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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15703805 No.15703805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you /ck/suckers hate Chadam Ragusea so much? He's a bit soy but at least his oven pizza recipe is pretty good.

>> No.15703812

volume is fine for cooking where nothing you do matters for the end result
you have to use grams for most baking

>> No.15703817

I do not know who this is.

>> No.15703824

Adam is literally /ck/. The reason the board "hates" him is because it's like looking in a mirror and seeing your ugly self

>> No.15703825

mom and grandma used volume for baking and everyone loved their cooking. You're just a shit cook if you can't do it.

>> No.15703832

Because he said that cooking enchiladas is cultural appropriation.

Also, I'm pretty sure his wife fucks other men. She definitly seems the type.

>> No.15703855

Any man who fucks her would have to be seriously desperate. Or blind

>> No.15703859

shut up...

>> No.15703861

>Because he said that cooking enchiladas is cultural appropriation
But it is technically. He didn't say you shouldn't do it or you're a bad person if you cook enchiladas. He literally just stated an objective fact.

>> No.15703871

We hate anyone who gains a lil bit of fame among the normies regardless.
Must have something to do with changing their style for normie appeal or idk.

>> No.15703877

>"Hey, cooking enchiladas is great but maybe also try to understand the context of the food because it's interesting too"
>"hurr durr don't tell me what to do faggot soy boy cuck"
He never said not to make them retards

>> No.15703892

Search your feelings, you know it to be true

>> No.15703895
File: 151 KB, 954x1132, 1608472396391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though can any Americans explain how the hell you're supposed to measure a cup of carrots or onions? I find that in recipes and have no idea how to measure that. Are you supposed to chop them first then measure? That way you'll end up with waste.

>> No.15703902

I'd totally fuck his wife if I knew she would have to tell Adam later.

"Did you have fun?" he asks her, smothering his tears in the pillow. He can not bear to look at her as she returns from one of her many "playdates".

Meanwhile his wife blissfully looks up at the ceiling, unaware of Adam's misery. "Good night, sweetie." she leans over and gives Adam a kiss on the cheek. He smells another man's cologne.

>> No.15703905

You can grate it finely, then stuff it in a cup
Now you have a cup of carrot

>> No.15703908

There is no such thing as cultural appropriation, so technically it's a lie.

>> No.15703934

>He smells another man's cologne and immediately achieves orgasm

>> No.15703936


>> No.15703964

Spotted the retard.
Your mom and grandma were inbred retards who couldn't cook for shit. The only reason you think they're cookong was good is because that all you had to go by.

>> No.15704028

Seek help

>> No.15704042

I said Everyone and I meant it, faggot.

>> No.15704679

They don't. They hate themselves so they project on to him

>> No.15704712

fagusea is fine IMO for copying
as long as you just listen to the shit you like and ignore the stuff you don't like, he's good
I do hate hearing him talk though

>> No.15704864

Ethan Chlebowski basically copies his and other jewtuber recipes and delivers them in a way that doesn't make me want to shoot myself in the head, with minor adjustments.

>> No.15704870

is that the extremely jewish man who pronounces onion weird?

>> No.15704914

Ah no it isn't
The guy I'm talking about is kind of fun to watch, because he's not very good at cooking, and not very irritating either
I forget his name though

>> No.15704927
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Nah, some redheaded polack
Still, not as irritating as most foodfags on youtube

>> No.15704950


>> No.15704976

The recipe will tell you if they should be finely chopped or coarsely chopped, then just chop up one carrot at a time and put them in a measuring cup until it's full.

>> No.15704996

unless its made with llama or hamster meat enchiladas themselves are cultural appropriation
amazing how he glosses over this with every other non-america dish
>the context of the food
is there any cultural significance to enchiladas? were they made in celebration of a victory like the croissant or a religious celebration/observance such as gingerbread and pancakes, or is it just food?

>> No.15704997

Or I can just spend 10 seconds weighing them and chop them all in one go.

>> No.15705014

You know, there was a time when cooking wasn't about autistically recreating precise recipes to the exact milligram and instead parts of recipes were somewhat left to interpretation and modification. If you are familiar with the size of 1 cup, you could just eyeball the amount of carrots or increase/decrease them depending on personal taste.

>> No.15705023

He can't even say his italian name correctly and the whole seasoning the cutting board is bullshit. That means fraud and faggot in my book.

>> No.15705038

He’s a soyboy cuck faggot. He had the nerve to talk shit about GR and MPW, hurr durrr well atchshually guys.

>> No.15705043

Also Jamie Oliver was doing the whole seasoning the board fucking years before this cuck ever made a YT channel. Nothing is new or clever about his cooking.

>> No.15705056

He just is an ultra contrarian and it’s annoying. No fagusea volume is not good except for liquids

>> No.15705067

The thing I hate about a lot of his videos is that they can be informative but he has such a shitty attitude that I would feel pure embarrassment showing them to anyone. Like his video about capsaicin and spicy foods was really interesting and I liked the interview with the researcher about what's really going on in your mouth that gives you the spicy/burning sensations... but the fact that he bookends the whole thing with "AND THAT'S WHY YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME WHEN YOU EAT SPICY FOODS YOU TOXIC MASCULINITY MEATHEADS!!!!" makes me never ever ever want to send that video to ANYONE even if I think they might be interested in the overall subject matter.

>> No.15705121

Forgot to mention his creepy ass face. Faggot looks like either his wife pegs him or he likes to touch kids.

>> No.15705159

His shilling mid-video is kind of annoying. Thankfully it's pretty easy to skip.
Other than that, he's almost painfully stereotypical suburban liberal which means he'll divert for thirty seconds to a minute to self-flagellate over slavery or something mid-video whenever he has to touch on a part of American history, like in his shortening and corn syrup vids. How2Drink does the same thing whenever he talks about rum and the video isn't strictly about cocktail recipes.

Other than that I find him mostly all right. His humor doesn't land with me most of the time but his research seems good.

>> No.15705191

>His shilling mid-video is kind of annoying.
>he doesn't use Sponsorblock in conjunction with all his other adblocks
Do it, man. Changed my fucking life.

>> No.15705203
File: 443 KB, 1280x720, 1570630395746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit thats a thing? i always just fast forward. Cheers!

>> No.15705207
File: 37 KB, 720x459, 1602282575096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fucking real
I thought you were fucking with me. Thanks for the recommendation dude, I hadn't heard of this.

>> No.15705232

Lol I posted basically this same comment in another thread a few days ago. Glad at least one other person agrees.

>> No.15705247
File: 390 KB, 1500x949, 128_oz_container_and_lid_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this dude and fuck his 98,000,000 plastic food service containers.

>> No.15705262

and his cooking pasta in water from the hot tap too

>> No.15705263

I find it a lot easier to eyeball the weight of something than the volume.

>> No.15705267

Every dish you could ever make is cultural appropriation. Even making grandma's recipe is appropriating her culture. In fact, everything cultural you do is cultural appropriation. You can't use that trivial concept reasonably without using it all the time.
So this guy is an hypocrite.

>> No.15705275

Whats the video in the image about? I always convert to weight if im writing down recipes, i hate measuring anything by volume

>> No.15705282

This dude is ok in my book, but for god's sake no more pickled onions or chicken thighs. Don't get me wrong there both good but fuck seems to be in ten or more of his episodes. I started watching Weeds and Sardines because of someone on here. He looks annoying as fuck but his voice is ok and his chops are chef tier.

>> No.15705298

god i hate the mc so much, such an entitled cunt

>> No.15705421
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Any time, brothers. Enjoy it.

>> No.15705461
File: 197 KB, 1314x468, PrepWife^.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the video where he was crying about peeing into gatorade bottles that was funny. He tried really hard to convince people that he is a music expert when is very obviously not the case. His wife is abhorrent and he needs to get her gaped teeth fixed so she can find a real man. I think he is a low key dick sucker because of his obsession with male body builders when it looks like he doesn't lift.

>> No.15705783
File: 158 KB, 764x249, bhbbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot can't get his head around a basic grip that kids can do so instead he makes a new cool technique the "walk don't run technique" and now not being about to do the claw grip is a choice

>> No.15705809
File: 196 KB, 869x1280, 100percentwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He literally just stated an objective fact.

>> No.15705823

I hate how this guy has become the new jack. I refuse to watch his videos.

>> No.15705835

cup of chopped carrots now what?

>> No.15705862

Volume is okay only with liquids, and more specifically with liquids that aren't too viscous.

>> No.15705883

I hate taco bell but I have never said that they're appropriating our culture.
Unless they suddenly claim that they invented tacos.

>> No.15705904


>> No.15705910

You're grandma couldn't make eggs for breakfast. They were shit so I dumped them in the garbage and left.

>> No.15706779

>a cup of carrots
I've never seen a recipe call for a cup of carrots.
>a cup of onions
I've never seen this either, but you'd probably just chop them first.

>> No.15706787

I said shut up.

>> No.15706810

In recipes cups are only used for stuff like liquids, flour, sugar, etc. Stuff like vegetables and meat will be measured either by weight or by saying "1 whole carrot" or "half an onion," shit like that. You only really need to be super precise with measurements if it's baked goods like pastries and shit.

>> No.15706833
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>> No.15706984

everytime he says heterogeneity i want to put my thumb through his fucking eye

>> No.15707039

Bump for Adam

>> No.15707049

why the fuck do you keep posting about the plastic containers