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15698353 No.15698353 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how you guys do it? It feels nice for the first hour then your head starts spinning and you pass out then sleep for 9 hours and wake up feeling like shit.

>> No.15698366

Cool blog but I'd like to unsubscribe. Thanks.

>> No.15698374

that's why you go to a bar so you're not drinking alone. you're around other people even if you completely ignore them

>> No.15698376

Drinking is awful.
It ruins my ability to concentrate for the day after I drink.

>> No.15698623

>what are weekends

>> No.15698645

are people seriously so braindead from drinking they can't control theirselves? no matter how much i drink i don't tumble around and act like a fool, and i never wake up with a hangover.

>> No.15698656

Have you ever been to a party where drinks were on the house?

>> No.15698669

no i only drink by myself

>> No.15698677

>chugging and passing out on the floor
>sipping and having a good time
dont be a chugger

>> No.15698684

Wake up feeling like shit? Then just start drinking again! Lol! A glass of jack and coke on the rocks... GREAT NIGHT AHEAD!!!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S7

>> No.15698690
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Fuck yeah boys, a year sober in may here. Its awful and I dont know how I did it almost every day for 7 years straight, but its a really dark and depressing place to be. Regularly would think about suicide, but life is great now that i'm sober. If you are trying to quit, you can do it. It took me like 20 tries until this one stuck.

>> No.15698714
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Its not a race young ones. When you chug you might get blown by a guy or uhh.. wake up in someone elses car and have them kick you out. Or uhh... what else have I done? Get two DUIs, oh yeah punch a woman in the face at the bar and get your shit kicked by the whole bar. More stories,
but just sip.

>> No.15698840

Old one here, and its a race to me. I got all of 3 hours before I have to get enough sleep before waking up again, and two pints of vodka in 30 seconds is the only way to make my chinese cartoons and bing bing wahoo fun again before I work another 13 hour day. Wish I enjoyed weed

>> No.15698864

On a week and a half and all I want to do is drink right now.

>> No.15698874

It took me a month for the cravings to stop going away. Thats the hardest part. What were you drinking?

>> No.15698883

I spend 99.99% of my time alone. Literally the only time it bothers me is when Im drunk. Fuck that

>> No.15698893

evan williams every day
sometimes mix in some kirkland brand vodka

>> No.15698917

Stay strong bud. You can do it.

>> No.15699055

Allies who really want to get cravings under control you need to fix your brain first. Get a Naltrexone prescription.

The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a treatment for alcohol addiction that uses a technique called pharmacological extinction—the use of an opiate blocker to turn habit-forming behaviors into habit-erasing behaviors. The effect returns a person’s craving for alcohol to its pre-addiction state.

TSM consists of taking an opiate blocker one hour before your first drink of the day for the rest of your life as long as you continue to drink. The opiate blocker chemically disrupts the body’s behavior/reward cycle causing you to want to drink less instead of more.

The Sinclair Method has a 78% long-term success rate.*
Studies have proven that TSM is equally effective with or without therapy, so patients can choose whether or not to combine TSM with therapy. The physical results will be the same.** Extinction usually occurs within 3-4 months.***

About one quarter of those on TSM become 100% abstinent. Those who continue to drink will have to take their medication prior to drinking for as long as they continue to drink.

This is becoming huge! It's an actual cure unlike AA

>> No.15699162

I can never seem to reach that sweet spot. It's always too much or too little.

>> No.15699180

>It feels nice for the first hour then your head starts spinning and you pass out
How the fuck do you drink idiot? I drink by myself constantly but at worst I have a headache the next day. Just have a fucking sixpack or a bottle of wine or something, whats the point of slamming down drinks like you're clubbing?

>> No.15699407

>punching a woman
good thing I wasn't there cause you wouldn't live to write that post motherfucker

>> No.15699460

Drink gatorade and take an asprin

>> No.15699467

this nigga a tsm fanboy

>> No.15699468

Ok tough guy, you act like women don't deserve to be beaten

>> No.15699484

Eat shit faggot

>> No.15699485

its hard to blame DUI's on over-inebriation tho. sober you should never have put yourself in a position where driving a car is even an option if you knew you'd be drinking.

>> No.15699495

Lmao I can’t even tell if this bait or not. You must be an actual incel and I hate using that word

>> No.15699496
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Some women are extremely punchable

Equal lefts for equal rights, thats the trade

>> No.15699501

fuck that I like getting tipsy without a bunch of loud assholes around

>> No.15699539

yeah cuz that shit works. Fuck AA

>> No.15699746

Day 4 drying out.
>Still feeling the cold.
I'm not sure if alcohol stops you feeling it or withdrawal gives you chills.
>headaches have gone
>cognitive ability improving
starting to think about things and notice things more.
I'm at a dangerous time. I'm starting to feel a little better and that may tempt me to start drinking again soon.
My usual pattern is to drink over a prolonged number of months until my thinking and sense dull and I start to get dizzy spells. Then I dry out for a couple of weeks and start to build it all back up again.

>> No.15699774
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>2 pints of vodka in 30 seconds

>> No.15699886

Exactly. A sixer over a few hours while playing vidya or watching kino is a fine time alone. It makes grinding in JRPGs fly by.

>> No.15699970

Easy. I’ve drank alone that me and my personal demons have already gotten over the initial awkward socializing stage, and now we’re good to go party.


>> No.15699983

your tolerance builds up a bit and then you just become a happy fool for a few hours even when alone. I love it and not gonna stop drinking anytime soon

>> No.15699988

>modern drunkard
I especially like their articles on bum wine

>> No.15699998
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ive been drunk for 16 hours

>> No.15700004

wine is pretty great, I find it agrees with me more than beer

>> No.15700062

dude that was a great article thanks for posting

>> No.15700239

Whats some drinking games other than captain dickhead or wheels on the bus to play

>> No.15700244

Feeling like shit is at least feeling something.

>> No.15700594

my rats are with me i'm not by myself :)

>> No.15700607

>It feels nice for the first hour then your head starts spinning and you pass out then sleep for 9 hours and wake up feeling like shit.

But getting nine hours of interrupted sleep plus a nice nap the next afternoon IS the nice part, anon.

>> No.15700624

80% of women deserve to be punched in their faces multiple times, and im not even joking. the 19th amendment was the biggest mistake men ever made.

>> No.15700629

kings cup

>> No.15700738

thats basically a worse version of captain dickhead

>> No.15700751

flip cup

>> No.15700752
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>then sleep for 9 hours
If I get anything more than a light buzz I can't physically sleep it off for more than 4 hours, what the fuck

>> No.15700855

I only ever drink on my own. Fuck going out and spending retarded amounts of money for the exact same thing.

I've always been happy drunk. I just spend the night playing vidya, listening to music, shitposting. It's only depressing if you make it. And I am also capable controlling myself on work nights, though will still have the odd drink.

>> No.15700888

Un-ironically the most encouraging thing I’ve read on here, maybe ever. Fell off the wagon this week, but not feeling too bad because it was my first try. Yeah I failed but it’s the start of something I can feel it. If I give up for good in 19 more tries then I’ll be very fucking pleased with myself

>> No.15700907
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>That edge

>> No.15701207
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I have every night expect 2 nights since last September since my ex gf of 4+ years broke up with me. It's depressing at first but then it becomes the only enjoyable thing about life

>> No.15701222
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Also I drink at a minimum 12 beers a night, ranging up to 24. And I work 6 days a week and sleep fine, no bad hangovers

>> No.15701510

Why? Drinking doesn't even feel good after the 3 to 4 hour mark. After that you just feel fucked up without the initial buzz. It's way more fun if you stop before becoming a sloppy mess. Plus there's little to no hangover when you moderate and you won't be wrecking your liver.

>> No.15701518

How many times do you wake up to piss or piss the bed?

>> No.15701532

I hate drinking. My stomach is always acts up after the first drink. It just despises beer. In fact I can only keep drinking after I'm already fairly drunk

>> No.15701654
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Once a night and once every two weeks I piss not the bed but I piss on the ground at random spots. This only happens when I smoke weed at the end of the drinking seasion

>> No.15701869

I was sober for a while but it was dogshit, never got better and my days of getting high were still so much more enjoyable to me. Never liked alcohol that much but I was big into xans coke and weed. Now I just take kratom every day and some mid tier pills every once in a while. Still miss xans and coke and I wanna start smoking weed again once I finish being drug tested, but I probably wont do coke or xans again

>> No.15701870

lol imagine being so soy you gang up on a guy for punching some whore

I'd punch your mother and then spit on her unconscious body and you can suck my dick faggot

>> No.15701876

I sleep like shit drunk

>> No.15701884

xans are better than alcohol in every way and produce disinhibition and relief as well

>> No.15702290

me too, wake up constantly to drink water

>> No.15702309
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I have a lot of fun drinking alone and usually end up staying up way too late. But if I drink too much I get obsessive and irritable.

>> No.15702311

Why do Japanese women have such meaty nips?

>> No.15702336

interesting take. love the xans, especially with some some booze

>> No.15702355


try pregabalin

>> No.15702367

Alcohol is amazing, you're just a boring little bitch. Can't imagine a more boring substance to use recreationally. Abusing prescription drugs is for losers.

>> No.15702368

Samr, they opened up a CBD store near me. Went and got some of the drops stuff without the THC since I get random tests. Its fucking helped the cravings a lot. It's been about 2 weeks for me and do not even feel like drinking when I take this stuff. Actually feels normalized

>> No.15702377

your shitty stealth alcoholics general isnt allowed

>> No.15702504

Drinking by myself and listening to music or a podcast and shitposting with you gentlemen is pretty comfy

>> No.15702510

Have you ever been treated by the manager of the store?