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15684942 No.15684942 [Reply] [Original]

I almost vomited after trying beer for the first time (Guinness). Is it supposed to taste super bitter? I've had other drinks like vodka, sake, and wine that I like, but I couldn't stomach beer. I almost want to call it rancid because that's the first instinct I got, but maybe I'm a pussy bitch

>> No.15684947

guinness and dark beers are ass, patricians go for IPAs

>> No.15684951

I call bullshit, only the most far-gone alcoholics actually like the taste of vodka

>> No.15684964

vodka is much less offensive to new drinkers than say whisky or rum

>> No.15684966

Ok, I wouldn't say I "like" vodka in that I'd reach for it first if I'm looking for a good taste, but I can stomach it and it doesn't make me gag. Maybe I've just had cheap shit, idk
Maybe I just don't know how deep the beer rabbit hole goes, cause I've heard these terms but never bothered to research

>> No.15685032


>> No.15685048

well first off, you don't have to drink a damn thing you don't want to, second, beer drinkers are real faggots when it comes to what you should and shouldn't drink

boomers will whine and moan about light beers, hipsters and r*dditors will talk about IPAs and weiss beer and god knows what

just try some really easily drinable stuff like coors light, bud, etc.

my tip for a decent enjoyable lager beer would be something Heineken or Tuborg, it's not complete piss like the aforementioned mainstream beers but very light on taste as well

>> No.15685057

Guinness is a stout, meaning that it's flavor profile is centered around malty and bitter flavors. It's probably a bad 'first beer' to try. Pretty much any other beer will be lighter tasting. You should probably start with macrobrews, because they give you a good baseline of what the 'beer' flavor is. Coors Banquet and Miller High Life are both fine.

>> No.15685064

dont listen to these fuckers go buy a blue ribbon and enjoy.

>> No.15685073

If you're new to beer, start with something like a lager, kölsch, pilsner, or even a radler or a shandy. The last two are beer with juice. Pilsner is a type of lager, "lager" being a category of beers which tend to be light, refreshing, and very popular. Kölsch is comparable to lagers while technically being an ale. All of these are easily accessible to new beer drinkers.

If you try one you like, start working on ales. The easiest ales to drink are wheat ales and pale ales (light colored), bocks and ambers (medium colored), and porters (dark). Porters are more accessible than stouts. The stout you had is actual trash and normal people don't drink Guinness very often, so don't judge beer by that one.

Bad advice. I would never recommend somebody starts with a type of beer like IPA that has a name for such piss poor quality.

>> No.15685102

Guinness is great though. But I agree that it's an acquired taste. I didn't even like regular lagers until I started drinking ales


>> No.15685117

Hated beer mostly for its bitterness. Then lost my 'beer virginity' in Belgium, the kingdom of beers, have been drinking it ever since, also appreciating the bitter taste nowadays

>> No.15685125

>Is it supposed to taste super bitter?
gee, I wonder why it's called bitter.

>> No.15685133

All alcohol tastes quite bitter if you aren't used to it. I'm surprised you liked vodka but not beer unless the vodka was mixed. That being said, Guinness is not one of the most palatable beers. Lager is a lot more easily going, or a dark ale if you want something sweeter. Even among stouts Guinness is pretty bitter.

>> No.15685336

sure is manbaby in here

>> No.15685562


>> No.15686623

shut the fuck up you sissy

>> No.15686633

triggering you faggots is too easy

>> No.15686642

>I almost want to call it rancid because that's the first instinct I got,
Beer is indeed "an acquired taste" and since it's actually a fermented food, your gut could be right, but maybe it was something very hoppy and you don't like that flavor. Whatever it was? Go for a different category on your next taste. Beer is best as a food-pairing beverage anyway. People can chug it straight up but it's great with greasy heavy food.

>> No.15687897

I disagree. I dislike the alcohol burn of vodka, but I can handle it, especially if I have a glass of water with it. Flavored vodka, I genuinely like. I have some of that "citron" skyy shit with me right now. Beer is just fucking vile and I have to drink so much more of it.

>> No.15687940

Just get a lager and disrecard all these IPA faggots

>> No.15689220

Shitty bait
Shitty beer

>> No.15689472

that cat's uncool

>> No.15689489

you cant post here unless your 18.
jannies, do your fucking job. for free that is too.

>> No.15689815
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Try Stella. Little pricey, but I would call it a top 'normal' beer.

>> No.15689830

stella artois is top shelf stuff anon

>> No.15689853
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Never really experimented with beer besides mass produced american/mexican shit, but Shiner Bock is pretty delicious. Really sweet, no skunky hop taste, has a almost burned toast flavor.
But you should really stay away from beer anyways. It has more calories than coca cola and you're gonna drink so much, it's not worth acquiring the taste really.

>> No.15689865

thank (you) for the reply

>> No.15690128

Lol fucking pussy

>> No.15690379

>big floppa
>almost chundering after a fucking guinness
fuck off you pussy faggot seppo gay retard cunt zoomer

>> No.15690398
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>> No.15690399

Try Hazy IPAs. Specifically Firestone's Mind Haze. It tastes like you're drinking juice, it's perfect for sensitive palettes. Don't listen to anyone else in the thread especially those Stellafags.

>> No.15690573

Bullshit, it's what wife beating chavs drink

>> No.15691050

guiness is really tame
hops are disgusting and anyone who replies to this post enjoys having clothespins attached to their nipples

>> No.15691058

Literally telling the poor guy to drink the bitterest shit he can find. Fuck off. IPAs are disgusting.

Hops are bitter as fuck and ruin every brewed beverage known to man. FTFY

>> No.15691113

>he doesn't know what aroma hops are

>> No.15691133
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Yes it's really bitter and people just like being drunk so they deal with it

>> No.15691153

People that are actually gullible enough to buy into the bullshit ads showing alcohol being classy are fucking retards
They're just trying to shill you their shitty drug, it's like the ads that talk about the "great taste" of cigarettes lmao

>> No.15691171

>It tastes bad that's why it's good!
Why are IPA-fags like this?

>> No.15691176
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>> No.15691178

>smooth marlboro flavor
>not smooth at all
how do they keep getting away with this

>> No.15691192

>tastelets think all bitter things taste bad
Why are children like this?

>> No.15691220

You have to go back.

>> No.15691240

do you really think anyone cares about what someone on a tibetan bowl throwing forum?

>> No.15691269

go get a pilsner. they're delicious and easy drinking. Guinness is a pretty intense flavor and body that will make you feel bloated and shitty if you're not used to it.

>> No.15691286
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here's your latte babby

>> No.15691291

Stick to wine it's much better

>> No.15692128

Lager is the king of beer. Experiment, they also have the best color.
Mead is the king of wines, it's probably the best alcoholic drink ever made.
Vodka is king of liquor. Cheap as piss, the cheap brands taste identical to the expensive brands. Easy as fuck to drink straight, unless you're a pussy. Mixes with virtually every kind of drink imaginable. If not a fan of vodka try a herb based liquor like Jaeger.

>> No.15692885

Why are you posting here if you know nothing about beer? Hazy IPAs aren't inherently bitter. Why shit up the thread with your unreasonable retarded posts?

>> No.15692908
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i also just started drinking recently and have similar reactions to you
i'm still trying to find a go-to beer, so far i like lagunitas, try it

>> No.15692927

i'm convinced it's just bait, no one's that much of a tastelet