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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15706941 No.15706941 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Girl Scout Cookie, and why is it Thin Mints?

>> No.15706958
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celebrations is better

>> No.15706993
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Samoas get my dick hard

>> No.15707010

>chocolaty coating
aka not chocolate

>> No.15707067

these are tied in my book

>> No.15707071

thin mints are overrated. im all about those lil caramel delights if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.15707074

girl scout cookies are a fucking racket designed to further normalize the destruction of the middle class in America by normalizing eating cookies sold by American children but made by machines made by Chinese children. If someone wanted to do a good deed instead of buying these disgusting plastic cookies teach a child you know how to make cookies and then help them sell the ones you made you fucking shills

>> No.15707080

artificial chocolate flavor is harder to get than actual chocolate

calm down

>> No.15707092

Clearly you never were allowed to have these growing up. Sad.

>> No.15707099

the girlscout cookie company is a subsidiary of keebler
keebler makes every flavor of girlscout cookie under a different name in a box twice the size for half the price

whenever girlscouts are in front of the store I always say no thank you then when I come out have several boxes of cookies

>> No.15707102

He has a point
You could easily have a "cookie drive" without directing funds into the pocket of an organization
Just distribute specific recipes and have the scouts bake the cookies themselves (obviously not ideal during COVID, but neither is going around town and asking people if they want to buy cookies in person)

The scouts dont get to keep the money, they really just get prizes that are worth far less than the money they got for selling cookies

If the point is to help the scouts or teach a lesson, then selling cookies doesn't do that effectively

>> No.15707114

girl scouts is a joke. boy scouts has to let girls in now but not the other way. discrimination!

>> No.15707121

Refrigerated Thin Mints are the best.

>> No.15707127

lets be honest: the real reason girls are allowed in is because boy scouts isn't as popular as it used to be, what with all the massive amounts of sexual abuse

>> No.15707140
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shut up you fucking trump fag

been eating this trash and being told its the creme de la creme of cookies for 20 years. only in the last couple years or so I've realized that everytime I buy them I do so for the girls, so they can earn money for their squad or whatever and because I think I like them, then I get them home, inevitibly eat them all in one sitting because they only come like 15 per box now, and feel like a mark because I just paid like 5 bucks for cookies that wouldn't even be accepted in a 3rd world country

>> No.15707145

no thats not the reason its because of fags suing boy scouts and getting sued for hiding the fags

>> No.15707187

lmao imagine not liking trump

>> No.15707209

STFU tranny

>> No.15707228

For me it's samoas and the lemon ones

>> No.15707246

thread theme song

>> No.15707259
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Girl scouts get my dick hard.

>> No.15707907

Samoas, thin mints, and the peanut butter ones are all based as fuck.

>> No.15707910


yum yum toothpaste oreos

>> No.15707929

didnt girl scouts used to make the cookies until they went to the way it is now?

>> No.15707931

when i was in middle school, i woke up one summer day and thought "I want to play Realm of the Mad God and binge on thin mints". I got up, went to my fridge and grabbed the 4 boxes of thin mints ive been saving and sat on my ass all day binging them with no other food but a glass of water while grinding Sprite Worlds to get a cloak for my rogue. Holy fuck that was not a good idea.
I woke up in the middle of the night, really had to piss, and straight up had concentrated mint piss. I never knew that your penis could feel sensations like this but it burned like hell. It was like rubbing my foreskin on sand paper for a solid 30 seconds. I had to deal with the stinging for at least another 15 minutes more but I was crouching in the bathroom with my hands clenching my dick the whole time. Ration your thin mints, or at least eat something else with them.

>> No.15708110

What's the Keebler Thin Mint or Tagalong?

>> No.15708121

I had a very similar experience. But instead of thin mints it was pee from a asian girl :'(

>> No.15708128

Yeah I rubbed my eyes after processing my mint 'harvest' and it burned like acid. It's a defence mechanism I suppose it just needs a lot of volume to play out

>> No.15708186
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If you like Thin Mints, try these. $.88 for these delicious motherfuckers. Taste just as good.

>> No.15708336

I want to like these but it just tastes like sweet on sweet on sweet to me. Like it's too sugary. Thin mints feel more balanced.

>> No.15708626

Found the pedo

>> No.15708710

>because I just paid like 5 bucks for cookies that wouldn't even be accepted in a 3rd world country
I’m an expat and the discount stores here have cookies that come imported from literal third world countries
Until you have tasted Jordanian knock off sugar wafers, Brazilian “””chocolate””” chip cookies, Vietnamese fake Oreos or Filipino cookies that I can’t even tell what the fuck they were supposed to be, you have no room to complain about Girl Scout cookies, or any cookies.
Third world poverty cookies all have this disgusting taste like the coloring is made from leftover commercial paint mixed with vegetable shortening extracted from the sap of a varnish tree

>> No.15708733

Maybe in the very early days but by the 60s anyway they were selling boxed cookies.

>> No.15709892

For me it's girl scout nookie.

>> No.15709971

the thinmint is called grasshoppers, I'm not sure what the tagalong is because I don't eat those, but check in the cookie aisle and you'll find it

>> No.15710671


Chinese children sound pretty hardcore, making machines all by themselves.

>> No.15710701

Chinese kids are fucking insane.
I went to china when I was 15, I remember passing a dojo and saw a group of kids no older than 8 taking turns planking on a giant metal spike. Occasionally one would come off and lift his shirt and rub a red wound where the spike had been pressed against his chest.

>> No.15710704
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>Put thin mints in the freezer
>Keep them there until summer time
>Break them out on a sweltering summer day, still ice cold.

>> No.15711340

I keep mine in the freezer.