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File: 129 KB, 618x410, pbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15706388 No.15706388 [Reply] [Original]

Borderline alcoholic here. I needed to get my spending under tighter control so tonight I am drinking PBR instead of my usual craft brew, it is about half the price. Honesty when I was drinking the first one I thought it tasted like water, but 6 in I am actually starting to like it. This is gonna be my new go-to drink.

>> No.15706394

You clearly don't care about the taste, why even drink beer at all?
Drink some fucking water

>> No.15706472


But water doesn't have alcohol, friend.

I'll still get craft beer for special occasions, but PBR is gonna by drink for a night like tonight when I am just relaxing at home by myself after a long week.

>> No.15706490

don't listen to faggots sticking their nose up at you for daring to drink the best budget beer. Cheers anon and good choice.

>> No.15706493

Hell yeah it's good. It won a fucking blue ribbon in a contest, hence the name.

>> No.15706509

Take the home brew pill, and you wont be able to afford not to be drunk around the clock.

>> No.15706510

i used to be a pretty heavy alcoholic. i was drinking like 4 to 5 shots of mescal at my bartending job every day and then getting home and killing a 12 pack of stash IPAs every night. i went sober for like 2 years and then just started drinking a bottle or two of nice wine every weekend with good dinners and then working out really hard during the week and eating chicken and beans. i feel lots better anon and still get to drink.

>> No.15706518

as soon as you take the light beer pill it means you're a real alcoholic. seriously. it's when you put the alcohol above the taste. it ends with vodka if you want a tldr

>> No.15706527

>i went sober for like 2 years

>> No.15706528


>> No.15706539

This man/woman/non-binary person alcohols

>> No.15706541

i shifted my focus from getting fucked up and laid all the time to feeling actual pleasure by getting in shape. i also quit smoking cigarettes first and that helped a lot. once you become capable of waking up feeling refreshed and then going on like 3 mile run every morning for a week and not feeling exhausted by it, no drunken night can compare to that feeling of accomplishment and capability.

>> No.15706553

alcoholics should be sterilized for the good of society. cant stand you self loathing retards

>> No.15706555

Came here to post basically this

>> No.15706560

PBR is alright as long as you don't get a batch that tastes like farts

>> No.15706569

also i quit my bartending job and had a close relative die and my life got really fucked up so that helped too

>> No.15706572
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You can drink beer for the buzz and not be an alcoholic. The taste and quality is a plus.

>> No.15706580

wine is infinitely better than beer though
>doesn't make you super full
>much more variety
>can be used in tons of recipes
>classy as fuck
>easier to make at home

>> No.15706620
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For me its yuengling

>> No.15706693

Pbr tastes good

>> No.15706798
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PBR is s-tier as far as low abv beers are concerned.

>> No.15706872

>borderline alchy
you either are or you arent champ
time to step up your game and make it full blown

>> No.15707035

this exact post except Colt 45

>> No.15707036

PBR is godawful dog shit. It's offensive to taste. There are cheap beers that aren't so foul.

>> No.15707042

have you tried founders solid gold?

>> No.15707212

It's too inconsistent, sometimes it's decent and refreshing but when it's bad it's really bad.

>> No.15707220

this same exact thig happened to me like 7 years ago.
Tonight will be fine, but if you go for PBR again tomorrow it'll taste like steal and ass.

>> No.15707414

OP here. Doesn't Colt 45 have a strong taste? And do they still sell them in huge glass bottles? I haven't drank that shit since I was in high school and back then I just thought it was badass to be swigging from a big bottle of Colt like some nigger from Compton... it wouldn't be the same if it was just a tall can

>> No.15707432
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Pbr gives me awful heartburn while other beers dont. Tastes alright though I guess

>> No.15707451

It tastes alright if you don't like the taste of beer.

>> No.15707482

Yeah, they still sell them in 40oz glass bottles. Colt doesn't taste too far off from PBR to me. PBR isn't all that cheap around me either, but colt is still $2.50 for 40oz.

>> No.15707490
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macro beer is hard to like sometimes, I definitely get it. But that being said, Pabst and Old Style Pilsner are my go too for cheap and easy drinking beers

>> No.15707542

>doesn't make you super full
Beer doesn't either when you have it with good food. You do have good food, right? This is a cooking board
>much more variety
>can be used in tons of recipes
>classy as fuck
>easier to make at home
Are you poor?
The reality is
>tastes worse
>hangover is worse
>makes you look like a woman when you hold the glass

>> No.15707649

Natty Daddy is 8% ABV, is $10 for a 15 pack, and actually has some flavor.

>> No.15707656

>Le expensive beer pretending to be redneck trash
There's much better shit you could've bought for that $17/6pack, my guy

>> No.15707661

>$17 for a 6 pack of pbr
can't even fucking imagine
$17/6 gets you some decent brews though

>> No.15707662

If you are in the region...the best budget beer with the most potent head change is Hamm's

>> No.15707674

Based hammsposter

>> No.15707760

hamm's doesn't exist near me. what's the closest beer you've had to hamm's, flavor wise?

>> No.15707853
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>6 in trying new beer

>> No.15707862

based fuck wine faggots

>> No.15707874
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The diarrhea will kick in soon, OP. Give it time.

>> No.15707881

>>classy as fuck
yeah. if you're a faggot or something

>> No.15707936
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Cheap high ABV beer is bad juju. I'm slamming through a case of Natty Ice ($9 for 15) right now. Getting wrecked on just a couple bucks seems nice, but ice beer and malt liquor make for a real motherfucker of a hangover

>> No.15707949

bidets are cheap and make this a laughable issue
$30 on amazon

>> No.15707951

Skol vodka is $13 per 1.75L bottle. 39 standard drinks per.

>> No.15707964

If you're really trying to maximize a drinking session while minimizing cost, start drinking vodka waters. You won't even be able to taste how bad that bottom shelf swill is in a glass of water with ice.
>>makes you look like a woman when you hold the glass
You're beta as fuck for caring about what people think of you holding a wine glass in the first place, but 1) stemless wine glasses exist, 2) you can pour your drink in whatever glass you want, and 3) if someone is buying cheap wine to get drunk, they're probably just drinking out of the bottle anyway.

>> No.15707978

>you can pour your drink in whatever glass you want, and 3) if someone is buying cheap wine to get drunk, they're probably just drinking out of the bottle anyway.
this, i drink wine out of a pint glass when the urge arises

>> No.15708218

I go through an 18 pack of 10% imperial IPAs with a flask of whiskey at work.. Have I been kept out the gate of alcoholism?

>> No.15708248

Almost no one is an alcoholic, they're just bored.

>> No.15708267

Me: mix everclear with IPAs.
life hacks

>> No.15708284

PBR is the perfect summer beer, its simple and refreshingly crisp

>> No.15708299

how do you guys drink so much beer? i can't manage over 3L volume in a session/day.

>> No.15708300

The best summer time refresher is a tall, cold can of hard cock

>> No.15708302

>not using a leather wine skin like a chad

>> No.15708313

The way my old roommate used to put it "PBR isn't the cheapest beer, it isn't the best beer but it's the best cheap beer."

>> No.15708324
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beyond based

>> No.15708342

It's pretty much the cheapest beer that they stock outside of maybe Milwaukee's finest and Busch where I'm from.

>> No.15708359

Count yourself lucky. You haven't had to experience those weird low end beers that are like 8%, dirt cheap and taste the way a hobo's piss smells.

>> No.15708615


pbr is good budget bulk beer

years ago, my go to's were the 40 oz's of mickey's, yuengling and *shudders* rolling rock

>> No.15708630

Where I live Everclear is $17.98 for a fifth. At 95% ABV, that’s 2.5¢ per mL of pure alcohol. For a 30 pack of PBR, it’s $18.98. At 4.8% ABV, that’s 3.7¢ per mL of pure alcohol.

PBR costs 50% more than Everclear. Buy the everclear and drink it with water.

>> No.15708631
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>> No.15708965

What state are you in where they haven't nerfed Everclear to 75%?

>> No.15710287
File: 53 KB, 200x420, sadmonke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just waiting for something to happen

>> No.15710316

Carlo Rossi Burgundy
Higher abv

>> No.15710484

Wisconsin has the 95% but that's the only one I know of. Hate the Packers and the fans, but they do know how to run a state

>> No.15710512


>> No.15710733
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I miss al/ck/

>> No.15710753
File: 73 KB, 500x500, triplemalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

malt liquor is the cultured alcoholic choice

>> No.15710754

>chicken and beans

>> No.15710766

Malt liquor is only for blacks and crust punks

>> No.15710783

call me a crust punk then, pbr is dogshit

>> No.15710801

If you're trying to save money just buy fucking liquor dude.

>> No.15710805

Do your like discharge, amebix and Zounds? Do you like living in a squat and riding trains?
PBR is God's golden elixir handed down form on high.

>> No.15710835
File: 120 KB, 228x512, icon-512-512-true-4fc3032477c5404ec560d6473b28614a_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the elephant pill(sner)

>> No.15710841

pbr is 2.5x as expensive as steel reserve by alcohol content and it tastes like someone ashed in a salt free pickle jar. come by the squat for a triple malt some time, it'll be tubular

>> No.15710881

>alcoholics should be sterilized

Why? I don't even have sex anyway

>> No.15710885

>>makes you look like a woman when you hold the glass

lmao, imagine drinking wine from a glass

>> No.15710889

>as soon as you take the light beer pill it means you're a real alcoholic

How so?

>> No.15711076


>> No.15711196

New Mexico

>> No.15711219

>come by the squat for a triple malt
I unironically wish I could man

>> No.15711515

Canada has 95%

>> No.15711551

>not drinking wine from a ram's horn

>> No.15711802
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I used to drink craft beer but I can't be bothered anymore. A lot of them taste good but there's so much memery and gimmick shit. Of course I live in Norway so it's not as good a market as in certain other places. I drink lager and it's fine. It tastes good and refreshing and it gets me drunk.

>> No.15713571

shame. ill slam a steel reserve and crank some husker du for you bruther

>> No.15713596
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>> No.15713604


>> No.15713744

OP here. This is my second night on the PBR, currently drinking number 8 and watching some hockey. I think I am acquiring a taste for it.

Nah, don't like it, and it gives me dreadful hangovers. I am a beer man.

>> No.15713796

PBR tastes great

>> No.15713907
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Based. Pabst tastes great for $16 for a 30-pack.

>> No.15714022

>$16 for a 30-pack.

Oh to be an American

>> No.15714028

It used to be $13 a few years ago.

>> No.15714124

Based. It’s even cheaper than natural light where I am and tastes 10x better

>> No.15714165

Today I paid $23 for 12 PBR tall boys. I get that Canadian dollar is worth slightly less than USD but still, the government fucking hoses us on sin tax.

>> No.15714189

Pbr tastes like my shithole

>> No.15714194


>> No.15714209

Is the black can better or worse than regular steel? I haven't seen it in ages.