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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 289 KB, 1084x1174, He loves it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15678931 No.15678931 [Reply] [Original]

A 32-year-old man nicknamed “Mr. McDonald’s” has been eating at the world’s most popular fast food chain every other day for the past two decades, and has invested a small fortune in McDonald’s-related clothes and memorabilia.

David Geyer, a gardener from Bergheim, Germany, first ate at a McDonald’s fast food restaurant in 1997, and the moment he took a bite of that very first burger, he knew that the iconic fast food brand would become a part of his life forever. He came back for more every chance he got, but he realized just how passionate he was about McDonald’s when he got his first job and started spending more time at the local McD’s than he did at his mother’s dining table. His love for the fast food chain has since transcended food, as he has since gotten permanent McDonald’s tattoos and invested in burger-themed clothing and memorabilia as well.

“McDonald’s has been a huge part of my life for so many years, It felt right to get a tattoo last July as the fast-food chain has become apart of my identity,” Geyer told Caters News Agency. “People may think I am absolutely crazy, but it’s not just about the food; it is about the people, the employees and the memories made in a McDonalds that make it special.”

Over the years, David has amassed an impressive collection of McDonald’s merchandise, from a large yellow logo hanging on a wall in his living room, to McDonald’s sneakers, onesies, socks and even shoelaces. He claims he’s an easy person to buy gifts for at Christmas, as he loves anything related to his favorite fast-food brand.


>> No.15678934

“I have received a makeshift McDonalds logo sign which is on my living room wall, it is next to a photo of the menu which I purchased on eBay,” David said. I have a few pairs of Nike trainers which have been personalized and McDonald’s laces to match. I have spent around €5,000 ($6,000) on merchandise.

But that sum pails in comparison to how much Mr. McDonald’s has spent on food from the popular fast-food restaurant. He has been eating there at least once every two days, and there was a time in his life when he would visit a McDonald’s 6 to 12 times a week. Although he doesn’t know exactly how much all that food cost him, he claims every cent was worth it.

“It is hard to put a number on how much money I have spent on food, I imagine it would be about €40,000 euros,” the McDonald’s super-fan said. I never order the same meal over and over again because then it would get boring. But a Big Tasty Bacon meal with fries is to die for. It is my favorite.”

If you want to keep an eye on Mr McDonald’s and his obsession with the world’s most popular fast food chain, give him a follow on Instagram.

>> No.15678949


>> No.15678956 [DELETED] 

do Nazi's really?

>> No.15678957

Do Americans really?

>> No.15678962 [DELETED] 

der ewiger kraut

>> No.15678981

I’m not even triggered, because Maccas is great. Face reality.

>> No.15678987

yeah, actually just made me hungry for a Big Mac

>> No.15678988

As long as he eats in moderation and isn't a faggot, I'm sure he's fine.

>> No.15679009
File: 198 KB, 958x656, ketolards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatass eats fat and meat every day
>is fat
many such cases

>> No.15679020

He’s German, but yeah

>> No.15679021
File: 228 KB, 950x535, Untitled-design-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15679032

he is not fat

>> No.15679038

>vegans entire existence is seething and impotent rage

>> No.15679096


>> No.15679097

lmao why are vegans the ultimate fat person's boogeyman?

>> No.15679102

lol so you're just a troll then, fuck off

>> No.15679106

Is that a box of McDonald's shrimp

>> No.15679114
File: 81 KB, 500x523, 1E2FAA2B-F3B1-433E-B808-06EAE35A8ECC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halal beard

Checks out.

>> No.15679115

McDouble with mayo is tasty. That said, how did he not get tired of eating McDonalds? Is the man autistic?

>> No.15679136


>> No.15679138
File: 1.78 MB, 735x1354, work-is-done-today-time-to-go-home-and-relax-german-forklift-crane-street-cleaning-simulator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Germans are autistic anon how else can you explain the popularity of work simulators?

>> No.15679168

What a chad.

>> No.15679174

I'd actually believe his "hobby" has gotten him laid before
women love shitty food

>> No.15679177


>> No.15679185

look at the legs... you can tell he's in pretty good shape

>> No.15679191

>Is the man autistic?
probably to some degree. I think people on the spectrum love to eat the same thing over and over again.

>> No.15679203

I'm very autistic and whenever I cook I try not to make too much because I can't stand eating the same thing more than twice in a row so I hate leftovers

>> No.15679222

>every other day
pathetic, hes not even 100% dedicated

>> No.15679228

came to post this

>> No.15679233

>many such cases
how come only retards seem to use this as of late
is it some new /pol/ meme

>> No.15679234

>babbies first 4chins

>> No.15679241

it's a Trump quote, just spoonfeeding because I know it'll make you seethe even harder

>> No.15679244

trump said it once but it didn't make sense in his sentence, so /pol/ either mocks people with it or says it because their orange lardass said it

>> No.15679248

it made perfect sense, keep seething

>> No.15679250

>ruining trump quotes by using them willy nilly in an unfunny way

>> No.15679258

You're fired

>> No.15679259

i see
first time i saw it was >faggot is a faggot, many such cases!
which *really* doesn't make sense because trump never actually hated lgbts, the media just tried to push it

>> No.15679275

Hey, it’s three-for-free!

>> No.15679317
File: 30 KB, 500x400, donald-j-trump-realdonaldtrump-follow-pumped-with-massive-shot-of-35747912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lying isn't making sense anon

>> No.15679328

of course he's wrong, but the fact that you know exactly what is meant by "many such cases," means the phrase makes sense

>> No.15679344

The Germans didn't just make a general crisis response unit simulator, they made one specifically for firefighters. Airport firefighters, to be precise. They made this so often, they had to include the year of release into the naming scheme.

I love my country.

>> No.15679354


He is thinner than moviebob

>> No.15679381

Oddly enough he sure as hell is not fit, but is not american fat under any measure, which, if we asumed that he eats what he showed in that pic in one sitting is night impossible, so he is probably more picky than it seems.

There are things about McDonalds to be in awe of. Mainly the logistical and technical prowress involved in what is basically a way to serve as many people as conveniently as possible, despite it's more than known flaws. Yes, we all know they somehow made salads out of sugar and turned the sugar of potatoes into fat, but still...

>> No.15679433

To be fair? Moviebob also marinates meat in sugary sodas
Even eating McDicks every other day, that's difficult to beat

>> No.15679443

Ich find das auch total super. Würde sowas nie spielen, aber gott segne die Deutschen

>> No.15679865

Heart attack waiting to happen. I ate BK every day for just one week and I could feel my heart in my throat

>> No.15679876

Society is collapsing.

>> No.15679895

Cancer of the colon

>> No.15679898
File: 307 KB, 1702x1080, 1596315957157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the fact that you posted this

I haven't ate mcdonalds in nearly 2 years and now am craving a mcgangbang

>> No.15679901

This is your brain in late capitalism
Life doesn't have a meaning anymore so people are recurring to this crap

>> No.15679913

God among men

>> No.15679925

He obviously isn't in good shape, but he's certainly isn't fat.

>> No.15679933

If you eat enough McDonald's you become American

>> No.15679947

We call Girvana

>> No.15679973

why do they call him Mr. McDonalds

>> No.15679989

He lives in my old hometown in WI. I remember the local paper did a story on him. Nice guy

>> No.15679997

Based trump telling the TRUTH to us unlike the garbage liberal MEDIA

>> No.15680014

He should go into rap with that named and do McDonald's themed rap songs and albums

>> No.15680036

Rap is not good music

>> No.15680053

Some rap artists have a really good understanding of musical theory and fundamentals, but they're few and far between. Their respect for meter puts them miles ahead of everyone else in the music industry in terms of poetic artistry.

Everyone knows that when it comes to any genre, you shouldn't judge it by the shit you hear on the radio and TV.

>> No.15680066

Then what is a good example everything I have heard is pure shit

>> No.15680087

Germans get curly fries at McDonalds? Lucky fucks.

>> No.15680090

I used to think this was a meme until i went to stay with my German girlfriend a few years ago, and her dad had a couple farming/trucking simulator CD's.

>> No.15680564

Indeed, many such cases.

>> No.15680572
File: 543 KB, 720x540, B75D83DB-DA57-409D-A301-E884E72E6639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes consume the burger, become the burger

>> No.15680627

looks like the type of guy to beat his wife

>> No.15680641

based Geddy Lee

>> No.15680643

I thought you died if you ate mcdonalds or more than a few weeks.

>> No.15680677


>> No.15680717

More like David Gayer

>> No.15680720

sick burn anon

>> No.15680742

Is that John Lemon??

>> No.15680749

what was his MO? (modus operandi)

>> No.15680811

It makes sense, Trump just uses old school weird grammar sometimes.

>> No.15680945
File: 2.65 MB, 960x540, Sso 188.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but can he eat the same volume of mcdonald's that a korean woman can in one sitting?

>> No.15680951

I ate McDonalds for lunch today for the first time in years: I feel like I need to sleep. Is this normal? I just feel the most incredible urge to lay down for a few hours

>> No.15681018

why does she feel compelled to make these faces

>> No.15681076


>> No.15681184

Why are Gerpeople so predisposed to forming obsessions? Too much vaccine in their water supply?

>> No.15681193

fucking based

>> No.15681203

is this the guy behind the "for me it's the mcchicken" posts

>> No.15681212

Lil B, The Based God

>> No.15681219

ngl he's pretty hot, would definitely feed him my big mac sauce

>> No.15681227
File: 40 KB, 1170x1024, 1170px-McDonald's_Golden_Arches.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's McDonald's. The best fast food restaurant. I even ask for extra Big Mac sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for Big Mac sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in Big Mac sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.15681229

It's a trait of autistic people. With the case of Germany the whole country is autistic.

>> No.15681236

That looks like a small amount of food for an average person I would say?

>> No.15681313
File: 150 KB, 234x385, akaristress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>years ago
>behind someone at mcdicks
>they ask for side of big mac sauce
>think hmm I'll try that and dip some fries in it
>ask for just that
>receive it in a parfait container complete with lid and straw

>> No.15681366

asian zoned exclusive strain of mental illness. asian women are all mentally ill in one way or another

>> No.15681585


>> No.15682194

John Lennon looking good

>> No.15682202

I kneel

>> No.15682214


>> No.15682401

It is physically impossible to be more based than this man

>> No.15682424

>curly fries

wait those nuggets are weird too
what the fuck is that picture?

>> No.15682441

Superior german engineering

>> No.15683307

It's either those or Berliners. Fucking subhumans.

>> No.15683321

German McD regularly has curly fries as the "special" fries. And those nugs are shrimps.

>> No.15683364

The virgin kraut Hedonist “never order the same meal again” versus the Chad midwestern OCD “Big Macs are 90% of my solid foot intake”

>> No.15683382

He has the McRib as a constant menu item, and things like the Big Rösti at his leisure. Big Mac Ringo Starr can't compete.

>> No.15683386

Damn, I miss the Asia Wochen, or Los Wochos.

>> No.15683416

As a population, they were extremely highly expressive of trait-orderliness and industriousness. Culturally they could not have been a better target for Hitler.

>> No.15683519
File: 112 KB, 1300x957, fat-businessman-eating-hamburgers-and-french-fries-in-office-P27RTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oddly enough he sure as hell is not fit, but is not american fat under any measure
sounds like his job is pretty physical. if you're actually outside most of the time instead of sitting down all day like most Americans (myself included) 2000 calories in a day is pretty reasonable. most of us should be taking in less than half that based on how sedentary we are.

>> No.15683536
File: 93 KB, 1120x630, eiukQetGafUuYvf-1600x900-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what she's making is basically pornography, she's just doing her job

>> No.15683562

For me, it's McDonald's. The best fast food restaurant. I even ask for extra Big Mac sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for Big Mac sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in Big Mac sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.15683608

this rote, pointless repetition of the same tired, years-old gags just makes me think you're the exact same guys who would've been calling up local news shows and yelling "Baba booey! Howard Stern's penis!" 25-30 years ago

>> No.15683974

She's spitting it out after taking every mouthful.
Lips are clean for every new bite

>> No.15684203


>> No.15684305

Germans are americans now?

>> No.15684327

they are

>> No.15684346

what the fuck is wrong with people

>> No.15684438
File: 2.00 MB, 360x640, 1614600323285.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has one more step to do before he out-burgers United Statistians.

>> No.15684699

The two extremely autistic people I know are basically garbage disposals and will eat anything.

>> No.15684816

>A 32-year-old man nicknamed “Mr. McDonald’s” has been eating at the world’s most popular fast food chain every other day for the past two decades, and has invested a small fortune in McDonald’s-related clothes and memorabilia.
>not stock
fake news and gay

>> No.15684835

This is the first thought that came to my mind. This dude is the ultimate McDonald's fan. Their flagship burger is almost his entire diet. He even buys in bulk to freeze and reheat them when he needs Big Macs and he had his fucking wedding at McDonald's. His entire family doesn't even like McDonald's that much and it hasn't stopped him at all.

>> No.15684837

who's this handsome lad

>> No.15684863

You mean type of guy who isnt married

>> No.15684865

what's with her nostrils man. This is freaking me out.

>> No.15685051

imagine the smell

>> No.15685485


>> No.15685567

Do Australians really?

>> No.15685572

What the fuck is Maccas?

>> No.15685588

People who watch this shit need to be sent off to labor camps

>> No.15685611

Fuck asians and their weird gay faces and anus nostrils. Koreans are subhumans.

>> No.15685700

Do Americans really?

>> No.15685803

He was German anon

>> No.15686272


>> No.15686578
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1614727394546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15686619

This nigga died

>> No.15686664

North Korea needs to bomb them into oblivion

>> No.15686757

wait those fucking games are real?

>> No.15686772

Brit term for McDonald's
They make up words like that all the time, not sure why

>> No.15686865

Yeah they are used to subhumans

>> No.15686937

He looks like he actually does shit instead of gorging on food all day since he isn't a tub of lard. Good for him.

>> No.15686963

The fuck?
My bmr is such that I need around 1800 calories if I do absolutely nothing all day.

>> No.15687081

I'm glad to see someone still has this saved in a text file somewhere

>> No.15687099

Supersize me notwithstanding, you probably could eat McD every day and not gain weight if you just moderate yourself. What people don't think about is that the sodium content will kill you much faster. This food is not meant to be eaten daily for this reason above all others.

>> No.15687134

>2000 calories in a day is pretty reasonable. most of us should be taking in less than half that based on how sedentary we are.
Talking shit mate. BMR for an adult is like 1200 minimum for a small woman.

>> No.15687146

Germany has White/Arab mutts now lol. MUTTLAND

>> No.15687189

What a chad

>> No.15687374

>has been eating at the world’s most popular fast food chain every other day
That sound below average compared to american standards

>> No.15687400

that's what I was wondering it looks like it

>> No.15687942


>> No.15688056

Gut dass der Führer das nicht mehr mit ansehen muss.

>> No.15688083 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, libtards8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a prejudical racist stereotype of group of people. Look in the mirror and your the real nazi.

>> No.15688090
File: 482 KB, 1080x1080, mukbang6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold her future

>> No.15688099 [DELETED] 

>Nazis bad

>> No.15688109

>Look in the mirror and your the real nazi

>> No.15688110 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1600x3717, bootlickers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>libtards good


>> No.15688135
File: 119 KB, 789x767, antfaga7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15688478


>> No.15688500

>be american
>eat mcdonalds every day to make documentary
>nearly die
>be german
>eat every other day for decades
>no effect

America bros d-did we get to cocky?

>> No.15688512

The age of the Aryan has begun.

>> No.15689357

Stop posting this faggot

>> No.15689534
File: 81 KB, 652x774, europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15689883


>> No.15689944

I get it.

>> No.15690075

Morgan Spurlock lied about how much food he was eating. Watch the documentary Fathead for a more honest approach to the idea of eating McDonald's every day for a month, as well as explanations of Morgan Spurlock's fraudulence.

>> No.15690127

He didn't, he's alive and well with a normal life & job - google it, in pics after it healed its basically just a pinkish hairless patch
Doesn't change that it was a fucking retarded thing to do. Some dude tried to get an arrow branded on his arm and ended up with a penis shaped burn though

>> No.15690246

What does he think of the mcchicken

>> No.15690250

>USA cultural hegemony utterly consumes a German man's life and culture after he experiences it for the first time
This is why Yurop fears the American.

>> No.15690254

What's this? Oh it's just my arm penis.

>> No.15690279


>> No.15690582

do american can rea-
>German man

>> No.15691040

Yeah were basically soulless robot, programmed to just fuck, sleep and work.

not even fucking, i take that back

>> No.15691069

>be american
>make documentary
>eat twice as much food as you say you are and slam a handle of vodka off-camera every night to make the conclusion look worse than it actually should

If you ate a reasonable amount of fast food every day and watched calories and weren't a barely functional alcoholic on top, it would eventually catch up to you but mostly due to issues with stuff like sodium and cholesterol, and it'd take years and be nowhere near as dramatic as Supersize Me

>> No.15691564


>> No.15692121


>> No.15692167

Plastic surgery.

>> No.15692178

He was a raging alcoholic during filming and was pounding back vodka and beer off camera. His film has been debunked several times, but its STILL used as propaganda in schools.

>> No.15693074

This is what g*rmans have become

>> No.15693349

and thats a good thing

>> No.15693474

No, the reaper is waiting for you on the other side

>> No.15694079


>> No.15694202

That's just a hipster beard, m8

>> No.15694215

>eats nothing but fastfood for 20 years
>still skinnier than 2/3 of this board
how are you coping, fatties?

>> No.15694221

Please Anon, people like this exist in every civilization

>> No.15694343

European McDonalds really put the american ones to shame... The food actually tastes real, and some underpaid, overworked, pissed off black teenager didnt cook it.

>> No.15694365

That is the case of most American restaurants over seas I think it is because they can't compete with dirt cheap food in other countries so they go up market and try to be a luxury brand.

>> No.15694449

Sadly, he passed away today.


>> No.15694479

Isn't this the bitch that eats animals alive?

>> No.15694513


>> No.15694745

>But a Big Tasty Bacon meal with fries is to die for. It is my favorite.

he's alright

>> No.15694748


>> No.15695001

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.15695065


work sets you free anon

>> No.15695088

>biggest fan
>not obese
more of the media's lies

>> No.15695287


>> No.15695363

Of courshe

>> No.15695565

American please

>> No.15695569


>> No.15695578

europeans are fucking weird. I'm sure this faggot is mr cool ice's son

>> No.15695669

Insulin spike due to high gi ingredients. You can push through it with caffeine

>> No.15695856


>> No.15696209

Australian term

>> No.15696233

>David Geyer, a gardener from Bergheim, Germany

>> No.15696267

>thinking a few months old bait reference makes him an oldfag

>> No.15696351

Guys being on 4chan for a long time isn't an accomplishment

>> No.15696439

My mom says I'm cool.

>> No.15696444

Anon, I got a beer gut and my legs and arms have no noticeable amount of fat. My legs are pretty damn muscular, but I still would call myself fat. Not everyone gains weight equally distributed in their body.

>> No.15696462

Your mom's a whore so her opinion is invalid anyway.

>> No.15696488

If you could do better you'd stop renting her.

>> No.15697018

I'm glad for you,my mum considers me a disappointment

>> No.15697303

listen to this


>> No.15697465

No you can clearly see his mustache.

>> No.15697894


>> No.15698066

Asking the real question

>> No.15698508

Americans are fucking disgusting

>> No.15698510

Tbh simulator games are also good for fucking around in, but I know you krauts will play the game as intended, and LIKE IT

>> No.15698516

German actually

>> No.15699199


>> No.15700195
File: 47 KB, 1015x669, Burger individual 2045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spick Diabetus

>> No.15700212
File: 77 KB, 640x522, bigmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this gross whore
Fuck this beardo clown

>> No.15700240

Not getting irony actually

>> No.15700286

what a madlad

>> No.15700566

Everyone's somewhere on the autism spectrum I guess

>> No.15700648

He loves it

>> No.15700928


>> No.15701158

Good job to him for playing his role, consumer whore!

>> No.15701524

I think that too,we're mildly higher than most people but everybody has at least a minimal level of it

>> No.15702650


>> No.15702671

Bump my little dick

>> No.15702689

ok sweet anon

>> No.15702987
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210305-163623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't spend Upwards of 10000€ to get all add-ons for his train simulator.
There are 620 add-ons. If we now assume that they roughly cost 20€ each, that makes 12400€

>> No.15703000

can anyone sauce me this

>> No.15703927

It's 15-16 centimetres

>> No.15704053

Hey, I know this guy. When I worked at McDonald's he came into my store all the time. We called him Three For Free. I forget why we called him that though.

>> No.15704163


>> No.15704183

Für mich ist es das McChicken. Das beste Fast-Food-Sandwich. Ich bitte sogar um zusätzliche McChicken-Saucenpakete und das Personal ist so freundlich und mehr als bereit, sich zu verpflichten.

Einmal fragte ich nach McChicken-Saucenpaketen und sie gaben mir drei. Ich sagte: "Wow, drei umsonst!" und der nette freundliche McDonald's-Arbeiter lachte und sagte: "Ich werde dich 3-kostenlos nennen!".

Jetzt begrüßt mich das Personal mit "Hey, es ist 3-kostenlos!" und gib mir IMMER drei Pakete. Es ist so eine lustige und coole Atmosphäre in meinem lokalen McDonald's Restaurant, dass ich mindestens dreimal pro Woche zum Mittagessen und einem großen Eiskaffee mit Milch anstelle von Sahne dorthin gehe, 1-2 Mal zum Frühstück am Wochenende und vielleicht einmal zum Abendessen Wenn ich in Eile bin, aber eine großartige Mahlzeit möchte, die erschwinglich und schnell ist und meinen täglichen Ernährungsbedürfnissen entspricht.

Ich tauche meine Pommes sogar in McChicken-Sauce, es ist köstlich! Was für ein tolles Restaurant.

>> No.15704508

Danke ich werde das benutzen

>> No.15705143


>> No.15705333


>> No.15705349

good for him. he's not even that overweight.

>> No.15706835

Is this your first time on 4chan

>> No.15706902
File: 127 KB, 1080x1391, Murrica x canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trucking Simulator was cozy, put on a podcast and just drive without breaking the law or fucking your rig

>> No.15707489

Stale pasta

>> No.15707517

Honestly, it's not a far stretch. Grew fond of that shit when I was in spark school. Programming virtual PLCs and running shit in Factory I/O is actually pretty fucking fun.

>> No.15708714


>> No.15708753
File: 37 KB, 700x394, 51704360_303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15709605


>> No.15709880

if he loves mcdonalds so much why doesn't he marry it?

>> No.15709899

Don't give him more ideas anon

>> No.15710962


>> No.15711005

Your not supposed to buy all of them anon, just the ones you are autistically interested in.

>> No.15711162

What if he is autistically interested in all of them?

>> No.15711350

it's also bong

>> No.15711471

imagine thinkin burger fast food tastes good

kek what absolute tastelets

>> No.15711527

hey, say what you will about him, but lay off the mcdonalds.

>> No.15711550

Americlap here, Truck Simulator is based.

>> No.15711571

let me guess. it was a health issue reltaed to the amount of mcdicks he has consoomed ?

>> No.15712270
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Jesus fuck, and I thought CK2's DLC was bad.

>> No.15713285

t. seething tastelet

>> No.15713320
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>> No.15714579

drunk driver

>> No.15714591
File: 13 KB, 177x284, E2038A54-B62E-46E3-9D70-6BC4699F5B77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what they call a Big Mac in Germany? Das erste dickie.

>> No.15714656

yes processed mass produced shit that is just heated is the pinnacle of taste....

go eat some fastfood retard

>> No.15715965


>> No.15717111

Cope harder, seething fatass.

>> No.15718119

nonsensical retard

>> No.15718195
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>> No.15718204

What the fuck is wrong with asians?

>> No.15719102


>> No.15719121

Is that her period blood?

>> No.15719132

He's fat but only by about 30-ish pounds.
could probably even skips the fries and pare down to a healthy weight with all the same habits.

>> No.15719719


>> No.15719833
File: 333 KB, 800x798, 132E08E4-89D7-46CA-9B02-61FE45B1629D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An absolute king

>> No.15719839


>> No.15719845

i wonder what he smells like

>> No.15719861

Lurk moar

>> No.15720167

probably salt and cheese

>> No.15720182

Knew I'd find this before even opening the thread. Also based. No one will ever beat him.