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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15681915 No.15681915 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15681924

I'd love gas but I've never lived anywhere with it. Considering having a gas line once I own a home but I also don't want my house to assplode some day

>> No.15681934

Unless you rent and it's not your decision, you should get a gas range.
Gas transfers heat still when you lift the pan, whereas electric basically needs to contact it.
If you really need the properties of electric, you can get a single burner you plug in.

Also, I've never lost gas outside of some scheduled event, or to fix a rare leak. I lose electricity a couple times a year, sometimes up to a day or more.

>> No.15681939

Gas because it's much easier to see your heat level visually with a glance.

I know how hot a pan is roughly based on the size of the flame.

Induction electric for most normie home kitchens is good enough, but anyone that enjoys cooking will likely prefer gas just due to it being very easy to visualize.

>> No.15681940

I wouldn't even consider living somewhere without a gas stove. Huge quality of life increase if you're doing anything other than boiling water

>> No.15681947

I know its not what people on this website want to hear, but gas needs to be phased out over the next couple of years bc it's not clean energy.
Induction is best of both worlds, and it's becoming more and more affordable.

Electric sucks (i've been cooking on it for ten years) but you get used to cooking around the slower temperature change.

>> No.15681954

One of the best things mexicans do to their food is roast chilies right over an open flame. Can't do that with electric

>> No.15681959

macaroni is still gonna take you 7 minutes to make cheesie faggot, I'll stomp your mouse head underneath my timberlands

>> No.15681965

whats a grill

>> No.15681971

I can't have a grill because I live in an apartment without a balcony. I do have a gas stove though.

>> No.15681973

If you can master an electric stove than you automatically become a better chef than a gas stove user, since you have to pay much more attention to food when cooking electric. Gas the better option though everytime.

>> No.15681975

Also, the results are not comparable.

>> No.15681976

Have a snickers, you get insane when you're hungry

>> No.15681980


>> No.15681983

Eating sweets has never made me less hungry, only more. I don't get this marketing strategy at all.

>> No.15681988

Induction is, sadly, better than gas. I don't want it to be true because I'm a traditionalist and gas is more fun. But you can't deny that induction is the most powerful/quickest heating and also the most instantly reactive to temperature adjustments. Traditional electric, as posted in the OP, is pure shit though.

>> No.15681992

Flame is not close enough. You have to stick it right next to the flame. The results are totally different. This is not broiling/grilling.

>> No.15681998

I live in an apartment with electric and no patio, I just roast chiles in the oven.

>> No.15682000

Gas. Whenever I have to make do with electric I cook differently and way less. It ends up being a lot of roasts, casseroles, and soup. With gas I cook more and create more complicated dishes. It's gas at work but I hate cooking at work. I'm a desk jockey now.

>> No.15682010

>and also the most instantly reactive to temperature adjustments
how so?

Gas is instant, induction is CLOSE to gas, but isn't as instant.

Gas is literally just a valve, you close the valve and you get less power output. You don't get faster than that.

>> No.15682015

Kek Americans in this website are just pathetic. This thread is hilarious to read. It's a pit of ignorance and falsehoods.
No wonder this country is becoming 3rd world

>> No.15682021

You're just not eating enough of them. I know from experience that coffee crisps can fill you up, it just takes $23 worth of them.

>> No.15682027

Stupid, the flame has to heat the pan before cooking the food.
Induction is faster because it heats the pan faster.

>> No.15682033

okay? No one said anything about heating the pan faster, you said
> reactive to temperature adjustments
that would be temp going up OR going down.

Induction reacts more slowly to that, yes it can apply the heat faster, but it can't take the heat away any faster, and in fact is a bit slower than gas.

>> No.15682037

>tfw can electric easily
>switched to induction and it took me almost 6 months to get the temps down properly

>> No.15682040

You never tried induction, you keep repeating what you imagine is true, even though you're Q-anon tier in term of general knowledge.

>> No.15682046

Fuck off moron, I have and if you're trying to say it heats up faster, then say that.

Saying it reacts faster to adjustments is simply factually incorrect, EXCEPT for heating up.

Again, when adjusting the temp DOWN, gas is simply faster. Period.

>> No.15682048

When I moved out of my patterns house and into an apartment, the hardest thing was getting use to the fucking godawful coil stoves. One of the main reasons I want to buy a home is so I can go back to gas. Too bad real estate is absolutely fucked right now. Every home is easily 10% overvalued across the entirety of the US, not just cities any more.

>> No.15682054

I'm not the one you were talking too. I was just reacting because I see you posting stupid thing. Get educated about how induction work. There is no 'heat' with induction, only power applied to the pan, that is creating the heat. It's instant, and BY DEFINITION, it will always be faster than gas.

>> No.15682069

>-Electric Stove
>Spread out heating pattern
This is a fucking lie. You use the thing a dozen times and that coil is red hot some places and doesn't even glow in others. Coils are fucking awful.

>> No.15682071

>it can't take the heat away any faster, and in fact is a bit slower than gas.
Gas is not taking any heat away you absolute dum dum. It's not a fridge. And by the way when you stop the flame the air around it is still super hot. There is absolutely no way it will get colder faster than induction

>> No.15682083

Consider renting a room in a house, it's actually really comfy if you have decent housemates. And the "you're throwing money away by renting" thing doesn't make much sense anymore, given that the housing market is just rich people trying to escape the impending inflation and the new administration is probably going to tax them out the ass

>> No.15682085

You're hilarious. Many parts of the US that are reasonably populated you can get a great house for 250 - 450k.

Try that in New Zealand

>> No.15682115

fucking faggot

>> No.15682119

That cope ...
There's no way I live with other people I don't know just to avoid getting taxed kek.

>> No.15682122

Have you heard about halogen / induction?

>> No.15682124

Only 1/2 a million dollars! Wow what a steal! Look at the average home price increase over time and tell me home prices didn't just jump 10% for no real reason at all. It's not that they are impossible to buy, it's that you're buying an investment, and you're buying the top. You buy now and you'll be holding the bags if you buy a starter home. This growth is unsustainable. We keep going up 10% every couple months and things are going to get interesting.

>> No.15682140

holding the bags? buy property because having cash is going to become worthless

>> No.15682141

No he didn't, he's an American. Americans stopped learning new things 20 years ago. Now they have this delusion about America being 'great', the mark of past powers and decadent ex-empires

>> No.15682146

induction was invented by an african american

>> No.15682151

Nobody consider old electric to be a viable option. It's not event sold outside 3rd world countries.
Induction is superior to both.

>> No.15682157

I'm talking about the general population. If course there are still people above the crowd, buy they don't define a country

>> No.15682172

well that's great because you are a seething cocksucking loser obsessed with america and i hope that doesn't define your country

>> No.15682183

According to Adam Ragusea electric stoves are vastly superior and he's right about nearly everything.

>> No.15682185

I'm from Seoul, South Korea. When I come to the US l feel like I'm in the past.

>> No.15682190

If you have enough money for your first home not to be a pile of garbage, sure. Must people's first home isn't something they want to live in for a decade. I know a lot of people that bought garbage homes and made out like bandits selling them recently after only living in them fur 2-3 years. When people are paying out the ass for garbage and getting in bidding wars over garbage that needs extensive upgrades and repair it's a sellers market, not a buyers. Real estate investors are bidding up the prices of starter homes to flip them and there is lack of supply because people are living longer.

>> No.15682192

first of all your country owes it's entire industrial and technological base entirely to american assistance...and when you come to the us we feel like the future of bugpeople is a miserable dead end

>> No.15682197

We owe our success to our hard work and our superior education system

>> No.15682200

How do you think electricity is produced?

>> No.15682205

Induction heats a pan by inducing the electrons in the pan to wiggle using a magnetic field. Temperature adjustment on induction is literally the speed of light - it does not even require the physical transfer of heat from stove to pan by blasting hot matter at it. So yes, it is faster than gas.

>> No.15682206

When the east asians finally take over, I wonder if they will export their way of life around the world and make the rest of the world as cool as their cities are? It's a long shot, probably, but one can dream

>> No.15682208

Nuclear power mostly, at least in based countries.

>> No.15682210

then leave?

>> No.15682211

ah. yeah. except conveniently you literally have a country just to your north full of your retarded ching chong brothers to completely refute your point.

>> No.15682235 [DELETED] 

i think lack of gratitude and meaningful self-reflection is a serious flaw of the chinkoid brain

>> No.15682264

East Asia is declining in population, while Africans will be almost half the world population in 50 years.
I hope it answers your question.

>> No.15682268

The colonization era is done friend. It will only end in mutual destruction.

>> No.15682269

electricity can be produced renewably, and needs to be at some point. Gas can never.
sorry buddy but you cant secure a future for the white race, or whatever it is you care about, without a livable planet

>> No.15682283

there's like 500 years worth of natural gas left are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15682292

It doesn't mean it's renewable, you fag. And you fail to take into account the increase in consumption that goes with human development. If it keeps the same rate natural gas will be a thing of the past in less than a century.

>> No.15682296

no. it won't. they literally find massive oceans of trapped liquid methane every year because of new surveying technology.

>> No.15682311

That's why you're destroying literally a few percentage point of your total landmass to extract gas though fracking? Seems like desperation to me, and clearly not a sustainable source of energy for future generations.

>> No.15682315

You really think it's endless or your just trolling? I'm not even sure anymore.

>> No.15682320 [DELETED] 

>France is based

>> No.15682332

cry about the fucking environment to the chinkoids who are building a hundred new coal plants every quarter

>> No.15682339

At least on energy production? You can't deny that nuclear power is awesome.

>> No.15682342 [DELETED] 

Nuclear power is gay. Physics in general is gay. Pick up the Bible and learn something real

>> No.15682344

Gas stove is superior to any other type of stove.

>> No.15682350

Nuclear stoves are better

>> No.15682367

Even China is getting better at projecting the environment than the US. At least they're not denying the reality of it anymore. That's why they're building so many renewables power plants and passing legislations against pollution

>> No.15682378

great good job outing yourself as a commie chinkoid shill fuck off you fucking piece of slimy shit faggot

>> No.15682387

I'm not a chink, but the fact that about half your country is still against protecting the environment is a fact that is hard to pass by.

>> No.15682391

Is anyone allowed to disagree with you?

>> No.15682403

spouting chinese party propaganda means you're a slimy piece of shit in my book there's nothing to disagree about

>> No.15682410

yeah niggers are allowed to disagree with me
+0.00001 social credit has been deposited into your wallet chink

>> No.15682413
File: 362 KB, 1208x800, 1427162881778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're afraid to actually debate it?

>> No.15682426 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1179, 1612619157093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environmentalism is atheist bullshit

>> No.15682428

What do they use in commercial kitchens? Gas.

>> No.15682432

say the anime poster

>> No.15682443

Disagree. Induction's main downside is that it limits your material choices. I couldn't use my copper pans that only have a thin layer on steel with induction. The other main downside is that it depends on electricity, meaning you can't cook during a power outage. Other than that, I agree. Induction is competitive with gas, and can be better for many use cases. In an ideal world I'd like at least two gas burners and two induction burners in the same oven.

>> No.15682449

there is nothing mutually exclusive about environmentalism and Christianity

>> No.15682494 [DELETED] 

Environmentalism is atheist bullshit
>muh science
>muh (((peer reviewed))) articles
>got a source for that?
All are directly contrary to Christ's words. Matthew 13:44
>“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field.

>> No.15682502

Why are only some of my posts going through?

>> No.15682525
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells everything that he has, and buys that field.
Damn. God does really explicitly ban science...

>> No.15682528

Not qualitative enough

>> No.15682530

But if god is all-knowing, then didn't God create science?

>> No.15682538 [DELETED] 

God bans science worship, which is what environmentalism is
See above. Science is a tool that God allows humans to use but only insofar as it accomplishes ends. Realize that science is NOT the truth of the universe. The truth of the universe is only knowable with an infinite intelligence, i.e. that of God

>> No.15682541

look at this moron who has never used a 200 volt induction cooker
3000 watts of thermal energy phasing through the air and materializing within the steel plate stamped into the bottom of your frying pan
0 to 8000 degrees in 3.7 seconds

>> No.15682550
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>> No.15682555

You're moving the goalposts. Environmentalism, or the political position of caring for the environment, does not exclude believing in a christian god.

>> No.15682558

Gas is clean as fuck, especially compared to other fossil fuels or hydrocarbons. It's even got less of a carbon footprint than ethanol.
You're conflating "clean" with "low carbon footprint" or "renewable/sustainable", and for renewability there are already technologies on their way to adoption to harvest natural gas from sewage and landfills.

>> No.15682582

>and for renewability there are already technologies on their way to adoption to harvest natural gas from sewage and landfills.
You're incredibly deluded if you think that sewages will ever provide enough power for even a tiny fraction of the needs of a modern society. Gas will never be sustainable, it's a fact.
Drop the bible for a minute and think with your head.

>> No.15682602 [DELETED] 

Read the Bible and then get back to me. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15682682
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>> No.15682726

I expect this is a subtle troll based on that spurious buzzfeed article. Or you're a blithering idiot because the induction coil was patented by an Englishman at the beginning of the 20th century.

>> No.15682740

What is use it indoors pussy

>> No.15682750
File: 28 KB, 300x300, Gas-Lamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas Lamps vs Induction Lamps
>Can still light the room in case of a power outage
>Don't need special light bulbs
>Light the room, slightly faster than induction lights (I'm pretty sure)
>You can cook bread on it
>You can extract gas from sewages

>> No.15682763

>strip mines entire mountainsides for lithuhm and rare earth elements

>> No.15682764

Why is a religious retard shitting up this board?

>> No.15682768

Yeah lemme just strap into 30 years of debt at the peak of the housing market so I can get absolutely raped when it crashes with the rest of the economy

>> No.15682779

It's exactly how this debate will look like in 20 years.

>> No.15682780

Because that's what religion does.

>> No.15682789

I bought a house debt free with my savings. Maybe stop spending your money on uber tips and startips latte

>> No.15682815 [DELETED] 

Matthew 5:10-12
>“Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

>> No.15682824

You're not even remotely funny.
Fuck off

>> No.15682825 [DELETED] 

I'm not trying to be funny

>> No.15682830

Gas stove is way better for cooking meats- especially stake and large pieces of meats. Cooking stakes never turns out good on electric no matter what you do. Otherwise, other ingredients don’t make much of a difference in my experience

T. Someone who owns both

>> No.15682832

retard if anything environmentalism inherently wants to preserve the very land supposedly created by your fake messiah. you should be alongside it but knowing how mental illness works, logic doesn't fit your agenda because the entire world is your enemy faggot

>> No.15682836

You're either trolling or dumb as fuck. Either way nobody wants you here, you're annoying everyone, is it a Christian thing to do?

>> No.15682841

>Gas because it's much easier to see your heat level visually with a glance.
Just look at the nob, you nob.

>> No.15682848 [DELETED] 

Matthew 5:10-12
Environmentalism is science worship.

>> No.15682858

You're quoting the bible in a thread about cooking stoves, get a fucking grip dumbtard.
Are you doing that in every thread? People are here to discuss about food, not about your nutty metaphysical belief. Can't you see that this whole board is not about you?

>> No.15682859

Waaaaait a sec. I am a new to cooking. I was following a cooking recipe book and I thought the cook time the book gave was off. For example it told me 3 minutes on each side for the burger while in reality 3 minute for each side turned out undercooked. It was using the gas stove frame of reference and I have electric! So the book is not wrong after all. Can’t fucking believe I didn’t realize this sooner

>> No.15682872

Nobody likes a LARPer, faggot.
>Maybe stop spending your money on uber tips and startips latte
Let's say you bought a $250K house at 30 after 7 years of working since finishing your undergrad. You'd have to be spending $3000 a month on Uber and "startips" to save that instead and have it cover the cost of the house

>> No.15682879

Don't mindlessly follow recipes because stuff like that will happen. They're useful for baking especially but if you're just frying a burger, just cook the thing til it looks done. Watch a youtube vid if you really don't know how the process looks.

>> No.15682887

>$3000 a month on Uber and "startips" to save that instead and have it cover the cost of the house
I'm pretty sure that a lot of people could save this amount of money if they really wanted to.
Granted I have a better salary than average, but still I'm not a hedge fund manager. I just save my money.

>> No.15682888

i have induction and i hate it.

>> No.15682897

Get a good one then. I'm sure if you spent the value of your induction stove into a gas stove you'd get an even shittier set-up

>> No.15682917 [DELETED] 

It stopped being a thread about cooking stoves 5 replies in

>> No.15682923

Maybe, the point was to address his stupid claim that it's just beer money. $36000 for 7 years is still a ton of penny-pinching for a $100K income after taxes (which only the top 15% of americans make more than)

>> No.15682926


>> No.15682932

Yeah when you started posting about your religious bullshit. You imposed yourself on us, like a mormon in the street.

>> No.15682936 [DELETED] 

See >>15681947

>> No.15682939

It already is pal

>> No.15682940

gas range and an mini induction cooktop

>> No.15682956

Not sure what you mean, the post you're showing me is talking about stoves.
Stop posting ok? In the future keep your believes to yourself and to people that are open to hearing them. That's how we do in a civilized society. Maybe you're still a kid fresh out of bible camp, in that case you can be educated, and that's what I'm doing.

>> No.15682963

The japs should done the whole genocide slide on the peninsula instead of wasting time on the chinks.
ungrateful fucks. your cars suck too btw

>> No.15682967 [DELETED] 

You sound jewish. Christ taught that we ought to spread His teachings everywhere and also said that we would be rejected for it. That's what's happening here. And no, that post made this into a political thread
>Stop posting ok? In the future keep your believes to yourself
>to people that are open to hearing them
All people are children of God and therefore are open to hearing the Word of God

>> No.15682976

>You sound jewish
I'm a catholic from Europe. As much as we like our religion, we have a deep contempt for people like you, who don't understand respect.
You're just like a proselytic muslim.

>> No.15682978 [DELETED] 

If you are not trying to earn people over then you are no Christian

>> No.15682991

ok clown guy
>Christianity™ : The Incredible Show

>> No.15683000

>Christ taught that we ought to spread His teachings
How can you teach anything when you lack basic education?
I think Christ is teaching humility too?

>> No.15683042

>Sega Saturn vs Dreamcast

>> No.15683056

Not sure why anyone would think this is an argument.

Nobody who actually enjoys or had a passion for cooking would choose electric over gas if the choice is theirs to make.

Unfortunately this means a significant number of suburb rentfags are out of luck, as are damn near all apartment rentfags who live in a slightly modern building; as insurance rates for the property owner descend as follows: gas range ->>>>>>> electric exposed-coil range ->> electric glasstop range ->>> induction range
Shitty new apartments will go with the coils for cheapness, as the building isn’t expensive enough to really increase the insurance.
Mid-range new apartments will go with glass, because many people/retards perceive them as being a step up from coil, so it makes the apartment “nicer” and the rent offsets the more expensive ranges
Higher end apartments pay for induction as a higher end selling point
Nigga-why-the-fuck-you-renting-tier apartments will still go with gas because “commercial kitchen!” and fuck the insurance because your tenants got cash, plus the people who rent those places never actually cook for themselves anyway.

Fuck I hate working in property insurance.

>> No.15683077

>I lose electricity a couple times a year, sometimes up to a day or more.
I always forget how many millions of third worlders are on the internet. I always assume I'm talking to a white person.

>> No.15683099

the dial lies, trust your eyes

>> No.15683114

I think most modern gass lines have an emergency shutoff in the event the line's left running for X amount of time.

>> No.15683132

Gas is actually one of the best methods environmentally for cooking in the US. The US still gets 23% of its electricity from coal. Natural gas is close behind and pretty useful to just burn off to heat food. Nuclear powered induction is the best longest-term option but democrats want to kill nuclear anyway.

>> No.15683133

No! I can't believe what I see - everything is upside-down, and it makes no sense to me.

>> No.15683154

CO2 causes the greenhouse effect.

Does mining lithium release CO2? If so then it's bad. If not then who cares.

>> No.15683156

Take your religious retard shit and shove it up your arse.

>> No.15683251

>>strip mines entire mountainsides for lithuhm and rare earth elements
most of my friends who are into environmentalism are into riding their bikes and minimizing consumerism, not buying teslas

>> No.15683294
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>> No.15683388

Just get LPG tanks instead of installing expensive gas lines. My tank is hidden perfectly and if it explodes, it will only blow up the kitchen instead of the whole house.

>> No.15683397

I've cooked with gas for 7 years, electric stove for 12 years, and I've had induction for 4 years now. Electric stove is just pure garbage. Gas and induction are same to me, gas being a bit more messy and induction being more picky with materials. I renovated my kitchen 4 years ago and opted for induction and I'm happy with it. Still have gas installation if I ever want it again, but I doubt I'll ever go back to it.

>> No.15683410

work from home changes mean people have more freedom to move. Just bought a house last month and the realtor said its the craziest its ever been

>> No.15683431

In Germany hydrogen gas is mixed into the gas, which could be good but Germany also has a very dirty energy mix. I don't use gas but it doesn't have to be bad, you could use nuclear to make the hydrogen gas.

>> No.15683435

carbon: huge fucking problem worldwide to whole planet
>strip mines entire mountainsides for lithuhm and rare earth elements
That's not even a problem.

Black and white idiots should learn the concept of scale.

>> No.15683546

Is this show any good? it's got the signs of promise, but I have literally never heard anyone talk about it let along know of its existence until your post.

>> No.15683594

if you use a lot of different implements, induction can get annoying, especially if you rely on round woks

>> No.15683606

>especially if you rely on round woks
Who the fuck rely on round woks? Everything you can do with a round one, you can do with an induction compatible one. Once again it's a question of rigid habits.

>> No.15683619

they're also much nicer to use in general, flat woks feel like three wheeled cars in comparison.

>> No.15683626

It really isn't, and it will be phased out.


>> No.15683628

I cook on my balcony using charcoal/wood and cast iron, what is this shit your peddling

>> No.15683632
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Induction can be whatever shape you want. If you really want to be able to use round woks, just buy a specially designed model, there are hundreds of model, including portable ones.

>> No.15683638
File: 50 KB, 1024x954, hendi-digital-adjustable-round-induction-wok-3500w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is only $300 and can do 3000 watts.

>> No.15683656


>> No.15683686

I've used both for many years.
The main difference is price, depending on the balance of your utilities one is often much cheaper.

Functionally gas is superior.
>instant heat
>heat output instantly adjusted
>far far higher output of heat, vital for stir frying, flambe, some searing techniques.
>can directly apply heat to things to char them
>cools down much faster
>less liable to burn things onto itself, as they fall under the gas jets rater than onto the electric element

The only thing electric has going for it:
>easier to clean
>can use portable induction pads for hot pot etc
I don't want to shit on electric, but there really isn't much to say for it.

>> No.15683688

OP is a retard, the debate is with induction, not old electric...

>> No.15683691

No it doesn't you fucking faggot

>> No.15683693

I absolutely hate electric
as someone who is just teaching himself to cook, trying to control the heat in the pan is a nightmare

>> No.15683696
File: 628 KB, 3247x2097, blaze-blue-blur-266896-e1545941106533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good(pro) gas > induction > bad(most) gas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> electric

>> No.15683698

Ahah Americans keep trying to maintain the confusion between their shitty electric stoves and induction, that is used in the rest of the world. I know they do it on purpose, it's hilarious.

>> No.15683706

He post picture of electric?
Induction is much better than electric- still more or less the same problems but very east to clean and risk of breaking the fucking thing if you drop a pot.
I have a portable induction pad for hot pot and things like this, it's comfy.
They are so cheap also, if you are just renting or gas is too expensive or (date I say) not cooking much then get one.

>> No.15683715

You wait until you try techniques that require rapid increase of heat for a short time- like adding wine and burning it off.
On electric it will take too long to burn off wine, and when you get this hot the electric will not cool down fast enough

>> No.15683731

>He post picture of electric?
Yeah and that's stupid. Nobody has ever said that old electric stoves are better than gas.
OP either doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of induction because he feels his habits are threatened by it, or he just doesn't understand the difference with electric stoves.

>> No.15683742

Induction are uncommon if not unheard of in many countries just because of their relative cost.
You can get good cheap gas burners, even portable ones- electric stoves are also cheap.
Countries that use induction are either rich or in debt

>> No.15683756

ironically every time you see a post like this it's some third-world monkey who feels like his opinion will be valued if he spouts thats he's american too.

>> No.15684259

gas used to be cheaper than electricity in my area so I used that, then it swapped so I had it disconnected. I miss being able to use the pressure cooker on the stove but not worth the increased cost of living

>> No.15685460

its not as reactive to temperature adjustments. when you want to lower the heat it takes much longer with induction. temperature control is in fact the reason that gas is superior. i have had to live with all three at different points in my life and i much prefer gas for this reason, even though it takes longer to bring things up to heat.

>> No.15685466

What does the speed at which the elements heat up even matter? Gasfags always pretend they're in a hurry and can't afford 30 seconds longer on their pasta water boiling, when they're all non-functioning mentally challenged NEETS

>> No.15685537

get a gas tank, if the gas equipment is properly installed and taken care of there's no explosion risk

>> No.15685865


The main issue is Gas isn't everywhere,

I live out in the country and it's pine trees and woods everywhere and your neighbor is a 5 minute drive down a barely paved road.

If you have the money, which I don't, get propane and a propane stove in your house but that's very expensive.

Electric works fine.

>> No.15685868

Gas stove, electric oven.

>> No.15685877


When I worked at Williams Sonoma, you'd get these really upset wealthy older couples who redid their house or country house with induction and none of their pots and pants work anymore. I'd always make a big sale on those suckers.

>> No.15685881

Are these stoves for ants

>> No.15685891

White flyover here, it's pretty common in rural areas when there's a big snow or rainstorm. The eastern seaboard will deal with power outages too every year due to hurricanes and noreasters. Where you you live?

>> No.15685900

True but people on here don't want to hear that because they are americans

>> No.15685927

I live in western Europe and I have never experienced a power outage in 30 years. You need to invest in your infrastructure maybe?

>> No.15685941

I doubt it's true. Wealthy people don't have copper pots and pans.

>> No.15685942

Western Europe doesn't get very severe storms. Much of the American Midwest has the same winter climate as Siberia.

>> No.15685954

That's because your power lines are not underground... It's just a question of under-investment. How do you think gas reliability would compare if it was not underground?

>> No.15685956

Yeah I live in Nebraska and have lost power once in the last 5 years for a grand total of two hours. Your utility company is shit and not maintaining their infrastructure.

>> No.15685964


Not copper, they usually told me they have cheap non magnetic steel, glass and other old pots. Even normal T-Fal frying pans don't work on induction unless you get the ones made for it.

>> No.15686145

fair point

>> No.15686152

this is the absolute most retarded take i've read possibly ever on this webzone

>> No.15686161

This. I have a case of bad gas.

>> No.15686173

pretty redundant statement, you could say that about all equipment

>> No.15686214

You’re a contemptible retard and you’re wrong about nearly everything, Adam. You have to go back.

>> No.15686233


>> No.15686256

The guy who invented peanut butter?

>> No.15686474


>> No.15686683

Every individual country in western Europe is smaller than Texas btw

>> No.15686760
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>> No.15686780

>not clean
It's just co2 and water.
Electricity is less efficient due to losses in the power grid.

>> No.15686785

You've never wiped a hot ceramic stove with paper towel? The paper towel gets cool pretty fast. air is a somewhat decent insulator though but then wouldn't it take just moving the hot air away?

>> No.15686787

American education is a meme isn't it

>> No.15687065

no not that guy. ever hear of Tesla? dude is originally from south africa.

>> No.15687087


>> No.15687092

fuck, meant to say.
I live in the DC area but I'm the last house before the end of the powerline so if nobody calls a break between me and the house next to me, they could fix power for everyone but me and I would never know it.
location is everything.

>> No.15687424

Sure, but the less complicated the equipment is the easier it is to maintain. A canister and a tube is easier to check up on than a gasline.

>> No.15688576
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Hi Adam. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15688617

I have gas in my home but it's only set up for the furnace.
I need to get a quote on what it'd take to run a gas line upstairs to my kitchen, but I'm afraid of how expensive it'll be.

>> No.15689172

One of the few benefits of living in Russia is the fact that gas stoves are a standard and the gas itself is really cheap.

>> No.15689181

electric is ass
i fucking burnt garlic on low because i left it unattended for a minute
i've filled my kitchen with smoke cooking baocn on medium
i've had eggs hit the pan and do nothing on medium

>> No.15689227

There is nobody else on earth who would claim China is heading in a relatively ecologically friendly direction. Maybe an uninformed retard but more likely a CCP shill

>> No.15689270

I grew up in South Florida and electric stoves. Since moving to the Midwest and trying gas stoves, I literally can't go back now.

>> No.15689319

After cooking at least a handful of times, you learn your electric stove so it's just as easy to know as with gas

>> No.15689323

>strip mines entire mountainsides for lithuhm and rare earth elements
Literally nothing at all compared to the size all the coal mines

>> No.15689371

Induction is literally just a current. You lower the current and get less output. That's at least as fast as gas.

>> No.15689393
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Wrong. Redundant is not the word you want to use and isn’t even being used properly by your example. Anyway, the word you’re looking for is pointless or gimmicky. Now fuck off

>> No.15689576

how could anyone actually believe this with what they do to oceans
if you want to say they're aggressive about moving to building gen 4 nuclear plants then fine, but anything else is a sham

>> No.15689655

Lol have you ever seen the power an induction stove requires? 8kW is not even a large stove. How do you think this electricity is generated? With a lot more fucking CO2 than natural gas, I can tell you that.

Induction only becomes cleaner than gas when all (or at least most) electricity is either nuclear or renewable. Even then, the consumption is so small I wouldn't trade in the cooking pleasure I derive from my gas stove. I just don't fucking like cooking on induction and those couple of m3 my stove uses on a yearly basis are nothing compared to heating, transport and industrial consumption. It's just a scam to make people buy expensive shit and new electrical work they wouldn't need if they had gas.

>> No.15690862
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>Dems want to kill nuclear
Read the platform

>> No.15690867
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>> No.15690873

>clean energy
yeah just like that electricity you use that's made by burning natural gas kek
go back to commiefornia faggot

>> No.15690885

>not paying for community solar

>> No.15690906
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No, people just look into subjects further and understand there's more nuance to it than that
Electricity isn't some magic bullet, just because your extent of understanding of it is "turn socket on, magic clean power comes out" doesn't mean that's how it actually works

>> No.15690923


Of course, everyone over 50 is terrified of nuclear energy.

Most Americans thing tiny nuclear explosions power nuclear power plants. And will be the next Chernobyl. Even when all they do is get hot and boil water and the other 99.9% of power plants in the world work flawlessly.

And the new gen of people think it's radiation poisoning everywhere and the Dems and GOP are sneaking around burying nuclear waste in kids parks and farms like Mr Burns in the Simpsons.

This is why Fusion power plants may never get off the ground or labs.

Also burning wood is bad for the environment accoring to them.

>> No.15690934

i live in bum fuck iowa and cant tell you the last time i lost power

>> No.15690935

I live right next to Seattle, I lose power several times a year too. Most the time it's from some one driving a car into a pole, or a branch breaks off onto it.

>> No.15690948

We're only 50 kg away from fusion. We should use our nuclear waste to put hormesis rooms in every home.
lucky bastard, you've got so much clean wind power and a substantial portion of nuclear in your energy portfolio. God bless INL

>> No.15690972

Another good reason not to use induction then.

>> No.15691278
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>> No.15691296

So I can't do a 48 hour stew?

>> No.15691312

Nigga you dumb

>> No.15691868

does induction heat up the handlles of the pots/?

>> No.15692059

If I was doing one of these, I'd end up putting my dutch oven in the oven for the long cook.

Damn I miss having a gas stove. I currently have a glass cooktop and it's impossible to keep clean. Aside from the cleaning, gas is so easy to turn heat up/down.

There's no such thing as "bring to a boil / lower to a simmer" with electric stoves. They just retain too much heat and you're stuck using 2 burners.

>> No.15692075

My electric stove has a simmer setting though?

>> No.15692194

I live in southern Michigan, and we lose power at least twice a year to severe weather events.

>> No.15692209

Maybe where you live, it gets too cold for too long up here for heating with electricity to ever make sense. We will have gas heating in our homes, and gas stoves, for a long time to come.

>> No.15692309

But if you raise the heat to boil something, all that heat is retained in the heating element, isn't it?

if I put mine on high to bring something to a boil, and then drop it down to low, it still boils strongly, with the heating element totally off while it's waiting to cooldown to "low"

>> No.15692497

My parents live in East Auckland and a three bedroom, 20 year old brick and tile house just sold for over 1.7 mil NZD nearby them. House prices are so fucked in this city.

>> No.15693806


I've read this post 20 times and I can't stop laughing like a complete retard

>> No.15694070
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Also, when the power is out you can heat your house with a gas stove, like I did during the blizzard couple weeks back

>> No.15694490

but nuclear waste is its own issue, you can't just drain it in the gutter like it was engine oil that's just delaying the problem

>> No.15694534

yes it can biomass energy produces gas

>> No.15694602

I’ve never heard of these home gas explosions outside of 4chan’s obsession with it. Don’t live in an absolute shithole and make sure you have a licensed and reputable company install it. I grew up in an area of New England where everyone has gas and no ones homes ever exploded.

>> No.15694615

I put a simmer plate down when I need even gentle heat. It’s good for cooking rice and grains that sit without stirring to keep them from burning/crusting.

>> No.15694632

It’s because it has peanuts lol. It should fill you better than skittles.

>> No.15694651

>tiny nuclear explosions power nuclear power plants
Its exactly that though. A controlled chain reaction exactly as in nuclear explosions

>> No.15694664

I can time meals out on both. I prefer gas because it's faster, but there tends to be more of a learning curve on a new gas range depending on the brand, burner type/size and how evenly the knobs work. Electric ranges are almost always: 10%/1: simmer, 40-50%: fried eggs, 80%: just about everything, and 100%: boiling water, but I've rented places with gas stoves, where simmering on certain elements wasn't an option, and others had trouble keeping or starting a boil.

>> No.15694686

you need to move some more time, I've had electric stoves where some of the burners could not boil water in anything without a lid

>> No.15694699

The last place I was at was like this. The rings were the same size, but there were flow restrictions on the "small"/weak burners or something. Front right couldn't simmer, you could cook on 1. Front left couldn't boil water without a lid, and back right was useless for anything but keeping things warm... so front right for boiling water or cooking things quickly, and back left as an auxiliary.

>> No.15694715

>Don’t live in an absolute shithole
If you didn't live in a sithole you would have reliable electric power at 200+ volts with a 6000watts induction stove, and you wouldn't need to cook your food by burning a dangerous flammable material.

>> No.15694727

>but nuclear waste is its own issue,
It's not even comparable. You end up with a few tons of nuclear waste over decades against billions of tons of carbon emission every year when burning fossil fuels

>> No.15694755

I like having the option (I've got two 1600W plug in jobbies, and each of the three plugs in my kitchen is on a separate leg, so I could technically run a larger burner if I felt like getting fancy with the electrics) , but I still prefer gas for most things. The sound and look is comforting and familiar.

>> No.15695157

impeccable bait

>> No.15695358

I live in an affluent part of New York and our power goes out all the time
When Sandy hit it was out for more than a week
Gas range still worked

>> No.15695364

Exactly the same experience. I was a gashead my whole life and then I moved into an apartment building with induction. Everything I hate about electric doesn't apply to it, except you still can't lift the pan

>> No.15695374

How much would an induction plate solve this problem

>> No.15695401

From what I understand, it'd basically make induction perform like a coil electric burner. Instead of heating the pan directly, which is what lets induction deliver energy so efficiently (generally much more efficiently / better than gas) and remain extremely responsive (equal to gas), it eliminates both advantages. You're now heating a piece of metal which heats the pan indirectly by conduction (like electric coil burners) and have to wait for that metal to cool down to change temperature (just like electric coil burners).

Used with compatible materials, induction is on par or superior to gas in most ways (with some nice benefits like being much easier to clean), used with incompatible materials it's shit.

>> No.15695431

And to be clear, induction is generally more powerful and responsive than gas in general. Ultimately I probably don't need copper pans anymore with induction, when I could just use a really thin induction-compatible pan to get the same responsiveness. It's probably mostly sunk cost fallacy at this point that keeps me attached to gas, along with the sensory experience of it - you hear the clicks, see the flame, feel the heat.

The only "true" downside, that is actually important to how people cook is probably the limited range of induction. Rather than falling off smoothly like gas, it drops off sharply when out of range.

>> No.15695436
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What level of cityfaggotness is this?

>> No.15695463

Saying that a controlled nuclear reaction is a nuclear explosion is like saying that a candle burning is a "tiny hydrocarbon explosion." Sure, it's still fission, and a candle is still combustion, but there is still a huge difference between explosive fission and controlled fission.

>> No.15695472

Good explanation, thanks anon

>> No.15695477

The sensory experience is important. When I started using electric I burned things a lot because it was difficult to gauge how much heat the stove was putting out intuitively. That being said, the heat you feel is energy that's not going into your pan.

>> No.15695547

>does induction heat up the handlles of the pots/?
Not if the bottom of the pot has at least the diameter of the induction coil. But I once did an expriment by placing two extremely small pots on the induction coil, side by side, to see if I could heat both at the same time. It worked, but the metal handles of the pots got hot as fuck too.

>> No.15695624

A candle does not detonate and neither does a nuclear bomb

The only difference between a nuke and reactor fission is the rate.

>> No.15695637

I have used 3 different induction cook tops. The amount of heat is adjusted by plus and minus and represented by a number between 1-10, 10 being max heat. At heat level 3 I can hear the whine toggling on and off, it was pulsing to maintain the lower heat level. Is this normal or are my cook tops too cheap?

>> No.15695667

>you still can't lift the pan
Have you really tried doing it? I can lift my pan up to a few centimeters above the stove and it is still heating. Maybe it's the model you're using. After all induction is not an unified technology. There are many different implementations.
It's normal for cheap models. Mine is only pulsing at position 1

>> No.15695710

it's alright

>> No.15695965
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you guys ever heard of induction heating?

>> No.15695980

>ceramic heating is induction
just stop posting, you're making yourself look stupid

>> No.15696605

yes, what could Possibly go wrong with a binary heating element?

>> No.15696616

Do tell.

>> No.15696633

how well do you think you can do low temp with a heating element that only got on and off? its why after the initial happiness over the heat up time i went back to my dogshit 123 elctric stove.

>> No.15696643

What the fuck are you even talking about. Whatever shit you try is not induction. It's easy to modulate power with induction. Some cheap models are using a on/off oscillation for lower settings, but it's not an issue about induction technology in itself.

>> No.15696650

me, mum and couple friends all tried different induction cooktops - all were pulsing and from the 40-100€ price range. i checked the descriptions of some 100+ on germazon and couldnt find a single one that didnt pulse.

>> No.15697317

They pulse, it's what they do. You're heating your pot or pan through electromagnetic induction (electric coil being pulsed back and forth causes magnetic fields to pulse back and forth, which moves electrons and ultimately causes your steel/iron pot to heat up). The amount of off time between sets of pulses is what differentiates, say, 20% power from full blast.

The induction "element" doesn't really heat itself up (you're running electricity through a coil, there is energy lost to heat), but heat from the ferrous cookware will heat the glass/ceramic surface by being in contact with it. Induction burners do heat pots faster than gas, but cooling depends a lot on the design of the burner. If you had a gas and induction burner capable of similar heat transfer to a similar pot of water, but the gas burner had a large cast iron heatsink holding the pot off of the flame, and the induction burner had a reasonably thick ceramic surface, the gas burner might allow its pot to cool faster once heat was no longer applied, and the heatsink would begin trying to equalize the heat throughout the entire stove almost immediately. The ceramic under the pot on the induction burner would most likely remain warmer longer.

>> No.15697433

Sorry... did you write down that nuclear bombs don't detonate? I assure you that they do. The rate of emission plays a large factor, as does containment and fuel quality. A 24kT bomb with a core of highly enriched uranium or plutonium going massively supercritical releases about the same energy as a 1000MW reactor would over the course of a day, but it does it all at once, with no load to accept the energy, so it blows the fuck up, with everything around it.

Just to play devil's advocate/explain here: a candle is to a 5% enriched uranium core in a large reactor as a candle sized mass of C4 with a detonating charge is to an 80% enriched uranium core in a bomb.

>> No.15697907
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Do you think these run on solar?

>> No.15698163

They hated him for he was saying the truth

>> No.15698196

i had to buy an electrical plug in mini-stove because my gas went out, and I feel like it heats just as fast, if not faster. also a gas stove is kind of dangerous because it's a constant flame bursting out in your house. i rent this place btw

>> No.15698240

It's not
In side reactions you also get soot and carbon monoxide
That increases cancer risk and gives you brain damage

And loses in grid are lower than loses in transporting gas from one place to another

>> No.15698277

>falling for the climate change meme
all of these solutions are actually way more harmful than the shit they're supposedly solving

>> No.15698855

The rate is what matters, because the rate is what makes the difference between a stable reaction, which has a constant energy output, and an explosion, which has an exponentially increasing energy output

>> No.15698888

I have cheap little smeg cooktops so yeah probably