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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15709445 No.15709445 [Reply] [Original]

Aaahhh yes, the British cuisine!

>> No.15709451

Fuming to see yourself in trash tier?

>> No.15709471

lmao ya you tell that stupid kipper

>> No.15709472

Why is British food so shit bros

>> No.15709488

Black pudding is fucking awesome, what the hell is that ranking. Kippers are good too.
t. American

>> No.15709581

why is black pudding at the bottom but a full english bfast at the top?

>> No.15709589

>chicken Tikka Masada


>> No.15709597

How can meat taste terrible

>> No.15709601
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British "cuisine"

>> No.15709602

by boiling it in a lamb's stomach.

>> No.15709606

Someone on the internet said that English cooking was a lot better pre-WW1 and WW2 but that it bottlenecked and now all that's left is shit

How true is that?

>> No.15709618

>liver and onions that low

>> No.15709630

Half of their cuisine is literal wartime shit.
In Germany many old people eat similar vile stuff, the Brits just never stopped eating like poor people.

>> No.15709632

I thought this too.

>> No.15709637

It's not like we somehow lost ingredients or dishes because of a couple of wars. It's true that general interest in cooking dropped significantly after generations were raised on bland rations and then entered the world of convenient canned mass produced food.

But your typical normie is a shit cook anywhere anyway.

>> No.15709645

The truth is today the middle class British eat far better quality food than in America or Europe.
You may not like it but it’s a fact.

>> No.15709672

Lmao, that's why 90 thousand people die from your shit food every year huh?
That's why being fat is actually a pandemic problem in your nation eh?

>> No.15709684
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The truth is today the middle class British eat far better quality food than in America or Europe.
You may not like it but it’s a fact.

>> No.15709688
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>bacon sandwich

>> No.15709692

Looks hearty and comfy

>> No.15709693

haha faggots

>> No.15709696


>> No.15709706

I’m just a neutral observer.
The food I had there was really good.

>> No.15709707

This is definitely true compared to mutts, quite a few European countries are healthier than us though. America definitely has a problem with shit quality food in general though - normal food in UK/EU is seen as fancy expensive organic food to amerisharts

>> No.15709730

A bit disingenuous as the US doesn’t have a comparable class system. Just workers and elites. Europe is definitely more complex due to EU regulations.

>> No.15709736

Toxic consumerism and corporate cronyism seldom lead to high standards.

>> No.15709744

What I mean is the quality of standard food products for the average consumer is much lower in US vs UK/EU, I'm talking things like cheeses, breads but also raw foodstuff e.g. meat and veg. America is a relatively new country with less culture and historic/traditional farming and production methods and has lower food standards and less regulations, and a huge mass-production/consumer culture. End result is shittier food quality on average

>> No.15709751


>> No.15709757

Scotch eggs, beef wellington and blood pudding too low.
>chicken tikka masala

>> No.15709764

>chicken tikka masala
look it up

>> No.15709768

No shit?
Are you a little confused as to what middle class means?

>> No.15709780

You have shitty reading comprehension

>> No.15709782

how is yorkshire pud god tier and toad in the hole is mid? its the same shit with sausage, if anything it should be reversed,

>> No.15709795

you can almost poison people in america and call it food. look at chlorinated chicken. the fuck.

>> No.15709801

Quintessentially British words oi mate?

>> No.15709817

It goes back further than that. The industrial revolution indirectly ruined mainstream at-home cooking in significant parts of europe.

>> No.15709824

Chicken Tikka Masala is British. Invented in Britain.

>> No.15709826

It originated in Britain

>> No.15709831
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>> No.15709857

It's like Döner Kebab in Germany, prepared only by Turkish in turkish restaurants but it's still got invented there and is technically a German speciality

>> No.15709859

>Quintessentially British words
They are now.

>what are loan words?

>> No.15709896

Guess what, Chop Suey isn’t Chinese either.

>> No.15709906

Middle class isn't a concept that exists outside the UK in the same way so it's not a valid comparison

>> No.15709926

>Middle class isn't a concept that exists outside the UK in the same way so it's not a valid comparison
Average consumer then, it's just semantics (and I disagree that it's a concept that only exists in UK)

>> No.15709970
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>Ploughman's lunch
Its what i eat after ploughing ur mum

>> No.15709980


>> No.15709989
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>chicken tikka masala

>> No.15710008
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>> No.15710034

Middle class absolutely 1000% doesn't mean "average consumer" lmfao

>> No.15710039

You understand that that dish was invented by British officers in order to use the spices in India to make food that was more palatable for their troops... Right?

>> No.15710046
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>its ANOTHER Amerimutt seetheout

>> No.15710053

Everything here is fine except for:
1.Toad in the hole, black pudding, scotch eggs and chicken tikka should be in god tier.
2. Yet fucking again i am reminded of why the scots having their independance and fucking off is a good thing, HAGGIS IS A FUCKING SCOTTISH SHITDISH, AND BECAUSE ITS PART OF BRITAIN IT GETS LUMPED INTO ENGLISH CUISINE, FUCK SCOTS, FUCK SCOTLAND AND FUCK HAGGIS.

>> No.15710063

I’m not American

>> No.15710072

So shepherd's pie is just a mirrored cottage pie huh?

>> No.15710078


The graphic says "British" food you git.

>> No.15710082

All ESLs are basically American

>> No.15710086

>The food of this nation is not very good.

>> No.15710090


>> No.15710091


>> No.15710092

no it wasnt you delusional nigger a paki chef made it in Glasgow

>> No.15710105

>fried bland fish with shitty fries
>literally just toast and bacon
>god tier

I feel bad for bongs.

>> No.15710115

Jellied eels go great with chocolate ice cream. I got some once as part of a white elephant gag gift and googled how to eat them.
Apparently Elvis loved jellied eels and chocolate ice cream.

Cottage pie is beef. Shepherds pie is lamb

>> No.15710117

Maybe not in the United Absolute State of America

>> No.15710118
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tiers look backwards to me

>> No.15710119

>black pudding at the bottom
This was made by an absolute faggot

>> No.15710151

>Jellied eels go great with chocolate ice cream.
No they don't do be fucking weird
I'm pretty adventurous with food and have tried jellied eels a couple times, they're just bland really like mackerel but with gelatine like you get surrounding a pork pie but way more. Not the kind of thing you want to eat a whole meal of, and definitely not something you'd mix with fucking chocolate ice cream

>> No.15710176

It came from Reddit.
What did you expect?

>> No.15710187

It was made from a survey of average idiots and they just chose the things they eat the most of

>> No.15710189

It was made by a paki in Glasgow.

>> No.15710193

Where the fuck is the chicken tikka masala that every pom orgasms over? They eat it at least 4 times a week over there. And I don't see fish and chips soaked in curry sauce either.

This is a shit food list.

>> No.15710234

It's literally on there, the absolute state of mutt education and reading comprehension
Insecure much?

>> No.15710247

Genuinely though what sort of wrongun came up with jellied eels? Why not at least grill the fuckers if you have to eat them?

>> No.15710258

I tried it and it was good. I dont give a fuck what you say

>> No.15710260

Like a lot of traditional food it originated as a way to preserve food before refrigeration became widespread. Same as blue cheese, cured meats, surstromming is the extreme example

>> No.15710279

>Yet responds indignantly proclaiming he doesn't give a fuck
It's weird and embarrassing that you like jellied eels and ice cream and cringe that you attempt to normalise it. Do you just stir pudding and ice cream into all your savoury meals to make some kind of disgusting sweet/savoury mush?

>> No.15710298

Pre-industrial cooking generally took half or more of the day including prep and cleanup, was massively imprecise and regionally dependent, and was passed down person to person as tribal knowledge. This isn't unique to Britain or Europe, it was the case all over the world including in the early US.
It's easy to get nostalgic for the "diversity" of it but that diversity depended on being a traveler, much of it was gross only technically edible poverty food, and the only reason it was diverse was because people didn't or couldn't read well and didn't bother with cookbooks because women all learned to cook from their mothers unless they were rich enough to have a cook, which would usually be separate from a maid because cooking took so damn long.

Also the reason the food was so diverse was because most people didn't travel much or at all, so the gastronomic dream of tasting Britain's pre-war variety of food involves being rich, enough of a fop to have nothing tying you down so you can just tour around the islands as you please, and likely a certain degree of indigestion and food poisoning.
I guess you could also get a good sample as a wide-ranging peddler or an accomplished enough bard to travel rather than relying on the regular crowd, though.

>> No.15710329

Makes sense I guess, was there a salt shortage in Britain or something at the time?

>> No.15710346

salt used to be expensive

>> No.15710354

>black pudding shit tier
>full English, which includes it, is God tier

>> No.15710356

Someone was probably pretty smug about finding a cheap way to preserve what at the time was probably an equally cheap and locally caught source of protein

>> No.15710359

Why are you having severe anal pain over a weird food combination some anon likes?

>> No.15710395

because you can't cook for shit, cook it properly and it's great

>> No.15710476

Because that anon said:
>Jellied eels go great with chocolate ice cream.
When they should have said
>I like jellied eels with chocolate ice cream because I'm fucking mental

>> No.15710492

wheres the vegetables? the peppers :V ? the onions

>> No.15710497

>was there a salt shortage in Britain or something at the time?
Didn't necessarily need to be, salted fish and meats are also ubiquitous dishes, jellied eels are just another preservation method - doesn't mean it could only have happened in the absence of abundant salt

>> No.15710509
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>> No.15710514

how do only 50-59% of people like beef wellington or scotch egg?

>> No.15710518


>> No.15710533

I'm not a wh*toid but most of that looks pretty good. I bet british grandmas make a lot of tasty food

>> No.15710541

What is it with Britoids stuffing everything into a pie or roll?

>> No.15710542
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>Only my taste is normal
You're definitely fat. Post body

>> No.15710553

Listen to me you fucking mong, i ended up with jellied eels as they were part of a white elephant gag gift, i googled how to eat them and it said babe ruth (not elvis) ate them w/ chocolate ice cream. I had both so i tried it and it wasnt bad.
No one gives a shit about your fussy eating habits or how normal you are

>> No.15710557

Seriously who the hell dislikes black pudding

>> No.15710559

>ingerland calls all their own shit british and never mentions NI, Wales or Scotland
>gets upset and confused when Scotland plans to leave union

>> No.15710564

Don't you talk shit about faggots. They are tasty as fuck, especially with some toast.

>> No.15710568



>> No.15710583

I think all blood based sausages are utter shit and only massive faggots and old people that ate them during WW2 like them.

>> No.15710589


>> No.15710625

Whatever you say pajeet

>> No.15710644

Where on the list. Do you really need the most basic nuances of your language explained to you? Now fuck off and go stuff yourself with your paki bastardised Brittttish cooking. before I remind you of all the rotted turkey "crowns" you ate last christmas.

>> No.15710666

A lot of the foods I like/eat are related to the ones on this chart in some way.

>sunday roast
pot roast with mashed taties
>fish and chips
fried catfish and fries
english muffin (better than crumpets)
>full english
sausage, eggs, potatoes
>bacon sandwich
bacon sandwich
>bangers and mash
bratwurst hot dogs
>cottage/shepherd's pie
>steak and kidney pie
>pork pie
>steak and kidney pudding
frozen chicken pot pies :)
>toad in the hole
eggs and toast
>chicken tikka masala
chinese or indian take-out
>plougman's lunch
>liver and onion
salisbury steaks with onion gravy
>black pudding
breakfast sausage? spam? corned beef hash?

Anything missing I either don't know what it is or I couldn't think of an analogy.

>> No.15710685
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'the fuck are you on, m8

>> No.15710695

woo lad that's a lot of pent up rage and insecurity you got there

>> No.15710696

Other than jellied eels it all looks fine- then again, a lot of things on there are copied from American food (Not that there's anything wrong with that)

>> No.15710697

why the fuck are you putting beef wellington in lowtier? Are you some sort of fucking retard?

>> No.15710702

>english muffin (better than crumpets)
objectively wrong

>> No.15710717

>>black pudding
>breakfast sausage? spam? corned beef hash?
Not really comparable, black pudding is pretty unique in flavour and texture
Also nice trips satan

>> No.15710719

If he was in Glasgow that makes him a Scottish chef, not a paki chef.

>> No.15710725

>a lot of things on there are copied from American food
Usually I'd call this obvious bait but with the absolute state of amerisharts you never really know

>> No.15710803

>kippers, black pud and haggis in the bottom tier
Shit image.

>> No.15710815

Black pud is top tier but haggis is pretty bland and kippers are meh imo

>> No.15710949
