be damned, then hard work actually slinging burgers. It was ALSO a little bit of the right place at the right time. There is and was an emerging mass of great income near the Y2K time in northern Virginia, the little silicon valley of the time and the restaurant business was booming. Educated (highest per capita education in the country) and monied people don't eat lousy food. They pay for what they want.

>> No.15759727

Yes, Obama was a known foodie. He chowed down after his famous jogging with the Secret Service guys. It was about 1/4 mi from Key Bridge on Wilson Blvd between Rosslyn and the Courthouse Metro in a little 5 business strip mall, around mostly residential. There was a good Mexican joint there, and one of the Pho 75's too. I wouldn't say it was close to the Cemetary though, just the same Arlington county.