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15716383 No.15716383 [Reply] [Original]

Not my problem

>> No.15716390

>2 faucets 1 sink

>> No.15716391

That's common in the UK.

>> No.15716394

is that why they're obsessed? are they jealous of our superior faucets?

>> No.15716400

>dumping chocolate milk in the drain
What kind of sick fuckin animal

>> No.15716403 [DELETED] 

One for hot, one for cold idiot. God damn people are idiots.

>> No.15716407

Can we pour these “not my problem” threads down the drain? They’re fucking boring.

>> No.15716410


>> No.15716416

What if you want warm water? That's a thing now.

>> No.15716417

>he has one tap for hot and one tap for cold
is this a meme? are you guys trolling? bongs aren't this retarded right?

>> No.15716422

sounds like you have a problem

>> No.15716429 [DELETED] 


>> No.15716442

Why not?

>> No.15716447
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One tap dispenses hot water, and the other dispenses cold idiot water? What is cold idiot water? Is it like the opposite of pic related?

>> No.15716448 [DELETED] 

Literally makes no sense. Hot for cleaning hands, cold for rinsing semen out of onahole.

>> No.15716513

old timey thing they want you to mix the water in the basin like a fucking monster

>> No.15716524

So you don't scald yourself on steaming hot water while rinsing your hands.

>> No.15716532 [DELETED] 

>keeping you hot water heater above 120 digitally.

Haha. No.

>> No.15716534

ITT further proof the UK is a third world country

>> No.15716538 [DELETED] 

Whoops, I meant under.

>> No.15716540

Literally is your problem because you are the retard pouring your money down the drain for a shitty meme, your landlord will never know or care.

>> No.15716542

not my problem

>> No.15716547


>> No.15716567

Hahahaha never change you stupid retards

>> No.15716571

are the British really this dumb?

>> No.15716580

> ~$6 per litre
Why waste it?

>> No.15716582

Not my problem

>> No.15716612
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>mfw bongs need a loicense for tepid water

>> No.15716635
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>> No.15716652

British hot water tanks are so full of dead rats that it's literally illegal for hot water to pass through a pipe that's supposed to carry potable water

>> No.15716663

the br*tish are not truly "people" in the common sense of the word

>> No.15716664

Ah yeah let's add microplastics to all the other nasty shit in bong plumbing

>> No.15716671
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>needing an adapter

>> No.15716684

I like being able to produce extreme hot and extreme cold from my faucet so that there's more granular control between those two extremes when I adjust the faucet and so when I do need steaming hot but not boiling water I don't have to rely on my stove to get it.

>> No.15716689

Brilliant, so it basically does now the thing the also completely outdated faucets with two handles do.

>> No.15716716

I find it amusing how many bongs like to talk shit about American culture/diet yet their own people are just as obese, even more disgustingly liberal, and their plumbing is ass backwards in efficiency. LOL

>> No.15716727

Shut the fuck up. People that use one joke over and over again are the worst.

>> No.15716745

Yet they still don't bring up politics out of nowhere like you complete mariounettes.

>> No.15716751 [DELETED] 

>believing this microplastic shit.


>> No.15716784

>Yet they still don't bring up politics out of nowhere
Nearly every British talking point in the last few years has been about Brexit, Boris Johnson, or Donald Trump.

>> No.15716785

You're British right, how's that useless monarchy treating you?

>> No.15716788

That sauce you like and I don't is just ketchup ;)

>> No.15716795

Many people like the aesthetic of two taps you fucking dumb ass.
Its more expensive than one tap, I'll let you draw your own conclusion on that.

>> No.15716802

Its common all through europe, the middle East and asia. You know, the old world.

>> No.15716804

Hows your useless president treating you?
Got your 2k yet?

>> No.15716820

It's just shitty bong plumbing that was outdated in WW2 already.

>> No.15716822

2k? What do you need 1.4k for? 1k is more than these people need. 400 dollars would be generous.

>> No.15716924

Ah yes goyim, use more unnecessary plastic. Let's see those man boobies

>> No.15716943

Nice, so Biden's useless, Trump was useless. Here's the reality, your whole country is useless hence the reason why it's been invaded by Pakis.

>> No.15716945

>can't have mixed temperature water without filling the sink
>only ice vold or scalding hot
That's gotta be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.

>> No.15717004

>not permabanned
what has the world come to...

>> No.15717023

old habits die last
you should see how often the bathroom is right next to the kitchen.

>> No.15717032

i imagined some saying this out loud in a very high pitched voice before i even registered what the reply was about.
i believe it was quite accurate.

>> No.15717230

holy cope

>> No.15717306

>he only has one outlet

>> No.15717350

They want to not be capable of blending the temperatures from the source, and instead to only achieve that result when the water has pooled into a fetid pond of bacteria. So if you wanted to get a cup of warm water while brushing your teeth for rinsing and gargling then go fuck yourself. You have the options of arduously mixing half and half scalding hot and freezing cold, or using one or the other. You can't just have your water turned on at the correct temperature, you must do extra work. Also you have two fixtures which are more expensive, take up more space and provide two valves that could fail rather than one.

>> No.15717420
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>the aesthetic of two taps
>two taps
>two taps
holy shit cope overload

>> No.15717431

seethe all you want but at least we can have warm water without paying for a fucking adapter kek

>> No.15717444

most fixtures nowadays have plastic cartridges

>> No.15717469
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>> No.15717479

1 faucet for you and 1 for your wife or gf, duh. That's what it means to be in a relationship Anon.

>> No.15717487


>> No.15717492

where's one for your wife's bull? which one does he use?

>> No.15717496

My wife always leaves me with the scalding water :(

>> No.15717524
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>> No.15717537

Holy shit you sperg. I was referring to the UK not America. Stop perpetuating the stereotype of being an illiterate burger you dunce.

>> No.15717539


>> No.15717577

The twist is he's not american anon.

>> No.15718100

Common in the 3rd world anon.

>> No.15718141

one for water one for tea

>> No.15718161

Not my problem

>> No.15718717

>keeping your hot water heater below 160

enjoy that hydrogen sulfide

>> No.15718758
File: 19 KB, 452x391, 1615147515928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Americans you win this round, we may have stupid 2 faucets

But we will find more stuff to make fun of your fatasses

>> No.15718782

TV license

>> No.15718922
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the mad lad did it guys

>> No.15718944
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>> No.15718976


>> No.15718977

Your country is like right behind us in per capita hambeasts, and at least our most popular boy's name for new babies isn't Mohammed.

>> No.15718991
File: 377 KB, 2480x3508, 1485557303771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15719181

i like this new meme

>> No.15720014

Ok fine, here's your 200$ stimulus check

>> No.15720211

OP is from NZ im p sure

>> No.15720223


>> No.15720534

The Senate Parliamentarian says $200 is a no-go. Sorry.

>> No.15720544

That's Lewis Road Creamery Milk,
which I'm pretty sure isn't exported out of NZ.
Could be wrong too.

>> No.15722063

fucking dying

>> No.15722078

This but unironically.

>> No.15722088

Why the fuck would you use warm water to rinse your teeth?

>> No.15722109

Africa tier.

>> No.15722208


>> No.15722222


>> No.15722239

> hi hungry my name is dad

>> No.15722263

There's hot and a cold water supply in north America too. What's your point?

>> No.15722284

No it's not.

>> No.15722317

We have faucets where we're able to adjust the water temp to our liking.

>> No.15723375

kinky sinky

>> No.15723403

Not my problem

>> No.15723609

Pretty sure that an new zealand sink