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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15720742 No.15720742 [Reply] [Original]

>order steak rare
>comes out either medium rare or raw

>> No.15720753

I kind of like it when stores mess up my tea or coffee orders, it's nice to have some random variation in what you expect sometimes

>> No.15720771
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>I kind of like it when stores mess up my tea or coffee orders
Not the same as being served raw meat. I usually end up just ordering it medium rare instead unless it's a high-end joint. Always feel like an asshole complaining about food, and can't trust fucking Texas Roadhouse mouthbreathers to properly cook anything.

>> No.15720784

>he can't handle blue steak

>> No.15720808

I just don't order steak anywhere. It's easy to make yourself and a lot cheaper so I don't really see the point.

>> No.15720840

>ordering a rare steak from a place that can’t prepare one
Try going to an actual steak place. Even if Applebee’s managed to send out a perfectly rare steak, I wouldn’t trust it.

>> No.15720844
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Sometimes I just wanna take my fuckmeat out for a good ol' reasonably priced sit-down white trash meal, and Texas Roadhouse and the like is perfect for that, but those places can't cook a fucking rare steak. Their medium rare is rare, and their rare is raw. Then you try and send your raw fucking steak back and the waitress gives you lip. I can't fucking stand it, I just want to order a rare steak and receive a rare steak instead of this game of Down's Syndrome telephone where I'm anticipating the chef being a waterhead retard who has to breathe manually.

>> No.15720857

Speaking as a bartender at a mid tier joint, one of my cooks is a drug addict, one of my cooks is a social retard who uses 4chan, and the last cook is a kid who is more innocent than a baby lamb, and about as smart as one. Eat at a high tier restaurant if you want great food, otherwise it's felons, children, and the socially retarded.

>> No.15720876

Guaranteed you're just a sperg that doesn't know how to grade steak.

>> No.15720894

>those places can't cook a fucking rare steak. Their medium rare is rare, and their rare is raw
So you’re saying their scale is off
>their medium rare is rare
You’re also saying you’ve identified and can quantify the offset.
So if you go to a place where you already know “their medium rare”=“your rare”, and you want a rare steak, why are you asking for something you know will not be what you wanted?

>> No.15720934
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>high tier restaurant
Why should I have to pay $20 extra for the same cut of meat just because your dumb gorilla of a chef can't cook a fucking steak properly? It doesn't have to be Michelin star material. I don't even give a fuck if you season it properly. Just do your fucking job and give me a RARE STEAK like I fucking asked for, not blue rare, not raw, not medium rare, RARE, with a bit of cool red in the center. If you're a line cook and you can't even cook a fucking simple, shitty cut of steak properly, you should have to show up to work in chains, sleep in a dilapidated cell, and be beaten with chains for every mistake you make, because you're clearly unfit to participate in society like a normal fucking human being. Texas Roadhouse made me a fucking Nazi.
>you’ve identified and can quantify the offset
Let me clarify why this doesn't work. I'll ask for medium rare instead, knowing they'll fuck up hard if I ask for rare, and then it's a retard roulette RNG roll to see whether they'll give me an "underdone" medium rare (close enough to rare, and closer than if I'd asked for it rare) or it'll be a normally cooked medium rare, since the idiots can handle that better for some reason. Maybe medium rare is the more common order, I don't know, but either way, I'm getting fucked over, because cooking a rare steak is evidently a Herculean task for a midwest American chef.

>> No.15720964

You don't know what a rare steak looks like.

>> No.15720988

I would enjoy working here as I’m also a drug and 4chan addict