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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15713478 No.15713478 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.
>"comfort food"

>> No.15713487
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>owns ketchup
>eats desert
>sugar in tea

>> No.15713491

>mentions macros

>> No.15713496


>> No.15713498


>> No.15713499

>sugar in tea bad
ask me how i know you're european and weigh -90lbs you skinny pussy ass bitch

>> No.15713503

>adds oil to water before cooking pasta

>> No.15713512

Anon, Sweet Tea is the worst thing the south has done since Jim Crow. When I traveled in the south I was shocked and slightly disgusted when I would order Iced Tea and get diabetes in a glass.

>> No.15713514

>shitposts on /ck/
Yeah, I'm taking you all down with me.

>> No.15713515


>> No.15713522

>dismisses an entire culture's cuisine

>> No.15713523
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so you're proud of being anorexic?

>> No.15713530

>too stupid to order unsweetened
We have both, dipshit.

It won't be

>> No.15713531

ITT: Cooklet Red Flags

>> No.15713536

sugar in tea and Sweet Tea are definitely not the same thing and yes I agree Sweet Tea will rot your teeth

>> No.15713543

I personally have nothing against ketchup and even believe that it has legitimate uses. The real problem I have with it is that those few legitimate purposes are so infrequently eaten that it makes no sense to sell them in large bottles.

>instant macaroni & cheese
These are the only times I would find ketchup acceptable, but I don't eat this shit every single day. Ketchup bottles are too damn big for how little it gets used.

>> No.15713568

>uses metal utensils on pans with non-stick coating
>uses non-stick pans on too high of a heat
>owns as-seen-on-TV products
>refers to sugar-coated/candied fruit as "tanghulu"

>> No.15713570

>sugar in tea and Sweet Tea are definitely not the sa
anon among civilized people Iced Tea by default comes unsweetened

>> No.15713575

Forgot about French fries. That's another legitimate use. But again, I don't eat it that often, and still does not justify large quantities of ketchup by default.

>> No.15713582


>> No.15713597

Ketchup does not go bad you dunce

>> No.15713621

get your ass back over the mason dixon line then you northern faggot
i bet you go to dunkin donuts and get a yuge sugary coffee every day
kill yourself

>> No.15713623

>"Red Flags"

>> No.15713630

>spice mixes, everything is pre-ground shit opened 20 years ago
>completely relies on one non-stick pan and uses it with only a minimum of fat on low heat
>absolute lack of knowledge about temperature, timing and the order in which you need to prepare things
>can't prepare a non-canned sauce for the life of him/her
>adds completely unrelated ingredients to everything and thinks it'll give the dish a special note

>> No.15713632

french fries are way better with mayo, ketchup may as well not be there in comparison

>> No.15713681

>iodized table salt

>> No.15713716

table salt in general is the fucking worst

>> No.15713735

I drink my coffee black just like color of men that you film fucking your girlfriend

>> No.15713766

>he literally eats lard

>> No.15713768

>Uses margarine

>> No.15713770

its... salt
it tastes the same you retard
dont tell me you fell for the 'pink himalayan salt' meme. its objectively, scientifically the same

>> No.15713773

god i fucking hate this board

>> No.15713777

t. lard eating fat fuck

>> No.15713783

every time I eat desert it's always way too dry

>> No.15713785

that shits like healthy for you & stuff

>> No.15713789
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>> No.15713792

im actually a beautiful twink and everybody loves me

>> No.15713801

Iodized table salt actually has a distinct taste, though.

>its objectively, scientifically the same
Last I checked, Sodium Chloride (NaCl) did not have any Iodine in it.

>> No.15713802

More like twinkie


>> No.15713804


>> No.15713817


>> No.15713826

>bbc on the mind.
Ok coomer.

>> No.15713885

Tastes the same unless youre one of those fat fucks who cares about MUH FLAVOR NEED MORE FLAVORRR

>> No.15713904

>To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the breaking of bread. It will be a great day for America, incidentally, when we begin to eat bread again, instead of the blasphemous and tasteless foam rubber that we have substituted for it. And I am not being frivolous now, either. Something very sinister happens to the people of a country when they begin to distrust their own reactions as deeply as they do here, and become as joyless as they have become.

>> No.15713925


Worst red flag:
>Uses hotsauce
Drowning your food in hotsauce means its shit food and not naturally flavorful enough (a cooklet problem)

>> No.15713936

>Drowning your food in hotsauce means its shit food and not naturally flavorful enough
Well, yeah, that's how it's supposed to be used. I wouldn't use hot sauce at a 5-star fine dining restaurant. But I can easily see myself putting it on a $2 plate of fries.

>> No.15713943

Shouldn't need hot sauce, just use spicy ingredients .

>> No.15713945

Hot sauce *is* a spicy ingredient.

>> No.15713947

>$2 plate of fries
so youre poor and fat?
why do you eat like trash

>> No.15713948

its a sauce retard.

>> No.15713951

The same reason you talk trash and type like trash.

>> No.15713952

t. pours hot sauce on his $3 walshart brand steak meat product

>> No.15713956

Sauce is an ingredient.

>> No.15713958

show me your latest meal

>> No.15713960

I already ate it, and I didn't even use sauce, you annelid.

>> No.15713966

>I just finished eating my microwaved hot pockets and i didnt even need sauce

>> No.15713967

>I was bullied in school and this is the only way I'll ever feel powerful

>> No.15713974

Sugar doesn't change the color of coffee retard

>> No.15713981
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I already am powerful.

>> No.15713993

if you order coffee, black it just means straight no cream, no sugar. Black coffee with sugar or sweetner added is black coffee with sugar or sweetener added

>> No.15714030
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>> No.15714038
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>spicelet talking down to others

>> No.15714056

He's not wrong. Unsweetened is just better, especially when cold.

>> No.15714069

>Comfort food = comfy sloppa (often enough)

Nothing wrong with that Anon.

>> No.15714259

>here some shit I made earlier, maybe its better then what I was gonna make maybe you shall never know

>> No.15714294

one time i ordered tea from mcdonalds and they accidentally gave me sweet tea. took a sip and it was 40% corn syrup, nearly threw up

>> No.15714428

It's only like that in America. They ruin all their drinks with HFCS, it's disgusting.

>> No.15714440

>nooooo you cant have more than 2 courses!!! Think of the starving niggers in africa!! Now eat your bugs mister

>> No.15714452


>> No.15714486

Constantly substituting ingredients in the most retarded way imaginable
>yeah the recipe called for cabbage but all i have is raddish so it will work
>dude you said bell pepper and i used that. why would it matter if its green or red?

>> No.15714492

Ketchup is amazing with fried fish. It's terrible with everything else though

>> No.15714503

Ketchup also has it's use in marinades.

>> No.15714523

>too stupid to order unsweetened
Just because you're a backwards people doesn't mean the rest of the world is, anon. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.15714529

>passes the butter
>it is margarine
>what? Isn't it the same?

>> No.15714571

Anon your second course should be a salad. Stop being a uncultured poorfag

>> No.15714576

Can't be a cooklet eating dessert if you made it yourself.

>> No.15714600

>browses ck for more than 10 minutes a day

>> No.15714626

>eat salad you poorfag
anon I dont know where you live but having a bunch of leaves tossed together wont make you a part of the 1%

>> No.15714631

You get half sweet half unsweet.

>> No.15714638

>orders food from restaurants instead of learning how to make their food at home or improve upon it
describes 99.9% of this gay fucking board.

>> No.15714734

perfect list, especially that last one.

>> No.15714755

90% of people have an iodine shortage. Sea salt and other fancy types don't have iodine in them. Lack of iodine results in constant hunger as iodine regulates it. Iodized table salt is a must.

>> No.15714777

Hot sauce has it's own unique taste and adds a lot to certain dishes. Franks red hot in chile, for example, is awesome. Tobasco in clam chowder is also great. You are just a pussy

>> No.15714787

eating desert is pretty cringe anon, ill give u that

>> No.15714793
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>lurks on /ck/

>> No.15714795

Salad began to be served as a course because it was cheap filler for poorfags.

>> No.15714798

Yeah how dare people sometimes just not feel like spending their free time cooking and just want to relax with nice food?

>> No.15714866

>owns a bunch of unnecessary gadget shit that does things you could easily do with a chef knife
>no knowledge of spices and oils. uses olive oil in a baked good, thinks nutmeg in fondue will be "gross," etc

>> No.15714927

I just don't want goiters

>> No.15714945

>Not starting with salad

>> No.15715006

don't be a spell fag. It is literally against all board culture to do that. Even on /lit/

>> No.15715132

>we have both
I actually went sugar free in the deep south and while this was true, it's not common and people give you weird looks. I just want to not have jacked teeth and be left alone so I opted for water.

>> No.15715139

>>sugar in tea
Agreed. Absolutely vile

>> No.15715485

>refers to sugar-coated/candied fruit as "tanghulu"
I had to google that one not gonna lie.

>> No.15715643

Salad is a starter you pleb.

>> No.15715646

What's wrong with a sweet course?

>> No.15715674

anon Dessert should be a once in a while thing like a few times a month thing.

>> No.15715680

>ketchup on mac n cheese
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.15715721

it's pretty much like sun-dried tomatoes

>> No.15715768

>>instant macaroni & cheese

That is so disgusting. How can anyone ever eat something like that. Even the instant mac and cheese is bad. Why even bother?

>> No.15715779

honestly if you grew up with it, Instant Mac and Cheese is a pretty easy go to. Yeah the taste is off, from real Mac N' Cheese, but it is still tasty and easy to make.

>> No.15715866

>I dont like tomatoes

>> No.15716102


>> No.15716110
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>spells it "Tobasco"

>> No.15716142

Absolutely this.

>> No.15716174

i remember back in the days of WoW that a low level character that was "funded" or supported by a high level character (on the same account) was called a "twink".
which usage came first? the WoW one or the effeminate male one?

>> No.15716198

i added my hot sauce to your mother's clam chowder last night esse

>> No.15716210

>he doesn’t put bay leaves and katsuobushi shavings in his chocolate chip cookies
not gonna bake it

>> No.15716248

>"comfort food"
>red flag
tastelet and uncomfypilled.

>> No.15716254

The effeminate male one has existed since the 1960s.

>> No.15716260

thank you

>> No.15716269

>>owns ketchup
But how else will I make molasses bbq sauce¿

>> No.15716270

>Quick and easy
>"Three ingredient"
>No bake
Oversimplifying dishes for no reason

>> No.15716297

>"Three ingredient"
I only really hate that shit when they specify a number, but exceed it.

>> No.15716305

>They think eating a bowl of ice cream as big as the meal that preceded it is "dessert"
>"I make a killer grilled cheese!"
>Aversion to olives/pickles/etc.

>> No.15716560

don't buy one then

'comfort food' usually means carbs x10000 + melted cheese

>> No.15716577

just eat seaweed lol

>> No.15716935

>Buys Tabasco instead of mixing vinegar and peppers

>> No.15717060

I like sugar and I like tea but I don't like niggers no siree

>> No.15717085

more like ur mami

>> No.15717648

Here's my three ingredient dish. Ive already done a write up and you can click here to learn how to make this ingredient

>> No.15717657

Talks about nutrition science

>> No.15718239

Takes pride in not knowing about food and cooking

>> No.15718426
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>> No.15719539

nelson's at it again

>> No.15719623
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>doesn't like vegetables