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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 250x246, sad_frog_unimpressed_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15736211 No.15736211 [Reply] [Original]

The thread keeps dying early edition.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore?
Previous thread >>15721124

>> No.15736238

>catalogued with 65 replies
Maybe it's time to just make regular coffee threads instead of a general?

>> No.15736596
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Waiting on the G-Iota/DF64/Solo grinder to arrive.

>> No.15736601
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Coffee is for women and faggots, I drink Bang.

>> No.15736674
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vietnamese coffee filters produce the best coffee by far, especially when dripped onto ice. I got one for 2 dollars and it makes far better coffee than my roommates thousand dollar espresso machine. With just a little bit of water to coffe ratio it makes delicious espresso style coffee, filled to the top it’s more like a french press but smoother and extremely consistent brewing time, you can just fill it up and leave it without having to monitor.

Paper filter drip coffee done manually is my second favourite, a lot less strong than the metal filter and requires some precision to get perfectly, but unbeatable smoothness and a lovely delicate taste.

Greek coffee is nice, and gives the biggest rush I find, i sometimes make it like instant coffee just adding hot water to a cup and stirring, it makes me shit hard though.

>> No.15736774

>I got one for 2 dollars and it makes far better coffee than my roommates thousand dollar espresso machine.

Thanks for the new pasta fgt.

>> No.15736980

yw bitchtits

>> No.15737053

Please repost on all social media channels In trying to get a job

>> No.15737234
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why did i buy one, bros?
will it be better than my moka pot?

>> No.15737370

Post results please

>> No.15737458

This. Hoffman didn't hate on it if I remember. He just didn't like you can't go full autismo like you can with a legit espresso machine.

>> No.15737464

Got brought up in another thread, but cardamom in coffee is fantastic and I just discovered it a week ago

>> No.15737485

They dont always. Sometimes its just slow.
Yes, it also helps with shitty coffee. Rose water with it is also amazing

>> No.15737514

then fuck off the thread, fucking asshole.

>> No.15737586

Latin American or African beans? I never tried single origin beans yet and am looking forward to it.

>> No.15737588

I put salty milk in my coffee.
My coffee is better than your coffee, but for other reasons.
You cannot afford me because I'm not motivated by money.
I wish you all a wonderful coffee day!

>> No.15737592

I only drink coffee made from Green Mountain K-Cups.
>fuck the environmentalists

>> No.15737756

it gets here in May, i'll make some posts when i have it

>> No.15739278

Ethiopian beans are fantastic and have a lot of variety between the different coffee growing regions. Ultimately it's best to experiment with different countries and try beans that catch your attention.

>> No.15739342

Lavazza light roast
Probably. It's the best my local grocery has to offer. I'd order beans from better sources if I knew of any.

>> No.15739353

Fuck your taste buds too apparently...

>> No.15739438

Why is this addiction peddled as safe?

>> No.15739541
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One day, I will have the space for an espresso machine.

>The thread keeps dying early
I blame all the /b/-lite threads like "is coffee good for you" with a bikini model & ugly webms of "cooking"

>> No.15739589

Why are Ethiopians so superior, bros? Just finished a bag of some beans from Yirgacheffe, now trying some from Guji and it's killer.
I love Ethiopian beans a lot. In my experience, LatAm beans are much better for dark roasts--opposite for African beans (could just be the profiles of the ones I've had though)

>> No.15739603

>caring what hoffmann thinks

seriously, have you ever ordered from square mile? he roasts some of the blandest, most generic, least interesting beans in all of fucking coffee history. it is to coffee what british food is to food. i would rather go bear grylls and drink my own piss than ever order another bag of beans from square mile, ever again.

his pourover method is a joke, too - the most complicated fucking thing and the end product is virtually indistinguishable from literally just winging it. if you're going to put in effort into making a pourover, tetsu's method extracts way more sweetness and actually creates a palatable cup.

if the coffee industry would be as kind as to stop jacking the guy off ad infinitum for just ten fucking seconds, i would be a significantly happier man.

>> No.15739611
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I like Viet beans but then again I do the cafe trung whipped-egg coffee.

>> No.15739613

choose my next bag frens

>> No.15739621

the yuji seems good, but at the same time, you can't really go wrong with a good yirgacheffe. most of these seem pretty dogshit, though.

>> No.15739626

he comes off as confident, has a british accent, and white hair. he's like hipster incarnate, which obviously appeals to the loft-living lumberjack stereotype that knows absolutely jackshit about coffee.

he's not terrible for rookies who can't tamp a portafilter to save their lives, but his value to the industry is in his video's production value, not his knowledge of coffee (or lack thereof.)

>> No.15739722


>> No.15739754

>space for an espresso machine.
I have a flair & Specialita and it's good. I've got no idea what a good espresso machine is after this setup, maybe a rocket?
I enjoy the manual control though

>> No.15739839

I'm a Rocket owner, and I can't say I'm thrilled with it. It's pretty, but its lack of configurability makes it a bitch when it comes to trying to dial in a shot.

>> No.15739949

Holy shit you know nothing about coffee.
Vietnamese coffee is robusto beans aka bitter garbage hence the need for condensed milk

>> No.15739984

For that price you want it to suck while making your coffee.

>> No.15739988

it's spelled robusta, anon. and some people - boomers especially - are used to the robusta taste and prefer it. even if they are wrong.

>> No.15740012

Tell them you want the Guji, but meduim roast it because they are wrong about roasting it too light. Then tell them they are stupid and get the Sidamo.

>> No.15740033

imagine being so retarded that you order a fruity ethiopian as anything darker than a light roast. *maybe* medium-light at the darkest.

imagine being you.

>> No.15740048


I'm still drinking Intelligentsia black cat. Mostly drinking espressos and espresso con panna lately. I've been a lazy bastard and I haven't roasted lately. I have 10lbs of green Geisha beans sitting waiting to go into my Behmor, but I am still lazy. Gonna try and do it this weekend, but taxes loom. Thinking about getting back on the espresso and tonic wagon soon. I think they're better after going through a v60 filter and into a hyperchiller though.

>> No.15740066

Yes it will. t. owned a moka pot and own a 9Barista. Hoffmann complained that it takes 6 minutes for a shot (well, the output is ~40ml). On an actual gas hob (not an adapter thing), it takes about 4 minutes. I don't know why he didn't tweak the grind further, because he said it was on the border of underextraction. For me, considering you cannot tweak the pressure or temperature, it works very well for medium/dark (not burnt) roasts.

>> No.15740085

Imagine preferring dogma over excellence.

>> No.15740143

Tell us about it when you get it. Any reviews up?

>> No.15740169

There's one on a Polish forum. Maybe it's due to Google Translate, but the guy doesn't seem massively impressed with the grind quality for espresso with the standard Italmill burrs. I'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.15741394

I'm not saying hes a coffee God, but hes good for critical reviews.

>> No.15741404

It keeps dying because there literally nothing to discuss about coffee. Yes we drink coffee, great, now shut up about it. You do know "coffe drinker" isn't a personality right?

>> No.15741783

How much did this cost? It's usually pretty expensive if I remember correctly, a base-model Flair may produce better results for the same cost but don't quote me on that...

>> No.15741842

more often than not, he refuses to call out dogshit for what it is in fear of pissing off his industry friends.

>> No.15741868

Not saying you are wrong, but do you have examples?

>> No.15741915

You're late for yoga class, Karen.
>Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased mortality in previous studies. As aging, obesity, and lifestyle factors affect the risk of mortality, the association between coffee and mortality needs to be examined in various subpopulations by characteristics of subjects. To quantitatively assess this association, we conducted an updated meta-analysis including stratified analyses by potential modifiers. We searched in the PubMed and Web of Science databases through March 8, 2019, and conducted meta-analysis including linear and non-linear dose-response analyses. We identified 40 studies including 3,852,651 subjects and 450,256 all-cause and cause-specific deaths. Non-linear inverse associations between coffee consumption and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers were found. The lowest relative risk (RR) was at intakes of 3.5 cups/day for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89), 2.5 cups/day for CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87), and 2 cups/day for cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99), while additional intakes were not associated with further lower mortality. An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee. By region, Europe and Asia showed stronger inverse associations than US. A non-linear inverse association was found for mortality from respiratory disease and diabetes, while linear inverse association was found for mortality from non-CVD, non-cancer causes. Moderate coffee consumption (e.g. 2-4 cups/day) was associated with reduced all-cause and cause-specific mortality, compared to no coffee consumption. The inverse association between coffee and all-cause mortality was consistent by potential modifiers except region.

>> No.15741949
File: 62 KB, 640x425, 281FD061-339A-452A-88DC-FCF9A40EACDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here own or have used a kalita wave? I have a ton of those cheap flat bottom filters, and since these take that shape I was thinking of getting one

>> No.15742010

>his value to the industry

I mean he's consulted on various VA products that are pushing the entire industry forward. Innovation trickles down. You can't innovate without insight. He's obv a faggot, but his industry chops are there.

>> No.15742064

He also might just personally suck at roasting, or maybe doesn't care much for it and only started that business because it's relevant to his work

>> No.15742069

kalita waves are great, they have a longer rundown time so you sort of get a hybrid of pour over and immersion because of the smaller holes and flat bottom

>> No.15742094

> only started that business because it's relevant to his work

Well its a pretty solid investment to stretch your name after winning wbc. He could have got an industry job no problem, this gave him equity and a foothold. Its more likely brits don't give a fuck about coffee and squaremile is an accessible and affordable upgrade to their daily cuppa.

>> No.15742276
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Hey lads, need assistance. I just got a grinder (a basic Timemore, nothing crazy good) and tried grinding my own beans for the first time. I've had preground from the same brand so I know it's not just the beans, but holy fuck it was ridiculously bitter compared to what I usually have. I use an Aeropress (yes I know) so I'm not sure what the exactly desired grind setting is for that. Any advice?

>> No.15742328

Do everything else you do the same way, but keep grinding a little bit coarser every time until you find the correct grind.

>> No.15742341

>fill mug 3/4 with coffee
>add rum chata
>when I drink half I add more rum chata
>an hour later I'm drinking straight rum chata
who coffeeholic here?

>> No.15742432

dangerously based

>> No.15742695

okay but his beans are fucking terrible.

>> No.15742756


> Its more likely brits don't give a fuck about coffee

I mean ALL of their other cuisine sucks dick and anything that gets imported gets bastardized to the local palate, so I can imagine. I haven't tried anything from SM. Mediocrity sells.

>> No.15742875

Well you sold me. I just ordered a ceramic one

>> No.15742926

420 shipped to the US
idk if it's cheaper if you're buying from Br*tain or the EU

>> No.15742932

how does it do on medium and lighter roasts, in your experience?
i usually brew medium/light roasts, and only occasionally dark roasts

>> No.15742936
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>you know the drill.

>> No.15743027

Stevia pairs well with coffee if you use creamer. I recommend it if you are trying to reduce sugar intake

>> No.15743069
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>> No.15743095

In my moka, I find anything not roasted to "cinnamon" to be overly acid; though those tend to work better in my press. In general I find low roasted AND a acidic don't taste as well in a moka.

>> No.15743191

No one wants to hear about you dating other faggots, faggot.

>> No.15743294

fine with medium, i haven't tried light yet.

>> No.15743484

I still don't know how to make good cuppa' coffee with a moka pot. I read hours about different methods, tried everything, from the amount of coffee, to grinding my own fresh coffee (tried coarse and fine ground), different extracting speeds, nothing helped. Then one day, after having used one for a few months already, I stopped lying to myself and finally admitted that it tastes like SHIT. Are these things a meme pushed by wannabe Italians?

>> No.15743619

^ faggot

>> No.15743738

had a full pound of specialty ethiopian beans that i made cold brew with. It's like drinking juice. Shits so bright and tangy.

>> No.15743930

are you illiterate?

>> No.15743982
File: 198 KB, 1200x1600, signal-2021-03-10-141135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old thread died but here's the results from the new moccamaster. Coffee is great! It's blooming a bit more as it cools and the temp out of the pot is right where it should be.

>> No.15743996


>> No.15744008

Good shit. Buddy of mine just bought a moccamaster. Any thoughts of putting the upgraded showerhead in?

>> No.15744019
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Kaldis nuts HAH GOTEEM

>> No.15744054

Where my Folgers black silk boys at

>> No.15744099

Please explain what you didn't understand? Was a semicolon too much for you?

>> No.15744149

>conversation about the 9barista
>start talking about moka pots out of nowhere
i can't believe i actually had to type that out for you holy shit

>> No.15744240

>mentions 9barista is fine for medium dark, and owned a moka pot.
>asks how 9barista handles lighter roasts
I mention my experience with a moka pot which is a similar brew method where coffee is brewed under pressure with no real temp control.
>This was clearly too much for your brain to handle and you REEEEEEE'd

It's ok. Education systems tend to be shit, but I'm sure you'll get better at reading comprehension eventuality.

>> No.15744297

is it normal for freshly ground to be way more bitter than preground

>> No.15744298

>Vietnamese coffee is robusto beans aka bitter garbage hence the need for condensed milk
Just because you cant get high quality robusta beans. Dont assume that robusta taste bad.
It taste uniquely wholesome, and can be quite fruity depends how you process it.
What a pleb

>> No.15744309

Based robusta chad drinker.

>> No.15744341

I just got a manual ceramic grinder, I'm using dunkin medium roast whole beans, it's a lot better than the preground folgers I was drinking before
I use a drip coffee pot. I still don't have the perfect ratio of coffee for my 12 cup pot but each pot I make is a little better. Does how fine the beans are ground make it stronger or weaker, or have little or no effect at all? in terms of my coffee pot I mean. Right now it's on the weaker end and the grind seems the same as the folgers I was using

>> No.15744356

>my experience with a moka pot which is a similar brew method
you're even more fucking retarded than i thought
save yourself the embarrassment and stop posting

>> No.15744412
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Just worked my way through most of a bag of this shit. No noticeable difference in caffeine compared to any other roast I've tried and tastes like they burnt it to shit on purpose. Total scam for $20 a bag. I knew it'd probably be shit but curiosity got the best of me.

>> No.15744417

Moka pot
>water under 1-2 bars of pressure gets pushed through coffee and up out a spout.
>water under 9 bars of pressure gets pushed through coffee and out a spout

>neither lets you control the heat.
Literally the biggest difference is 9barista actually makes true espresso, cause it hits 9 bars. They are more similar than dissimilar.

>> No.15744422

Just buy full robusta blends. Theres a few US based ones that sell them from Vietnam.

>> No.15744438

At least you know you got scammed on a $20 pound of robusta.

>> No.15744483
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Evening cuppa.
I've had the same experience with mine. I have a mokka java blend and a bag of single origin light roast on the way. Plus my kalita wave should be here tuesday

>> No.15744490

I typed this post out of order

>> No.15744535

>water under 1 bar of pressure gets pushed through coffee and out a hole
holy shit man, you've done it
all coffee is literally the same
i can't believe it

>> No.15744539

>Literally the biggest difference is 9barista actually makes true espresso

>> No.15744569
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Rate and hate

>> No.15744584

You're ruining what looks like good coffee. Why waste your money like that?

>> No.15744606

its cheap coffee for the quality. i dont think i do too bad of a job. i know i need a better grinder but you guys are autistic about it and confuse me.

>> No.15744610
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>tfw the buzz is just right for multiple hours of concentration

>> No.15744622

Well if you say it's cheap...My point is that all coffee, whether it's good beans or folgers, will taste the same brewed in one of those cheap drip machines

>> No.15744629

i just dont see how drip brews can make that big of a difference. I was looking at the nice ones and it seems like the features are not related to actually heating up water and going through the grounds. its not a complex process I think you guys just waste money to be honest.

>> No.15744641

My understanding is that cheaper drip brewers have 0 temperature control and so they almost always either burn or underextract the grinds
I was looking at the nice ones and it seems like the features are not related to actually heating up water
Sounds like you weren't looking at actual nice ones, just expensive ones with a bunch of bells and whistles that ultimately brew the same as a walmart drip machine
>I think you guys just waste money to be honest.
The v60 costs $20

>> No.15744654

drip works better with pre heated water, and the base that keeps the coffee hot burns the coffee, why not just get a stainless steel dripper? vietnameme is great.

>> No.15744669

lol 20 dollars for a ceramic funnel you guys are funny thats more than i paid for this thing. people always say my coffee is good. maybe Ill get it when stimulus comes in. then I will have to measure water temp somehow.

>> No.15744678

>people always say my coffee is good
Before I had tasted good coffee, I thought my parents' percolator was good

>> No.15744705

interesting. placebo effect is also a thing


if anyone is interested in the beans

>> No.15744716

sorry to burst your bubble, but only moka pots and espresso makers have pressure, all others have 0 manometric pressure.

>> No.15744843

Cafe la llave is god tier and priced right

>> No.15744858

anon, only autists would say they are having a bad coffee if someone brewed it for them

>> No.15744889

you guys are just jealous i can make superior coffee with inferior tools

>> No.15744900

Flight coffee

>> No.15744918

>he enjoys his estrogen and inconsistent water temperatures.
I hope you fall on some furniture that'll penetrate you.

>> No.15745039


>> No.15745050

>maybe Ill get it when stimulus comes in


>> No.15745070


>> No.15745223

didn't you hear? Lilibet is racist, now go take the vaccine and you will be happy.

>> No.15745227

>I think you guys like wasting money
>$20? Ouch better wait for that stimmy to hit

You've made my night. Never change.

>> No.15745251
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>when your stoneware was subject to hidden thermal shocks on its way through the mail system and coffee slowly reveals hidden fractures in the german folk cone

>> No.15745256

Breville Precision Brewer is not that expensive and lets you control temperature, flow rate, bloom, and a few other things. I really like mine.

>> No.15745260

how is that a contradiction. im a poor neet and have no money and depend on charity. if you guys say its so great i will consider it

>> No.15745275

Yeah it seems nice. When I said
>expensive ones with a bunch of bells and whistles that ultimately brew the same as a walmart drip machine
I wasn't talking about ones like yours. I was talking about, say, expensive black and deckers that are actually just normal black and deckers but made of stainless steel and connects to your phone or some other dumb shit like that

>> No.15745284

Ah in that case yes, they are retarded.

>> No.15745288

Poor neets don't get to have opinions on how others utilize the fruits of their labors.

>> No.15745293

why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.15745297

>expensive black and deckers that are actually just normal black and deckers but made of stainless steel

Its going to have the same shitty heating element, regardless of the facade.

>> No.15745300

nah I can say what I want

>> No.15745304

I'd actually like a nice drip machine for when I want a few cups. But right now I'm a poorfag college student
I made both of the posts in question. I don't know what you're doing shitposting in a coffee thread but fuck off
Yeah. I'm not praising them if you couldn't tell

>> No.15745326

so where did his organs go?

>> No.15745391
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I bought a ceramic grinder and I can't really tell the difference between coffee pour-over brewed from really course boulders and near-espresso dust, they both taste nearly the same.

>> No.15745395

Not when your boxers are threadbare.

>> No.15745399

i dont wear underwear

>> No.15745404

I used stevia in my shit coffee and it was pretty good once I got used to it. Since I got an actual grinder, I don’t need sweetener anymore, a splash of milk is enough

>> No.15745476
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Baristanons, does this look like a badly poured base, or due to my shot running a little slow - 18g in, 38g out, 35sec - or some other form of retardation I'm too stupid to notice?

>> No.15745536
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>> No.15745547

nothin better than pot of black coffee, steak, eggs, and heavily buttered toast to start the day

>> No.15745593

I'm open to suggestions of better beans, as per my previous comment

>> No.15745686

i could outbrew all of you guys easily

>> No.15745754

This guy fucks

>> No.15745794

shit setup. Upgrade your drip or do another method. I can't imagine all the shitty taste and estrogen that plastic is giving you

>> No.15745866

is it really that type of plastic? you know BPA plastics are usually the softer kind right? or you guys just repeating shit you assume was true. that expensive moch one above has plastic coffee bowl too

>> No.15745870

fucking die

>> No.15745900

Fight me cunt

>> No.15746265
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That's ok but you can't beat me at latte art.

>> No.15746395

Steaks and eggs? All I got is a mug of oatmeal

>> No.15746675

This general should be transformed to specialty coffee general and exclude retards with their plastic drip machines and burnt preground coffee. These threads are always filled with retards getting pissed/insecure that some people consider their coffee shit and don't understand why anyone would pay more. I mean the tea general doesn't have dozens of retards every thread claiming lipton tea bags are superior and all lose leaf tea is snobbery and a waste of money.

>> No.15746686

That's okay, I'm not of the homosex variety

>> No.15746770

if you dont have a home latte machine are you even into coffee?

>> No.15747052

How often do you purchase a cuppa coffee/espresso from the local cafe? I treat myself to an Americano about once a month. I feel like it's not worth going frequently.

>> No.15747143

Anyone here had white tea?

>> No.15747177

Usually like twice a month to buy bags of beans and I would pick up a macchiato as well since the cafe would knock off the price of drinks when you buy a bag. Have been just ordering beans since the pandemic.

>> No.15747184

Nescafé rich
>like it
I stopped making coffee when I went to Costa Rica and everyone drank instant. it’s just not worth fucking around for.
>buy more
yes but not for a while. I bought 6 cans when they were 33% on sale. Good for 3 months at least.

>> No.15747343
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I stopped consuming coffee first thing in the morning for 3 weeks and finally had the best sleep of my life and my anxiety disappeared.

Remember to take a break once in a while, moderation in all things frands.

>> No.15747353

got a broken capresso infinity 560 grinder from a thrift store
would this be an upgrade over the rhino hand grinder i already have? is it worth trying to fix up? is the manufacturer likely at all to just fix it if i lie and pretend i bought it new a week ago?

>> No.15747393
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Coffee doesn't give me energy, just makes me nervous and anxious. Coffee giving you energy and waking you up is just a boomer meme.

>> No.15747399


>> No.15747410
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>> No.15747427


its a wagecuck cope desu

>> No.15747441

It doesn't give energy regardless of your shitty genetic reaction actually, it "blocks" drowsiness.

>> No.15747522
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>Drink coffee because I like the taste
>"lmao you're a wagecuck!!"

>> No.15747558

>come to this romanian fossicking book club
>surprised when retards are contrarian

>> No.15747577

I tried their espresso once and it was acidic and hard to drink

>> No.15747583

Does anyone really drink coffee for the energy? I drink it because I like it

>> No.15748193

Sounds like weak genes to me. Would you happen to be white?

>> No.15748531
File: 106 KB, 1500x1443, coffee tatsujin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this?

>> No.15749108

>latte machine

>> No.15749119

Look really good but I can't justify buying one, also no induction.

>> No.15749400

pls respond

>> No.15749763

To Kalita Wave owners- what brew method do you guys use?
Ive tried a bunch of different methods but havent really found one yet that is consistently good. I got some mesh to put underneath the filter that helps with keeping the flow rate smooth.

>> No.15749772

anytime i go to a cafe to buy beans I'll get an espresso drink that I know I'm incapable of recreating at home due to not having anything close to a professional espresso machine. either americano or cappucino depending on time of day

>> No.15749784

I can guarantee you this is not good.

>> No.15749954

>This little fucking contraption cost $400

>> No.15750608

give in, behave like a gollem.
get ready in less than 20 years there will be prosumer kitchen unitaskers that make you your favorite cockroach "milk", and you will be happy.

>> No.15751359

it looks like a cup of coffee

>> No.15751367

If there werent pleb tier coffee philistines here you wouldn't be able to feel so smug in comparison would you?

>> No.15751370

>just makes me nervous and anxious
that IS energy, channel that shit

>> No.15751462

What is current best grinder for French press to espresso for under 200? I'm assuming hand grind.

>> No.15751574
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>keep doing coarser and coarser grinds
>no matter what I try the flavor of self-ground beans doesn't come close to the basic shit I can brew with preground, same brand and all

>> No.15751625

please take your schizo shit elsewhere

>> No.15751636
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I happily used one of these for French press, espresso and drip for about six years before getting a Sette 270. They aren't flawless but they're exceptional value for money.

>> No.15751638

lol imagine getting baited this easily.

>> No.15751648

Kinu m47 Phoenix.

>> No.15751710

Interesting, didn't know this existed. Were there any meaningful compromises or is it just more plastic less steel / aluminum?

>> No.15751781

Nah exact same burr set it just doesn't have the thumb stop, has a plastic funnel instead of the metal one, an oring'd catch cup instead of magnets, and plastic spokes inside to stabilize(I think steel wire runs through the plastic too). They called it the phoenix since they had a factory fire and lost a bunch of machining capabilities. Made a cut down version in the meantime to offset the rebuild costs and utilized salvageable machinery.

>> No.15751788

Ah well, then I'll probably go with that then. I can't really justify ~350 for a hand grinder, but I generally prefered the design of the Kinu over something like the Lido3 / LidoE

>> No.15751852

Try using actual fresh beans instead and just grinding on the right setting for whatever brew method you're using.

>> No.15751858

>actual fresh beans
what, i need to grow the fucking things myself?

>> No.15751862

You buy them from a local roaster, silly. I assume you just have been buying a mass produced brand that could have been sitting on the store shelf for months.

>> No.15751866


>> No.15751868

I don't have a local roaster, I live in fuckoff nowhere.

>> No.15751883

tiem to roste

>> No.15751911


Has them in stock. Ships out of chicago I believe.

>> No.15751917


>> No.15752210

Is Ethiopia the France(wine) of Coffee?
Ive never felt bored with an Ethiopian. Maybe I ve just got a really good micro roastery that specializes in Ethiopian beans but my experience with Ethiopians has been pretty positive thus far.

>> No.15752474
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Had an Etiopian cold brew. Caramel & cocoa notes with a bright berry finish.

>> No.15752740

I don't wanna feel smug, I wanna discuss coffee autism with fellow autists.

>why does the birthplace of coffee with thousands of wild varietals have great coffee?
Lat-ams are catching up though with funky fermentation techniques and importing ethiopian varietals, geisha was just the first.

>> No.15753776

is kona coffee a meme that is only popular because they’re technically grown in the US (although nothing west of the Appalachians is really America to me) or are they worth trying?

>> No.15753809

humboldt coffee co. shipbuilder's blend
>do you like it
yes, it's from where i used to live too :)
>getting any more
i have a second bag ready to go from costco

>> No.15753832

why romanian

>> No.15753837

about to go get a coffee and seeing new ideas and also seeing if i am still banned because i posted an innocuous comment in a thread about sasha grey's COOKING. mods are out of control bru

>> No.15753851

I need a new grinder, preferably electric
£150 budget, I will only be making filter (V60, Aeropress etc.)
Anyone got any suggestions?

>> No.15753879

Black Wilfa Svart.

>> No.15755159

How do you guys grind for moka pot? Anything resembling a fine grind for me ends up in bitter shit, it's absolutely not "a little finer than espresso", but that's all I can find anywhere. Only acceptable grind is pretty much a pourover grind, maybe slightly finer. Is there something I'm missing? Stove too hot, too cold, anything?

>> No.15755204
File: 158 KB, 1024x576, Coffee-Grind-Chart-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, sorry, a bit coarser than an espresso grind. I get the best results, at around medium-medium coarse in this image, I can take a picture of the grinds if you guys need. If I grind something like fine in this picture it's bitter, astringent, undrinkable trash. It's very very bad. Would a darker roast, or something with less volatiles handle this better?

>> No.15755236

>Only acceptable grind is pretty much a pourover grind, maybe slightly finer
This is correct. I don't think the moka pot packaging or manual says this, but if you grind too fine, the grinds can clog the holes in the funnel and ruin your coffee. As for anything else, how hot are you going? If you have a gas stove, you should use the lowest flame you can manage or else you might burn the coffee. Also, I find that this pattern works well:
>leave on heat until a good stream comes out of the spout
>remove from heat
>put it back on if the flow slows down
>remove again
>repeat until the pool is a little below the bottom of the spout
>apply a cold damp towel to the base to stop brewing
You want to be careful with applying heat while it's brewing or else you might break the puck. As a final thing, I find that light roasts just don't work in moka pot. Medium or dark are much better

>> No.15755283
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Has you considered a hand-grinder?
Pro: works during a Texan balckout

>> No.15755342

>Has you considered a hand-grinder?
I have not, would I get noticeably better if I bought a good one?
I used to have a hario one but it was shit, took so fucking long and was super inconsistent
But yeah I don't live in Texas and I can remember the last time I was in a blackout

>> No.15755371

bangs got bite

>> No.15755394
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I make my self a Latte in this.

>> No.15755404


Wrong link I have the 12 oz version.


>> No.15755422

Why? Is there a noticeable difference between this an a cheap one?

>> No.15755459
File: 26 KB, 800x800, vtx_latte_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you search around for a 12 oz latte mug you can find some from china but its still gonna be $30 for four of them.

I paid about $30 for 2 latte mug made in Italy. Its kina hard to find this kind of Barista quality mug. The shape and the height makes it right for doing latte art and fitting under smaller espresso machines.

I bought these latte mug because my tall normal mug for 12 Americano would not fit under my spouts unless I take the drip tray out. And I dont want to drink Latte out of a tall coffee mug when I can use a short wide one that will just slide right under.

There are some popular brands that make this style cup. Like loveramics, or Vertex. Lots of coffee shops use the Vertex mugs.

>> No.15755467

I don't make espresso right now so I guess it doesn't apply to me. But I have been thinking of getting a new mug. The one I use right now is a double walled stainless steel one I got as a gift, but I'd prefer ceramic. Any thoughts? I only make filter coffee right now

>> No.15755491
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I drank filter coffee for awhile and got into espresso recently. An Americano is basically the same thing as filter coffee. You just make the espresso shot and add hot water to it.

My daily mug was a 12oz Le Creuset white ceramic mug


>> No.15755503

I like that a lot but what's with the gay insignia on the bottom?

>> No.15755509


Its a Its the companys name, they are a french brand.

I just snagged it off an Amazon search.

>> No.15755520

No I know the brand, I just think it's weird that they'd brand the mug like that. It's a personal preference I guess

>> No.15755546
File: 333 KB, 1000x1250, espresso-drinks-menu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cup you drink from is really important in coffee.

Because the size and shape of the cup really dictates what kind of drink you have.

A Cappuccino in under 8oz usually so its a small cup of strong coffee with with steamed milk and a bunch of foam on top.

When you have a Latte you need room for more steamed milk and just a bit of the foam.

>> No.15755644

>would I get noticeably better if I bought a good one?

Yes. Your arm will also outlast whatever chinkshit motor they toss in mass produced electrics.

>> No.15755667
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Hello frens. I'm from Costa Rica, have you ever tried Costa Rican coffee?

>> No.15755691

No señor. Toss me some rolid reccs

>> No.15756093

I don't get it, why does grinding my own coffee make it taste so much worse

>> No.15756160

shit grinder

>> No.15756166

i spend nearly $100 on the fucking thing

>> No.15756172

is it the timemore? thats the only one at that price worth buying. also, get better beans

>> No.15756182
File: 37 KB, 640x852, 1587932601992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it the timemore?
Yes actually! It's very pleasant to use so I have my doubts that the grinder is the issue
>get better beans
But the grounds that I was buying before are made from the same beans that I'm grinding now, right?

>> No.15756194

Since it's universally agreed that grinding fresh beans tastes better than stale beans, you problem is obviously you, not the act of grinding beans. You're not using the same grind for every coffee you use, right?

>> No.15756196

Depends on your brew method

>> No.15756200

I usually drink instant coffee but I had some instant espresso from when my brother made tiramisu and I started drinking it like espresso instead of americano like a retard. I'm liking it, less liquid, more bitterness.

>> No.15756213

I know, that's the perplexing part. I've been fiddling with the grind since I got the thing a few days ago but it always tastes either ridiculously bitter or downright watery in comparison to the preground stuff which I was using without issue.

yes i know, but it's enough for me until i move into a bigger place

>> No.15756219

I got a niche zero, am I cool yet

>> No.15756228

so supermarket tier beans? if fresh all the low tier flavors are there, if old only bittery ash flavor (which would show same "flavor" as preground)

>> No.15756244

I prefer pour over myself, but did you look up the ideal grind for an aeropress?

>> No.15756266

They are from the supermarket, yes. I don't have alternatives where I live outside of ordering online where I wouldn't know where to start (but advice to that end would be highly appreciated).

I've heard a lot of mixed advice but it usually tends toward the coarser end which is what I'm doing. Still trying to find a good spot.

>> No.15756301

Try finer next time and see what happens. Otherwise spend the 20$ on a pourover

>> No.15756335

Find a roaster with fast shipping. I live in more fuck off nowhere than you do and my preferred roaster gets beans to me with about 4 days after the roast date, so I usually end up parking them another day before using them for espresso.

>> No.15756339

I wouldn't even know where to start looking for a roaster.

>> No.15756406

ok here is some advice.
>the store needs to have listed the type of roast, order only light and medium roast. avoid city, italian and dark roasts.
>they should either have a toasting schedulle or toast on purchase
>price point should be Lavazza +20% at most or you are paying college coffee snob prices.
>buy at most the quantity that you will cosume within 2 months
>as far as flavor of the coffee by origin, altitude, drying process. it will take years to find the one you like most. so try new ones often.
>look for locations of coffee roasters on google maps

>> No.15756422
File: 23 KB, 398x500, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capped and saved, thanks a ton for the tips friend

>> No.15756785

To add to >>15756406
Most people agree that you should go finer for aeropress, and I've found that to be the case with my own. If you got a light roast, go almost to the finest grind setting. For medium, bring it two clicks back from that. For dark, bring it 2 more clicks back from medium. And then try one of these two aeropress recipes which I've found to both be pretty good
Inverted method: you can just look this one up on their website
The other one is
>place aeropress over your mug like you're going to use the "standard" method
>add water to halfway between 1 and 2
>stir a little to make sure they all get wet
>wait 30s
>slowly add water until it's about half an inch from the top, over the course of 30s
This step is a lot like doing a pourover
>give it one or two stirs
>wait 30s
>now (at the 1:30 mark) press fast for 30s
I'm not sure which method you're using right now, but maybe give one of these a shot and let us know how it comes out

>> No.15757928

I took apart my rocky and holy shit they really designed it where you can never clean it

>> No.15758158

the internet and shipping exists. you're an idiot.

>> No.15758163

i'd use a different image, I disagree with alot of it personally. there should be a ton of different images you can consult for both grind size and recommended grinds for brew methods (i'd never use their idea of "fine" for v60)

>> No.15758178

Just a random pic I pulled off the internet. I don't need an image for grind size, just dial in to what tastes good. Probably going to try a darker roast and see if I can hit an acceptable extraction on a finer grind. It flows way faster than I'd like to see when I grind coarser, but I still get an acceptable extraction so who knows. I'll update you guys on my adventure later once I have some decent coffee and time to dial in.

>> No.15758180

to everyone shitting their pants over not being able to find coffee outside of their fucking grocery stores-
if you're in america, do a google search for "best roasters in america" or some shit, or go state by state. off the top of my head im assuming its going to be either seattle or portland.
now do a search for "best roasters in portland" or something. make a list, check their websites- I bet the vast majority of them will ship to your fucking house.
order anything that is natural processed ethiopian- prepare to shit your pants and actually enjoy drinking coffee.

>> No.15758182

im interested in the updates- never tried a moka pot so I don't have anything else to add.

>> No.15758190

>prepare to shit your pants and actually enjoy drinking coffee.
My morning routine is based on drinking coffee before absolutely anything else so I can coffee shit in my toilet before work and not need to worry about shitting my pants.

>> No.15758616
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Thanks, friend

>> No.15759011

City is a medium roast, dingdong.

>> No.15759687

nice try anastasia
but aint drinkin that shit

>> No.15760371

I mean drinktrade is starting to get youtubers shilling now. Hopefully that'll curb some of the dumb questions around here.


>> No.15760625

I won't get more beans delivered until tomorrow, so I have to settle for local coffee today

>> No.15760670

tfw ground coffee until grinder arrives

>> No.15760682

not with that attitude

>> No.15760689

I do have a can of folgers and a $10 drip machine in the cupboard. But the coffee shop is a 2 minute walk...what do
Anyway what grinder did you get? I got a skerton like a dumbass and now I'm looking to upgrade to a timemore

>> No.15760747

Based Folgers chad. Just walk tbqh. I've gone for a G-Iota/Solo to see what flat burrs are like.

>> No.15760786

>I got a skerton like a dumbass and now I'm looking to upgrade to a timemore

Hate to see it.

>> No.15760888

The place was closed for the day so I got dunkin instead. Bummer

>> No.15760928

based and checked.

>> No.15761515
File: 193 KB, 447x483, 1564257787146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally found the perfect grind

>> No.15762531

not him, but hoffmann took an older review down for being negative to an indie coffee company, and not even unfairly

>> No.15762604

that image is so fucking retarded

>> No.15762624
File: 36 KB, 500x500, Barq-s-is-the-Best-root-beer-35158901-500-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bang is for women and faggots, I drink Bang's.

>> No.15762632

>An Americano is basically the same thing as filter coffee.
holy fucking shit stop posting immediately

>> No.15762734

Yeah, me too. After I got the roast correct on the one Ethiopian the other week, I finally got the grind correct. Went Incremetally finer and finer until it filled out. Went from pretty good to excellent. Somewhere between a New England and American, I reckon. Fuck, it's good. Wow.


>> No.15762793

So I'm gettin' kinda philospohical here. Thinking more than ever that pragmatism beats dogma every time. You think you know what you're doing. This coffee type needs this or that. Well, fine; past experience is certainly a starting point. Then a wild coffee appears, forcing you to make exceptions to your world view, more reliant on your senses and results. You've gotta just get in there and smell, taste, observe, record, and adapt. You don't always get everything right on your first or second try, no matter how much experience you think you have.

>> No.15762858
File: 243 KB, 531x716, 4584-90bba2c80cb800afaf0a96d5fda6aa08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thing just a meme or is it actually good?

>> No.15762940

That guy should have his membership revoked for such stupidity.

>> No.15762995

It's probably excellent but fuck those guys for spending what must have been mid-six figures on a Kickstarter pitch video then begging for Kickstarter money. Fuck them.

>> No.15762999

Needs a burr swap.

>> No.15763014
File: 28 KB, 450x450, b2bd5f49-cbf2-42f9-b91c-09c05cc5a433_1.8aeb81b4ffafac2cafc6b714a526976b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking pic related. It's alright. I mixed it up from the French Roast. It's better than Starbucks anyway. We have Stumptown on our shelves but I'd go through it way too fast. It's like 15 bucks a bag and several oz smaller than most of the other brands, but fuck me is it so good.

>> No.15763018

What are your thoughts on cold press is it worth it ?

>> No.15763082

What's wrong with the stock burrs?

>> No.15763124

Good choice. I like that one. It was the last major roaster coffee I drank before I moved on to the weird world of home roasting. Not a lot of coffees you can find at grocery stores have much character. That one does though. It changes over time. That's a good sign.

>> No.15763142

Oh, and Peet's is a better deal if you order direct online. Free shipping at 3 1lb bags, I think.

>> No.15763378

Its a pourover grinder where 90% of the adjustment is too coarse for pourover.

>> No.15763846

stumptown is worlds, WORLDS better than the fucking garbage in your pic. I cant understand people in a coffee thread actually still drinking trash like that

>> No.15764012

Eh. I've bought several bags of stumptown. It's pretty dern mediocre. Expensive though.

>> No.15764082

up his butt and around the corner

>> No.15764438

all coffee literally tastes the same

>> No.15764546

What's your favorite cream liqueur? Mine is st Brendan's

>> No.15764558

Why would you drink your morning coffee from a metal cup?

>> No.15764563

>ugly webms of "cooking"
But Jack is so comfy and wholesome.

>> No.15764568

Their Murdered Out blend is pretty durned good, though.

>> No.15764673

>Rich Evans vaporwave

>> No.15764787
File: 46 KB, 802x496, 20210321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who affogato here?

>> No.15764891

Go back

>> No.15764894

your taste buds are deficient

>> No.15764909

wow i didnt know there was an italian word for that, just thought i was being fat honestly

>> No.15764929
File: 42 KB, 841x407, 20210328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cafe Latte

>> No.15764940
File: 17 KB, 249x325, 1578937543493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not snort coffe?

>> No.15764999

I don't think it would work. Maybe instant. You should try and report back.

>> No.15765139
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210315_091703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else had this? I'm sipping it now, I thought it would be a gimmick but the bourbon taste is really noticeable actually, huge difference.

>> No.15765272

You are all degenerate addicts.

>> No.15765291

That's what I had this morning. I got three bags of Pete's during a Kroger digital deal a few weeks back. I like this one best (compared to Major Diskinson and their French roast) but I don't know if I'd pay regular price for any of them. They were all great for 5 bucks though.

>> No.15765316

Who cares? And who cares what you think? Really, did you have a life where people actually gave a shit about anything you ever said or did? If so, fuck you. You're a piece of shit like everyone else. We're all going to die and nothing matters. Fucking loser.

>> No.15765346

And yet these "addicts" are probably healthier than you. See >>15741915.

>> No.15765524

I drank dolce gusto guatemala latte macciatto, and I think it was really good, in fact it was the best variation what the machine has to offer. I wanted to buy the guatemala coffee only, but that is like 30ml/kapsule, which is a fucking robbery for a 4eur box.

>> No.15765928 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 320x448, 1591743757562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:Coffee came out both strong and watery at the same time

>> No.15765935
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1596699487121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any difference between these and the white moon filters? for some reason the drip is way too slow for me with these filters.

>> No.15765936
File: 266 KB, 320x448, 1591743757562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coffee came out both strong and watery at the same time

>> No.15766217

I replied.
1/10 lurk more faggot.

>> No.15766227

>them trips

guess you have to do it now.

>> No.15766825

Your can eat them raw or chocolate covered and still feel the effects.

>> No.15766857

never noticed a difference between bleached or unbleached, also never noticed a difference between rinsing the filter before brewing vs unrinsed. I think there's been a few blind taste tests between all of these and the results were generally the same, nobody could tell the difference.

>> No.15767082

Does anyone know the of ice coffee brand with Bob marley

>> No.15767106


>> No.15767350

That is waaay too fine for mokka.

>> No.15768714


>> No.15768833

What's the best method to make large batch of coffe
Im currently living in Vietnam and getting kinda sick of drinking Vietnamese filter coffe

>> No.15768848

cowboy, you need to find a big enough kettle first

>> No.15768892

That is retarded for so many reasons... I do medium fine for mocha and medium for french press.

>> No.15768947

Boys, I googled "coffee grind" and clicked the first image. That's why I was saying I grind medium to medium coarse on that image, obviously I'm not using it as a guide.

If you want a mocha update, I'm pretty sure I just need better coffee at this point. I can still consistently brew coffee that 99% of people would very much enjoy, but is slightly under extracted by moving to a coarser grind, and generally this is what I would recommend. In the interest of producing better coffee though, I'd like to move a bit finer, and for this I think I need some decent medium-dark roast, none of which I have because I rarely drink it. If people are interesting in my process.

>Fill the base with cold water, and set it on the stove to boil
>grind coffee and fill the funnel so it is every so gently heaped, if it's enough that you need to compress the grounds, or if they compress while you tighten, it's too much.
>Make sure they don't interfere with the gasket
>Use a kitchen towel and pull the base off the heat once it's boiling
>Drop in the funnel, screw the top on as far as you can just by hand
>pick it up and hold the base with a towel and finish tightening
>place it back on the heat
Now here is where I've been making changes
>move it back and forth on and off the heat, trying to maintain a moderate clear flow with few bubbles
>Brew to about 3/4 of the top section this way
>If the flow ever starts to whiten significantly, immediately pull it off and run the base under cold water
This section of the coffee is very very bitter and will ruin your cup. I can get very sweet, very rich but underextracted coffee this way quite consistently with a coarser grind. I'll update you guys again after I get nicer coffee to test with.

>> No.15768955

here u go

>> No.15768975


>> No.15769020

be warned these guys are putting you heavy into hipster territory, and the prices match that,,, there may be cheaper options but when I've had Onyx roasts they've been phenomenal, so I recommend just dipping your toes

>> No.15769101

Holy fucking shit. This is the highest roaster tax I have ever seen. It is literally 5-10x the cost of the green. This is absolutely not a roasting company. This is a marketing comapny that also roasts coffee.

>> No.15769368

lol fuck these guys. Try Heart, Coava, Push X Pull, Upper Left, etc

>> No.15769489

honestly cheaper than my local roasters but I live in a cursed city

>> No.15769500

why do you dislike them,, though you do list some rlly good roasters

>> No.15769534

While I haven’t tried one of their $100 bags of coffee (lol) what I have tried in the past I don’t remember being too blown away by them.
In comparison, just bought a $19 ethiopian from pushxpull and it’s some of the best coffee I’ve had in awhile

>> No.15769541

Insanity. Which city?

>> No.15769557

vancouver,, Prototype here sells 240g bags for up to $29

>> No.15769631

you mean regular beans or the flavor of the harvest beans like Geisha?

>> No.15769656

I bet it’s fucking delicious though

>> No.15769940

regular-ish. colombians, peruvians, some more out there stuff.

>> No.15771048

my moka pot worked so well that i clogged my toilet, and then proceeded to break my air plunger.