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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15707297 No.15707297 [Reply] [Original]

At a Texas Roadhouse steak house. Got the chili, it has fucking beans. Do Texans really put beans on their chili? What the hell?

>> No.15707314

Do you not?
If what you've been eating doesn't have beans in it, it wasn't chili

>> No.15707313

Black Beans > Kidney Beans

>> No.15707321

That is not chili. Almost looks like that abomination people call “green chili”

>> No.15707370


>> No.15707376

>this is fine dining In America

>> No.15707429

Not fine dining you faggot. It's literally a step over fast food. Is Chili's or Outback fine dining?

>> No.15707460

It's not too bad. I got French fries and a steak too. It was a little dry but thank fuck for steak sauce.

>> No.15707470

Texan here. no one actually gives a shit about this. never heard anyone talk about it before i came here

>> No.15707472

I would have the waiter take it back. Anywhere else I'd just deal with it, but fucking Texas Roadhouse? They should know better.

>> No.15707484


Real Texans like chili, with or without beans.

The only ones who complain about beans are the young snowflakes who spend their time in an echo chamber egging each other on about their "purist" (actually purile) notions.

A few years ago, I was talking to one of the local older ranchers/cowboys who have been raising cattle for the last sixty or seventy years since they were in their teens or younger. The rancher couldn't begin to comprehend the concept that anyone would claim that it wasn't chili if it had beans.

A little off topic, but one older rancher I know from church told me a funny story about when he was in high school many years ago.

After school one day, him and his buddies wanted to practice bulldogging and went out to one of the pastures owned by one of the most influential and respected big time ranchers in the area.

So they rounded up a number of steers and were taking their turn bulldogging them when the rancher showed up. They thought that they were going to be in real trouble.

The rancher looked at them a few minutes, got out of his pickup, and announced, "You boys are doing it all wrong." He then joined in and showed them how to bulldog a steer properly and then helped each one by watching them bulldog his steers and would explain what they were doing wrong and how to do it right.

I doubt that you would see anyone do that these days.

>> No.15707531

Chili without beans is reserved for hotdogs.

>> No.15707557


And frito pies.

>> No.15707578

Original chili has bean in it. Deal with it autistic faggot.
Good rule of thumb.
Chili with beans = meal
Chili without beans = topping

>> No.15707675

Is bulldogging slang for making woopy?

>> No.15707679

>rent free

>> No.15707701
File: 74 KB, 640x426, bulldogging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is bulldogging slang for making woopy?

Nah. If you ever get a chance, go to a rodeo.

>> No.15707716

rodeos are a larp for wananbe cowboys

>> No.15707718
File: 471 KB, 1170x777, bulldogging2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another picture of bulldogging.

>> No.15707720

do americans really eat this?

>> No.15707730

Do they capture it for sex or to eat, I don’t get it.

>> No.15707746

>Do they capture it for sex or to eat, I don’t get it.

Mostly for sport these days. The winners get the hottest women.

In the old days, you would bulldog cattle on the range for things like castrating them or branding them.

>> No.15707794

>Do Texans really put beans on their chili?
Yes. They do it when they have shitty chili that can't stand on it's own merits.

>but fucking Texas Roadhouse? They should know better.
Their shtick is they don't clean their floor. Did you really expect anything else?

>> No.15707822

So sad how far we’ve come. Men are no longer hairy and strong able to manhandle cattle. Instead they are slender, weak and hairless afraid to go outside.

>> No.15707837

Yes, because its good. Sorry a europoor cant understand how great chili is.

>> No.15707842

if your chili doesnt have beans in it it is just a sloppy joe filling
>you cannot dispute this

>> No.15707888

>This post has been fact checked

>> No.15708335

do people actually not put beans in their "chili" or is this just a meme
I mean, at that point it's just a fucking meat gravy

>> No.15708399


Beans are forbidden in competition chili. Because of that, a large number of snowflakes think that regular chili shouldn't have beans.

One thing to remember is that nobody in their right mind makes competition chili for regular consumption.

For competition chili, you want every bite to taste exactly the same. To achieve this, they chop everything that goes into chili into very, very small pieces. You end up with a chili that has no chunks at all. It would be more like a chili puree.

Sure, you could make chili for a competition that would be more like something we would normally eat, but that chili would never have the slightest chance of winning any real chili competition. Only if the judges were real nitwits would that chili have a chance of winning.

There was something funny that happened at one chili competition years ago. A friend of mine and I were there for purposes other than the chili competition and were in a special purpose building that overlooked the site and was the most comfortable place around. That one time, the chili judges brought all the samples, about a pint each, up to that building and conducted the chili judging. In the judging they barely touched each sample.

When they were done, they left the chili behind. A little while later, I looked over and the friend of mine who was there had sat down at the chili judging table and was methodologically trying each chili and putting the pints into one of three groups.

I asked him what the groupings meant. He said that one group was the chili he was taking home for his own consumption. The second group was the chili that he didn't want to eat but he was going to feed to his dog. The third group was the chili samples that were not fit to be eaten by man or beast. All three groups were about the same size when he got done.

>> No.15708433

so what you're saying is chili competitions are total bullshit and just an excuse for a bunch of fatass redness boomers to congregate and pollute the atmosphere woth their cattle like farts?

>> No.15708438


Not exactly. Just that the chili they make is not even close to the chili that you or I would make when we make chili.

Competition chili and the chili we make have very different purposes.

>> No.15708461

if the goal of competition chili is anything besides the best tasting chili, then I declare chili contests to be a massive load of bullshit, a waste of time and the participants retarded

>> No.15708478

i think what the man's saying is that the 'best taste' might not account for the variances in texture that make a lot of dishes feel authentic. i know if was served a chili that had the consistency of a meaty tomato soup and then someone told me it was supposed to be a prize winner i'd tell them to talk to meemah 'bout that one chief. god bless.

>> No.15708525



No matter how well it tastes, you don't want a chili for regular consumption that you could drink through a straw.

On the other hand, if our jaws were wired shut, competition chili might be just what we need.

>> No.15708643

so I'm hearing confirmation that competition chili is bullshit puree slop compared to everyday traditionally textured chili slop. only in the chili competition hugbox safe space could pureed slop ever taste better than my ground beef and bean slop

>> No.15709268

>Texan here. no one actually gives a shit about this. never heard anyone talk about it before i came here
That's what I was suspecting. Thanks for confirming that everyone here are massive autists. This was my last post on /ck/

>> No.15709358

>This was my last post on /ck/
See you after your nap.

>> No.15709383

it seems like only women are picky about their food. better get those estrogen levels checked OP.

>> No.15709426

That's unacceptable, you should complain to the manager

>> No.15709428

Ironically, the best thing at Texas Roadhouse isn't even their steak (which is all pretty terrible). Country fried steak with brown gravy, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Go get some and shut the fuck up about chili, you fucking nerds.

>> No.15709440

Their steak is ok, but they tend to cook it one degree more done than what you requested.

>> No.15709460

Learn to eat you fucking slob.

>> No.15709490

You're a disgusting fuck. Who in their right mind voluntarily goes to a Texas roadhouse. You get what you fucking deserve for eating that trash. Also chili can have beans or not don't be a fucking child, but according to the shit you eat that's exactly what you are.

>> No.15709515

I have been to a few places that served chili like a puree. It sucked, but now I know why they were retarded.

>> No.15709524

Why do you eat like a retard?

>> No.15709531

I just don't like beans so I don't put them in

>> No.15709556

Beans don't go in chili

>> No.15709560

Yes they do

>> No.15709562

lol like i'm going to listen to an attention whore

>> No.15709598

>Is Chili's or Outback fine dining?
On in America.

>> No.15709612

No they don't

>> No.15709622

Oo you must not be from America

>> No.15709723

Correct, I'm from Texas

>> No.15709741

I wont eat chili that doesnt have beans in it.

>> No.15709746

Olive Garden is fine dining, Europoor.

>> No.15709815
File: 129 KB, 1500x1500, Organic-Red-Kidney-Beans-1500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans go in chilli. Cope.

>> No.15709842


But that isn't chili. That's a spicy stew.

>> No.15709905

Do you mean without beans it's a spicy stew?

>> No.15710036

>On in America.
Phoneposters get the rope.

>> No.15711554

is that a small cow or a huge dude?

>> No.15711671

>is that a small cow or a huge dude?

Full grown adult cowboy and a good sized steer.

>> No.15711789

>He goes to a restaurant and fully expects that they don't use the least costly ingredients....

>> No.15711815

looks like a disgusting toilet from the thumbnail

>> No.15712817

I love beans in chili
what PISSES me off is people who make WATERY chili
that shit is supposed to be THICK
a real chili is a CHUNKY VISCOUS SLURRY with aix of beans and chunks of ground beef

don't serve me fucking SOUP when I ordered god damn chili

>> No.15713260

This chili was watery.
I had use the crackers to thicken up.

>> No.15713781

shit looks like diaherra

>> No.15713829

so basically texas

>> No.15713841


>> No.15713862
File: 492 KB, 500x260, giphy-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that "chili"

>> No.15714037

Texas roadhouse isn't texan anon. It's from like chicago or some shit.

>> No.15714043

Why do you think they are westling the calf down? Whoopy.

>> No.15714633
File: 364 KB, 415x380, 724152152152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all that sauce running down the sides of the bowl
you fucking monkey, learn how to eat without making a mess like a 5 year old would before you go complaining about beans.

>> No.15714654


The only time I've heard of anyone doing that with cattle was in the book, "The Last Picture Show". I've seen the movie several times and only remember seeing anything in it about the cattle in the corral in one of them. I think that part usually gets cut out.

>> No.15715303

Yeah I would hope I don’t ever see an old guy banging a bunch of steers