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15669557 No.15669557 [Reply] [Original]

Is fake meat just a fad or is it here to stay?

>> No.15669568

Veganism is the way of the future, but it's going to take better tasting products with better macros, and vegans to stop being such self-sniffing cunts

>> No.15669577

Right, so veganism never.

>> No.15669585

Maybe. But it's not going away

>> No.15669598

once lab grown meat is cheaper and easier to produce than real meat you'll see "real" meat is the fad

>> No.15669601
File: 198 KB, 958x656, ketolards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lardy keto cultist made this thread

>> No.15669638


>> No.15669846

It's been a thing for centuries if not millenia

>> No.15669888

I would try it

>> No.15670047
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It wouldn't be so annoying if literally all the people pushing for it didnt look exactly like this

>> No.15670307

i sure hope it stays. i buy plant based sausage and that shit's better than regular real stuff

>> No.15670474

Take note I barely ever eat fast food, maybe once a month.
A few weeks ago I tried eating a regular and a fake meat burger from burger king, the fake stuff was straight up worse but commestible, definitely never gonna order again, but I believe it's going to be there on the menu for fags forever to avoid scandals.

>> No.15671274

>Veganism is the way of the future
Vegetarianism maybe, but veganism no.

>> No.15671281

>barely ever eat fast food
>maybe once a month.
those statements are not compatible

>> No.15671284
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>> No.15671297

This. Vegetarians are fine but vegans are insufferable

>> No.15671312
File: 38 KB, 600x800, BDF34ED5-9B62-4C41-BB6F-80BDA982E09F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendarino you don’t like meat substitutearino’s?

>> No.15671350

Well to retards like you they aren't I guess.

>> No.15671381

I've been eating fake meat for over 30 years, kid

>> No.15671394

Over the years real meat will be banned as well as private farms or animal agriculture in any way.
You all need to convert to vegan meat-like products, sooner than you might think.

>> No.15671414

Or its just going to be like how it always was. The only things vegans are doing is being useful idiots and attacking small farms. Livestock is becoming more consolidated which means they have to live in even more crammed conditions than ever before.

Like with bread, if the government tries to take it's peoples food away, there will be a massive backlash.
Just eat your soylent and keep fantasizing, it's not gonna happen.

>> No.15671426

real meat will never be banned the production process is way too large to simply just stop it. You would need a massive viral outbreak that causes imminent danger to pull the brakes

>> No.15671433

Even that won't stop it. Mad cow disease was a thing and that didn't stop people.

>> No.15671464

A fad, people will soon return to having more traditional values. But in the distant future meat will be too expensive for a lot of people and considered a luxury. People will still consume dairy though.

>> No.15672830

whenever i see this picture I just have a really hard time believing that two grown straight men would actually have this reaction to imitation fried chicken.
they have to be a flaming homo gay couple.
dude on the right looks like he hasnt gotten any sun in years because he works as a gay hairdresser, and guy on the right unironically looks like he works at the gym and makes "no homo" jokes that are really "yes homo"

>> No.15673409

normal fast food places suck at making it, but it can honestly be kind of alright when done properly. I'd probably pick real meat over it any day, but it's something I don't necessarily think is that bad and I don't see it necessarily going away any time soon, but it will never be at the same levels of popularity that real meat is at.

>> No.15673570

That's not how it works. Meat lobbyists in Europe already try to sabotage the vegan industry and are constantly whining about vegan products. We have well-known and respected meat producers that also sell vegan and vegetarian products that actually sell better than their meat products. Veganism and vegetarianism is here to stay and becomes more popular every day. Artificial milk proteins will be available soon making good vegan cheese finally a thing and which will probably also be the death of the milk industry here in Europe as milk is basically a financial disaster for most farmers and is only preserved through government money.

>> No.15673585

both, a fad that is here to stay among """"""""""vegans"""""""""

>> No.15673618


Is this the original image????

This has to be the söylentest image I’ve ever seen. The söyjaks will never do justice to this lack of masculinity.

>> No.15673641

Fact is, I'm just trying to get away from this whole system. This industry vs that industry. I don't want to suck any billionares dick. What have they give their consumers in return? A crammed megacity, shitty food that gets more nutrient devoid by the day, no guaranteed heathcare, and tiny crammed living conditions. Oh, and lets not forget a job that will soon be replacing you with robots. There is no humanity in "civilization". It is no wonder the mental health of people is on a sharp decline. The more urbanized a country, the higher their suicide rates. This is worse than a cafo. At least a factory farmed animal gets a relatively quick death after a torturous life. Most humans under the care of oligarchs don't even get the dignity of a bullet to the head.

I don't give a shit about the vegan or meat industry. I hate ALL industries. Anything where profit is the bottom line is disgusting. We managed to survive before all this, I think we can go back. Fuck cities, fuck it all. I'd rather starve to death as a free man than live as a slave.

>> No.15673660

Probably drinks 4 liters of diet soda a day.

>> No.15673665
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>> No.15673689
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More like this

>> No.15673734
File: 696 KB, 1517x675, 1614330194045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating refined sugars and processed(altered/premade) foods. (eat grass-fed/finished meats, organic preferably self raised) No yeast leavening agents and no dog or pork meat (animals that eat their own shit even when presented with a healthy alternative)
DO NOT masturbate more than twice a day. (and when you do make it quick, no browsing for hours for the right fetish)
Learn a necessary skill that you look for in those you love. (learn to cook, hunt/forage, start a small garden. Even if you hate doing it now, just learning to cook a good steak can heal the soul)
Get some exercise at least 3 times a week and take rest days to let your body heal when you are sore.
Stop listening to so much sad depressing music. (everything you watch, do and say is mental programming. Positive affirmations are good but be real with yourself)
Dress better and Take care of your hygiene.
Once you can do this you will have regained your honor as a human being and you will have the clarity to see what was obscured by the poison they fed us.
Beware bringing vengeance instead of justice or receiving the rewards of evil. You will be rewarded for doing evil.
But even more beware complacency and the false purity of indifference and neglect.
Reject those who attack your individuality.

>> No.15674031

guy on the left looks like he has downs

>> No.15674170


>> No.15674226

I went to KFC the other day and wanted to try the vegan burger. I got laughed at.

>> No.15674274

I think its a stepping stone toward lab-grown meat. I eat meat without stressing about it, but modern factory-farming is pretty cruel and unsustainable, so I'd pay a small upcharge for a perfect meat substitute just to feel better about it.

I don't think the current meat substitutes are a fad, just another type of food. No reason to expect they'd go away when people seem to like the flavor

>> No.15674356

Bill Gates own the most farmland out of anyone in America. He also invested heavily in fake meat replacements. Over time he's gonna buy out all the farmable land which raises the cost of meats and provide cheap meat alternatives which will be used to replace it. Americans will be so demoralized at that point they will accept it because it's cheaper just like how they accepted vomit flavored chocolate.

>> No.15674866

It's a fad, but it's not going away.

>> No.15674927


>> No.15674937


>> No.15675930


>> No.15675949

vegans should neck themselves, they're all egotistical elitists so they should be lynched en masse.

>> No.15675971

Disgusting. Comes as no surprise. These are the same rich faggots who complain about how were are running out of land. But the truth is THEY are running out of land to sit on and waste.

>> No.15676038

Chicken meat is disgusting so I welcome any replacement but it's a long ways away before they make fake eggs so chicken farms will be around for a while.

>> No.15676199

Why put all this effort into making fake food when you can have real food instead? Fake ‘meat’ will always be inferior to the real thing.

>> No.15676241
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>> No.15676288

I wonder what vegantards will do when lab-grown meat becomes an easily affordable product. They literally will have no excuse not to eat it because it was created without animal suffering

>> No.15676468

Why do they always have this stupid dick receptacle expression? Do they suck so much cock that their faces just default to this when a cam is pointed at them?

>> No.15676582

Vegan food is generally a lot more industrialised than meat. At least here in Europe.

Average meat supplier is just some guy with his family farm and he makes an average income.

>> No.15676632
File: 879 KB, 727x892, FDGDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just the first step

>> No.15676667

Because they are very insecure about their looks and by making a "silly face" to the camera at least they can blame their ugliness on how silly they are.

>> No.15676902

if you search youtube for "trying impossible meat" or similar, you'll see 1 thousand thumbnails with this exact same face

>> No.15677007

If it tastes, looks and has the same or similar nutrients of real meat then why demonise it? Not sure if they have already gotten to that point of success, but it would help the atmosphere big time to for example replace hamburgers with fake meat that tastes, looks and has the same nutrients of real meat. Win win situation, also I remember seeing a video of an association of people who found out how to create burgers just from cow blood so they don't have to kill them, and they don't have to take a lot of blood at all. Don't be retarded and understand it's needed in the future

>> No.15677855
File: 433 KB, 768x707, teibo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a gag now? It really seems like people could go around doing this as a joke.

>> No.15678505

found the ketolard shill

>> No.15678609

i hate this picture so much

>> No.15678618

no, but your anime picture made ME gag

>> No.15679226

Because cows remain highly efficient food source in terms of how much space you need, how advanced and expensive technology you need and how much time it consumes. None of these things are possible for small scale vegan-friendly production. You'll always end up spending more time and resources producing less calories if you're just a single family living off your land. Large corporations can dampen and reduce costs by being huge in scale, and having initial and necessary periodic investments be a smaller portion of the budget. Until a super-grain (or a set of grains) that can sustain a family over the winter is invented, meat and animal related products aren't going anywhere.

>> No.15679279

I refuse to touch it, but we need to feed the low class and retarded something. Soylent Green doesn't exist, yet.

>> No.15679342
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x1600, 641eb042282a72cc45ff1fd8a90d33f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to keep advertising and pushing it because they're psychotic brainwashed ideologues
They're also universally pasty-white, sheltered college manchildren who have never set foot in a nonwhite country, so they don't know that there are thousands of years of food culture that doesn't use meat that they're ACKSHUALLY-ing with their insiduous, disgusting fake food.

While you "vegan" retards pretend to eat food I'll continue to eat both meat and also vegetarian dishes like dal made with actual care instead of being made to "pwn the meat eaters!!!"


>If it tastes, looks and has the same or similar nutrients of real meat
It doesn't do any of those things
>why demonise it
because it's patronizing propaganda spearheaded by an international elite that eats steak and lobster every night but thinks real food is too good for you.

anime website. We're not going to change. Deal with it or leave

>> No.15679378


>> No.15680035

It'll be for the influencers and retards first. Then it'll be for the rich, and then once everyone is on it the rich will eat real meat while everyone else eats this Frankensteins Monster of a food product.

>> No.15680696
