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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 901 KB, 1177x1130, poutine vs pooteen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15701230 No.15701230 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Québec dishes. Of course we're starting with poutine!

Poutine is french fries (chips for the bri'ish) with cheese curds smothered in gravy. It's important that it be cheese curds, NOT shredded cheese. It's not the same, texture is important.

People around the world have been adopting poutine and putting their twist on it. The most common is adding either chicken or bacon, but I've seen the Japanese and Korean add squid to it and the Italian use marinara sauce instead of gravy.

And don't get poo-teen. It sucks.

>> No.15701239

Yeah, poutine is alright. That shit on the right looks like a toilet disaster.

>> No.15701245

The pic says "uses gravy instead of poutine sauce" as a con of bad poutine. But you said gravy. So what is poutine sauce if not gravy?

>> No.15701247


>> No.15701256


poutine sauces are all gravy, not all gravy is poutine sauce

>> No.15701259
File: 1.91 MB, 3120x3120, hot chicken sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next is the hot chicken sandwich. Americans sometimes get confused when they come to Québec and order one because it's a completely different dish over here. It's a great way to go through leftover chicken.

You just take your chicken meat, put it between two slices of bread, add some peas on top and smother the whole thing with gravy. Serve with a side of fries or mashed potatoes.

There's honestly little difference. It's just a different type of gravy. English gravy tends to be thicker and greasier. The sauce used for poutine tends to be thinner and more peppery.

>> No.15701262

They both look like dogshit

>> No.15701265

fucking gross.

>> No.15701267


is that a quebecois thing? we eat it all the time in ontario after turkey holidays

>> No.15701272

You can tell someone's just larping when they talk about "poutine sauce". I bet OP's a fucking English-speaking Montrealer.

>> No.15701276

>is that a quebecois thing?
no, op's just retarded.

>> No.15701279

That being said for premade gravy st.hubert's canned poutine gravy is pretty fuckin minty.

>> No.15701283
File: 750 KB, 1000x1000, pate chinois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next, the "Pâté Chinois." This is actually based on the American Shepherd's Pie. Québécois workers used to go work on the railroads alongside Chinese migrants and saw them being served sheperd's pie and assumed it was a chinese dish. The name roughly translates to "Chinese pie."

The recipe is mostly the same with the difference that the ingredients are precisely layered. One layer of ground beef at the bottom, one layer of corn in the middle and one layer of mashed potatoes on top.

It is, though Ontario is right next to Quebec so it's no surprise it spread there. I mean it's not like it's a complicated dish.

Most french canadian cuisine is sloppy as fuck. Stews, soups and smothering stuff in gravy.

>> No.15701291

That's just a regular Canadian shepherd's pie, you ass-sniffing Montreal fuckwad.

>> No.15701295
File: 713 KB, 1000x1000, pouding chomeur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pouding chômeur (unemployed man's pudding) is a dessert. You pour a bunch of maple syrup over cake batter and put it in the oven. While it's cooking, the syrup will sink to the bottom. It's the most delicious thing I know. Serving it hot with a side of ice cream is best.

>> No.15701304
File: 170 KB, 1074x1074, creton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creton is not actually a dish but a type of spread. It's a bunch of minced meat, usually pork, veal and duck, combined with garlic, onions and a few more spices. It's really, really filling.

>> No.15701317
File: 149 KB, 1200x900, ragout de pattes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ragoût de Pattes de Porc (Pig's Feet Stew) is a stew made using pig shanks for the meat. You also put in a bunch of meatballs and vegetables. Plenty of maple syrup too. That thing will fill you up and keep you warm.

>> No.15701322

No mention of steamers yet. son I am disappoint.

>> No.15701324
File: 60 KB, 640x426, montreal smoked meat sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Montreal Smoked Meat Sandwich is, well, a smoked meat sandwich. It's a LOT of smoked beef in rye bread with loads of spice and mustard. This should always be served with a pickle. The jews get credit for this one.

>> No.15701333
File: 228 KB, 1200x1195, steamie dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hot-Dog Steamé is a hot-dog which is common in Québec. Instead of grilling or roasting the wiener, it is steamed. This might sound weird, but once you've tried it you'll understand why it's so popular. People usually put loads of onions on them.

>> No.15701346

There is literally nothing wrong with being an English-speaking Montrealer

t. English-speaking Montrealer

>> No.15701351
File: 682 KB, 1000x1000, pain sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for last, I decided to go for something weirder and less known, the Pain Sandwich (Sandwich Bread). That picture looks like a delicious cake, but don't trust it. It's full of lies and you'd know it if you looked closer and saw the cucumber slices.

To make a pain sandwich, you need a loaf of bread which was sliced horizontally instead of vertically. Between each slice, you put a layer of what you want: Egg salad, ham, chicken salad, etc. Once the whole thing is done, you slather it with cream cheese. You can also add more toppings like peppers or cucumbers. You serve it in vertical slices. I personally don't like it but I know a lot of people who love it.

>> No.15701373

Can I put guacamole and sour cream on it to make it Mexican poopteen?

>> No.15701380

Get out of my thread.

>> No.15701383

I am legit curious about what that would taste like.

>> No.15701386


better to just make carne asada fries

>> No.15701391

>literally just meat on bread with mustard
>guys look what us Jews invented!
who buys this stuff? Any italian beef sandwich blows the giant jew sloppa away. Literally any one.

>> No.15701399

I eat everything in this thread fairly regularly, but I've never even heard of this. You learn something new every day

Yes brown sauce + cheese curds + fries is a very versatile base. You can add many things and it'll likely still taste good

calme tes seins Jean-Philippe esti

>> No.15701401

Ask the millionaires and billionaires who make reservations months in advance at Schwartz's.

>> No.15701413

My first day in QC I went to a casse-croute and got a "medium" smoked meat poutine for 8$
It was probably 3 lbs of poutine
Still wondering to this day what the "extra large" size was like
What I really miss about QC is the depanneurs and the mille-feuille

>> No.15701415

Ask them what? I've never heard of Schwartz' but I've had that $19 pile of cheap hot dog meat sandwich at Katz'. Never again.

>> No.15701428

cool thread op

>> No.15701429


>> No.15701437

Lol. The best poutine is in Vancouver. Stick to your shit restaurants LaBelle Provence and Restaurants Benny. Oh and that clown food abomination LaFleur. Fucking uppity frogs. CHEZ VOUS!!

>> No.15701438


I've been, it's not fancy but it's pretty damn good, as is the chicken

>> No.15701448

Tell them about Cipaille (sea pie) next

>> No.15701450


the best poutine outside of quebec was poutini's (RIP), y'all don't even qualify all the way over there

>> No.15701451

I don't understand the Schwartz craze. Maybe it's because I grew up next to it, but it struck me as really odd when I visited Ottawa and saw "Schwartz-style smoked meat". Is the quality of smoked meat that much lower elsewhere ?

>> No.15701452

Ok Zhang

>> No.15701453

All this thread taught me was that Quebecers have lost almost all of their french cooking skills over time, but not the french douchebag attitude about it.

>> No.15701456

>anglo """"""""""""""""""""""cuisine""""""""""""""

>> No.15701457

Were you trying to say "up yours" in french? For future reference, a better way to say it would be "Fous-toi le dans le cul." (Shove it up your ass."

>> No.15701462

The people who settled Quebec were barely French, they were mostly Normans.

>> No.15701471

thank you for giving me the finer details on your lack of culture, they will be well used ridiculing your kind in future threads

>> No.15701473

then why is the indisputably best Poutine in Ottawa?

>> No.15701475

I'm sure you will while drinking your Timmies' coffee.

>> No.15701492
File: 113 KB, 800x600, 800px-Pastrami_sandwich[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a great invention guy. They took a cut of beef that can be used to make something delicious like short ribs or brisket, and made it taste like hot dog water.

>> No.15701497

daily reminder that if you don't vote for bloc you're not a true québécois

>> No.15701499

Look, I'm not defending it. I'm just saying it's a thing.

>> No.15701503
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>> No.15701508

>dog water.
you must be 18 to post here

>> No.15701520

i would think the restaurant staff was fucking with me if they served me that.

>> No.15701531

imagine being filtered by based corned beef

>> No.15701543

And are fucking insufferable. Quebec City would be so much nicer without them. Gas the blueberries. Every last fucking one of them. Drown them in PepsiCola.

>> No.15701549

And you'd be wrong not to dig in. It's fucking delicious.

>> No.15701550

I grew up in a French Canadian family in New England, and we always had a crock of this in the fridge. Great stuff.

I was living in Portland OR and saw a cart selling poutine. Ordered it, and the absolute caricature working there sneered and said, "You mean the poo-teen?" As guessed, looked like an even worse version of the one on the right.

>> No.15701552

my left nut for Yves

>> No.15701557
File: 196 KB, 1000x749, o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this; Italian beef sandwich, hot, dipped. You will thank me and save a fortune. Also good with melted provolone which is an option. This is from Al's Beef in Chicago.

>> No.15701574


hmm that seems like a great idea actually but id want turkey

>> No.15701576

That looks like something the doctor was called in to remove from a cancerous colon.

>> No.15701680
File: 111 KB, 640x800, Sucre-a-la-creme-1280-1035-640x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ragoût de pattes
>maple syrup
fuck is wrong with you

Anyway, sucre a la crème. Cream fudge. It's what the name says. Turns out caramelizing dairy tastes good. Some people use condensed milk for this but they're all idiots and deserve the rope. Yes, even your grandma, Julien

>> No.15701765

Ha, well keep eating those 20 pound pastrami sandwiches from McKikealds and you'll know what colon cancer is like.

>> No.15701857

Don't know why you think that's wrong, maple syrup is a common ingredient to give a sweeter taste to stews and soups.

>> No.15701871
File: 50 KB, 460x460, pizzapop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15701886

>Not mention of Tortierre or however the fuck it's spelled

>> No.15701894

ok but why are you trying to give a sweeter taste to my pig feet stew? Step away from the pot right now. Plus he said plenty. A bit, eh maybe. But not plenty

>> No.15701928

this guy is a fucking idiot
theres a place in vancouver called la belle patate, which has legitimately fantastic poutine and is run by a quebecois guy, they also do steamies

>> No.15701952

wow that has to be the most brain-dead way to layer them

>> No.15701953

These taste fucking horrid

>> No.15701954

reddit moment

>> No.15701977

>made in Mcdonald, KFC, Wendy's or Ashton
kek, subtle

>> No.15702001

Fake poutine is fucking awful. Real poutine is fucking awful.

>> No.15702005

La belle patate makes proper poutine, but it's still shit because poutine is fucking horrible food. The gravy overpowers the fries, the cheese clashes with the gravy AND with the fries... nothing works. It's a horrible dish.

>> No.15702041

Literally any sports arena in North America does this...

>> No.15702046

You seriously never used honey or something like it in a recipe? Or BBQ sauce?

>> No.15702053
File: 493 KB, 640x480, aQd2VL2_700bwp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not opposed to using sweet ingredients in savory foods in general, I'm opposed to putting a lot of maple syrup into pig feet stew, or meatball stew for that matter. You don't always have to pretend you're at the cabane

>> No.15702066

I never had poutine but i always thought it sounded retarded if not repulsive.

>> No.15702137

Believe me, don't bother trying it. Only normies seem to love it, the very same people who put ketchup on their fries. I say leave it for the dogs.

>> No.15702158

il faut que tu rentres

>> No.15702161

Ottawa is on the ON/QC border like how they put DC on the border between North and South, and anglos have no control there

>> No.15702170

Nice strawman, ass

>> No.15702183

Of course anglos don't know how to make poutine. They're different people, different culture. I have a friend who visited Ukraine and he was telling me how they'd make pizza with ketchup for sauce. But then an Italian would probably make a pretty shit borscht or whatever as well.

>> No.15702207
File: 348 KB, 1024x684, tiresaintecatherine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tire Sainte-Catherine
>Making la tire de Ste. Catherine is a French-Canadian tradition that began when St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, founder of the Congregation of Notre Dame, made these sweet candies each year on November 25th to attract young students to her school. These taffies were so popular that eventually young maidens began making them on the feast of St. Catherine and gave them to the single men around town in order to display their cooking skills in the hopes of finding a husband

this is what they took from you. Cute girls giving you molasses taffy

>> No.15702213

Sounds awful

>> No.15702224
File: 129 KB, 400x400, 1614846602706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702230

>being filtered by molasses

>> No.15702254

idk, if a chick is cute and seems fun, and is giving me candies, I'd at least consider asking her out for dinner or drinks or a concert or something.

>> No.15702284

t. seething anglo lesbian

>> No.15702296

>pain sandwich
looks like a pain to make

>> No.15702308

Not sure which one is supposed to be the correct one.

>> No.15702330
File: 66 KB, 810x800, 1b4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that looks gross (right)

>> No.15702333

French fries aren’t chips, dipshit.
Clue’s in the name.

>> No.15702342

Yeah, no. That "FRENCH FRIES ARE THE THIN ONES AND CHIPS ARE THE THICK ONES" thing started less than 3 months ago.

>> No.15702412

Based frog hunter.

>> No.15702423

poutine sauce is 2/3 chicken and 1/3 beef gravy that is then watered down.

Quebec food is made from people being poor, cold, and hungry. All of it is made from cheap ingredients.

Even cheese curds are poor food. Curds are pre-cheese, so you would have to do additional work to make it actual cheese.

>> No.15702425

Creton is also mixed with bread crumbs. It's pate for poor people.

>> No.15702440

>nooo English people anglicized our based word
Well sorry for your luck, but we already have 50 different puddings

>> No.15702577 [DELETED] 

That’s just pastrami on rye nigger, it has nothing to do with frognadia

>> No.15702863


You mean an archaic party stuck in the 1960s that is run by old people, bigots and rich white?

>> No.15702875

>Americans sometimes get confused when they come to Québec and order one because it's a completely different dish over here
Different from what?
There’s isn’t an American “hot chicken sandwich”.

>> No.15702898
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, hot chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People just call it a "Hot chicken" in Quebec. This is what Americans mean when they talk about "hot chicken" however.

>> No.15702908

You damn quebecois amphibians are so damn full of yourselves. Guess what? Nobody gives a shit! Poutine is garbage.

>> No.15702923

Cope, anglocuck.

>> No.15702969
File: 36 KB, 400x400, Pate-saumon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quebec born, but lived in the states for over a decade
>This thread gives me feels (hungry ones)

It pisses me off that I can get food from literally anywhere in the world here but something like poutine is out of reach (no curds lol)

Also, this thread needs tourtière and pâté au saumon!

>> No.15703007

>pâté au saumon
Mon nègre. I used to look forward to pâté au saumon day back in high school. Good times.

>> No.15703020

Quebec is pretty sad. Imagine being french descendant and having such bland cuisine?

>> No.15703031

You can get cheese curds, french fries, and shitty beef gravy anywhere in the US.

You are not special, your city is not special.

>> No.15703032

nobodys tourtière is as good as mamas tourtière

>> No.15703058

>This is what Americans mean when they talk about "hot chicken" however.
No, it’s what millennials who watch food network think.
That shit didn’t even exist outside some hoodrat shack in Nashville until FN pushed it a few years back.
Nashville hadn’t even heard of it except for said hood rats.

>> No.15703134

seething anglo baiting all thread

>> No.15703152

pompous frogman upset by the truth

>> No.15703165


>> No.15703238

peak comfy quebecois food, surtout si t'utilise du vrais syrop

>> No.15703257

>2 steamé all dressed sans oignons
fuck why is that phrase so nostalgic to me

>> No.15703262

on est au Québec icitte madame

>> No.15703268

ah man ma mère a faite ca une fois, c'tait legit bon, c'est vraiment 60's comme recette

>> No.15703294

>the past 100 years
it's sad when the Americans think they have a culture

>> No.15703295

Fucking kek, the state of American education

>> No.15703377


No one but anglo-canadians get this angry at Quebec for existing.

>> No.15703383

what do anglo-canadians have against quebecers anyway, i've heard they're cool

>> No.15703398

For me, it's the McChicken.

>> No.15703402
File: 1.33 MB, 2030x3396, anglos vs canadiens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15703407
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 7C7882A2-379E-46C5-BC1D-9CA9E99C75D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's on the right are disco fries
Canada uses cheese curds literally everywhere I've ever been
>tfw a popular canadian poutine chain is called New York Fries
>always assumed this was actually american as a kid
>order a poutine in new york
>fucking die

>> No.15703426
File: 115 KB, 640x800, 122931584_2929951123904858_5258218939204575280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in ottawa and I assumed everywhere in canada was fluently bilingual and had bilingual signage.

It was weird to discover otherwise. Moved to MTL though, it's extremely chill.

>> No.15703438

what's special is the fact that even with that being true for some reason american fucking retards never offer them together in a single dish.

>> No.15703455

never knew french canada was so based

>> No.15703463

Nothing. It's only the Albortions and other cowboy larpers from out west who wake up seething about Quebec every day.

>> No.15703550

Where so I can try? I've never had a proper poutine on the Ontario side since I always go to Gatineau for my fix

>> No.15703570

I bet the fags going to say S&G. Don't bother, it's hockey rink poutine at best.

>> No.15703584

I always hear people raving about Fritomania but I'm not driving to fucking Orleans when I can get a 10/10 poutine in Hull

>> No.15703595

I mean you should avoid orleans regardless. The only place really worth going to is the St Alberts cheese factory. That's just because it's fresh curds.

>> No.15703639

Luv me St Alberts curds. My favourite fresh curds in the region are pic rel though, which are much closer to me anyways

>> No.15703643
File: 32 KB, 800x800, Logo-Trappe-2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, forgot pic

>> No.15703669

Never had them, next time I do a beer run in quebexico I'll try them out.

>> No.15703687

>bread, serve with more starch
>only vegetable in sight is like 8 peas
What is up with north-Americans?

>> No.15703694

I recommend without reservation. They have shops all over the Outaouais and I think even the Costco sells them fresh.

>> No.15703706

Seems more British Isles to me.

>> No.15703714

Yeah there seems to be locations pretty close to the places in Alymer and Hull I go for beer runs.

>> No.15703724

sauce for a fellow YOWer?

>> No.15703736

Defo check them out. They also have all kinds of other cheeses, charcuteries, oils, etc.

>> No.15703737


>> No.15703745

Most french canadian cuisine is a mixture of british, french, and in more modern times american inspired foods

It's really tasty and honey, I miss it so much...

>> No.15703779

Another reason for so much starches is due to Britons be the majority of immigrants to the French colonies.

>> No.15703784


>> No.15703788

thanks, pretty obscure and makes me wonder how you came across that

>> No.15703804
File: 27 KB, 650x366, 472443-phil-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average quebecois
You're all obnoxious faggots

>> No.15703806

based steamies

>> No.15703836

anyone from Montreal is subhuman though.

>> No.15703847

The most important thing about poutine is that you use a young cheddar curd, it should also be salty.
The best variation of the poutine is a poutine combined with a donair. You plate your fries, add half the cheese, add donair meat, add the rest of the cheese, adds gravy, then hit it with the sweet sweet Halifax style donair sauce (you can add tomato and onion chunks too, but they are non essential)

But the main reason I can here was to tell you to fuck off back to Quebec you fucking stupid frog. You and your shit hole province are the worst part of this beautiful country we call Canada, if a nuke went off and took you (and Ottawa/Toronto) off the map, the rest of us would prosper.

>> No.15703860

I've had shawarma poutine but never donair poutine, sounds good AF

>> No.15703872

I fucking love donair pizza and butter chicken pizza

>> No.15703876

I made chef John's version. It was pretty nice to have in the fridge to just chow on whenever.

First time using spices like cinnamon and nutmeg in something savory. Not bad.

>> No.15703878

No, the french just try to claim whatever they can since they lack culture outside of smelling bad and being bad at speaking their own language. Like fuck, they speak broken English with a French accent and broken French with an English accent.

>> No.15703880

>Pete de Soeur
So sweet that if you walk by a plate of them you become instantly diabetic.

Also best smoke meat in all of Quebec is Pete's on L'Île-Perrot

>> No.15703893

good lord....anglo canadians truly are seething autists

>> No.15703918

Similarly, des grand-pères au sirop d'érable (maple dumplings?) are a real treat.

>> No.15703926

You mean the kikes who are doing it just to shill their own business?

>> No.15703952

>So much cheese you could make another poutine with the leftovers
Ok but going by your critera wouldn't this additional poutine also need so much cheese that you could make another poutine with the leftovers? And for that poutine to be a genuine poutine it too would need enough cheese that you could make another poutine with the leftovers? What is an acceptable recursion depth where the initial poutine won't be disqualified from poutine status due to lack of cheese in the current poutine?

>> No.15703959


>> No.15703965
File: 421 KB, 1200x1458, IMG_4582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuke the biggest economic engines of the country
>the rest of us would prosper
Fucking kek

>> No.15703980

Woo food is a thousand times better than frog food. And kike food in the french part of Canada is about the bottom of the french barrel.

>> No.15703990

>cheesy chips with gravy
>chicken sandwich and chips, with gravy
>shepherd's pie
>sticky toffee pudding

Why are canadians so desperate to pretend they have their own cuisine?

>> No.15703991

Man, ignore the french. The proper way to make a "hot sandwich" Is to pile all your turkey dinner leftovers on the bread (turkey, mashed taters, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn) slap another slice of bread on top, then pour hot gravy on top. Eat it with a fork and knife.

>> No.15704004

The majority of Jews in Montreal are anglo you tard

>> No.15704011
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>> No.15704021

It should be burned

>> No.15704031

Someone said Normans earlier. I don't care either way but at least one of you is wrong.

>> No.15704051

If they weren't so french they would be pretty fucking bassed

>> No.15704063


>> No.15704070


>> No.15704078

quebec is canada

>> No.15704187

Don't play that "we was victims" shit, no wonder Quebec's most famous sandwich is Jew food

>> No.15704292

I'll have my poutine anyway I like. I like to use waffle fries instead of normal fries. Fuck Quebec. Number one export? Traitors with faggot accent and false pride

>> No.15704335

I grew up in the north I've been eating Nashville hot chicken since I was like 10 lol
I think maybe it's just you who hadn't heard of it

>> No.15704371

LOL based

>> No.15704464

Did you even read the post? Those are some of the Anglo-Montrealer merchants. It's no cohencidence that Montreal smoked meat and Montreal bagels are endlessly promoted in media as iconic regional dishes, even though no one in the area gives a shit about them. You walk past Schwartz's on St Laurent, and there's just a line of 50 tourists down the sidewalk waiting for some smoked meat, not a local in sight. It's intentional obfuscation and erasure of actual French Canadian cuisine and culture

>> No.15704499

>it appears your culture has european roots! checkmate, colonies!

Never understood that logic. Yeah retard, canadian dishes have french and english roots. That's because we come from those places. If there is a meaningful difference between cumberland sausage, a pork sausage seasoned with pepper and usually sold in a coil, and toulouse sausage, a pork sausage seasoned with pepper and usually sold in a coil, you best believe there's a meaningful difference between cretons and rillettes. You faggots will say West-Gruthenhamerceshire eel-pudding and East-Gruthenhamerceshire eely-wobbly-puddy are two distinct things but handwave things as "just stew" whenever it's from the Americas

>> No.15704516

Also notable that a lot of the settlers from Normandy and Brittany, which have both physical and cultural proximity with Britain. Quebec culture isn't rooted in PACA stuff like bouillabaisse and olive oil

>> No.15704536

>when /pol/ is also french

>> No.15704545

Imagine being defensive over french fries woth gravy. Almost as bad as mutts with their hot dog autism.

>> No.15704555

>8 peas
There's a lot more than 8 peas there, Rain Man.

>> No.15705116

It's Brittany and Normandy, they're neighbouring regions of France

>> No.15705123

it's britney bitch

>> No.15705200

Absolutely based schizo-poster.

>> No.15705219

Retard. I worked at a restaurant that has been serving a hot “memphis” chicken for about ten years now

>> No.15705259

how's it supposed to be pronounced

>> No.15705274

It's more like poo-tin not poo-teen, and shorten the poo.

>> No.15705279

ty anon

>> No.15705347

Reminds me of Russian dish, herring in a blanket. Ours is colored red with beet juice though

>> No.15705388

Schwartz is good, some of the better jewish deli food I've ever had.
there are only a few places I've seen in the US that had legitimately good pastrami so I can't imagine canada has a much better track record.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Always beware the anglos, at least I can blend in without them noticing.

>> No.15705406

>give people good, homecooked food and sweets
>get sex
God I wish it worked like this on women

>> No.15705416

Caps for emphasis

>> No.15705423

>Made in McDonalds
Nice job showing your hand, McDonalds uses both poutine sauce and cheese curd. McDs and Costco are the two fastfood places with decent/good poutine.
What you're talking about is called Disco Fries, and yeah it tastes like shit but that's cause it's cheapass food you're supposed to eat drunk as fuck at a disco, hence the name.

>> No.15705430

>no curds lol
Funny enough, it's easier to get curds and locally made cheese in bumfuck nowhere than it is in the city. Staying with family down in the Ozarks, they had a local cheese shop that sold fresh curds and local cheese, was so fucking jelly.

>> No.15705440

>Amerimutts really be putting bone-in chicken on a piece of bread and calling that shit a sandwich.
Quebec is a shitshow foodwise but damn.

>> No.15705559

>whataburger fries
>sausage gravy
>little pieces of leftover brisket
yup, i made it 1000% better

>> No.15705600

Costco poutine is dog shit and deserving of the poo-teen title. I literally only ever see mohammeds, jeets and chinks eat that shit here. McDonald's is shit but they did their research

>> No.15705603

why are quebecniggers so smug and full of themselves?

>> No.15705692

whataburger fries are horseshit you moron

>> No.15705730

This is just treacle pudding! We've had that in Britain for hundreds of years!

>> No.15705737

>Pain sandwich
>No thumbtacks

>> No.15705738

I have had it like this but instead of donair it was pan seared pieces of duck confit. The gravy was also made with duck fat instead of butter. It was fucking delicious.

>> No.15705748

Retard. Any sensible place uses deboned thighs
I’m also this guy >>15705219
Anyways, keep seething that America exists and post your food (that you made yourself) so we can laugh until our sides hurt

>> No.15705786
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 2Q==(21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a regular shepherd's pie, you ass-sniffing Canadian fuckwad.

>> No.15705793

you are canadian. quebec is a part of canada

>> No.15705797
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 2Q==(23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pigs feet
>slow cooked meatballs
>maple syrup
Canadian Texas is an interesting place

>> No.15705811

yes, but it's made with maple syrup

>> No.15705820

how so

>> No.15705848

>no st-viateur

>> No.15705916


>> No.15706322
File: 166 KB, 1500x1500, 13747_assaisonnement-herbes-salees-500-ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's a good thing I have plenty of anglo friends from MTL, western Canada and the US, otherwise I would think you salty retards are the norm.

Anyway, so Québecois cuisine! It's not a dish per se, but it's a great easy way to put a little green, a little life in your soups and stews. It's simple, it's just a few finely minced vegetables and herbs preserved in salt. But once you've had it no soup is complete without it

>> No.15706346


>> No.15706387

Gr8 b8 anglow-nigger

>> No.15706504

I didn't realize Québécois food was comically mediocre. Makes sense with the climate/british influence though. It's not like I was wanting to visit Québec for the food.

Still, it's amazing how much your existence makes anglos seethe. Vive le Québec libre !

>> No.15706552

How do you pronounce poutine properly? I keep hearing Foodie Booty sayin Poot-Sin but that doesn’t sound right to my American ears

>> No.15706551

As if the Quebecois couldn't be more insufferable, imagine making this thread and posting examples and NOT posting tourtiere.

You don't speak real French, you aren't French, you will never be French, and all your food - entirely food for drunks - is simply "Canadian". Fuck you.

>> No.15706559


>> No.15706619

>I'm ready to settle down now, anon

>> No.15706642

Great thread to make anglos seethe for absolutely no reason anon, y'a rien qui fait plus chier les anglos que de savoir qu'ils seront jamaks queb

>> No.15706646

Poo-tsin or pooteen, doesn't really matter

>> No.15706662

Really doesn't in french I say poutsin, in english pooteen, rolls off the tongue better I guess

>> No.15706723
File: 179 KB, 1600x1020, NYF_Poutinerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Ontario calls "Poutine".

>> No.15706737
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This too. They're truly disgusting.

>> No.15706750

>le sentiment quand vous ne pouvez pas parler francais

>> No.15706802
File: 544 KB, 863x807, pepe_quebecois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le sentiment quand vous utilisez "Google Translate"

>> No.15706811

taste good to me faggots

>> No.15706829
File: 82 KB, 1056x648, cannabis_cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything tastes good while high.

>> No.15706836

New York Fries never called its shit poutine until that big fucking "poutine is a Canadian national dish!" meme started getting pushed. They just call it poutine as a marketing gimmick; it's still the same fucking loaded fries it's always been.

If you want to get uppity, complain about Smoke's Poutine. They're shit AND they pretend to be "real poutine".

>> No.15706852

fuck that looks yummy

>> No.15706890

ferme ta yeule patnais j sais que tu n viens pas de quebec

>> No.15706894

Quebec is just Canada. No difference.

>> No.15706897

>tim hortons poutine
literally vomit inducing

>> No.15706903
File: 143 KB, 960x640, Chimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ferme ta yeule patnais j sais que tu n viens pas de quebec
Go back to Africa, nigger.

>> No.15706915

>hey that generic food item that's known for being a boring poor man's dish is highly regarded and actually has a special name where i live
this is the story of all british food

>> No.15707213

thats like every party except green and ndp

>> No.15707233

like in vladimir putin

>> No.15707244

If I lived next door to Ontario I’d be pretty confident about myself too lmao.

>> No.15707348

should i go to mcgill

>> No.15707416

Well, it's what Pierre Elliot Trudeau did in 1976, figuratively. He went and met the bosses of major corporations and told them to leave Quebec so its economy would tank.

>> No.15707420

What about the pain sandwich?

>> No.15707442

I'm voting dankmeet this year. Fuck the albortion reformers and the spine-deficient liberals. And I expect to be disappointed if the dips win by Satan's will

>> No.15707453

I was accepted to McGill but decided not to take the offer. It's a good university, but the cost doesn't really justify going there over most other equivalent universities. Rent is also expensive as all hell close to the university.

>> No.15707463

The point of the anglo universities is that they hope you'll stay in Quebec, never learn french and help them reduce the demographic weight of francophones.

>> No.15707468

yeah idk it might be top choice rn bc it's much cheaper than the good american unis i've applied to. heard the food on and around campus is shit tho which sucks

>> No.15707475

planning to prob go to berlin or another euro city after uni. the franc bastards will not have me

>> No.15707501

Yikes, talk about defensive

>> No.15707630

Or you go to a good takeout place in New England where the owner speaks English as their first language but has a Francois last name, and you get freshly sliced russet fries, curd cheese that looks exactly like the left image but a reasonable portion rather than an entire pound, and enough simple and universal brown gravy to actually melt the majority of the cheese, all served in a closed styrofoam container so it actually will melt and the food will stay inside instead of falling out everywhere with the gravy scalding your hands.

>> No.15707742

Shut the fuck up faggot, styrofoam is a clear indicator of trash poutine, aluminum pie pan is how you know that shits going to be good.

>> No.15707747

seethe colonial

>> No.15707764

Thumbnail makes it look like a fancy Hurgin.

>> No.15707778

Probably worth mentioning that I'm also American, so going to school in Canada was only slightly cheaper than the US for me.

>> No.15707852

niggas never heard of a steamed hotdog before lmao

>> No.15707915

Nah, Quebec is the best part of Canada.
I've spent time in every province and territory except Nunavut and Nova Scotia is by far the worst.

>> No.15707939
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210306-092047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It lookes similar to sandwich cake less good

>> No.15707956

>American Shepherd's Pie
Shepherd's Pie is British, not American, you dumb fuck.

>> No.15708244

Kys Quebecois cuckboi

>> No.15708255

How much time?

>> No.15708350

Eat a cock Cunt-arian

>> No.15709593

J'ai lu avec l'accent, changez jamais les québécois

>> No.15709854

lol, mes côtes

>> No.15709856


>> No.15709865

watch any quebec news channel talking about russia and wait until they talk aboit poutine.

>> No.15710272

Canned salmon fucking pie. You frogs are really shit tier.

>> No.15710283

And ever blessed be his name. His son is a fucking disgrace by comparison.

>> No.15710369

Ah yes, the true indicator of a good poutine is the receptacle, not the ingredients. Written like a true Yelper.

>> No.15710459

the flq didnt even assassinate Laporte.
he tried to escape by breaking a window and cut himself badly trying to flee, he died of bleeding. its still funny how the montreal gazette and other anglo-aligned newspapers were spreading rumors about Laporte being tortured, his testicles removed, etc, etc...

>> No.15710488

the father was a smart piece of shit but both are pieces of shit.

>> No.15710722

Spoken like a graduate of Guy Bacon school of Economics.

>> No.15711128
File: 35 KB, 600x400, italian poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, italian poutine > regular poutine
Ok, maybe not, but sometimes you're in the mood for it

>> No.15711792

Is that fucking marinara on it?

>> No.15712085

I like a mix of gravy and marinara desu

>> No.15712402
File: 35 KB, 600x315, 571642589062c18aa2bfa6889a16cdc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some duck confit poutine years ago was one of the best things I've had in a long time.

>> No.15712425
File: 176 KB, 865x640, 1614976878396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We make that at the restaurant where I work

>> No.15712478

Do you work in Fisher, IN? Cause I got it back in 2019 at Four Day Ray Brewing.

>> No.15712678
File: 1.84 MB, 350x196, pukes_blood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15712818

Based thank you for putting this well
So many annoying smartasses on here make glib remarks pointing out how x in the Americas is "just Y from (former colony's motherland)" as if we don't know

>> No.15712836

One cannot claim a life well-loved without having eaten a Chicago Italian beef sandwich and/or a combo (Italian beef and Italian sausage). I'd rather eat one than suck on the blessed virgin's own teat.

>> No.15712848

I thought moose fuckers were supposed to be nice

>> No.15712906

They are. It's the fucking Quebecois who ruin everything. As usual.

>> No.15712921


>> No.15712924

I was raised by my half quebecouis/ half native canadian grandma. She was an awful cook and made tourtier ever single meal.

>> No.15712982

never had it but it reminds me of chili cheese fries from wienersnitczhel

do u pick that up with ur hands or just eat it with a fork? uhh

>> No.15713049

Poor bait, 2/10, got me to reply

>> No.15713063

Sounds based.

>> No.15713104

>quebec food is inspired by british and french food
nice job, Herodotus

>> No.15713140

this would be like scots defending irn bru versus fanta. both are shit and you should feel bad for caring so much.

>> No.15713995

I thought the french were good at cooking so why does this look like sloppa? might as well be anglo. did all the good french canadians get banished to louisiana?

>> No.15714200
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when my dog is a good boy I make him what I call "doggy poutine", it's just potato wedges topped with a can of wet dog food. he loves it

>> No.15714215

>covering the outside of a sandwich
go to hell

>> No.15714233
File: 47 KB, 624x624, picofme7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer snowdogs

>> No.15715182

Fritomania is really good tho

>> No.15715262

How the fuck are you supposed to eat this? With a knife and fork? Why even make it a sandwich if you're going to slather it with sauce?

>> No.15715368

With a knife and fork, yes.

>> No.15715526

Uh, sound like a doggey treat my guy I like the idea

>> No.15715534

Thread basé et rouge- pilulé qui fait seethe l'anglois.

>> No.15715543


>> No.15715573

why not just put the bread + gravy on the side? why it gotta be drenched and soggy?

>> No.15715596

No, I don't live in the states

>> No.15715601

They actually aren't. It's just a meme.
Canadians are assholes. I'm one too. But when I travel to the states everyone is so nice

>> No.15716003

>Next, the "Pâté Chinois." This is actually based on the American Shepherd's Pie. Québécois workers used to go work on the railroads alongside Chinese migrants and saw them being served sheperd's pie and assumed it was a chinese dish. The name roughly translates to "Chinese pie."
>Canadians thought shepherds pie was a chinese delicacy
Are Canadians actually retarded?

>> No.15716004

>Canadians are assholes.
See >>15703402

>> No.15716460

>assumed it was a chinese dish
they just assumed thats what they fed to the chinese worker and called it chinese pie i dont know where the other anon read this but he's probably retarded.

>> No.15716592

t seething squarehead

>> No.15717192

Amerifat here. Every Canadian guy I've worked with is bro tier. Every white Canadian woman I've worked with have been insufferable cunts, like an army of Alanis Morissette wannabes. Asian Canadian women are the best though.
What's up with Canadian white chicks?

>> No.15717206

They might just not like you, man. I'd say on average that I'd rather spend the night with a good white girl from back home. The asians are almost always overbearing and putting up fronts 90% of the time.

>> No.15717225

it's american shepherd's pie since it's ground beef, it'd be british if he called it fucking cottage pie numbnuts

>> No.15717237

Sure thing chud

>> No.15717256

Nah. They're like that with everyone else too. It's like self-righteous snark on steroids. That said, they were pretty hot, and I always thought they'd fuck like beasts, but not worth the effort. The Asian chicks were genuinely nice.

>> No.15717281

You will never be an empire again.

>> No.15717316

It sort of works, though, if you don't mind hambeasts.

>> No.15717318

Ok chud

>> No.15717340
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>In Russian folk legends, the Chudes were described as exalted and beautiful. One characteristic of the Chudes was 'white-eyed', which means lightly colored eyes.

>> No.15717356

>quotes the folklore part of the article
I mean, theres enough to work with there