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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15719218 No.15719218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It better be black and/or hispanic owned products or you're a nahtzee.

>> No.15719219


>> No.15719222

Great, now I know what to avoid.

>> No.15719223

checked and kekd

>> No.15719226

this and checked

>> No.15719232

i just buy whatever costs the cheapest.

>> No.15719245

I will 100% avoid anything marketed as "minority owned."

Seriously, local businesses should be offended to be treated as charity cases because of their skin color.

>> No.15719254

Just like the minorities, frugal anon. A bro who saves on food, and cooks more, is cool in my barrio

>> No.15719260

I will never knowingly buy a product from a company run by nogs or with a nog on the package. Latinos can be okay sometimes.

>> No.15719272

>black owned
>hispanic owned
Why are they stealing and reselling products from black people and spanish speakers?

>> No.15719274

My nigger slave does all the shopping for me

>> No.15719285


>> No.15719286

I specifically avoid any products associated with "white pride." White people are fine just like everyone else, but anyone who identifies with whiteness is guaranteed to be a complete mouth breathing retard. I'm not sure why, but if someone identifies as German, or French, or black, or hispanic, or Asian they tend to be fine, but the second a person identifies as white I know they're either retarded, a drug addict, or a closet homosexual.

>> No.15719287

What the fuck.
Where is this
Fucking niggers and Jews need to get out

>> No.15719288

seems racist to choose products to buy based on the colour of peoples skin but idk

>> No.15719337

Yeah but sjw's are retards with no self awareness.

>> No.15719340

I suspect this kind of thing results in diminished sales.

>I specifically avoid any products associated with "white pride."

Same here. Saying this is good "for a product made by demographic X" makes me wonder: what is the best overall?

>> No.15719347

Do Americans really?

>> No.15719350

Let the virtue signalers do what they want.
99% of people will buy what's cheap.

I'm not paying over $1 a pound for rice, and I'm DEFINITELY not paying $4.99 a pound for some jumped up nigger rice

>> No.15719356

you deserve to be killed

>> No.15719365

biden still has kids in cages

>> No.15719382

r u crying right now, chudcel?

>> No.15719393

I only buy "pre-rinsed" rice

>> No.15719415

No, but I know you are.
Why would you vote for a guy that you don't even like lmao

>> No.15719431

whats a chudcel?

>> No.15719438
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A full cart of delicious cheese

>> No.15719447

There is very little representation for Black Owned mayonnaise and sour cream producers in our marketplaces. Here's how we can all make that change for a more inclusive tomorrow:

>> No.15719469

>t. poor commie

>> No.15719479

Only rightwingers support open borders.

>> No.15719495

Caucasian Hero Undermining Diverse Cultures, Especially Latino

>> No.15719504

Notably, one of Goya's owners is a hardcore Trump supporter.

>> No.15719535

All a smokescreen to distract from the fact that American rice has toxic levels of arsenic.

>> No.15719573
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I have no political beliefs apart from triggering right-wingers. Fuck Biden.

>> No.15719586

sorry i'm drawing a blank here, what products advertise like that? do you mean the random shit political grifters find to shill?

>> No.15719588

>Fuck Biden even though he is literally worse off for the American working class than Trump and I'm celebrating him being in office.

Up the revolution, comrade. Corporate America stands behind you.

>> No.15719605

Trips of troonth

>> No.15719626

Isn't Goya a multinational owned by Spaniards?

>> No.15719635

By merely existing I make commies seethe lol.

>> No.15719649

you could never trigger me no matter how hard you try, I am forever conservative as well as unbothered

not my problem

>> No.15719674
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Like I said, it's all motivated by spite.

>> No.15719681

>Corporate America stands behind you.
Corporate America stands behind capitalism.

>> No.15719682

Yeah. I remember I got these great pre-cooked egg rolls from Walmart of all places, cheap too. Really liked them. Then I saw the "woman owned" badge on the package and knew I'd never get them again. You have a good product, why whore yourself out to supremacist idiots who happen to be trending right now on your packaging?

>> No.15719693

>literally worse off for the American working class
Fuck off commie. Get a job.

>> No.15719708

>polcel who doesn't understand that capitalists use IdPol to divide and conquer the masses

>> No.15719711

Did you expect some race-baiting sjw faggot store manager to know the difference?
Hispanic, hispanish, whatever

>> No.15719718

>commies are too retarded to not fall for idpol

>> No.15719734

Yeah, mostly.

>> No.15719738

You mean rightwingers, not "commies".

>> No.15719740

That's cute.

>> No.15719753

I am sure they will miss your food stamps.

>> No.15719768
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>> No.15719770

Big fucking lmao if you think Drumpf ever gave a shit about you or anyone in the working class.

>> No.15719774

>the notion that private corporations support private ownership of capital is.... cute

>> No.15719779

Quality comeback, kid.

>> No.15719787

>implying actual chuds look like that

>> No.15719789

Idpol is inherently rightwing.

>> No.15719808

It is. American elites have been using it ever since the first colonial American decided "damn I'd actually rather go live with those Indians."

And there were many such cases! Blacks also used to run away to live with them, for more obvious reasons.

>> No.15719810

businesses aren't pro-business, they're pro-their business, and once you're a giant corporation far more often than not that means supporting leftist bullshit that kneecaps competition

>> No.15719814

Same =]

>> No.15719821

Are you drunk?

>> No.15719824

I'm very drunk.

>> No.15719843

>businesses aren't pro-business
Oh for fuck's sake...

>they're pro-their business
They are, but they are also by definition pro- the existence of corporations in general

>and once you're a giant corporation far more often than not that means supporting leftist bullshit that kneecaps competition
Are you literally retarded? Being a giant corporation means you support capitalism more than ever, to the point of endorsing blatant plutocracy. "Kneecapping competition" is the endgame of capitalism.

>> No.15719847

Yes. And feel free to post body ;)

>> No.15719855
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>thinking chud is an insult

>> No.15719863

>thin wrists typed this post

>> No.15719871

Again, post body baby. Are you skinnyfat or obese?

>> No.15719872

Fair enough. I'll give you a pass.

>> No.15719879

the president (or ceo whatever) of Goya voted for trump lol

>> No.15719892

White people are just better creators than brown people this isn’t hard to understand.

>> No.15719894

I don't care at all about who makes the food I buy. I care about quality and taste. My rice could be grown by pride parade trannies or Hitler's second in command. If it's good, I could not care less who owns the company or what their "politics" are.

>> No.15719898

So jews are only rightwing outside of israel?

>> No.15719933

Correct. Your point?