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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15670481 No.15670481 [Reply] [Original]

Since Americans are unable to eat properly with knife and fork, does that mean that they are unable to peel a boiled potato? It's a genuine question and food related, so please don't delete the thread

>> No.15670483

you dont peel a boiled potato with tools, you just rip the skin off

>> No.15670496

Why do you spend so much time here posting about americans?

>so please don't delete the thread
imagine needing to beg a janitor not to get rid of your thread. very pathetic.

>> No.15670542

Just eat it with the skin like any normal person does

>> No.15670793
File: 61 KB, 501x684, 1507200127225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give that back to the Irish you thieves

>> No.15670824

stick with fork, use swiss peeler. never peel potato in hand.
I cook potatoes in pressure cooker so I peel raw.

>> No.15670862

>never peel potato in hand
You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? It is common to hold the potato on the fork like in the OP pic and then use your knife to peel it by pinching the skin between your knife and thumb and then just drag it off. You don't actually hold the potato in your hand. I am really baffled. Is this really such a foreign concept to americans? This is literally how I ate potatoes during my childhood and it is what most people do here. During regular everyday family dinner of course. If you have guests, you would peel the potatoes before boiling them

>> No.15670894

wait so when you want to impress people you do it the right way and you're bitching that foreigners don't half ass it?
huh... married man are ya?

>> No.15670904

Why are you peeling the potatoes at all, you stupid foreigner? The peel is good for you.

>> No.15670912

It's an american website. Talking about american subjects is a-okay.
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.15670916

Why are you serving unpeeled unseasoned boiled potatoes? What poverty shithole do you live in?

>> No.15670930

It's not about impressing, it's about spearing the guests from peeling potatoes themselves. If it's just a regular familydinner it's better that everyone peel the potatoes themselves to so that the one making the dinner doesn't have to peel all the potatoes.


>> No.15670932

Nearly all the nutrients are in the skin. Don't peel that shit, faggot. Or you enjoy circumcised dick, is that it?

>> No.15670935

Why would you spear your guests? That would hurt.

>> No.15670963

>Since Americans are unable to eat properly with knife and fork
Since OP is a faggot he cannot make good posts, so why does he continue to use 4chan?

>> No.15670992

This is a dumb hate-filled thread.

>> No.15671004

Don't boil potatoes like a philistine

>> No.15671712


>> No.15671780

>also potato peeling is food related plz dont delete my thread mr nice tranny janny

I'd tell you to deepthroat a shotgun, but you probably can't even own one lol

>> No.15671848
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 41WCY2w35EL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just use a fork

did anyone of you dumb cunts seen pic related before?
its called 'dreizackigepellkartoffelgabel'

>> No.15671862

I never peel potatoes. What's the point?

>> No.15672094

The skin is toxic. It's the same compound that is in green spots

>> No.15672105

You're an idiot.

>> No.15672121


>> No.15673020

I don't peel potatoes usually, you can just mash them with the skin on. In fact they're better that way.

No peels = shapeless carb mush like from a old sci fi movie
With peels = tasty and nutritious and satisfying real food

>> No.15673030

How are you still alive if potatoes are toxic to you? Grow a liver.

>> No.15674561

Lithuanian here. We eat potatoes with skin. We aren't circumcised either.

>> No.15674655

Why would I bother getting a potato to begin with? You can just buy food with potato already prepared and included you retard.

>> No.15674705

Some potato salad recipes call for boiling the potatoes in their jackets, and then peeling them after. Usually it is literally a hot mess to remove the potatoes from the skin without injuring the flesh of the potato.

>> No.15674945

>country that requires ID to buy a fork and spoon
>making fun of other people about peeling potatoes

>> No.15674972
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Ahem....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since Americans are unable to eat properly with knife and fork,
The Gauntlet has been thrown...