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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15711309 No.15711309 [Reply] [Original]

who came up with this medium rare garbage and why are they like this?

>> No.15711328

Who spends their entire free time making these images?

>> No.15711330

Some faggot

>> No.15711333
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>> No.15711337

why do you keep making these images and making these shitty threads?

>> No.15711339

these images featuring 4 uncooked slabs of meat and a single cooked one? no idea

>> No.15711371

Why is well done so hated? And why is medium rare "the" way to cook a steak? I've seen people become genuinely upset when someone wants a steak well done.

>> No.15711400

its commoners way of acting like they have class. one it's fucking steak and two cooking a great well done piece is possible but takes actual skill. so said retards just turn it into shoe leather or eat at places that do and conclude that's what anything beyond medium means

>> No.15711401

americans aren't human

>> No.15711402

>Why is well done so hated?
It's so tough and flavourless. I don't care if other people want to eat a well done steak but it's a real bummer to eat. Like a dry pork chop.

>> No.15711465

i like medium rare because its not too rare and its not too cooked. its the best of both worlds. its the perfect medium between too dry and too raw and bloody.

>> No.15711473

Basically yeah. Here in blue state hell they'll pretty much refuse to serve anything that isn't cold in the middle, because anything cooked more than that is something that Drumpf might eat. Absolute trend shit

>> No.15711480

this, why even eat steak if youre going to cook the flavour out of it and dry it out.

>> No.15711496

for me its medium well

>> No.15711649

problem chud? there's literally nothing wrong with not wanting to eat a food that a racist bigot eats.

>> No.15711675

What's worse? Overcooked(well done) steak or overcooked chicken breast?

>> No.15711676

what are these wojaks trying to convey? that all levels of steak are shit and reddit? who gives a shit GOD

>> No.15711679

What's garbage about that is the idea that rare is cool in the center. For steak it should be in the 115 - 120 F range. It's cooked, just not very much.

>> No.15711701

>who came up with this medium rare garbage and why are they like this?
Two reasons, and both have to do with poor people.
Poor people may have a stay-at-home mom or single parent's kids living with a Grandmother. Their generation knows what is what as far as food safety goes, and educated about nutrition because they paid attention to the daily news and see recalls and outbreaks enough in their lifetime to know a few thousand dollars at an ER visit isn't worth this whole desire to eat raw meat. Sometimes stay at home moms are from money and college education, and well kept by family money or a prosperous spouse. They also know more about microbiology and real odds a well. Any one of them will have even a more informed education because they have an immune disorder, went through a cancer treatment or understood they would never take antibiotics or any other drug while childbearing years.
Poor people also grew up with less prime and luxury experiences and may have had less fine dining where farm to table freshness or proper prime aging went on. Their families bought tougher cuts and ill advised to cook them just well enough, or even the right cut for the right recipes.

Most "cooks" are people who are not from white collar parents, but a more humble, if not rough childhood. They hate tough meat, but didn't grow up having it luscious and well done at the same time. So, they think they know better.

>> No.15711714

Usually because the fat inbred looking mutt also asks for ketchup as well.

>> No.15711731

medium rare is great because as long as its not rare whoever I'm out with won't behave like I'm evel knievel, and I still get a nicely cooked meal

>> No.15711732

His name is James, I met him once he's a little odd but not a bad guy.

>> No.15711795

With good meat, it really is better. If you don't believe it, spend some 30 bucks at a good restaurant and you'll see. Hell, I spent 7€ on steak from aldi and it was way above the usual sinewy, chewy abortions you get in restaurants here.
With poor meat on the other hand, well done is the way to go. People just like to feel good about being rich and having such refined tastes, so they will shit on you for it.

>> No.15711825

Insecure children who can't make an argument without resorting to I AM SILLY tactics.

>> No.15711841

>Go to expensive steakhouse
>Order some well-marbled luxury shit, medium rare
>They insist on underdoing it and it shows up with greasy cold fat in the middle
Wealth can't buy taste

>> No.15711855
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>> No.15711875

All this proves is that literally anything is better than eating nothing but a single shitty grain.

>> No.15711878
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Glad to hear my taste is so patrician that it lives inside your head rent free. Seethe more tastelet.

>> No.15711879

Because overcooking sucks. Overcooked pasta sucks. Overcooked vegetables suck. You suck.

>> No.15711993

It's the same deal as beer, really. They don't really like it, but want it that way because they want to look tough.

>> No.15712023

why can't non-beer drinkers fathom the idea that people like something they don't?

>> No.15712037
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>like mid rare
>tried to order it in a steakhouse
>waitress mishears me and I get mid well
>still eat it
>order medium in restaurants to avoid this now

>> No.15712062

It defeats the purpose of ordering a steak in the first place. Seriously, just get a pork chop if you want that level of dryness and lack of flavor depth. It upsets me specifically because I believe it comes from people being closed minded/manchildren because they think the juices are blood. If you've tried medium, medium rare, and rare steaks and you don't like them, that's a different situation, but I've never come across anyone who did that who doesn't at least like their steak medium.

I used to like well done steaks as a kid because that's what my dad always made. Once I had a rare steak and noticed the massive difference in taste, texture, and how my stomach felt when I ate it, it was fucking over.

>> No.15712073


>> No.15712099

Beer is delicious to me and non-beer drinkers who act like you make me laugh my ass off. I bet you don't believe that I hate most cocktails and soda in general. Child's tongue.
Lemme put it like this: do you think people are stupid for cooking other things a certain way? It's only even up for debate with steak because there's a known scale of how you can cook the meat depending on the dish you're making. Many restaurants won't cook their beef past medium in other dishes.

>> No.15712113

If you think pork chops are dry and flavorless you're making them wrong, also what podunk town do you live in where people still think pink meat is gross

>> No.15712158

It pretty much proves the point made earlier in the thread that a lot of times the rabid medium rare gatekeepers(not the ones that like it that way the ones that get defensive and haughty about it) come from backgrounds where well done just meant it was nuked to oblivion

>> No.15712245

why is steak/beef the only meat people insist on eating fucking raw?

>> No.15712255

because other meats will generally make you sick if eaten raw

>> No.15712256

I said lack of flavor depth, and pork chops are 1000% drier than medium or rarer beef.
Poor attempt. You need work

>> No.15712274

I think it depends on how the animal is raised/cut. Japs eat raw/rare chicken and don't get sick. Also horse sashimi is pretty good.

>> No.15712279

>Japs eat raw/rare chicken
show me please

>> No.15712292

You mean 4 juicy, tender cuts of steak and a single leather shoe?

>> No.15712302

>my taste buds are sophisticated

>> No.15712313

You can eat rare/raw chicken if you raise chickens yourself. It's the by-nature horrible uncleanliness of commercial farms that make it risky.

>> No.15712327

Well done isn't overcooked retard. Can't eat well done? Must have a fucking weak jaw you fag.

>> No.15712348

Needs work

>> No.15712424

Needs work

>> No.15712434

Well done is too dry and tough, it becomes a chore to eat a steak. Only time it’s good is when you are making Mexican skirt steak for tacos or if you are cooking ground meat.

>> No.15712439
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my toilet paper

>> No.15712448

>They don't really like it
So if nobody was looking they’d prefer it well done? I find that hard to believe, so hard to chew

>> No.15712601


lol why does it make redditors so mad

>> No.15712611

People who have sex

>> No.15712791

>single shitty grain.
The Mongols on that keto meme diet

>> No.15713853

There's a finite amount of steak in the world. If you order it well done with ketchup, you would be much happier with a hamburger, while you've ruined a steak that someone who actually enjoys steak could have enjoyed. From a purely numerical perspective, you've decreased the total maximum happiness possible in the world. And for what?

>> No.15713887

Because well done that's still tender and moist is fucking impossible practically and most of the time a served well done is just over cooked

>> No.15714130
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I'm like 80% sure I started the whole "rare steak is soy" meme, didn't think it'd actually take off. Stop ruining your steaks for the sake of contrarianism

>> No.15714138

started doing well done after learning that's how Trump likes his steaks, the ketchup though took me a while to get used to but I eventually did and now it's the only way ill eat it

>> No.15714146

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>eating meat
>especially red meat
gay faggot let me suck your dick

>> No.15714152


>> No.15714157

Kek, same. Ketchup was weird as hell at first

>> No.15714176

>started doing well done after learning that's how Trump likes his steaks
Jfc, you lefties have the mind of a child.

>> No.15714185

Blue rare

>> No.15714202

>Many restaurants won't cook their beef past medium in other dishes.
I hear people say this.
And yet, when asked, I’ve never seen someone provide details for said restaurant so I can simply call and verify.
It’s always the same shit..
>I-I work there as a steak chef and don’t want to dox my place of employment because they’re adhering to sacred steak code
>N-no I’m not telling you! I like to go there and enjoy sophisticated steak with other sophisticates, and I’m not telling some pleb about our super seekret club

I’m not saying it’s bullshit, but I am saying it’s strange how everyone familiar with these restaurants who will refuse customers who want steak a certain way suddenly acts like it’s a big secret when I ask for details.

>> No.15714250

Steak is a such a bland, garbage food anyway. People who order it well done with ketchup are based just for making steakfags seethe

>> No.15714265
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>he doesn't know how to cook steak

>> No.15714266

Because it is bullshit. Edgy shitty line cooks who work at Black Angus and shit like to pretend that they refuse to make them.

>> No.15714270


>> No.15714378
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I have not met a single man in my entire life who likes well done steaks. Only women. I actually refuse to believe someone that isn't an irrational woman would be afraid of something as harmless and tasty as red in their steak.

>> No.15714611
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>> No.15714652

What the fuck is this analytical psudoscience bullshit? stopped reading after the first line. you're a nigger

>> No.15714943

They're both shit so I'd say the steak is worse since it's usually bigger than a chicken breast meaning you'll end up having to eat more leather.

>> No.15714967

I always get my steak rare because that's the way it's good.

>> No.15714977

For me, it's the blue rare

>> No.15715003

i always get medium rare cause the cooks fuck up other ones more often

>> No.15715044

>Rare is blood
>Blood is manly
>Let me show you how manly I am
>Even though you never asked me to

>> No.15715050

>well done
>add ketchup
Simple as

>> No.15715081

I hate the texture of raw meat.

Its has to be cooked all the way through for me to bother.

>> No.15715128

If your steak oozes blood from it, it's not been drained and hanged properly and tastes like salty iron.

>> No.15715158

I ate seared medium rare chicken in Osaka about 10 years ago. Delicious. I’d eat it again.

>> No.15715173
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Mongols are cool.

>> No.15715179
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>> No.15715187

You should be permabanned

>> No.15715201

Venison steak is great though. So rich

>> No.15715204
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How long should I bake this?

>> No.15715241

chinks and zipperheads upset with their natural low T levels.

>> No.15715247

>entire free time
what? two minutes?

>> No.15715311

Outed and cope.
There are about 2 billion memes out there and their production is not evenly distributed among internet users. I've never sat down and tried to make something funny in photoshop for (You)'s. Honestly you must be in a quite sad state.

>> No.15715315
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>> No.15715388
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pic related

>> No.15715398
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>don't do thing for the sake of contrarianism
I like you, but where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.15715401

I eat good tuna rare/medium rare

>> No.15715408

i only eat meat well done, all meat

>> No.15715410

Nah, I think you're a pretentious asshole and did in fact read it yet decided to lamblast me with which can only be described as buzzwords in a pathetic attempt to "debunk" me.

>> No.15715422

While refusing to cook a certain way is bullshit, line cooks hate to cook well done because it takes up time on the grill and the fucks who order like this don't know shit and will probably send it back.

>> No.15715478

>while you've ruined a steak that someone who actually enjoys steak could have enjoyed.
yikes, check out this communist logic, thinking of the whole of humanity versus his own eating moment

>> No.15715497

>I’m not saying it’s bullshit, but I am saying it’s strange how everyone familiar with these restaurants who will refuse customers who want steak a certain way suddenly acts like it’s a big secret when I ask for details.
If you had a lifetime bucket of memories of your family member that sent back steaks after cutting into them to check for pinkness, and the resulting discussions, and then feedback via the waiter, sheepishly or horrifying apologetic from the kitchen and then the barely recooked or else the visciously charred and overcooked corrected return of the steak, you'd know it can happen with about a 50% chance. It happens around the world, not just a slice of a single community or restaurant.

Get a life, in other words. Dine out more.

>> No.15715506


>> No.15716082

Came here to say this. My uncle-in-law raises/processes his own black Angus cows, so those cuts are the only beef I trust to (barely) cook blue rare.
Very lovely with a homemade herb & gorgonzola butter.

>> No.15716127

>really good cut of meat
Blue rare
>fairly shit cut of meat
Well done
It really does boil down to what you have and what you want to do with it, the more you're cooking the beef the more you'll want to break up the texture- so if I've got a gnarly bit of shoulder or skirt I'm wrapping it up in cellophane and going to town with a mallet to flatten that fucker out, gonna throw a busload of spices on and then put it on a hot grill until charred. Or I'll slowroast a chuck and then shred it.
The grey can be good but nobody can fight through a slab of it.

>> No.15716150

>woaoaoh these specific Mongolians chosen to be physical performers are bigger than a pair of an american and a chinese statemen, selected for bureaucratic knowledge

>> No.15716158

even seafood?

>> No.15716327

That's the thing, if you like it well-done with ketchup, there are dishes you'd enjoy just as much, if not more. You're denigrating not just your own "eating moment", but someone else's as well. Its not communist, I'm not saying you should give your steak away, I'm saying don't buy it in the first place, go buy some ground beef if you like the well-done flavor, or if you like the stringiness, maybe some short-ribs would be more your style. If I went to a steakhouse with someone, and they ordered the chicken, and asked why, they responded "I don't like steak", I wouldn't judge them for a second. Curious that you accuse others of eating their steak in a certain way to appear "manly", when you yourself insist on eating a food you demonstrably don't like, because of the societal feelings about that food.

>> No.15716464

>I bet you don't believe that I hate most cocktails and soda in general. Child's tongue.
I expected you to say exactly this you flagrant douchebag. You "only children like sweet things" people are all the same. There is nothing special/elevated about your palette and you are everything that's wrong with food trends. I bet your taste buds are so burnt out from bitter hops you think grapefeuit tastes sweet.
t. fussy beer drinker/patrician cider enjoyer

>> No.15716502

completely obsessed. how does this have anything to do with trump you fucking retard.

>> No.15716525

This. Factory farms simply process too much meat to be able to guarantee that your chicken thighs are 100% poop (where most common "food-borne" illnesses actually come from) free. And while your chances of actually getting food poisoning from undercooked pork/poultry is still relatively low these days, they're still high enough that a shit ton of people would get violently ill if eating these meats well done wasn't ingrained into our culture.

Why cows are the exception I can't say for sure, but it's probably because we're so used to eating undercooked beef that the demand is high enough for farms to actually give a shit about bovine hygiene. Even if Tyson could guarentee that you could eat their chicken mid rare without consequence, there is such a strong taboo against doing so that there wouldn't be anywhere near enough of an increase in demand to justify the time and resources spent ensuring their chicken is safe.

tl;dr culturally ingrained fear and unsanitarty commercial farms

>> No.15716539

Are democrats actually this fucking branwashed lmfao

>> No.15716558

This is either an ESL/nigger post, or a schizo post

>> No.15716622

whoever figured out that beef is too dense for bacteria to penetrate. if you like a well done steak, that's fine despite being a waste of money. if you're cooking your steaks well done because it's a questionable cut, you either think questionable just means it's not a NY strip, or you're buying actual third world meat that's been cut incorrectly, marinating in shit and corpses. just buy a chuck roast or a tri tip if you want a big brown block.

>> No.15716683

*in america

>> No.15716863

>have boomer parents
>like most boomers they only eat their steak when it's rare
>at restaurants they would always say dumb shit "i want it so rare that it's still crawling on the plate" when ordering
>because of their insistence that rare is the only way to eat steak that is how i had it my entire life
>they were okay i guess but i never understood why it was so popular
>visited friend's house a few years ago when he was cooking steak
>they were all cooked well done
>decided to try one
>literally the best thing that i have ever eaten
>ten times more flavor than any rare steak i've ever had
>ask what he did to make it so good
>he did nothing special, it was just well done
>ate steak almost every day for weeks after, all cook well done of course
>they all tasted incredible
>tried cooking a rare one to compare
>it was mushy and flavorless crap, just like the ones my parents always got for me
fuck rare steak

>> No.15716901
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>> No.15716910

lol tastelet

>> No.15717586

>like most boomers they only eat their steak when it's rare
If you're gonna be a roleplaying faggot at least make it believable you waste of life

>> No.15717596

they knew what was good for you faggot.

>> No.15717902

Well done can toughen the steak, unless its cooked much longer.
Resturants make money on quickness so anything that slows down that process is hated.
A rare stake is fast and by the time someone even gets a well done steak the one with the rare has eaten, paid and left.

So this is the hate for well done it takes time 1 and a half hours compared to 20 mins for a rare.

>> No.15717927

It takes time to make a good well done steak.
1 and a half hours.
You need to cook it past the point of toughness it just takes time and temperture control.

>> No.15718096

Huh huh stake is gay I eat chicken and pork.

>> No.15718215

But there are cuts better suited for this. Steak generally has very little collagen and connective tissue, so even if you use a low-and-slow method like you'd use for, say, short ribs, you'd have little to show for your effort.

>> No.15718437
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>> No.15718538

I used to have mine 'trop cuit' but I'm vegetarian now.

>> No.15718646

Nigger boy

>> No.15718710

Medium is the best. I'm convinced that half the people who like Medium Rare just do it because they were told to.
>t. has actually eaten multiple steaks at all levels of doneness even including well done
this but propane is better.
>environmentally friendly
>healthier because no cancer
>better heat control
>don't have to wait forever for it to heat up
>taste the meat, not the heat

>> No.15718750

>environmentally friendly
Hydrocarbon's a hyddocarbon my guy

>> No.15719250

Imagine getting mad at someone for enjoying their steak well done.

>oh b-b-but you're not appreciating the fine qualities of the steak!!!!

Which I would understand if it's a beautiful steak coming from a cow that lived happily on a pasture from responsible ranchers. But most of the steaks that everyone is eating don't fall under that category-instead they come from factory farms that crowd cattle in feedlots where they walk over dirt and shit, fattening up as fast as possible in order to minimize the time and money that their ranchers need to deliver their product. No change in internal temperature is gonna hide the fact that you're eating a shitty product.

>> No.15719273

I eat well done because i am a manly man who loves my cancer soot.

>> No.15719290

Medium rare is best for lean cuts but anything with any amount of fat is gonna be better medium.

>> No.15719296

they're all literally soys who never had a good steak and doesnt know how to cook a steak either. rare is just copium for a raw steak.

>> No.15719320

Lol. Japanese chiken folded one mirrion times!
>He fell ill ten days after eating the raw chicken sashimi, attending Saiseikai Fukuoka General Hospital with complaints about stomach pains that were traced back to a meal that he ate that featured chicken that had been seared but remained raw in the middle, reports the British Medical Journal.
>The man was eventually treated and made a full recovery, but the dangers were still clear. If left untreated, the roundworm parasite can lead to blindness.

/ck/ hipsters are truly dumb and blind.

>> No.15719323

So then two minutes. Got it.

>> No.15719328

>propane is better
opinion discarded

>> No.15719421

For me it's blue rare.

>> No.15719442
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>this but propane is better.

>> No.15720300
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Mid-well for me. I think most faggots are scared to have an opinion, so the stockholm themselves into fitting in with everyone else while espousing uniqueness and individuality. They trap themselves in their own bullshit. Pic related.

>> No.15720398

Pajeets. They get paid cents by autistic westerners to make these things by the thousands.

>> No.15720420 [DELETED] 


>> No.15720720


>> No.15720755

I actually prefer the animal not even be butchered when it's served to me. I prefer the largest carcass portion that can fit my plate.

>> No.15720769

I demand to be brought a live cow which I then kill and eat with my bare hands in the middle of the restaurant.

>> No.15721054

well done ≠ overcooked
a well done steak should be as flavourful and juicy as a rare steak, or you're a cooklet.

>> No.15721062

in sweden chicken is salmonella free so you could eat chicken rare i guess
no one does it still because raw chicken is gross but you totally could

>> No.15721082

>order steak cooked medium
>comes out well done on the outside and raw inside almost every time

>> No.15721150

>Noooo you can't have steak if you don't eat it the way I personally think you should
If we didn't live in a point of time of over-abundance you might have some room to talk, as it stands we do have a massive availibility and it's unlikely you would have trouble getting that same cut. And if they wanted to make a Waygu well done, fuck it, that's their money to blow.

>> No.15721164

medium is the best way to have steak

>> No.15721994
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for me it's blue

>> No.15722101

americans have weak jaws and can't handle a liitle tough meat.

>> No.15722117

Redditors are obnoxious and can't enjoy food unless they are validated by other redditors.
Youtubers and soyboys literally screech if you say you enjoy anything but rare/medium rare they literally will insult you and call it a 'sin'.
Like meat was some kind of otherworldly luxury that can only be afforded once a year or something lmao
Hysteric redditors are obnoxiously retarded

>> No.15722202

>blood in meat
>undercooked meat
And these /pol/tards call Jews and Muslims savages

>> No.15722229

of course I have it medium rare. I don't even cook my chicken to 160°, I do use sous vide though so all my stuff is always pasteurized. if I wanted well done beef I would make a pot roast.
>imagine being a luddite who has to worry about food poisoning
I shiggy diggy

>> No.15722295

>who came up with this medium rare garbage and why are they like this?

King of the hill made medium rare the famous steak. Before this, everyone ate their steaks well done.

>> No.15722301

medium rare is best because with medium rare you get all the doneness ranges on one steak more or less equally. so it's not surprising it's so popular.

>> No.15722308

I get medium rare because every medium I've ordered was a bit too well.