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15721124 No.15721124 [Reply] [Original]

How well can you latte art?

>> No.15721155
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Tumeric latte
Matcha latte
Taro latte
Beetroot latte

>> No.15721170
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Espresso time

>> No.15721285

Coffee time.

>> No.15721290
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>> No.15721319

For me? Well, I'm a Folgers guy or whatever that quick shit is. The cheaper the better, it's all dogshit anyway. Pour in some grounds with a good bit of sugar. Then, just a splash of water, barely enough to dissolve it. Finish it off with whole milk, maybe a splash of flavored creamer. And that's how you make it taste less shitty. It's that easy folks.

>> No.15721569

>How well can you latte art
I can't. Any good info anywhere about it?

>> No.15721806

i pretty much stopped doing milk drinks in favor of straight espresso. probably won't be getting much more latte art practice unless i start working at a coffee shop

>> No.15722324

I just found out how to make good cuppa' coffee with a moka pot. I read hours about different methods, tried everything, from the amount of coffee, to grinding my own fresh coffee (tried coarse and fine ground), different extracting speeds, nothing helped. Then one day, after having used one for a few months already, everything clicked and finally tastes DELICIOUS. These things aren't just a meme pushed by wannabe Italians

>> No.15722904
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thinking about getting a hario switch, any anons here have experience with one?

>> No.15723516

Every time I make a brown sugar based syrup (eg. cinnamon, pumpkin spice) for flavored lattes, the syrup comes out like a slime that doesn't dissolve rather than a syrup. What do?

>> No.15723802

>What do?
sell it like a feature, if it has sugar fats will eat.

>> No.15724068


Its not going to, you need to whisk it in while you apply the espresso shot(s) and then continue whisking for about the first half of the milk your going to pour in to fully incorporate the syrup. Use less.

>> No.15724449

how come no one has made bigger vietnamesse coffee drippers, it wouldn't be a problem if they only made the in a bigger diameter

>> No.15724477

Hey folks I'm looking to up my coffee game from Mr Coffee and Folgers to something that I can stomach black. I've had good coffee before so I know it's possible and I'm not some tastelet

My budget is $100 for now, what should I do? I figure I should start with decent beans but idk how to find those

>> No.15724820

My coffee has been incredibly boring to me lately. I have a ton of various beans, good ones (including some locally roasted that are really good) but it just all feels the same in some strange way. I thought maybe pulling out my old pour over instead of my drip might help, but nope. I drink black, for reference.

What do you guys recommend to someone who misses when their coffee was exciting? I'm beginning to wonder if it's because I just drink so much. I usually have about 8-10 cups a day.

>> No.15724893

> looking to up my coffee game
>My budget is $100 for now

You can get a cheap timemore on amazon. I would HIGHLY recommend spending more, but this will be the cheapest to do what you need.



Plastic v60. Master this. Hopefully you've got a usable kettle. After you've got the ability to grind fresh and dial in your extraction time, you're set. Buy whatever beans that interest you.

>> No.15724930

Once in about four pours I'll get something that is of a standard that I would expect from a middling cafe.

>> No.15726379

Black coffee only

>> No.15726950


>> No.15727159


>> No.15727371

Intentionally trying NOT to overroast that Ethiopian the other morning, I burnt the next batch even worse. Holy shit. I may see if I can use it for iced coffee this week. I dunno.

Even more determined by the stink of failure, I roasted a third batch. Finally nailed a city roast by stopping right in the middle of a rolling first crack. The color of this coffee was difficult for me to judge, even though it's the sixth or seventh dry-process Ethiopian I've done. Maybe I should have suspected this sooner when I noticed how vibrantly chartreuse the beans were at the beginning of the roasts. I think this coffee in particular is simply a different hue, so the shades of brownness read differently. Well, live and learn. I have earned some XP on this one.

This coffee is nice. It's a mix of rando berries/dried fruits and a slightly unfortunate herbal hint upfront. Not dirty though. Backend is a little bit chocolately, definitely taste strawberry in the finish.

>> No.15727473
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is coffee good for you?

>> No.15727834
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In moderation? Yes.

>> No.15727847
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Is it true caffeine is considered a Nootropic?

>> No.15727883
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>> No.15727928

I made a moka pot the other day with some fruity African single origin and the flavours were shockingly clear, mine eyes have opened

>> No.15727934

Add more water, spend more time dissolving

Grinder is most important. Hand grinder gives best quality output for the money at the cost of very minor inconvenience
Like this guy said - timemore is great value. I got the c2

>> No.15728001

What are you roasting with and what volumes

>> No.15728009

Are cheap pod machines a meme?
I no longer have access to an expresso machine and been onto instant, used to do lots in press/ibrik but they make me feel like shit.
My options are a $50 pod machine or $100 - $150 in shitty expresso machine + grinder that I'll hate from day 1 because I'm used to Cafe gear. I value time over quality (workdays) but something a tad nicer would be great.

>> No.15728042

>Grinder is most important
This, you want something that actually grinds the same way a pepper mill does, not just smashes it to bits like most electric "grinders"

>> No.15728115

I built a little drum roaster out of an old cast iron brake drum, a treadmill (motor) I found on the curb on trash day, a bicycle chain drive, and a harbor freight weed burner. I can get a couple pounds in there, but I prefer 1/2 pound batches.

>> No.15728153

you are better off with preground and moka pot or vietnameme, pods have shitty extraction and are filled with bad coffee.

>> No.15728323
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Finally got some untabbed v60 filters after months of being forced to used tabbed ones and holy shit the difference is ridiculous. I'm never buying that choking tabbed shit again even if I have to pay twice the price for filters.

>> No.15728349

why does the grind matter so much if you aren't even doing espresso?

>> No.15728364

Basic chemistry, even particle size means even extraction whatever method you're using. Same shit for cooking, an onion diced evenly is gonna fry at an even rate and you can get all of the onion perfectly caramelized while if it's diced unevenly some of it is gonna be burnt and others will be undercooked.

>> No.15728375

That makes sense. Good explanation, thanks

>> No.15728406

That's not 'basic chemistry'

>> No.15728413

how are the untabbed better than the normal ass filters with tab? I'm not going to buy some $30 imports if the difference is minimal

>> No.15728427
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>> No.15728460

It doesn't choke easily like the tabbed filters and has a shorter drawdown, meaning you can grind finer without overextracting and get more flavor.

>> No.15728499

Choking *has* been a problem in my day-to-day coffee brewing. Guess I'll have to try it

>> No.15728566

Is there a burr grinder for french press that does good coarse and medium for ~$120-150?

>> No.15728676

How short of a draw down are you aiming for? I'm using the tabbed filters right now and I can't get a draw down longer than 30 seconds (this is after my 1 minute pour). If I grind coarser the draw down is even shorter than that for obvious reasons and if I grind finer it's shorter as well due to channeling (at this point it's getting close to espresso grind). Maybe get a better grinder that doesn't produce so many fines? Or perhaps you're using dark roast which shatters into fines even at coarse grind settings?

>> No.15728716

I should clarify that I brew 14:1 so for a standard 16:1 it would probably be a 40 second draw down.

>> No.15728932

I aim for 2m10s to 2m30s total brew time after stopping pouring at 1m45s (45s bloom included), so a 25s-45s drawdown for a 16:1 ratio with 333ml. I grind pretty fine since I mostly drink light roasts, I use a timemore slim handgrinder. When I was using tabbed filters I had 1m-2m drawdowns with the occasional choking but my brews turned out ok, if your brews are channeling instead of choking as you grind finer then I suppose it's a question of grind quality.

There's many variables to play with pourover, if you think your brew could benefit from longer brew times but you can't get that with your grinder then lower the temperature or pour more slowly. There's no hard rules for brew time/drawdown, what matters is the taste/extraction so you should adjust your variables to that instead of "ideal" drawdown time.

>> No.15728980

You misunderstood. I wasn't looking for advice. I was explaining that a quick draw down is easily achievable with tabbed filters if you're using good equipment and the right beans.
If your brews were clogging with the tabbed filters but drawing down nicely now that just means you're getting fines in your cup. That's not a positive, it's a crutch that's concealing poor practices.

>> No.15729215

>turn grind adjustment nob one notch coarser
>my taste horizons expand
holy fuck I can't believe I've been living in darkness for so long

>> No.15729243

Eh my brews taste better with untabbed filters that's all I care about. My beans are great and sure my grinder is entry level but I can get enough complexity with it to get notes. All I know is that my brews were clogging at larger grind settings with the tabbed filters and weren't as well extracted (probably less TDS) compared with the untabbed filters where I can grind finer and it tastes better without clogging. What grinder are you using ?

>> No.15729547

I had this moment when I first started fucking with espresso. No joke, 2.4.2 on a kinu was assaultingly bitter and astringent. 2.4.4 was bright and sweet and balanced. 0.02mm adjustment. Same dose.

Timemore slim or 1zpresso. I'd get the slim.

>> No.15729957

This triggers my trypophobia

>> No.15730034

*suck* my dick

>> No.15730189

Another fun experiment from the other morning: I believe I slightly underroasted a batch of a different coffee the day before. I threw it back in the heat, and oh-so-carefully roasted it half a shade darker. I was unimpressed with the change the same day, but after a day of rest it tastes perfect. So, yeah, you can do that. You can re-roast coffee (in one direction anyway). I don't know if there's a time limit for this. Might be.

>> No.15730237

Anyone else waiting on that Commandante C40 restock? I don't really need one in comparison to a Timemore or other option, but I have some extra cash and want something nice for the sake of it being nice. The problem is that it's out of stock everywhere I've looked.

>> No.15731261

imagine being this autistic about a tab

>> No.15731646

Does anyone else have issues brewing 250ml servings in a size 02 v60? Should I have just gotten size 01?

>> No.15731814

I'm going to go against the pour-over masturbation and tell you to get a $20 french press and a $30 hand grinder (as other anons mentioned, grinder is more important than anything. Get a burr grinder.)
Pour-over is super-in right now. I'd argue, and some famous coffee-snobs agree, that french press gives same/better results and is 10x more consistent than pour-over.
Pour-over gives you a lot of control over your coffee, but too much, imo. It takes a while to get good at making a good pour-over, and it's fairly difficult to get a real solid consistency.
French press is easy as hell and gives a better cup, imo. Look up the Hoffman Method and never look back.

>> No.15731830
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>> No.15732314

I bought some green Shantawene in the Fall. It was pretty good.

>> No.15732862
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It showed up today lads and it made a good cuppa Looking forward for the morning cup.

>> No.15733135

Have you got baffles or something inside the drum to agitate the beans? Sounds like a real cool project can you take a photo of the setup
How are you taking samples along the way? Do roasters usually have a temperature probe or what I have so many questions

>> No.15733143

nice I was looking at those in a previous thread when anon suggested them.

>> No.15733371
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How is it?

>> No.15733975

Post results

>> No.15734025

If youre going under 300ml for a v60 02 then yes it isn't ideal, a size 01 would have been better.

$30 grinders are dogshit with ceramic burrs. A timemore c2 is the cheapest you can go for a workable grinder. I do agree that immersion is more forgiving and less finicky, either a french press if you like the oils or a clever dripper/hario switch if you want it filtered.

>> No.15734035

where to cop?