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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15684560 No.15684560 [Reply] [Original]

>burger combo 14.99
that'll be $40 please

>> No.15684579

Plus tip :)

>> No.15684584

so why dont you just go out and get it yourself lmao

>> No.15684587


>> No.15684588

i dont know why dont you?

>> No.15684592

I don't drink and drive

>> No.15684597

Eating when drunk just makes me sleepy

>> No.15684598

The trick is not to use ubereats. There's a few delivery services going around at the moment and they're all trying to usurp ubers dominance by slashing their own prices.

>> No.15684604

Uber Eats service is spotty too. After the third time they didn’t deliver my food AT ALL without any explanation, I just stopped using it full stop

>> No.15684607

"the trick is to give some other capitalist cash grab all your money!"

>> No.15684616

I can't use ubereats, I never used uber because lyft was cheaper so every time I try to open the app it flips out about me not having an account and shits all over itself. It won't even allow me to sign up.

So I've been using doordash. Always baffles me how quickly anything I buy off there adds up, and I kind of wish you could tip *after* they delivered your food. Couple nights ago I had a guy drive right passed me over and over for twenty minutes and his phone didn't work so he kept calling and then there would be no audio from his end so we had to text. If the tip came afterwards I probably would have given him a couple bucks less.

I feel like having it delivered encourages me to make more ridiculous choices too somehow. Like "Why not add a few extra dollar burgers?" type decisions.

>> No.15684622

At least there's actual money and food in capitalism. That being said these food delivery services do fuck over the restaurants

What's the recourse for that? You did get refunded right?

>> No.15684627

DoorDash isn't that expensive, I usually order some Shake Shack and my regular burger + fries combo is around $15, only a couple bucks more than actually going to get it myself

>> No.15684636

>Like "Why not add a few extra dollar burgers?" type decisions.

Weed used to do that for me lol

How is Doordash where you're at? Here in Australia it fucking sucks.

>> No.15684637

>What's the recourse for that? You did get refunded right?
I've been scammed a handful of times, every time I've always received an immediate refund when I opened a ticket claiming I didn't get my food

>> No.15684649
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$10 'service' fee for ordering under $20 of food

>> No.15684656

I use menulog mostly because they have the most frequent deals. McDonald's has had free delivery on menulog for over a month. I used doordash a lot when memevirus lockdown was big though because they had free delivery on everything for ages.

>> No.15684670

Yeah menulog's good. Are they the three major ones or did I miss one?

>> No.15684674

deliveroo is the only other one I can think of but it doesn't even deliver in my area despite all the other three having over a 100 options.

>> No.15684677

don't forget the "small order" fee which they charge you 4 extra bucks for too

>> No.15684683
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Recently I've been using pic related to eat for free, 25 bucks off anywhere. I just borrow somebody's phone each time but there's probably a way around that if you make a new account or something.

>> No.15684690

>walk in to eatery for some take out
>order food and wait
>suddenly notice there is a dozen giant delivery service order bags being frantically assembled
>takes forever
This happens every time now. Food delivery service is the new avocado toast. I can't believe how many assholes are flushing money down the toilet to have soggy lukewarm food delivered to their door.

>> No.15684691

Why are you bitching, OP?
Did you give them $40?
You literally have yourself to blame if so.

>> No.15684711

Imagine being forced to tip. Then being so retarded as to having to tip before they even finish your order. You stupid fat burgers are the laughing stock of the world

>> No.15684718

Only time my food has ever not been hot is when some fuckwit had left my order at the wrong house for ages then delivered it to me after I got in touch with the app support about not getting my food. Got a full refund and still ate the cold food. Stores seem to keep a pretty small delivery radius though. One mexican joint I liked stopped delivering to my area and if I try and use the re-order option from an old order it has a message come up that's something like, "sorry, the restaurant you've selected is too far from your delivery area."

>> No.15684720

i gave up delivery for Lent. it's a huge waste of money. just go to the store.

>> No.15684719

where did i say i went through with the purchase you high horsed retard? maybe if you learned to read you wouldn't of embarrassed yourself like this

>> No.15684728
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>not phoning ahead

>> No.15684731

I’ve been driving for the for a couple weeks now and its funny how the clientele is either welfare niggers in ghetto apartments that tip $1 or rich fucks in the hills that give $10+ tips

Idk why anyone pays $50 for McDonald’s while living in squalor but they fucking do it.

>> No.15684737

They are poor and therefore lazy, what's not to get?

>> No.15684743

I can't see why that would be the store's problem. They'd want to deliver to everyone vthetd possibly could while the drivers or the service would be the shitty ones because more time is being spent getting food to destination.

>> No.15684753

>I can't see why that would be the store's problem.
I'm guessing because they were getting lots of one star reviews saying "my food was cold"?

>> No.15684758

Why would I want my food sitting around longer than it has to? Are your standards really that low?

>> No.15684770

Laziness. I would order McDonald's though Uber Eats too but I have a gluten problem that makes me unable to eat McDonald’s altogether- also most fats food. Even McDonald’s fries uses gluten. If I want a burger I have to make it myself using gluten free bread which is why I started cooking and why I am here.

>> No.15684784

It's pretty good in my area all things considered. I like how everything's sort of integrated now. My area isn't exactly rural, but for example a couple years ago reliably getting a lyft could be kind of a headache because there just weren't that many drivers in the area. Nowadays they're simultaneously on call for lyft, uber and the food delivery services.

The selection is pretty good in my area, I feel like I'm just paying for convenience. It baffles me why pizza places are listed on the app at all when they have their own apps usually with specials and rewards systems and all that. A lot of nights it's an internal struggle between ordering a massive amount of fast food and not being lazy and cooking something. I can at least say cooking usually wins out, but I make a point of buying stuff specifically to make myself want to cook.

Problem is I want to use the service to order from restaurants I've never been to before, but what usually ends up happening is "Oh fuck, it's 2am and I haven't eaten. What are my options? McDonald's, Jack in the Box or Taco Bell..."

>> No.15684783

You time it so it's just about ready when you pop in to collect it and don't have to wait around the store like some mong

>> No.15684810

None of the restaurants in my area offer driver delivery past 10. Possibly a good thing. I'd feel sketch standing in my street drunk at 2am waiting for the driver to show.

>> No.15684870

They all deliver right to your door here. I've got shit delivered at 3am before when drunk. My neighbours probably think I'm a drug dealer or something when there's a car rolling up that late.

>> No.15684876

But you have to pay for delivery, tip, state and local taxes on top of the total

>> No.15684885

I did get refunded, but so what? I REALLY just wanted my fucking food. I don’t use this overpriced shit unless I really need it. So I was extra pissed off. Never again.

>> No.15684889

The total cost is always fully two times the cost of the food itself. 15$ order is always $30 where i live (big city)

>> No.15684905

This is why I cycle to my local fast food establishments

>> No.15684910

a little counterproductive isnt it?

>> No.15684973

>Cycling to go buy a burger
wouldn't it be cold by the time you made it back home?

>> No.15684976

it's cold if you get it delivered anyways

>> No.15685005

Anon , if you think it's colder getting it delivered in a warm car compared to biking in the early spring you're delusional. Good for you for saving money though retard

>> No.15685011

Counterproductive how?

No. I got some KFC the other day and it was still hot when I got back.

>> No.15685012

I find that of the "big three" of ubereats, grubhub, and doordash, all are equally fucking shit with their markups and fees, doordash is very slightly cheaper but makes up for it by having the worst service and the only one I've ever had complaints with

>> No.15685015

You're the retard if you think saving money is bad, retard.

>> No.15685017

it still comes cold enough, most things ordered delivery need a quick refreshing from the toasteroven anyway. pizza is about the only thing that travels that well.

>> No.15685040
File: 70 KB, 700x467, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 posters
>50 replies

>> No.15685047


>> No.15685058

post physique

>> No.15685126

Here's a thought: don't use food delivery services when it's expensive? WHOAAAA

>> No.15685198

bitch fingers typed that

>> No.15685225

lmao with Wolt it's like $2 for delivery feels good man

>> No.15685230

its counterproductive because you are exercising to go eat like shit

>> No.15685300

You get a good meal you save money on delivery fees and you maintain your health. That seems pretty productive

>> No.15685320

Yeah guys dumb, as are most people. He’s an absolutist that doesn’t take things into context. A healthy person walking a half mile to get KFC is worse than a fatty scarfing down 3,000 calories of salad and not exercising.

There is no such thing as healthy or unhealthy food. Portion control, exercise, and a balanced diet far out perform eating all carrots for a week to drop 5lbs they’ll gain right back.

>> No.15685355

>not exclusively eating the food you cooked
Enjoy the taste of spit and cum.

>> No.15685364

>where did i say i went through with the purchase
Then what is the point of your shit thread?
Besides, there was no purchase to go through. You were not quoted $40 for a $15 meal plus delivery. You’re just bored and felt a few (you)’s would make your day better.
>would of
At least you’re qualified to make the burger you “ordered”.

>> No.15685414
File: 622 KB, 916x1243, F9B0A2C7-21C2-488A-92BD-052184513B75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, delivery app driver
>multi app and take 30 minutes per order if it’s a DoorDash order (always deliver Uber Eats first since DD pretips)
>live in CALI (sunshine and bitches) so prop 22 gives $18 an hour to sit around and smoke weed while your wagie $11 five guy burgers gets cold.
>NEET and put all profits into crypto that will guarantee freedom from the jew bonds in ~5 years while i masturbate to anime girls

Pic related, me in the back with your gf

>> No.15685432


It's not that bad, don't be a bitch OP. Getting stuff delivered is a great way to save time and gas. Plus you don't have to deal with people. I get about half of my meals delivered

>> No.15685456
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting an email for $25 off my first Uber Eats order.

>want a burger
>5 Guys is about the furthest restaurant away from my house
>2 Burgers and 2 orders of fries
>still $21 + tip

Zoomers will really pay $50+ for a fast food meal for 2?

>> No.15685467

that's the dumbest fucking thing im gonna read all day

>> No.15685477

Based illiterate anon, I said it's counterproductive because he is eating the calories he loses by biking.. of course someone who is a fat fuck and eats all day even if its salad is gonna lose weight lol but that's not the point lol.

>> No.15685483


Also he's eating more calories than he's losing now that I think about it.

>> No.15685492

>cherrypicking and buttmad

like pottery im not even op either

>> No.15685530

you must be Catholic if you believe that is a luxury.

>> No.15685575

He called you out as an absolutist autist and yet you still play into it. Try self reflection

>> No.15685713

Firstly it's not far to cycle so no, the cycling does not burn all the calories of the food

Secondly there is more to food than just calories - protein, nutrients

>> No.15685716

>food arrives cold with fries obviously missing

>> No.15685749

I refuse to believe that 2 burgers and 2 fries from 5 guys is ONLY $21, I'd expect like $40 for that kind of order

>> No.15685776

That was with the $25 off coupon from uber eats

>> No.15685898

I'm not a poorfag like you so I was ordering $40+ deliveries 5 or 6 nights a week.
Giving it up is definitely a good thing for me regardless of what you think.

>> No.15685907

kill yourself

>> No.15685916

i dont even remember the last time i looked at my bank account. investments are set&forget i cant imagine being so stupid (therefore poor) that you would need to worry about such things. i just order what i want when i want and i know that i won't damage my finances

>> No.15685939

>t. future former middle class man

>> No.15686038
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go back

>> No.15686071

You get $18/h in Cali working for Doordash?

>> No.15686096

buddy, i dont check my bank account either, but i also dont waste my money on frivolity.

>> No.15686245

literally sub 30 IQs
>i don't look at my bank account and that means that i'm rich
why, regardless of any level of financial status, would you not ever look at your bank account
not to mention, if you weren't a retarded larper, you wouldn't just have "a bank account"
i have like 4 bank accounts, a few lines of credit, several investment accounts

>> No.15686266

i also have investment accounts and lines of credit but i dont dip into them to buy a burger retard, do you?

>> No.15686281

I solved this problem by just not using delivery apps.
I just order direct from the restaurant and cut as much parasitic middle-man bullshit out as I can.

>> No.15686282

Yes. Plus tips
Liberal rich gags voted for it to fuck over Silicon Valley. Enjoy!

>> No.15686353

you failed the reading comprehension in school didn't you?

>> No.15686391

Those coupons are the biggest fucking scam

>$25 off*
>*only valid on orders with a subtotal of $25+
>they calculate taxes and all fees by the price before the promotion
>end up paying $20 anyway
>the menu is marked up so if you had picked it up yourself that $25 of food would have been $15 tops so it's still not any kind of value

>> No.15686435

Anyone who uses food delivery services like this is a fool. I'd literally rather not eat than set my money on fire like that.

>> No.15686668

>most deliveries take a driver 30 minutes to go to restaurant, pick up food, go to customer
>also have to pay people per mile for damage done to car
The driver has to make at least minimum wage plus mileage for delivering to even be close to worth it. Your basically paying someone for an hour of work with each order. Ridesharing services don't work because they cost the customer too much and pay the driver too little