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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15679178 No.15679178 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to go into work today

>> No.15679192

Why do line cooks act like they're important?

>> No.15679200

Well, I mean we make the god damn food you're paying for. I'd say that's important. Not in the cosmic grand scheme of anything though.

>> No.15679204

>be neet
>"hmm i like food maybe i can become a cook"
>go on google
>everyone says its shit
>keep being a neet

>> No.15679209

The fastest way to lose your love of cooking is to become a line cook

>> No.15679219

yeah that seems to be the consensus hope you can find a less stressful job and enjoy cooking at home again anon

>> No.15679223

lol i've been out of the industry for a couple years and I still hate cooking
order out every chance I get

>> No.15679243

I don't think your job made you guys hate cooking that much, you're still here on /ck/ chattin about füd

>> No.15679254

Having said that, it would be mildly entertaining if all the McChicken and tendies threads were made by professional cooks

>> No.15679268

I love fast food posting, and I was a line cook for over half a decade

>> No.15679340

line cooks are based. You have to start somewhere if you will ever be half the chef Gordon Ramsay is

>> No.15679343

>order out every chance I get
This is the worst part. Because you have no time you just get so used to doing this. and for me it was always the line of thought
>I don't have enough time to make this good enough
>fuck it just order something
or if it's late and it'd take longer than 30 mins
>bag of chips

>> No.15679367

bruh I feel this post so fucking hard. I don't have enough time this morning before my shift so my breakfast is bag of lime doritos

>> No.15679374

are you me?

>> No.15679385

Get some fucking willpower. Seriously, watch a youtube or go for a hike and clear your mind.

>> No.15679401


Literally no time for this. 75% of my day is spent at work. I'm either working or sleeping. On my days off I'm so dead that I literally need to do nothing to prepare for the work week

>> No.15679423

Im a new neet after getting laid off from my construction job. I just lay around watching movies and being depressed. Am i doing it right?

>> No.15679430

How do you survive being a neet? I want to try it, but my bills are too expensive

>> No.15679484

no get into reading literature and find some books to reread throughout your life, start teaching yourself a new language or some other project, go on walks in the mountains/woods and get into home cooking (it sucks a bit at first but if you like food youll come to enjoy it soon)
t. neet for almost 5 years now

>> No.15679493

Read Book of the New Sun

You'll thank me later

>> No.15679503

And thus the circle of line cooking continues.

>> No.15679523
File: 66 KB, 394x297, do it_faggot_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk to work, you fatass lazy turd. You might meet a girl or notice someplace cool.
>75% of my day is spent at work. I'm either working or sleeping.
Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. If you believe this, you're fooling yourself. Or just end it, you are unsalvageable.

>> No.15679533

>Walk to work
That would take 6 hours out of my day. 3 to walk there and 3 to walk back. Absolutely not

>> No.15679719

It was a shit job, yes, but it was sorta fun for a NEET friendless loser like me. Got to interact with other guys and had many bromance moments. No homo.

>> No.15679728


>> No.15679734


>> No.15679741
File: 196 KB, 1124x902, E09656E1-62C1-4BB8-BB08-2510E139E3B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working on Monday

Lucky guy.

>> No.15679817

I've heard this, too, but I haven't experienced it for myself. I've been cooking as a career for about sixteen years, and I still love coming home after a long shift and fucking around in my own kitchen or making food for my loved ones.

>> No.15679957

Yeah but if it wasn't you it would be any other unimportant, probably drug-addled, low-tier person.
But I don't go to restaurants because I have no gf and going alone or with friends seems like a waste of time and money.

>> No.15679975

this . have a you (you)
t.frenchfag cook (restaurants are closed since september here)

>> No.15679996

cook it up, wagie

>> No.15680504

You will all soon be replaced by blessed automation. Thank God too.

>> No.15680578


I'm the same way. 10+ years in the kitchen. Still spend my days off at the foreign markets finding new ingredients and then going home and doing up something big. Also love coming into work early to prepare special family meals every Saturday. I'll show up an hour or two early to start making pizza, smoking tenderloin, making tortillas just for family meal. Worth the extra hour or two before I'm supposed to be there just go feed boh and foh something from scratch which isn't our usual food. Did 30 in n out style burgers last week and turned our fancy fine dining kitchen into a killer burger spot for 30 mins.

>> No.15681004

What’s a better point of entry for the industry then? Line cook at dead end restaurant clearly ain’t it

>> No.15681079
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>Closed tonight
>Opens tomorrow

Why even fucking sleep?

>> No.15681360

>30min wait with tickets to the floor on a Friday night and it’s only five and you’re the closer at ten
If only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.15681447

I have an interview for a line cook job in two days. Wish me luck.

>> No.15681543

these dudes are based as fuck. You are the coworkers I would actually go get a beer with, not the crybabies that got into an industry they don't want to be in and won't leave because they're lazy and retarded

>> No.15681544

go fucking dilate

>> No.15681601

>work in many restaurants throughout my longer than usual college career
>meet lots of restaurant stereotypes, the alcoholic drug addict cook with an arrest and probation in his near future, stoner dishwasher, sexy waitresses/hostesses, etc
>have fun, charm tables, make great tips, etc
>begin actually learning how to cook. read books about different culinary styles in free time, learn techniques, how to make sauces, you know, basics
>finish college undergrad, begin earning BSN degree for next two years. still getting better and better at cooking
>work comfy job at major hospital system making pretty great money for what I do.
>can cook practically any recipe from thai, chinese, french, indian, japanese, southern USA, etc
>basically don't even really need to go out to restaurants, even just for takeout, unless it's just a special occasion
>look back on my times working at restaurants as just a stepping stone on my way to better things and not just a dead end
>most of my FB friends from those times that are still there are miserable losers with criminal records and paying child support for families they aren't able to really be a part of

OP, figure shit out in your life. Being a line cook forever comes with an unhealthy lifestyle that's going to also increase your chances of being arrested and put on probation, obesity, poly-substance abuse, isolation, depression, burnout, etc.

Go back to school, man. Make it work. You don't want to continue to be the guy in your OP pic related. It's gonna be hard but it will be worth it.

>> No.15681615

Go fucking dilate

>> No.15681628

I too remember what it was like to be 18

>> No.15681766

You first, bitch

>> No.15681785

Im busy. Your mom is sucking my dick while your dad cha ges the oil in my F150.

>> No.15681885

>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i'm being a goddamned retarded faggot on the internet

>> No.15681899

Dude, you suck. Its ok. Its not illegal to suck. Unless they catch your mom with that $20 bill I gave her. Its fake.

>> No.15683583

Nah you dont lose your love for cooking if you work at a respectable place and not just mcwaging
Its hard as fuck and im out being a line cook for 2 years but it didnt make me hate cooking at all. Working at restraunts wont help you in opening your own place.
Work in the best kitchens in your area for a few years then go do something else come back with money and experience in handling a business and not being a neet and open up your own place

>> No.15683612

>meet a girl while you're out walking in public
Ask me how I know you're delusional

>> No.15683663

Its possible! Check ccvt surveillance latest vid on youtube. Hes a dutch turbo autist from /pol/. Anyways he met a grill on the street so its possible

>> No.15683678

What's the best way to date waitresses, without being a line cook?

I often get a hardcore love boner for women that serve me food. I suspect the food may be the real culprit... But sometimes a waitress is a true hottie...

>> No.15683679

Maybe things are different in the Netherlands but here in Toronto people don't even acknowledge each other's existences, especially not women. If a stranger talks to you it makes you uncomfortable because it means they want something from you.

>> No.15683744
File: 30 KB, 645x773, smellthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey stranger.

Got any feet pics?

>> No.15683770

>I stopped giving a shit a long time ago.

>> No.15683828

I have the cash to start a restaurant here in Thailand but no commercial kit hen experience. Applying for a paid kitchen internship program, wish me luck bros. I'll invite you to my Bangkok wing spot someday.

>> No.15683905

>best way to date a waitress

Lie about being rich and having a big dick.

Most waitresses are airheaded bimboozlers that will fuck and suck the first thing that seems like a ride out of there, and they figure if you're lying about the money at least you're well hung.

>> No.15683914


Having rich but stingy parents is the ultimate purgatory.

>Hey baby, I might not have shit right now, but in 20 years I'll be millionaire..

>> No.15684047

>White collar worker
>Boss and I are the only employees out of 200 who got their own office with aircondition
>The rest is sitting in open office hell, even the ceo
>Six weeks of paid vacation per year
Look for a better job.

>> No.15684144

>Look for a better job.
Gee anon, why didn't he think of that? I'll go back in time and become wealthy and attend college and have connections in a white collar office job already to get me hired.

>> No.15684148

lemme just hop on over to the job cannon
strap myself into my job helmet
and get launched into jobbies

>> No.15684198

thanks for this boomer advice. You're right walking through the woods is going to really solve all my problems

>> No.15684236

got home at 2 last night, heading in to clock in at 10 this morning. I hope I get to grill today

>> No.15684249

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15684252

Get a job loser

>> No.15684258

>can’t even find a hole to fuck
>calls others low-tier

>> No.15684262

Wow sounds like a bunch of wasted money, you guys are probably living off loans.

>> No.15684273

>ur mom lol
How to know when anon is 30+ years old

>> No.15684736

get to work liney, i was sleepy today and didnt prep any strawberries so you'd better get a few 1/3 pans ready before dinner starts

>> No.15684748

at least the coffee is free

>> No.15684767

I don't want to go into work any day and I work from home.

>> No.15684955

good plan, im gonna go back in time and not be born to a family who's business is literally a one-man remodeling company

wtf am I supposed to do with that at best im still slaving in construction. Line cooking beats the breaks off construction any day even if you work for yourself

>> No.15684957

Truth, I actually have an amazing job compared to almost anyone i know. But it’s still work, I’m still accountable.

Just being alive carries so much weight, it’s all very tiresome. Hopefully i hit it big on an investment or find out i have a secret rich relative that left me a bunch of cash.

I don’t know if I can work for 40 more years.

>> No.15684961

>11:11:11 and dubs
god damn thats a magical post

>> No.15684968

>show up early as fuck
>"oh man anon you're a life saver you always come in clutch" says the prep guy
>he runs out with the speed of lightning bolts
>nothing is prepped
>dinner rush begins and I am alone in an unstocked, uncleaned, and unprepped kitchen
every day

>> No.15684981
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I don't have any kit hen experience either but I think you can still open a restaurant anon ^__^

>> No.15684994

this is why I leave the kitchen unstocked at the end of the night every night. The prep guys get
>better hours
>better pay because theyve been there longer
>stress free work environment
>no FOH fucking up 1000 times a night and making that your problem
>hang out with the managers and spend more time smoking weed and cigarettes outside than working
>doesn't matter if they are short staffed, just means its the line cooks problem because even less shit is prepped than normal
>never punished for their shortcomings because every problem them and the FOH create is immediately my fault for not making up for it
glad I put in my two weeks. I don't know why I didn't claim to have corona and spent my last two weeks at home getting sick pay but I should've.

>> No.15685080

Cityfag/Bugman detected. A country boy will say his god damn opinion on anything happening to whoever happens to be next to him. It's kinda funny sometimes.

>> No.15685216

>making half as much as unemployment

you mean more right? literally everyone was making more than a lot of people with the +$600 a week.

>> No.15685323

Not all restaurants in the world are mcdonalds mutt

>> No.15685697

Line cook here, my work day is 12 hours and 6 days a week, a 9 to 9. On Mondays I get the day off and my body is wracked from the week that I just sleep for the entire day. Left my gf because I had no time to pay attention to her needs. Actually being a line cook is rough.

>> No.15685784

Sounds like you are doing the work of 2 people for the pay of 1.5

>> No.15685802

putting one foot infront of the other while overthinking my problems isn't going to make them disappear you fucking boomer

>> No.15685826
File: 49 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally clopened all week long. We open at 10 am and close at 10 pm, I don't get out until 11 pm and I have to be in at 7 am.

>> No.15686056

>going with friends seems like a waste of time and money

Jesus christ you must have shit friends

>> No.15686197

youre lucky. do they actually give you overtime or are you salary? I work hard as fuck and no kitchen ive been in will give me more than 35 hrs. deathly afraid to let me get OT even though im the lowest paid in pretty much every kitchen ive been to

>> No.15686203

the duality of the kitchen
>work hard, be reliable
>they make you do ALL of the work
>slack even slightly
>youll be lucky if they give you enough hours you can afford to eat

>> No.15686306

lol kys poorfag incel

>> No.15686313


>> No.15686461

Stop spending your money on alcohol and start a portfolio instead.

>> No.15686467

Jobs are not for self fulfillment, they're to support your existence you leech

>> No.15686590

I'm not rich, but I'm well paid. How do I go about meeting one of these waitresses?

>> No.15686831

Figure out a bar where restaurant workers hang out and buy a bunch of coke

>> No.15686848

>>Hey baby, I might not have shit right now, but in 20 years I'll be millionaire..
/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.15686879

Do waitresses and cooks fuck each other as much as people say?

>> No.15686890
File: 53 KB, 750x318, 7154D025-932D-4274-8646-D2A19FFFD040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually young men and women who make questionable life choices see each other on a regular basis

It’d be surprising if it didn’t happen frequently.

>> No.15687360

>posts meme full of grammatical errors
>wonders why his life sucks
Keep at it wagie

>> No.15688557

I wasn't wealthy, didn't get my shit together before I turned 25 and went to a non-presticious tradeschool in bumfuck nowhere and got an IT degree that couldn't be used for shit other than getting past HR. Got my job without connections, and because i showed up with a can-do attitude and studied in my sparetime while.

>> No.15688634

I haven't worked since March last year

>> No.15688658

do niggers really

>> No.15688851

hop to it liney, the prep cooks were hung over and i need you to mince a cambro of garlic

>> No.15688906

The correct career switch for non-idiots working a physical job is firefighter.
Good pay, good bennies, prestige and you're doing something obviously meaningful

>> No.15688995
File: 33 KB, 700x690, 1607023957870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>want to put in the 12-15 hours a day to learn how to work in a professional kitchen at age 17
>start working in one for 6 months, 5 days a week, 12 hour work days as a line cook
>body fucks itself
>in hospital every 3 months, one week minimum inside
>parents tell me to just take disability
>i tell them I have a goal in life
>miss graduation due to hospital visit
>doctors put me on dilauded, morphine, oxycodone, every pain medication imaginable
>say fuck this
>get experimental surgery
>"well anon, good news and bad news. good news is, you get to name a disease, bad news is you're fucked and you won't be able to do heavy exercise or work"
>have to quit because otherwise i'll die in about 2 years tops
>mfw i have to take disability
>mfw i got cucked by circumstances out of my control
>mfw i can't bring myself to end it all and I keep telling myself things will get better and that eventually i'll be able to work in a kitchen again
>mfw time is passing by, opportunities wasting away that I will never be able to take, opportunities others get to take while I watch

>> No.15689003

so what’d you name the disease?

>> No.15689013

if i told you, you would know who i was
however, the gist of it is that it brings on pancreatitis and damages nerves

>> No.15689036

I don't know how you thought it would be something to brag about

>> No.15689056


I'm a recruiter for a tech company, everyone should be trying to work in tech. The pay is amazing, the work is easy, and most companies today don't care if you went to college (because it discriminates against minorities which is a big no no). The only thing that sucks is you have to pretend to be woke every now and again but for how much I make idgaf

>> No.15689069
File: 40 KB, 600x338, food wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook for you now anon. You have my word I will never stop becoming a better chef, seeking out better restaurants until I've mastered the craft and open one of my own. I won't settle until it's the best in the world, either. I am so sorry for your circumstances.

>> No.15689085

can i buy your dilaudid?

>> No.15689094

Nice blog post, faggot.
Where do I unsubscribe? Also kill yourself instead of bragging about it online.

>> No.15689097

It just always struck me so weird that business owners are always the least qualified people to own a business. Like, if they ever had a brain, actually opening their business caused them to lose it. Everything they do is about setting themselves up to fail, cutting corners, stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime, hemorrhaging money on blatant stupidity at every turn and trying to make it all back by nickel-and-diming the employees and customers to death. The people who actually do all the work and pay all the money. Yeah, fuck them, what are they good for?

I don't know if it's because their ego is in play or what it is, but every business I've ever worked for has been run by an absolute buffoon and even the dumbest person working for them could have run their business better than they could, or at least done their own job much more efficiently if they were left alone to do it instead of being micromanaged by a prick the whole time.

Most of all, they step over a dollar to pick up a dime when it comes to the workers. Every business owner thinks they're a genius for overworking and underpaying their staff and they think it's normal to have a turnover rate above 95% every year. They chase away anybody who has a shred of ambition or class or workmanship and wonder why the degenerate drug-addicts who stay a few months longer don't care about the business or even their own job.

I know there must be companies where the owner isn't a total retard, but . . . where are they? I've never seen one. They always seem to think that the trick to running a business is to invest as little as possible, expect as much as possible, and punish everybody else for their own failures and shortcomings.

>> No.15689151

I hope you get ran over by a bus

>> No.15689180

anon u have nothing else to lose. might aswell let us in as to what the new disease is

>> No.15689332

Restaurants and bars are notorious for being started by people who don't understand the amount of work necessary to keep them operational, much less successful.

>> No.15689354

before joining a restaurants BOH you should always look into who owns the joint. If they haven't owned multiple restaurants in the past, stay the fuck away. They will use you like the last blue towel 3 days before linens get delivered.

>> No.15689364

Worked as a breakfast line cook at a hotel steakhouse restaurant for 1 year and it was honestly one of the best jobs I ever had. Half the week was with one other cook and the other half I would be alone until 1pm when I'd trade off the lunch and dinner crew coming in. In at 4am all alone doing prep cooking for 3 hours and usually a chill 4 hours of open time just slinging omlettes and steaks and breakfast items. Too bad the pay was abysmal. I worked on a Sushi restaurant line for over 3 years while in college and it was also very fulfilling, if not dull when the ingredient quality started going waaaay down in the last year. I think line cooking is an awesome job but it takes a special person and a special restaurant to actually bloom something into a long-term career. Not a very good career stepping stone but a great temp job and way way more fulfilling than waiting tables.

>> No.15689642

I'm sorry you were diagnosed with advanced faggotry so young, have you considered not sucking so many dicks? That might help.

>> No.15690112

Super AIDS

>> No.15691658

None of you fuckers wished me luck, but I still got the job.

>> No.15691662

congrats desu, im happy for you

>> No.15691725

Thanks, anon.

>> No.15691745
File: 2.00 MB, 400x265, 1613867112735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed anon

>> No.15691775

stage 3 gender dysphoria

>> No.15691826

damn, its like paying kids for sex.

>> No.15692778

Steve Jobs

>> No.15692799

cunt. Now you will all eat grey goo when cooking is fully automated

>> No.15693285
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1613771409871s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what reason would you like to learn a new language in a world where everything is getting closed and restricted?
Are you the always bluepilled moron who sees rainbows where there are turds?
Delusional idiot
STFU getting a woman is only availabe if you are chad
Otherwise you are a creep by the eyes of women
Based incel

>> No.15693875

what do you do now?

>> No.15694361

After working in the restaurant biz for 8 years, I never realized how much happier I'd be leaving it. I've gotten closer to the things I've wanted in a year compared to the previous 9 years. The pandemic booting me out of restaurants was actually the best thing to happen to me in a long time.

>> No.15694378
File: 9 KB, 300x300, Ratrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I actually got fired today lol. I refused to stay and keep working past my scheduled shift time because I had plans with my dad since it's my birthday.

They told me they're running a business and they can't have people on the team who aren't "committed to the job." This is despite the fact that I did end up staying an hour past when I was supposed to leave lmao.

>> No.15694388

To clarify, we were super busy and the other guy definitely needed me to stay longer. But I have a life outside of this job and I wanted to see my dad. I guess they don't like people who have other things going on in their lives.

>> No.15694505

>good news is, you get to name a disease
Bullshit, a name is based on it's genetic structure and how it affects the body. It's to stop retards giving diseases stupid names, nice larp

>> No.15694529

sorry brother I hope things turn around for you, I really do.

>> No.15694544

fuck them, if they won't even let you enjoy your birthday then that place sounds souless as fuck

>> No.15694553

wow i’m a manager at a grocery chain and my ass would be so fired if i pulled that on one of my employees. fuck companies that operate like that

>> No.15694559


>> No.15694562

I skipped work this week... I mean, I'm self employed, and I caught up with the workload first, let my clients know what's up weeks ago... but I used to do dip on the shittier restaurants I worked at in my early 20s, bum around for a week or two, and pretty much walk right into a job at a new place, or do little residencies at some of the hotels in town.

>> No.15694564

Sounds like you need to file a complaint with the labor board.

>> No.15694571

>walk to work
Urbanite detected

>> No.15694629

you just got handed a golden ticket. go on unemployment, make twice what you made at ur job, u win.

>> No.15694741

Unfortunately I haven't worked enough hours to qualify for unemployment.

>> No.15695146

>Lazy coworker regularly just dicks around on his phone when it's slow

>I go out of my way to help FOH running food/bussing tables

>QT FOH regularly tips me $20/week

EZ Money, stop being a lazy bitch and help your coworkers

>> No.15695233

$20 a week? I used to make $60 in tips a day when it was busy

>> No.15695272

I feel you, bro. Been in kitchen for 17 years now. Smoke a pack a day. Alcoholic. At least I kicked the drug habit. Recently walked out of my job. I shouldn't have done that. Now I have to find a new job in the same fucking industry for less pay. I wish I stayed in school.

>> No.15695423

What are some tech jobs that aren't programming?

>> No.15695534

That's on top of regular BOH tips (mine was based on food sales alone)

>> No.15695561

>wageslave extra hard every single day for $20/week
some people really are just built to live in a society

>> No.15695712

minus 8 hrs sleep that is twelve hours of work. Unfortunately that's really not uncommon.

>> No.15695912

congrats bro. I hope you don't expect it to be too glamorous, it's alot of hard work.

>> No.15695927

anon they fired you because you suck and are lazy, or have other issues. This was just a convenient excuse. Work on your work ethic or find a job women can do

>> No.15695943

>$20 a week
overheard a waitress say "I think I made like $300 tonight, atleast I hope it was close to that" on a slow Wednesday night. Young hot slutty waitresses make so much money, Im starting to understand why they never change jobs or do anything with their lives.

>> No.15696073

20 dollars isnt alot of money
the other guys smart youre a loser

>> No.15696090

ive worked alot of jobs but i feel at home in most kitchens
best job in a kitchen is prep followed by pantry, you can miss me

>> No.15696099

That, and it's one of the jobs a woman can do into her old age. Even when she's not hot anymore, she can grow into the tough, sassy old broad slinging plates and saucy comments and have regulars that love her for it.

>> No.15696107

and they get paid to talk which women sure fucking love to do

>best job is pantry
you lazy fuck I would kill to work saute, there's barely a difference in the salads at a renowned bistro and the salads at a bar and grill. I want to COOK

>> No.15696343

Nigger why would you help FOH when there's stuff to do in BOH? Don't give me the hurr nothing to do bullshit, there's always something that could be done. You're retarded for doing extra work for fuck all benefit and your coworker is a lazy shit but has enough sense to not even try doing that extra work. There's always something that needs doing or can be done, no excuses, let them sort their own shit out it's what they're getting paid for. It's not like they'll do the same for you

>> No.15697180

There he is. The obligatory good goyim who feels the need to chime in every time someone mentions being fired for daring to not be a good little slave for Mr. Goldberg. There's one in every job thread.

>> No.15697233

link I can't find him or are you talking about surveillance camera man cause hes been inactive for years

>> No.15697287
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how come there's never a prep cook version?

>> No.15697339

more like cuck cook lmao

>> No.15697350

Because nobody cares about the prep guy, unless he's on prep because his knife skills are untouchable. Usually it's the newb in a place where you can do prep and keep the garde station flowing, the guy who just graduated from the dish pit, or the old guy who can't handle the heat and the rush anymore, so they keep him near the walk in and the back door, and tell him to try to limit his smoke breaks in the hour or so before lunch and dinner rush... but he's not changing his routines for anyone. That dude came with the restaurant, and he'll die there, the day it closes. His ashes will be poured into the epoxy used for the new BOH flooring for added traction.

>> No.15697456

worked one summer as a host at a french restaurant. got to hang out in the kitchen a lot.
it's strange. the cooks all treated each other like garbage, roasting the ever living hell out of each other (and the rabbits), and went on a smoke break every five minutes. overhearing their conversations, they all had pretty shitty lives (all poverty-tier, borrowing money from each other to get lottery tickets, ran out of space in their rusted-out 1994 dodge caravans for the children they kept having), but the thing was, they were like a family. they also shared a hatred for the boss of the restaurant, who paid the hosts like me $17/hr for just standing around and showing guests to their tables, yet paid all of them $8/hr for keeping the place alive. even the chef only got $15/hr. no wonder the place closed after a year.
my point is, cooks are some of the most depressed people and/or the strongest people i know. major respect for them. i get why you'd never want to go to work again, OP, but someone's gotta keep the place going.

>> No.15697563

In a shit restaurant, it's a warzone. There's less chance of dying, but it's a stressful, hot, loud, injury-laden environment. People create bonds in places like that, and if the expectation is to be an awful human being, that's just another thing to bond over. I've been friends with some people I worked with in my late teens and early 20s since my first or second day on the job... A trauma bond is a strong bond indeed. Some were born to be in the business, and thankfully most of my restaurant friends work hard to make their restaurants better places to be. I'm not that guy; I'm a musician and graphic/web designer/artist who likes to cook and bake.

>> No.15697585

Consider prepping meals at home

>> No.15697611

Based. I've regained my love for cooking unironically after i've got a back injury and been helping with the books remotely.

>> No.15697754

>hurr just stay behind with no guarantee of extra pay
Fuck off he has no obligation to stay behind if he's already made a plan. You work buy the hour and I've been fucked out of money for it.

>> No.15697766

I've read your post three times and have no fucking clue what you're trying to say. Do you think I was insulting the guy who got fired? Reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.15697775

fucking KEK

>> No.15697784

he might have a learning disability

>> No.15697807

Here's the thing though. I DID stay late. I spent an hour after my shift helping out, but I left when my dad showed up. I'm assuming I did something else wrong and this was just the last straw for them to fire me.

I can't imagine what it is though. I was a good boi at work. I kept my head down and I stayed calm during the rushes. I'm not of those lineys that has a shitfit when tickets are stacked. I find it helps not to think about the giant backlog and just focus on what's in front me.

Anyways maybe it's the off color jokes I would make? I do like to use the word retard and faggot a lot. Maybe someone from FoH heard me and reported it.

>> No.15697823

I wouldn't worry about it. Even if that was just an excuse, the fact that they even tried to get you to miss your fathers birthday at all shows that they're scum. That's not the kind of place you want to stay with.

>> No.15697844

Shit sorry mate, I responded to the wrong post, my bad.
Nah just had a few drinks
I don't know where you live but in uk we have to have verbal and written warnings, then you get fired. You only get fired straight away if whatever you did was very serious like stealing or assaulting staff. Iy does just sound like they wanted you gone. I happily stay behind if they need the help, but never if I've made plans. Just make sure you check your pay

>> No.15697866

It was my birthday actually, lol. But thank you. It just really sucks because I liked working there. FoH sucked but the other cooks were based as hell and really talented. Tip money was fantastic too. One night I made $60 in straight up cash. Boss was a huge prick though, and he really liked the guy I ended up abandoning to hang out with my dad.

But it is the restaurant biz after all, and it isn't hard to find another job. I'm gonna take a week off and think about things. Part of me just wants to leave this whole industry. I'm sick of working my ass off and never getting any fucking respect. Nobody cares about us line cooks and it's absolutely ridiculous that the FoH gets paid more. I'm thinking of just joining the Navy Shipyard because it's a secure job and you get ridiculously good benefits. Plus they pay for you to go to college and learn a trade, and part of me has always wanted to be an electrician.

>> No.15697889

I'm an EE and my uncle is an electrician. Both are solid choices imo. I love to cook but I would never choose being a line cook over my white collar office job. Your plan sounds a lot more solid than staying in the food industry.

>> No.15697902

>t. Bootstraps boomer

>> No.15697909

Thank you, that actually helps a lot to hear. I don't want to sell my soul to the government but I am just so sick of killing myself in restaurant jobs. I've had like six of them over the past seven years and it's all the same bullshit. This feels like the only way out for me. Even if the ship yard job sucks, I could always leave after getting certified as an electrician and work somewhere else.

>> No.15697938
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>"can you come in on your day off?"
How do I say no?

>> No.15697947


>> No.15697955

But they pretend not to hear me

>> No.15697977

You can't win in this scenario. Say no and you're seen as a slacker, say yes and you lose your one day off to recover from the bullshit

>> No.15697981

If it's the same day:
>Oh, I'm out of town.
If it's earlier in the week:
>Oh, I'm supposed to be out of town.

>> No.15697996

>seen as a slacker
Yeah? So what? They're hurting enough to ask you in on your day off, what're they gonna do, fire you and leave themselves another body short?

>> No.15698068

then u dont text back anymore

>> No.15698072

But they don't stop calling my phone

>> No.15698083

Never understood why line cooks take so much abuse from management and just go "woe is me". Push back ffs you pussies, if you don't wanna just be a number to those assholes work your fucking ass off to the point where they need you. Use it as a bargaining chip for raises, days off, etc.

>> No.15698099

Don't answer.

I never answer calls from my job when I'm off.

>> No.15698110

Just don't text them back, ignore any callsor turn your phone off.

>> No.15699075

>"can you come in on your day off?"
>"not really. i have to go to my mom's funeral."
>"alright, text one of the employees to take your shift"
>"what if they can't"
>"sounds like a personal problem"

>> No.15699615

You are doormat. Someday you are going to die and when that day comes you will have only a life of cowardice to reflect on. I would rather be homeless than on my knees for some bs job. Grow up. Those bitches arent going to live your life for you so stop letting them tell you what to do. Tje consequences are your for your actions.

>> No.15701052

Take the driveoffacliff pill

>> No.15701430

>"Things aren't like that here in Toronto"
>"hehe I can tell you are a CITY DWELLER i have detected you!!!"
nice work sherlock

>> No.15701433

>because i showed up with a can-do attitude
Did you also give the boss a nice firm handshake?

>> No.15701975
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I was front of house but I can still hear the fucking chit machine in my dreams

>> No.15702772

You could have gone to uni for a stem/med/law degree easily and worry-free with your rich parents greasing the path and gotten a high skill high pay job and had money now.
Rich kids are the worst.

>> No.15703304

should i go into food service or drive for doordash? i plan on stealing food either way

>> No.15703335
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>this thread

>> No.15703690

>"text one of the employees to take your shift"
>"why would I do your job?"

>> No.15703698

He also pulled himself up by the bootstraps

>> No.15704780

The best restaurant owners are the ones that don't touch the restaurant; they have full faith in their management team to do whatever is needed. I worked with this kind twice. Once was a casino, where the restaurant was literally just "don't operate at a loss, but do whatever otherwise" until the casino got bought out and new owners ran the kitchen into the ground.
Second time was a small family run restaurant. The owner did all interviews personally, and only hired people his gut told him would work. Everyone was so happy, we all felt motivated to work, and he gave out bonuses to cooks. Then he died and his brother took over and pajeeted the fuck out of the place.

Now, I'm spoiled and can't work fucking anywhere because it's all profits profits, no passion for serving good food.

>> No.15704853

I know some who did.

>> No.15704880

I did once

>> No.15704924

Is law still a good thing to get into? I kept hearing lawyers say the field is oversaturated. Then again, everything seems to be.

But I guess that doesn't matter if you're already rich.

>> No.15705175

Being a line cook is a godamn nightmare lifestyle and you should either get a new job or kill yourself.

>> No.15705256

prep is finished, has free-timey
kitchen dirty, never shiny

prep goes home, has lots of fun
liney's work is never done
prep forgot to mince cilantro,
chef needs you to fix it pronto
wait-staff bitching, expo's mad
a problem prep has never had

>> No.15705280

just say no?

>> No.15705311

Feels good to be prep

>> No.15705339

then don't. there's a literal pandemic going on. if your boss fires you then you can expose all the unsafe bullshit they've been doing.

>> No.15705355

Law degree can be used as a general degree to get you into all sorts of shit. At the end of the day degrees are proof of being able to work and learn more than anything, and law/stem are held higher in that regard than some meme tier social degree

>> No.15705832

this is nice

>> No.15705889
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>> No.15706167
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>mfw I just quitted my line cook job at a greek resturant just to end up at another food service job
Can't be too mad because its closer to where I live and that greek resturant was going to shit anyways

>> No.15706232

nobody notices the Prep guy until the food is gone

>> No.15706272

Sucks to be you guys, I work 8 hours a day starting at 8 am, get paid 14 dollars an hour and get delicious free lunches. Prep is the easiest shit ever

>> No.15706287

shoulda finished grade 9 and stayed away from the drugs

>> No.15706291

I did graduate high school, and even took 2 years of college :>

>> No.15706317

then you fucked up big time shoulda taken that third year of college

how much does your drug habit cost you

>> No.15706325

Well I did meth for about a year back in 2018. It was real cheap though, and a lot more fun than coke. You could spend $100 and get enough clear to last you for 3 months.

I don't do that shit any more, but I do drink a lot and it's waaaaay more expensive.

>> No.15706328

Thank God I work at McDonald's instead of some actual restaurant

>> No.15706340
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dishwasher master race.

people think its shitty until you realize you just throw away anything you dont wanna clean.

>server brings all her dirty silverware super late

into the trash it goes

>> No.15706341

My McDonald's job was actually based as fuck compared to other line cook jobs. It was actually tolerable because they forced you to take breaks and you got a whole fucking hour for lunch, which is unfathomable working at any "real" restaurant.

>> No.15706344

>line cook
>not a cokehead
you must work at a 3 michelin star restaurant

>> No.15706348

I told you anon, meth is better. It's stronger, it's cheaper, and it lasts all day instead of forcing you to do lines in the bathroom.

>> No.15706359


meth is way better for doing work

>> No.15706371

Absolutely, although it's really easy for your addiction to get out of hand. I had to stop doing it because I was staying up for like 4 days at a time and then I'd pass out and sleep for 36 hours straight. I lost a really fucking good job because of that.

>> No.15706413


I never had trouble seeping on meth but I also dont actually like it very much as a drug so I never did fat lines or redose much.

>> No.15706425

Yeah the problem is that if you like the way it makes you feels, eventually you're going to take way too massive of a hit and you're gonna have so much meth in your system it's literally impossible to sleep. Then, by the time it starts to wear off, you need to start your day and so you have to take more meth to survive.

>> No.15706449
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Was this bait?

>> No.15706513

drugs are cool mmkay

>> No.15706524

Not cool, but almost necessary to maintain the line cook lifestyle

>> No.15706538

where I work smoking is basically a free 30 minute break while taking trash out

>> No.15706542

Where the fuck you working at where you get 30 minute breaks?

>> No.15706543

based dishpig

>> No.15706547

I honestly wish I had never moved up out of the pit. Now people actually expect things of me and I'm barely making any more money.

>> No.15706556

Left my dish job a couple months ago still miss it alittle. Was the only one who could keep up when it was busy but then i mostly ended up doing other peoples jobs which was bs. And listening to podcasts and music all day was good for the first few years but got old quick. The amount of stuff id throw away was ridiculous surprised no one said anything.

>> No.15706557

faggots take their sweet ass time taking out trash just by smoking at the dumpster

>> No.15706562

I understand that, but 30 minutes? Do you realize how much time that is in a restaurant?

>> No.15706577

time just didn't matter to some of these people we had someone take 10 whole minutes to make a small cheese burger

>> No.15706585

If somebody orders well-done, it really does take that long. It's 7 minutes per side.

>> No.15706594

yea but too bad managers sperged out over food not being done in 3 minutes

>> No.15706602

You can't win as a liney. Either you actually cook someone's order well-done and it puts you way behind, incurring the wrath of management. Or you just send them out a medium burger and get complaints from your customers, potentially forcing you to remake their food.

I don't know what's worse.

>> No.15706627

sometimes diseases are named after people
also many diseases have common names different than their scientific names
nice larp though, larper

>> No.15706628
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chicken was the worse thing to be making because you can't even take a chance with sending it out early because salmonella and it doesn't help that every white person decide to order it

>> No.15706633

god you're so fucking retarded it's astounding

>> No.15706639

Last place I worked at the boss decided to just say fuck it and buy precooked frozen chicken breast.

It was probably the smartest decision he ever made. The convenience for the line cooks and safety far outweighed the hit to our food quality

>> No.15706690

the decisions from my bosses and managers were just flat out retarded
>managers see that the steamer for gyro was in the corner where it made the most sense
>managers just decide what if we just moved the steamer on top of a food station where everything else that is needed for grill was
>grill station is now cramped with a huge ass steamer along side other shit and now some people can't even reach the lid to close it when its not used
>spends money on an entirely new steamer that isn't as large and short people can reach
tl;dr managers spend more money on something that was never an issue, caused a problem then fixed their own situation in the most counter intuitive way

>> No.15706698

Bro, it's almost like the managers who don't work on the line don't understand how to run a line station

>> No.15706699

if this becomes a wagie vs smug pepe drawing im gonna kill myself

>> No.15706744

I got more stories about how out of touch these managers really are such as this recent one that made me truly want to leave
>anything related to chicken is really popular because this place is in a nice part of a county
>managers decide that instead of giving people a whole chicken breast like any self respecting restaurant they decide to start using small pieces of chicken for everything to reduce cost
>includes chicken sandwiches so it takes one bite and your sandwich just falls apart

>> No.15706785


30 minutes is insane. A nice smoke and chat is really nice but more than 15 and I'd feel guilty.

speedball in the bathroom takes three minutes.

>> No.15706853

this one fat ass at work takes multiple 30 minute phone shits a day not sure how he hasn't been fired yet

>> No.15706857

It mainly potheads that take that long. Crackheads and heroin addicts have the decency to only take a bathroom breaks worth of time

>> No.15706867

Had an old fuck just sit on his phone watching camwhores all day and would even just walk out without a trace from time to time

>> No.15706885

no one wants to be the boss whos clocking your poos

>> No.15706893


>> No.15706971
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kitchen is beltalowda of modern society

>> No.15707150

dish orcs are the noble savage of the professional kitchen

>> No.15707167

this was me at my first real job, i swapped between the wifis of the other restaurants next door and spammed brap threads on /int/