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15748669 No.15748669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15748673

thanks, but im not a retarded fag

>> No.15748679

I think you need stitches.

>> No.15748681

stick your penis in it

>> No.15748684
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, D6191A13-9EC0-4F06-9345-419BB4CAE3AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aftermath.

>> No.15748691

I'm trying to figure out how you cut that part of your hand while sharpening a knife, but I'm not retarded enough to envision it.

>> No.15748703

pretty shitty place for some scar tissue. gonna be a bitch for more than a decade

>> No.15748712


Oh sorry, wrong board.

>> No.15748713

They did a shitty job, bro

>> No.15748718

just 3 stiches? wut

>> No.15748721
File: 9 KB, 236x177, 1494d5b841088396c57a2021cce626c7--heaven-movie-male-costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so fucking deep?! Must have been one hell of a knife or your applying too much pressure while sharpening.

>> No.15748741

I’m a little surprised you were able to stop the bleeding on a cut that big and deep. I cut my pinky once and even the next day, it would start bleeding again when I took off the bandages. Looks like that’s going to need some stitches.

>> No.15748752

Im very thankful my body heals up nicely, never had to deal with any of this alleged inferior "scar" tissue. My wounds just leave a mark, not some weaker area prone to being redamaged.

>> No.15748764

Lmao American healthcare is FUCKED

>> No.15748765

I wonder how that will play out after your inevitable SRS.

>> No.15748778
File: 39 KB, 569x506, 8B49CE35-191A-4D9A-B62F-1FAC34250063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously what the fuck dude are you kidding me? Was this an Indian or blacks doctor? I had 12 stitches for a cut on my thumb. This is ridiculous you are going to get it infected and lose your fucking hand

>> No.15748786

It so happens that I used to work in hand surgery.
It looks fine.
Probably a fucking a hassle keeping from over using it while it heals, though.

>> No.15748787

It was pretty superficial. I only went to the emergency room because it got the muscle exposed. But it was just skin.

It was a woman, about half my height. Don’t know if it matters.

I was sharpening the knife on the bottom of a mug, which I grabbed at a wonky angle, and the blade was turned toward me. I’ve always done similarly to that, but this time things went south. Could have been a lot worse.

I pressured the wound with a sock, basically, but my kitchen looks like a murder scene.

>> No.15748792

He'll be fine as long as he covers it and takes care of it

>> No.15748798

You may have a mineral deficiency

>> No.15748809

Did you die?

>> No.15748819

I’m not American nor an I in America at the moment. If I were they would have probably given me Vicodin for the pain lol. I just got told to take paracetamol if it hurts.

>> No.15748838

Fucking obsessed. Yeah, we pay for healthcare but it's the best in the world. There's a reason foreigners keep coming here for medical treatment.

>> No.15748852

Bin dat knoife.

>> No.15748877

I hope you have learned a valuable lesson about how epic life hacks you see on facebook aren't substitutes for actual kitchen tools or techniques.

>> No.15748887


Helps prevent scarring, not sure why though -- when I busted my head open after slipping on a fishing boat the doc said the same thing. I only had like 4 stitches for a gash that was like 10-12 cms long

This happened to me up near Port Hardy in BC, so don't make an uneducated assumption just because you have a vice against Americans

>> No.15748898

>Can't even use a hand properly
coomers are laughing at you

>> No.15748910
File: 6 KB, 259x194, FE9CDA0A-6D30-486F-9985-9619D6614B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best in the world
>700,000 deaths from a tiny flu

>> No.15748916

Our government counts vehicular accidents as COVID deaths if the cadaver tests positive fyi

>> No.15748925

He likely will be but with more stitches he'd be less likely to pop one. God help him if the swelling gets bad, because the pressure from the wound itself could overload a stitch and force its way through the skin.

>> No.15748965

This. Back during the Zika virus scare I worked in a blood lab at a for-profit hospital, and I've overheard doctors and department heads talking about doing whatever they could to run tests on insured patients to either charge extra for a test they probably didn't need, and if they found a case the hospital receives some kind of money from the government. Those death counts and infection rates you see blowing up in the news are just basically just businesses blowing things out of proportion for extra money.

>> No.15748989

>heh, you see [insert problem] isn't actually a big deal, it's just our greatest allies fucking us in the ass and we just keep asking for more
burgerbros, this isn't funny anymore

>> No.15749038

The hand is stitched properly. As long as anon treats it right and doesn't go tree climbing or some shit it will heal just as fine as with more stitches while actually being less invasive and less prone to complications. This type of stitch while not looking the best is actually great for minimal scar tissue formation.

>> No.15749073


>yeah i'm like really strong and powerful and lol

yeah you'll scar easier when you get older. might want to learn how to hold a knife without almost cutting your fucking thumb off in the meantime.

>> No.15749159

oof. thats gonna take a while to heal.

>> No.15749176

>cant see bone
>not sharp enough

>> No.15749194

Post your kitchen

>> No.15749208

well yeah, he wasn't done sharpening

>> No.15749213
File: 130 KB, 490x1109, 1612100633074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful with you're avocado toast fellas

>> No.15749217
File: 104 KB, 680x599, 1586798385870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're avocado toast
no, you're an avocado toast

>> No.15749218
File: 1.04 MB, 2419x2958, A03A055D-BC0A-49E4-A1D8-0F433B6DA857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like that pretty much everywhere, including the stair steps.

>> No.15749245

why the fuck were you using your feet to sharpen knives?

>> No.15749439

They charge by stitch. It's $10,000 (plus tip).

>> No.15749448

I did this at a grocery store I was working at when I was 19 and ran a box cutter over my left wrist. Put pressure on it and went to the bathroom that was all white with white tiles and sinks and ran it under the water
Blood got fucking everywhere and then I asked for help.

>> No.15749477

Not as bad as I expected

>> No.15749487

Did you get pain killers prescribed?

>> No.15749499

I didn’t pay for anything, consultation, stitches or tetanus vaccine.

Just paracetamol.

>> No.15749537

The number of stiches depend on the type of wound. If it is a small wound that keeps flopping open then you will need more stiches to keep it closed. A large, deep wound like OP has only needs about one stich per inch because there is plenty of meat on that part of the hand to keep it closed.

>> No.15749589

RWJ in new brunswick, nj charged me $5500 for 3 crooked stitches. the nurse who did em had those weird eyes when one looks at you and another one looks very much somewhere else. horrible place.
