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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15684242 No.15684242 [Reply] [Original]

>look up some recipes from yurop
>90% of it is some form of slop meat mixture from Eastern europe, French fry sandwich with beans from Britain, or a toast sandwich
>mfw the only good food comes from France and Italy
>mfw America has classier food than Britain or Spain

>> No.15684260


watch some faggot spaniard try to come in here and say paella is good

>> No.15684277
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>> No.15684296

>A slice of bread between two slices of bread
Jesus christ! Do bongs really?

>> No.15684299

There's lots of good stuff from the slavs and us Austrians/Germans. Just because you're a tasteless cunt fanboying for your Burgerland doesn't mean your food isn't just European food with a few spices and ingredients added in, if even. Schnitzel, Reisfleisch, Gulasch, the absolute amount of dishes involving local fish, animals and spices. Europe is culinary heaven and you just don't feel like seeing it because Muh Burgers hurr :DDDD

>> No.15684308
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i love these kind of threads

>> No.15684312
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Kek, what else is to be expected from the neo-pakis ?

>> No.15684313
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Where I live, I can shoot a deer, bear, or turkey near my house, bring it home, skin it, use the meat to cook a fantastic meal, and then eat it. You peeons go on about "muh burgers" meanwhile we experience true living here. Can you even hunt in your cunt? Can you even grow a vegetable or do you live in a loft? Pic related, a typical 175k house in my area.

>> No.15684334

have sex

>> No.15684336


>> No.15684345

Europe isn't known for obesity, though.

>> No.15684362
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"We experience true living here"
Jesus fuck, you Americans. Always so full of your stolen heritage.
Ya think I can't walk out, shoot whatever the fuck seems tasty today and then cook it? You really think nobody but Americans hunt? You really think nobody but Americans cook their own meals? Fuck you.
I live in hills, the beauty of which you'll never behold with your own eyes. I have everything at my fingertips. From my own Hens to my neighbour's cows, this soil, it is fruitful like no other. You could never, ever step up to the beauty of my home. Never.

>> No.15684382

If you were to dissappear all the blacks and spices from america we would have a lower obesity rating then western europe.

>> No.15684395

Wow nice nothing in your picture hans. Pic related is where I live. The catskill mountains. Verifiably the most beautiful place on God's green earth. Do you even have deer in Germany? Are you even allowed to own a rifle hans? Thats what I thought.

>> No.15684398
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>> No.15684408

Of course you have fucking deers.

>> No.15684423

>muh niggers/spics/y-peepo/libruls/cuckservatives/flyovers/coasties/boomers/zoomers/millenials etc.
Yes yes USA would not be 3rd world country if you just remove this, that and those. Meanwhile that of course will not apply when you criticise X european country.

>> No.15684434

There's a reason why the nicest parts of USA are the white republican parts.

>> No.15684437

>Do you even have deer in Germany?
The mods need to make sure the stupidity in your post doesn’t roll down too hard on the rest of the board.

>> No.15684441

Because they are on fentanyl.

>> No.15684446

Oh nooo you don't know about my little irrelevant country that's smaller than Texas. You are stoopid!

>> No.15684448

not him, but judging from his pic he's in Austria, not Germany. It's possible that the mountain tribes there get to have guns
t. German

>> No.15684455
File: 210 KB, 1629x971, Sommer_Seeblick3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So full of yourself
>Muh guns
Lmao you're grabbing at straws you loser.
Why would I need guns, even though I of course do own a hunting rifle, on my little patch of paradise? Have they really infiltrated your minds so badly you think all around you are enemies and commies or whatever boogeyman they shoved in your face? Hahaha, there's only 1 enemy and he is untouchable.

>> No.15684458

I’ve never known a fellow bong to actually do this, chip sandwich or beans with everything does happen though, and it disgusts me.

>> No.15684465
File: 69 KB, 640x425, 640px-Mesabi_Trail_2010_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls you full of yourself
>says you're grabbing at straw men
>immediately talks out of his ass and straw man's your entire life
Hold this picture for me Hans, i think you need some beauty in your life

>> No.15684467

You know less about deer rather than less about my country, evidently.
An education wasted.
Shane really.

>> No.15684470

these places are full of boomers

>> No.15684471

Everybody knows hitler, but nobody knows anything about texas except that only gays and cowboys live there.

>> No.15684477
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>m-my 5 kilometers of forestland is prettier than several hundred miles of beautiful cities interspersed with Arcadian undisturbed wildernesses *sobs into dog-intestine stale bread casserole*
I seem to have mistakenly called the cringe department.

>> No.15684484

So why are you not living in Siberia then?

>> No.15684486

Seethe. Ive shot Elks bigger than your puny European apartments.
For now, youre not even allowed to talk about hitler in Germany without going to jail

>> No.15684492

The reality is that a victorian recommended feeding to to someone who was too sick to eat anything other than bread and someone found it a few years ago and pretended it was a real thing people ate

>> No.15684498
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Your reading comprehension is shit, bubba.
How about you hold this one up so people will actually look at you without disgust for once.

>> No.15684503
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Ah yes the federal gibsmedat states.

>> No.15684509
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>> No.15684513

Thats where most of our military bases and national parks are

>> No.15684518
File: 2.42 MB, 810x8674, Tags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are license and tag fees to hunt different animals in your country?

>> No.15684540

You pay 135.45€ for the license and there ya go. Free to shoot shit whenever in the season and only chosen animals. Way cheaper than you lmao

>> No.15684562

Well you of course need a gun license too but I think that was clear to everyone. Main thing is you need good connections with the "Förster" Forest ranger for Muricans I think. If he says "Nah, you ain't shooting shit here" then you can of course fuck off. But if he says "well we have x amount of deer and x amount of different kinds of bird and such to shoot" then you're in. This is mainly to keep the animal population in every forest stable.

>> No.15684566

I dont need a license where I live ;)

>> No.15684572

>Food growing subsidies
We feed you.

>> No.15684581

Lucky you. Though a license isn't hard to get. Standard procedure psychology check and I think it was 2 meetups which were just about gun safety and all that. Not bad.

>> No.15684593

These threads are not made by Americans. It’s just pathetic seething europoors larping.

>> No.15684605

I want /int/ faggots to stay on their containment board.

>> No.15684614


>> No.15684617

Fuck off, Javarious.

>> No.15684618

euro vs usa threads are usually made by australians

>> No.15684631

Chip sandwich sounds based as fuck.

>> No.15684638

>only Americans can own rifles
Are Americans really this ignorant?

>> No.15684642

We feed the world are you a martian?

>> No.15684647

I'm pretty sure you can't own an AR-15 which is the peoples rifle.

>> No.15684652

I'm sorry to hear that you're terrible at looking things up

>> No.15684660

I'm not a bong but I have made chip sandwich and the beans everything.
Wat's the problem with it?

>> No.15684730

You export jack shit to Europe when it comes to food/drinks.

>> No.15684752

HURR HURR yooo dun exshport directly to us so we never receive it nut evan endireactly.

thats how stupid you sound.

>> No.15684887

The recipe was proposed in 1877 to be found very tempting to the appetite of an invalid.
It was forgotten until a slow news day in 2011. The media ran an article exploring cheap meals as proposed by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The toast sandwich was found to cost just 7.5p.

>> No.15684897

I accept your defeat.

>> No.15684915

I guess i'll accept your delusions.

>> No.15685778

I love these Aussie threads

>> No.15685940

European sloppa is good though, you are just to lazy to properly make it

>> No.15686382
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>> No.15687097

Spaniard here:
Spain is shithole, very black do not come

>> No.15687105

American here, a chips sandwich with beans on it as well and even a piece of cheddar and some bangers sounds amazing

>> No.15687493

i just want to clarify for everyone that for beans on toast the beans are WARM and not straight out of a can
also if you poach an egg or two and put them on top it's an unironically delicious meal, i get it looks/sounds shite but it's actually nice so give it a try, what do you have to lose?