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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 253 KB, 1500x1000, old-oil-poured-into-kitchen-sink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15697254 No.15697254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

not my problem

>> No.15697290


>> No.15697294

why are renters like this

>> No.15697296

this is why we can't have nice things
please move to India

>> No.15697302

Idk I just filter it and use it for cooking later.

Saves money that way and its pretty tasty

>> No.15697332
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Why do you keep posting this?

>> No.15697346

do americans REALLY? WoW!

>> No.15697382

I mean if I'm deep frying shit I just wait for it to cool then throw it out back but if it's like maybe a cup of oil then I'll dump it down the drain

>> No.15697404
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haha fuck the exact same thing goes on in my head every time

>> No.15697467
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if youre not supposed to do this what are you supposed to do? if you just put stuff in the dishwasher theres always going to be some oil going down the drain anyway, its not possible to remove all the oil and throw it out. stem worker drones just need to figure out how to deal with it.

>> No.15697475

You mix it with soap and water first.

>> No.15697489

its just gonna separate out again though

>> No.15697574

I pay a fee for utilities and apartment maintenance, and I plan on getting my money's worth

>> No.15697576


clean it up, wagie

>> No.15697588

Landlord jacked up my rent so I've been doing this.

>> No.15697595

I'm going to start taking mine to work and flushing it down the toilets. Fuck that place.

>> No.15697631

Why would you throw out the oil?
Or wash the pan for that matter?

>> No.15697635

I wait for it to cool then funnel it into a bottle

>> No.15697636

Because landlords need to get a real job

>> No.15697639
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it will become your problem when you get evicted so they can renovate and charge more money

>> No.15697718

kek, I like the way you think. If the toilets have a removeable lid for the tank pop it in there for a greasy double decker.

>> No.15697724

My mother make soap with it. And I use the soap to wash the dishes, so it goes down te drain anyways.

>> No.15697753

>not my problem
>he doesn't own his home
>he doesn't have a compost pile in his spacious rural backyard to feed the chickens that give him nutritious fresh eggs every morning

>> No.15697795
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>> No.15697821

I'm a landchad and you clearly don't know how much work we do

>> No.15697855

This. Do you know how hard it is to collect rent?

>> No.15697865

i used to care but what the fuck am i supposed to do, have it sit there at room temperature stinking up my apartment for 3 hours then soaking it up with ten paper towels and putting them in the garbage can? waste of fucking time

i run the tap hot for like a full minute then drizzle the oil in
it'll be fine

>> No.15697882

feeding your hens too much grease isnt good for them.

>> No.15697886

>Create jobs for city workers
>Don't waste time
>keep clean kitchen
literally 0 consequences

>> No.15697888

Use an old grease jug to collect it, and then when its full throw it in the trash bin and let some city wagie take care of it

>> No.15697890

ideally you soak it up with a paper towel or some shit and throw it out.

>> No.15697892

or pour it in a burn barrel if you're a ruralchad

>> No.15697913

I mix it with oats and feed it to the birds.

>> No.15697939

not my problem

>> No.15697943

The grease gets buried in the pile and broken down into compost for the bugs and fungus that the chickens eat, the chickens don't eat the grease directly.

>> No.15697950

Bout it in a clean glass vessel you mong and re-purpose for eggs/grilled cheese/steaks/etc

>> No.15697956

I love those threads, it always make me kek.
>Now, it's the city problem.

>> No.15697962

Because he is a contrarian that thinks antisocial behavior makes him look cool

>> No.15697963

>cooking meat
>put it out to rest
>fond on pan, need to make it into sauce but the oils still there
>use paper towel, hand burned off

>> No.15697971

yeah if you're retarded enough to touch a hot pan

>> No.15697974

How much oil do you have in there that you can't just use it in the gravy?

>> No.15697983
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not my problem

>> No.15697989

not that much i just dont really want oily sauce

>> No.15697994

>phone posting

>> No.15697997
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I love how this thread is effectively a sticky on ck

>> No.15697999

uh, i never started. silly boy

>> No.15698087

Hey, I own my condo and I better see my HOA dues going to something besides landscaping, trash removal and water.

>> No.15698104

i do this at every hotel i stay at. i bring my little electrical stove and the grease goes straight down the bathroom drains

>> No.15698115

not my problem

>> No.15698122

What amount of oil is problematic ?

>> No.15698129
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>> No.15698130

if there's enough to pour

>> No.15698143

Jesus Christ
Don't do this

>> No.15698153

>i bring my little electrical stove
I just use the electric kettle they provide.
Maybe that's only a thing in Europe.

>> No.15698183

You don't know that.
That is why its a problem.

>> No.15698186

It's more entertaining than the prolonged string of "Bay leaves do nothing" threads we often have.

>> No.15698197


>> No.15698227

nice larp

>> No.15698257

Makes mustard gas.

>> No.15698265


>> No.15698311

I rent from the council they can't evict

>> No.15698332
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>Pours oil down your drain
*Tink tink tink* ahem landcuck, my pipes clogged again, come pay for this to be fixed this instant.

>> No.15698347

it's basically dumping toxic waste, on a large scale it will render land unusable, seep into surrounding areas, poison groundwater, kill the ecosystem, etc.

>> No.15698360
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It's 2021 you stupid boomer faggot.

>> No.15698365

what the hell am I supposed to do? I gotta drain my ground beef, I'm trying to make sloppa over here.

>> No.15698369

unfathomably based
unbeliavably cringe

>> No.15698380

ITT: rentcucks coping with the fact they have to give money to landchads every month or they'll be homeless
whenever i have to get a major fix done i just raise everyone's rent lol

>> No.15698401

desu this is kind of a downstep from the chuppers arc

>> No.15698419

Lol bunch of poorfags renters ITT. Just put into a container and throw it out.

>> No.15698437
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no and you know why?
because it's not my problem

>> No.15698458

keep it up

>> No.15698473

i just give my hens kitchen scraps and ground up baked eggshells. They clean through it pretty quickly and what they dont eat gets mixed with ammonia rich chicken shit and spread over my yard

>> No.15698513

That's when I call a service that snakes drains to pop up and you have to sit for hours waiting for them to show because they're always busy and then you have to clean up the mess they leave, just imagine they snaked a shit infested drain before visiting your place. Enjoy your c. diff.

>> No.15698519

You realize that your fees goes up as the landlord's expenses go up.

>> No.15698521

Based on what?

>> No.15698527

Most autopart stores will take your used motor oil.

>> No.15698538
File: 186 KB, 640x640, 1599454185900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since we're writing fantasy fiction that's when I sue you for negligence and the courts award me your home and you can't afford your other mortgage and the bank takes it and you become homeless. Enjoy homelessness landcuck.

the fees go up anyway this way we keep their profit margins slim and their stress levels high

>> No.15698543

landlords need to be executed

>> No.15698561

For the same reason my landlord raised my rent 10% despite the country having the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. I legally can :^)

>> No.15698579

dumping oil down drains doesn't cause damage immediately also i hop from house to house every year or two anyway. I also like dumping a little cement down the toilet and drains before i move,not enough that it will immediately destroy the pipes but just a little.

>> No.15698583

Oh look this thread AGAIN!

>> No.15698587

Pour it in a bag and throw it in the trash

>> No.15698612

I just throw my hot oil on the dirt in the backyard

>> No.15698618

I just pour it into the toilet, I don't get why it's such a big deal, can't be worse than all the shit and piss going down the drain

>> No.15698637

I just pour it in my neighbours mailbox

>> No.15698661
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>> No.15698715

I live in my parents' house, Europe
What happens if you do this? I have always done this, pretty sure mom does the same.

>> No.15698723

>sprays drain with 3600 PSI hose for 2 minutes
that'll be 59.99 plus tip :)

>> No.15698811

unanimously based ratings

>> No.15698858

No. Rent goes up with the land value. Your additional fees go up with the landlord's expenses.

>> No.15698863

Don't worry, I'll hire an overpriced plumber and raise your(or the next poor sap's) rent on the next lease.

>> No.15698891

"our espresso machine is broken"

listen bitch if you dont want to make me a cappuccino just say it
im an adult
i can take it, i can handle the truth
stop the lies

>> No.15698895


>> No.15698899

Section ape renters sure are fun.

>> No.15698951

Some local rentcuck had his toilet spew sewage and ruin everything he owned. Rentycuck tried suing the landlord, who called in a state inspector. Inspector traced a grease clog all the way back to rentycuck's sink, and rentycuck got countersued for damages to the building.

>> No.15698953
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lmao when America has it's own retarded Leap Forward you landlord fags will be the first to die. Silver lining in every cloud and all that

>> No.15698962

Are you saying you want to kill your landlord?

>> No.15698970

I'll be too old to care by then.

>> No.15698975

Enjoy being evicted

>> No.15698989

You siund very eager to be an illerate peasant toiling away in the field for 16 hours everyday

>> No.15699000

Lmao I've never been evicted even when I had pets in a no pet apartment. Truth is eviction is last resort since it's an 8 month minimum affair at least in the city I lived in and was a court worker in. Enjoy the seethe landcuck

>> No.15699017

Unless you're 50 that won't be so.

I like nothing about the present or future of American politics, which should have been clear when I spoke negatively of an American equivalent of the Great Leap Forward. Just, if I have to die there is some comfort knowing parasitic landlords will also get a bullet :)

>> No.15699025
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Your mom

>> No.15699031

in minecraft (:

>> No.15699147

Goof. Fuck the ecosystem and fuck the Demiurge

>> No.15699150
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We know.

>> No.15699157

>Do you create jobs while cooking?

>> No.15699158
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I personally use a grease plant

>> No.15699160

these threads are a part of /ck/ culture deal with it fag

>> No.15699167


>> No.15699189

>my landlord raised my rent 10%
Probably because you skyrocket the cost of maintenance on the property you rentard.

>> No.15699195

You need to buy your own house and stop leeching off of real people with real finances.

>> No.15699249


>> No.15699255

Or because they're a greedy fucking Jew that can get away with raising rent legally every year, same way it's endemic to the industry to keep security deposits by making up shit about repairs.

>> No.15699267

My rent only gets raised by 3% each year at the most. Then again, I never call maintenance, don't dump grease down my drain, and generally am never a nuisance or cause of increased property maintenance costs.

>> No.15699301

you pour the grease on the plant.

>> No.15699316

"Don't ever call maintenance to fix our shitty appliances, goy. Wouldn't want to have to charge you even more than I already do hehe"

If you're not a greedy Jew then you sympathize with them. I'm not sure which is worse. Either way you deserve the rope.

>> No.15699383

What would happen if someone put the dick in there? Just asking

>> No.15699385


>> No.15699396

>Don't ever call maintenance to fix our shitty appliances, goy
I would call maintenance if an appliance ever broke, but I just don't break the appliances and thus have never had a problem. I've called maintenance, but it's usually only once every couple years at most because I take care of my shit. You just sound like a child who throws tantrums and breaks things and then also gets mad when there are consequences for it and throws more tantrums. Good luck sticking it to the man or whatever with your property destruction and enjoy premium rent increases designed to encourage your retarded ass to leave.

>> No.15699443

Whatever you say fag, enjoy sucking off your landlord and loving the taste of their cum :^) I hope they ONLY increase their rent by half as much as they usually would next year!

>> No.15699453

Do you know how much you need to work to afford to buy a property so some broke loser like you doesn't live in a box on the street? Get your life together

>> No.15699502

I'll be buying my own house next year, but thanks for your concern.

>> No.15699533

Nice anon grats, hope you enjoy sucking your HOA's cock next too. I bet you'll sympathize when your neighbor is aggravated that he wants to paint his fence and they don't like it lmao

>> No.15699598

Stay poor rent c u c k

>> No.15699689

Nope, gonna buy a house outside the city where I can do whatever the fuck I want with my land.

>> No.15699700
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, sniff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell

>> No.15699704

>leeching off of real people with real finances

but that's literally what a landlord does you faggot

>> No.15699711

This is the logic i use when i throw trash into my recycling bin

>> No.15699732

>Oil pumped from ground
>Oil returned to ground
what's the problem here

>> No.15699741

Your minimum wage job with no savings is not real finances Jequinticus.

>> No.15699743

This person still lives with his parents.

>> No.15699747

lol, city people lmao

>> No.15699792

why do renters think they aren't responsible for damage they do to a unit?
we did a walkthrough, you approved it and signed saying when you moved in with everything in working order
when you left if the drain is clogged I'm keeping your damage deposit

>> No.15699806

I'm not a renter, I just think landlords shouldn't exist

Keep moving those goalposts though!

>> No.15699811

Gonna be your problem when your ass is evicted, rentoid.

>> No.15699818

Lol yeah right lannycuck. you take my security i destroy everything in that apratment and theirs nothing you can do about it

>> No.15699821

You will never be a homeowner.

>> No.15699836

Dangerously based

>> No.15699839

That's why he's waiting until you leave to check it.

>> No.15699844

you've already vacated the premises before I'm required to give anything back to you
so I'm keeping your money

>> No.15699852

yeah they'll also let you dump your coolant and other fluids if you tell them it's oil. Not my problem

>> No.15699859

I can’t believe this is still getting so much traction. Here’s what I did as a an apartment dweller and now do as homeowner
>collect grease in an coffee can
>wait until 3-4 AM when I’m nice and drink
>walk a few blocks away from apartment
>find sewer grate
>simple as

As homeowner
>dig hole in back yard
>layer of gravel on bottom
>big flat rock over hole
>dump grease down the hole
>simple as

Alternatively you can just throw your grease can in a neighbor’s trash barrel on trash night. Did that a few times when too drunk to walk a few blocks to a sewer grate

>> No.15699874
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they can literally sue you, you stupid nigger

>> No.15699907


>> No.15699910

thats why i keep a key lannycuck you take my shit i go back and ruin it cant prove it was me cuckyboy get fagged on rekt

>> No.15699919
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I just mail my grease to my landlord anonymously.

>> No.15699989

unironically who the fuck doesn't have security cameras in the current year + 5? they cost literally nothing
not only am I allowed to have cctv on externally facing property, but I don't even need to give you access to the footage

you're a very bad criminal

>> No.15700060
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>> No.15700125

>tanks full dude

>> No.15700147

I never cook with a fat I don't want to keep or use as a further ingredient, bar a small amount of olive oil for lower fat meat like chicken. Which will then be used to sauté some sort of vegetables anyway.

What the fuck are you niggers cooking, I swear to god women should be banned from the kitchen.

>> No.15700166

fuck all

>> No.15700182

Do Americans really eat beef off the floor

>> No.15700190

>The rich will suffer too!
No they won't. They never do.

>> No.15700219

Here's what I did
>collect grease in an coffee can
>wait until 3-4 AM when I’m nice and drink
>heat up can on stove
>pour entire can down the drain
feels good

>> No.15700360

Based future helicopter payload poster

>> No.15700844

cleanest best pleasure

>> No.15700875

My landlords has been trying to evict me since the start of covid. Fortunately the moratorium means I don't have to pay him anything. Just collecting these free gibs until they run out. Then I will just move somewhere else before paying a single dime to my landlord. But will be sure to pour down the drain all the bacon grease I've collected over the years.

>> No.15700883

> Olive oil is a liquid at room temperature
safe to pour down the drain
> Animal fat is a solid at room temperature
not safe to pour down the drain

Why is this so hard for renties to understand? It's going to turn into a solid in the pipes and spew shit all over your place at 2am. The landlord is going to be comfy in bed and wait till the next day to fix it.

>> No.15701023
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>> No.15701089

That's not how it works.

>> No.15701096

cooking oil doesn't matter, now if its animal fat it will re-solidify and clog shit up

>> No.15701417

Anon landlords being murdered en masse is typical of any communist revolution, I am not just wishful thinking. Right or not the populace fucking hates landlords because they perceive (often rightly so) that landlords produce no worth in society but instead operate as leeches. Along with bankers they are very often the first targets when proletariat masses are manipulated by ideologues to do their bidding.

>> No.15701425

Even pre-COVID that shit would take 8 months, fucking no one is getting evicted or sued for shit like that for years lmao

>> No.15701434

I genuinely belly laughed kek

>> No.15701578

you live in your own head my friend there will be no communist take over. small time landlord will died out and you will be renting your place from amazon or some other big company.

>> No.15701592
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I hate the small time landlords! Based!!

>> No.15701597

I certainly hope so anon. Even being fucked by a megacorp like Amazon would be preferable to a communist uprising. But either way it's still being fucked.

>> No.15701624

Like ground beef fat? Only know bacon to go solid. But cooking oil won't solidify?

>> No.15701689

A man of culture.

>> No.15701930

>part of /ck/ culture
>started spamming them recently
Just as much /ck/ culture as people shilling Ragusea really

>> No.15701948

throw it in the yard

>> No.15701949

Two different types of fats, Saturated and Unsaturated, the latter comes from plants and is liquid at room temp the other comes from animals and is solid at room temp

>> No.15701961

>not tossing the burning hot oil out your window

>> No.15702081

>anime poster on non anime board
Yep, it's retarded

>> No.15702092

Until you get slapped with a civil suit and your renter reputation is ruined cause other developments will hear about your shit, and then you find you've run out of places you can rent

>> No.15702095

Criminals are generally pretty stupid, this post is a good example

>> No.15702097

Now this anon is really thinking big

>> No.15702100

>I just think landlords shouldn't exist
For what reason? Who should own apartments then? The government? Should they be free? Stupid fuck.

>> No.15702108

My old man pours it into shallow depressions around the fence posts bordering his property. He swears that it soaks into the posts and ground and prevents them rotting off. He hasn't for a while, but he also used to paint wood with used engine oil as a preservative. I think he stopped when it used to burn him shirtless in summer.

>> No.15702129

when we moved our landlord had us fix a buncha shit round the house
any other time id agree with her cause i respect landbros, but this one was a proper cunt so we just took pictures of everything thats broken and changed the date in the metadata to three years ago, when we moved in, and told her it was already like it. luckily shes technologically retarded so she fell for it, but still had us fix a buncha unrelated stuff anyway. fuck her.
our new landlord is actually kind and a real bro and built this house himself so i respect him and dont trash the place

>> No.15702140

OK wagie.
I suspect you treat your rented accomodation just like you do your work-space.

>> No.15702149

OP just likes sucking off union plumbers.

>> No.15702157

Ha Ha Ha
> she doesn't even realise..........

>> No.15702173

Haven't been here long have you, child?

>> No.15702187

Umm OK,
I thought you'd use it as lube for you and your gay lover.

>> No.15702205

Shut the fuck up, you stupid zoomer faggot.
Get a fucking clue at the same time.
t. Gen X

>> No.15702210
File: 29 KB, 618x412, 0_YpyibYgebuJKktTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not allowed to put it down my sink? Well what if I go out to the side of the road and just pour it into the gutter?

>> No.15702212

Hey retard, don't post that fucker.
I was one of the people that had to clean up after that homo.
Get a fucking life, arse-wipe.

>> No.15702222

That's called thinking outside the box, anon. You won't damage your pipes, just the town's.

>> No.15702232

He was the one doing the cleaning up, though.

>> No.15702233

Mr "I want to live in a tent next week"
The idiot that posts shit like this, has never owned property or had "wage-rats" rent them.
When you get to that level, wagie, then start fucking complaining, until then, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15702236

>stop leeching off of real people with real inheritances

>> No.15702237

I once rented off a real bitch who used to threaten to evict us any time I reported a problem. Most of the time it wasn't even anything to do with me either. First time she had a handyman come in the same week we moved in to finish painting some trim and he put a hole in the stainless sink with his putty knife. When I told her what had happened she was like ... maybe I should trust my instincts and find somebody less bothersome to rent to ... like OK but this was your dude damaging the place washing tools in the sink not me. Or when the guy servicing the gas appliances reported the oven was incorrectly fitted and disconnected it so we couldn't use it. That was somehow my fault. Or the time I changed a lightbulb and the fitting came apart from the ceiling and all the insulation on the wiring started to come apart and it was clearly ancient and waiting to fall apart she accused me for 'thinking you are an electrician or something' for that one. Best was when I noticed japanese knotweed growing up through the floor, drains and walls and realised the empty lot behind the house was full of it and being used as a dumping ground for a car dealer so I should just move out because I couldn't face dealing with her bullshit over that. I painted the whole house before we moved out to shut her up too. In fairness I did stick literal A4 paper over holes in the walls and ceiling and painted over it rather than fix them. She was the literal definition of a lazy old bitch who wanted everybody else to fix her problems and anything was a complete disaster for her because she was incapable of dealing with anything the world and everybody else was always in the wrong from her perspective so she just complained and bullied and tried to get her own way whenever she could.

>> No.15702241

Ahh yes, the entitled zoomer.

t.Gen X

>> No.15702249

> Next year

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

>> No.15702255

Do you cook with crude oil, faggot?

>> No.15702266

That picture is about engine oil you retard, do you use canola oil in your car? Do you use peanut oil instead when you're driving through China Town? Olive oil in little italy?

>> No.15702316


>> No.15702353

I personally use cooking oil in my VW Golf 2

>> No.15702372
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The whole can!? Even the lid!

>> No.15702400 [DELETED] 

you use crude oil in your car tho

>> No.15702464

Seeing Dirch get posted here always weirds me out a little.

>> No.15702474

God I hope I can get a house soon. I fucking hate renting. Fuck landlords

>> No.15702513

you can’t just say that and not tell the story anon

>> No.15702599

I don't get what you mean. I would have done it this year but I didn't want to pay PMI so I'm taking a year to save up the rest of a full down payment.

>> No.15702625

Why are people assholes and then even smug about it?

>> No.15703549

>typed with negro paws

>> No.15703850

conservative intelligence everyone

>> No.15703873

landlords are not "the rich" in the sense we mean when we talk about the people who are well insulated against consequences. They will be the first to go.

>> No.15703896

enjoy living off insect protein when that's the only edible thing left after you destory all the arable land dipshit

>> No.15703917

it's literally now completely socially acceptable to walk around with a mask on, with your hood up and a brimmed hat on. Enjoy proving it's who you say it is with 0 hard evidence faget.

>> No.15703930
File: 56 KB, 400x394, how to deal with landlords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15703932
File: 60 KB, 477x768, namingthejew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15703933

I just pour it when its hot alongside scalding hot water so it becomes the city's problem instead

>> No.15704102

you should have been honored

>> No.15704134

My dad and all his friends used to change their oil in a empty field behind a warehouse in the 70's. Just pull up and let it rip and fill it up.

>> No.15704237

This is an anime website you fucking tourist.

>> No.15705057

>evicted during a pandemic

>> No.15705693
File: 2.01 MB, 3024x2866, jar of grease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an old wide-mouthed jar, such as this from salsa. When starting a new jar, I put a napkin and some water in there, then I pour some warm (not hot) grease, and then store it in the freezer. When the jar is full, I dispose of it in the trash.

>> No.15705700

city workers get paid by the hour not job so enjoy your toilet taht wont flush for a week. you made your bed now lay in it

>> No.15705742

>he doesnt know about the local oil merchant
why aren't you fags selling your used oils and fats to the oil merchant? you are literally dumping money down the drain.

>> No.15705763
File: 9 KB, 210x240, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOOO you can't pour oil down the drain!!! Think of the hecking sewerino!!!!

>> No.15705778 [DELETED] 

I just skip the middle man and pour my grease bucket and oil and car battery buckets directly into the ocean at dusk. It’s good for the plankton and electric eels

>> No.15705788

t. beaner who wonders why they still cant flush stuff in Mexico

>> No.15705801


>> No.15705845


>> No.15705900


>> No.15706029

wax candle fell on old plant

>> No.15706061 [DELETED] 

You wonder why boomers are so bad at investing? Exhibit A:


>> No.15706091

Should've ended it with "not my problem"

>> No.15706548

For starters how bout the people who actually built them instead of some faggot who takes out multiple loans and mortgages to "own" a building and leech off of people with real jobs that need a home then shit themselves when rents don't come in because they think their investment is somehow risk free and shouldn't be treated the same as literally every other investment and cry for more handouts. How bout that you fucking retard.